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State Of Emergency Announced In Bangkok

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Samak = wily old fox. Surprisingly the out of town, paid for, rent a mob were not mobilized sooner.

Once it was clear that Bangkok's finest were not going to follow his orders, note: the removal of Bangkok Police boss to an inactive post!.

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Would someone be kind enough to explain what the restriction on gatherings of 5+ people means in respect to the entertainment zones? Does this mean that venues such as bars or clubs must close? Restaurants? Technically, a birthday celebration would land afoul of the rule.

No. You can still go out and get pissed up with your mates on Bangla tonight. :o


PM vows full investigation into fatal clashes

State of emergency in Bangkok is the most lenient measures; Life can go on as usual : Samak

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Samak Sundaravek vowed to full investigation into the fatal clashes near the Government House and take legal action against those behind the incidents.

Samak said he had no choice but to declare state of emergency in Bangkok to control the situation which put the country under tension.

"I decide to put Bangkok under state of emergency for what happened this morning. This is the most lenient measure we can do at the moment because people in other provinces did not get involved in the incident," Samak said at a press conference held at the Thai Supreme Command headquarter.

He felt upset that he had to impose the emergency state in Bangkok because it should have been the last resort to deal with the ongoing political tensions in the country.

"I feel bad that the country has come to this level despite the fact that all authorities have done their best to keep the situation under control," he said.

He said people could continue their lives as usual. A committee which is chaired by Army Commander in Chief Gen Anupong Paojinda will handle the situation and enforce the state of emergency.

He insisted that the decision to announce the state of emergency has been made carefully and with consults of all authorities concerned.

He said he already viewed footages, video clips, and documents concerning the clashes between pro- and anti-government protesters which killed a man and injured dozens.

"The footages and documents clearly showed that who is who and what they did, from both sides," he said.

Apparently criticizing leaders of People's Alliance for Democracy who led protesters in the Government House, he said why those who are in charge of the unlawful acts were not blamed for the clashes.

"Many people criticized me of imposing the state of emergency for my own benefits. Those people can do everything to topple me. Why they are not blamed," he said.

-- The Nation 2008-09-02

Is there any clarification on who would "appoint" the 70% of the Members of Parliament that would be "appointed" under the PAD plan?

They kinda lost my sympathy when they proposed doing away with democracy. Definitely a wish for minority rule.


I am not an English subject, but it would appear that the Government in England does this very thing.

You have the House of Lords....that are inherited, or appointed

Then you have the Commons that are elected by the citizens....

America founded democracy but limited the vote to land owning males...

as the voting block was widened, it slowly has become the have-nots reaching into the pockets of those that have some money.

So democracy can be defined as PAD is doing it, there is nothing sacrosanct about 1 vote for every person.

The above post "PPP won majority of the votes"....well so did Magumbee in Zimbabwe...(if you believe in corrupt elections).

In America every man, woman, minority, land owner or not has the right to vote and the majority will rule. With this kind of democracy we have a very stable government that people will invest in and have become the worlds #1 economy.

There was no choice. As long as we are succumbed to mob rule there is no way out. One man could make the difference he did not want to do so. Samak has no choice, not one single government would allow people to take over its seat or block airports. PAD is above the law. I am afraid that in the coming ten years there will be no difference, first all the old men have to be to old to wield their influence. Shocking is the stance of Chulalongkorn lecturers the mouthpiece of the state. Compare those to that of Thammasat or those well known lecturers from abroad like the university of Maryland, who call the PAd a fascist party.

Wrecker, I must agree with you. My thoughts go into the same direction. Maybe I wouldn't yet put the PAD on the same level as the "Fascistas" but some of their methods seem similar.

Division cannot be overcome by smashing the will of a majority, or of a significant minority.

The Principal Law is made by the other side and some how supports the other side. My husband and I did not vote for that Law as it gives cracks for these protestors to climb up.

Many tv channels just deliver half of the news to support the protestors. NBT is telling all truths so they were the first to be attacked last week.

The panthamai LOL (panthamit) is going against the law. This has got to stop.

In our area, if they stop and water and electricity, we'll throw stones to them. They think they own the water & power plants. No. They just work there. These belong to public.

Arai wah??? NotAnotherNewBee. :o

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I'd ask myself if I contributed to the corruption, or ever spoke out against it.

Corruption in government would be a lot less if it isn't endemic all the way up from grassroots. No hope of finding moral people for government as long as corruption is mai-pen-rai'ed in every household and institution in the country.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Are we all blind,,,,or cannot it be seen clearly that when the court refused the 2 million baht bribe, put some of the shirt-tail relatives of Pochiman in jail, then sentenced her and a few more corrupt relives to 3 years in jail the tide was finally starting to turn. Thaskin was next, and since it was in front of the Supreme court, had he be found guilty, he would leave the court room for the jail house with no appeal. He understood this, and ran.

If Samak is allowed to continue he will change the laws, to where what were serious crimes, are no longer crimes, and it will be a further license to steal by those in power.

Do we want democrasy in Thailand?

The government is elected by the thai people. PAD is trying to overthrow a legitimate government with force and install a dictatorship, because that is what it will become when someone take the power by force.

I have no opinion whatsoever about any political party in Thailand and I do not mind a political party demonstrating and viewing their opinion about things they beleive is wrong.

But riots and entering official buildings, closing airports etc, is not democracy, it is a criminal act against the thai peoples will.

PAD should do as any other party in any democratic country. Wait for next election and take over then, if the people wants them. After this incident I doubt.

What they are doing today is not for the good of the thai people, it will only hurt them tremendously for long time to come. What right do PAD have to use force to inforce their ideas against an elected government and the thai people.

I will probably receive hundreds of angry answers. Like it or not, this is the only way to have a functioning democrasy.

I like your post.

But blind people claimed that Khun Samak bought votes. Who said they didn't buy votes? They once came up because "the eel on skate" bought votes, but they didn't know how to develop Thailand. Thailand would die if these people ran the country.

Who printed 20 million extra votes (1/3 of population) and burnt a bunch, so no one could ever check how much they actually printed and what they destroyed. These are talked on NBT Channel.

After all things they did, they still could not win Khun Samak.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Good post. Hits the nail on the head.

The state of emergency also prohibits news publicity in a way that terrifies the public.

Doesn't that mean this order is in violation of itself? Obviously Samak has only concern for himself, and have no clue what a HUGE negative impact the declaration of a state of emergency means to the rest of the world, especially investors & tourists. Samak's short-sighted efforts to save his own neck will be at the expense of all of Thailand.

Samak obviously intended and wanted this to happen. He & the PPP paid for buses to bring their supporters in from the North so they could deliberately start a fight and cause violence.

The PAD have been demonstrating peacefully for weeks and continue to be peaceful.

100% of the trouble is due to Samak & the PPP who organized and deliberately intended their supporters to cause the recent violence that now gives them the excuse to attack the PAD.

Samak Ow Pai!

OK Samak is an ....... but to underline peaceful demonstration while disrupting and endangering the whole country is just naiv.

What you expect - that he just backs off?

Naiv again.

He has to play his role in the game like anybody else, and his role is to show that actions like that can't succeed.

For the sake of future ( uhhh ... maybe now I sound naiv :o )


I hope Mr. Samak is not going to give up to the bunch of hooligans, otherway we will be going back to elections and , You know what, Mr. Samak party will win again, and again....good luck Mr. Samak


Thailand declares emergency in Bangkok after clashes leave one dead

September 2, 2008, 11:13 am

Source: AFP

BANGKOK (AFP) - Thailand declared a state of emergency in Bangkok Tuesday, banning gatherings of more than five people in a bid to clamp down on anti-government protests that erupted into deadly clashes overnight.

The announcement came just hours after street fights broke out between thousands of supporters and opponents of embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, who has resisted mounting pressure to step down.

One person was killed and dozens injured in the violence near the main government complex occupied for a week by activists who want Samak to resign, claiming he is merely a puppet for ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

"Because last night there was unrest affecting the peaceful law and order in the country and obstructing the democratic process, the government has declared a state of emergency, which will affect people's individual freedoms," said the announcement read on state radio.

News of the declaration comes as Samak made a confident appearence after invoking the emergency decree, telling reporters he had done his duty as leader.

"I didn't sleep last night. I have carried out my duty," he said, adding that he would hold a press conference at the Thai army headquarters at 0200 GMT.

Samak appointed the powerful army commander General Anupong Paojinda to head a special team tasked with enforcing the emergency decree, with the national police chief and Bangkok's regional army commander as his deputies.

The announcement said Anupong now had the power to break up any gathering and to force people to leave any location.

"By invoking this emergency decree, Anupong can ban people from entering any specific place and can evacuate people from any specific place," it said.

Thai police called in army reinforcements early Tuesday to rein in the protests, setting nerves on edge in a country that has seen 18 military coups since the end of absolute monarchy in 1932.

Thai television showed pro- and anti-government protesters wearing helmets and carrying batons running though the streets, fighting with each other and throwing rocks, as people lay bleeding on the street.

"Initial reports which need to be confirmed later are that one died and 38 were injured," said local government spokesman Peeratong Saichoew.

"There is a report that one person was injured from gun shots while the rest were injured from fighting," he said.

"Now they are being treated at six hospitals nearby."

Anti-government protesters from the so-called People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stormed Samak's Government House complex one week ago, with thousands still squatting on the grounds.

The activists accuse Samak of acting on behalf of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who now lives in exile in Britain after the same protest group helped topple his government in 2006.

The protesters received a boost Monday when Thailand's biggest union called for a strike to add to the pressure on Samak, threatening to disrupt Bangkok's water and power supplies from Wednesday.

Tuesday's violence was the worst since the start of the campaign to oust Samak. No one was killed during months of protests against Thaksin in 2006 or in the coup that followed.

Thaksin was toppled by royalist generals in a military coup in 2006, and is now living in exile in Britain to avoid corruption charges at home.

But his allies still fill many top seats in government, and Samak won elections in December by campaigning as Thaksin's proxy.

PAD gathers most of its support from Bangkok's traditional elite and a portion of the middle class. Its leaders openly disparage the merit of votes cast by the nation's rural poor, who have thrown their support behind Thaksin and now Samak.

In addition to demanding that Samak resign, PAD wants an overhaul of Thailand's system of government, saying only 30 percent of seats in parliament should be elected, with the rest appointed.

Samak = wily old fox. Surprisingly the out of town, paid for, rent a mob were not mobilized sooner.

Once it was clear that Bangkok's finest were not going to follow his orders, note: the removal of Bangkok Police boss to an inactive post!.

Timing is not surprising at all. ((edit))

Talks with the army and police lead to comments that they will not support either side (for now).

After nobody else will do his dirty work, it is time for Samak to roll up his sleeves and do the task himself. So the timing is absolutely logical (and he got the state of emergency now he wanted so dearly for days).

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Good post. Hits the nail on the head.

Unfortunately thats the core of the matter.

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I'd ask myself if I contributed to the corruption, or ever spoke out against it.

Corruption in government would be a lot less if it isn't endemic all the way up from grassroots. No hope of finding moral people for government as long as corruption is mai-pen-rai'ed in every household and institution in the country.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Are we all blind,,,,or cannot it be seen clearly that when the court refused the 2 million baht bribe, put some of the shirt-tail relatives of Pochiman in jail, then sentenced her and a few more corrupt relives to 3 years in jail the tide was finally starting to turn. Thaskin was next, and since it was in front of the Supreme court, had he be found guilty, he would leave the court room for the jail house with no appeal. He understood this, and ran.

If Samak is allowed to continue he will change the laws, to where what were serious crimes, are no longer crimes, and it will be a further license to steal by those in power.

You'll never root out corruption from the top down. It has to be done from the bottom up. The same court granted bail, in what I believe is an understanding that flight will follow. No real attempt at justice, simply window-dressing.

If they really wanted Thaksin to stay, they could have revoked his passport pending the case. His wife was released on bail after sentencing. One must be very blind or self-delusional to not see they wanted them outta here.

I don't believe for a second, and I'd think most foreigners here agree, that the PAD is any less corrupt than anyone else.

Rooting out corruption is a very thin excuse for getting to the trough.

There is no sign at all that the tide is turning.

That is a good news.

Why do people assume that all gov are bad?

This gov is from the majority votes and the protestors are back supported by the opponants.

Wake up!!!!

Uhhhm correction: bought majority votes...


It's the first time I feel relieved hearing a state of emergency has been declared. And from what I heard from friends and relatives, and very few of them are Samak's suporters, I'm far from the only one.

As eastwest says rightly " If the military stays behind Samak and the principles of elected government, Thai democracy and the rule of law might very well be strengthened."

Hope at last !


PM vows full investigation into fatal clashes

Same kind of investigation thrown by the police with ALL of the Bangkok bombings of the last few years where NOTHING was conveniently concluded. :o Right in the peoples faces. :D

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I'd ask myself if I contributed to the corruption, or ever spoke out against it.

Corruption in government would be a lot less if it isn't endemic all the way up from grassroots. No hope of finding moral people for government as long as corruption is mai-pen-rai'ed in every household and institution in the country.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Same as America. Only with Thailand, the rest of the world won't have to suffer for the crass stupidity of the electorate.


I must be missing something here.

Months ago, was not the Samak government proven, in a court of law, to have corrupted the Thai voting process? (Yes, it was.) Therefore, this government is/must be illegal from the beginning and in its entirety?

The PAD is tired of waiting for the legal process of condemnation, and the obviously limited results, all of this while the ousted Prime Minister Taksin Shinawatra continues to puppeteer the entire Kingdom of Thailand?

Hence, and basically, someone had to make a move. The PAD is in fact simply affirming the democratic state. It had to.

Is it not sort of strange that all of a sudden all the New Bees ( new posters) all mainly seem to be pro P.P.P. supporters?

Does that mean we have now also been broken into ( this web site) by the so called invisable hand. :o

Watch what you say big brother is about.

I think many are just finding out about PAD's position on elected government. I doubt that many are passionate about PPP, but I assure you that many are passionate about democracy.

The Principal Law is made by the other side and some how supports the other side. My husband and I did not vote for that Law as it gives cracks for these protestors to climb up.

Many tv channels just deliver half of the news to support the protestors. NBT is telling all truths so they were the first to be attacked last week.

The panthamai LOL (panthamit) is going against the law. This has got to stop.

In our area, if they stop and water and electricity, we'll throw stones to them. They think they own the water & power plants. No. They just work there. These belong to public.

Arai wah??? NotAnotherNewBee. :o

Newbie here but oldbie in other forum :D

It's the first time I feel relieved hearing a state of emergency has been declared. And from what I heard from friends and relatives, and very few of them are Samak's suporters, I'm far from the only one.

As eastwest says rightly " If the military stays behind Samak and the principles of elected government, Thai democracy and the rule of law might very well be strengthened."

Hope at last !

"IF" the military stands behind the elected government. That is not clear just yet. Unfortunately the generals have a history of backing the elite ruling class.


To all those PAD supports every vote is equal no matter if it is from Illsan or from the Bangkok Elite so stop disrespecting your fellow Thais by claiming the farmers who put the food on your table are stupid and don’t deserve to have a equal say. It just shows your arrogance a disrespect for the poor hardworking folk who struggle everyday. No government should be appointed by few people with their own hidden agendas. PAD supporters should relize that you have gone way too far with your revolutionary rubbish and attempt to prompt a coup. You are so brainwashed that you cant even see what your leaders like Sondhi want for Thailand. You have lost all respect for people who don’t believe in your ideas. Your new politics idea is another form of dictatorship that is a step back into the troubled past. Wait for the next election and get rid of the government legally. Accept the democratic way, even if it isn't perfect its the fairest system we have to go by.

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I'd ask myself if I contributed to the corruption, or ever spoke out against it.

Corruption in government would be a lot less if it isn't endemic all the way up from grassroots. No hope of finding moral people for government as long as corruption is mai-pen-rai'ed in every household and institution in the country.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Are we all blind,,,,or cannot it be seen clearly that when the court refused the 2 million baht bribe, put some of the shirt-tail relatives of Pochiman in jail, then sentenced her and a few more corrupt relives to 3 years in jail the tide was finally starting to turn. Thaskin was next, and since it was in front of the Supreme court, had he be found guilty, he would leave the court room for the jail house with no appeal. He understood this, and ran.

If Samak is allowed to continue he will change the laws, to where what were serious crimes, are no longer crimes, and it will be a further license to steal by those in power.

You'll never root out corruption from the top down. It has to be done from the bottom up. The same court granted bail, in what I believe is an understanding that flight will follow. No real attempt at justice, simply window-dressing.

If they really wanted Thaksin to stay, they could have revoked his passport pending the case. His wife was released on bail after sentencing. One must be very blind or self-delusional to not see they wanted them outta here.

I don't believe for a second, and I'd think most foreigners here agree, that the PAD is any less corrupt than anyone else.

Rooting out corruption is a very thin excuse for getting to the trough.

There is no sign at all that the tide is turning.

Oh that old chestnut. Bit like the 'trickle down effect' from the rich to the poor that's been promulgated by the capitalist establishment since time immemorial, but in reverse.

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I'd ask myself if I contributed to the corruption, or ever spoke out against it.

Corruption in government would be a lot less if it isn't endemic all the way up from grassroots. No hope of finding moral people for government as long as corruption is mai-pen-rai'ed in every household and institution in the country.

A country gets the government it deserves. If the whole culture is accepting of corruption at every level, and contributes to it, no good crying when those kids that grew up with it get into power.

Same as America. Only with Thailand, the rest of the world won't have to suffer for the crass stupidity of the electorate.



Recap :

-New chief of police installed

*-Bomb explodes next to police booth neard PAD, same pattern as before with unsolved bombings pointing to Thaksinistas.

-Chief Immediately declares no batons, shields only

-DAAD gathers drunken yobs

-Drunken yobs are allowed to hop onto m'cycles and walk the street with weapons clearly showing in hand.

-First police lines in light riot gear had the resistance of a paper wall on many occasions during DAAD march, seemed highly intentional

-One killed, over 40 injured.

-Decision already scheduled for today Sep 2 regarding PPP party disolution.

-Everyone waiting for Samak's next move.

-Samak declares STAT OF EMERGENCY, which doesn't allow more than 5 people to gather.

-How many EC members are supposed to gather today to decide on PPP's dissolution?




The state of emergency also prohibits news publicity in a way that terrifies the public.

Doesn't that mean this order is in violation of itself? Obviously Samak has only concern for himself, and have no clue what a HUGE negative impact the declaration of a state of emergency means to the rest of the world, especially investors & tourists. Samak's short-sighted efforts to save his own neck will be at the expense of all of Thailand.

Samak obviously intended and wanted this to happen. He & the PPP paid for buses to bring their supporters in from the North so they could deliberately start a fight and cause violence.

The PAD have been demonstrating peacefully for weeks and continue to be peaceful.

100% of the trouble is due to Samak & the PPP who organized and deliberately intended their supporters to cause the recent violence that now gives them the excuse to attack the PAD.

Samak Ow Pai!

If you expected that Samak would go down without a fight, then you are delusional. He will do anything and everything at his disposal to save himself and his government.


The sudden influx to this Thai Visa site is astounding and must be borne in mind when reading many of these new posters comments, that is not meant in any way to disparage new posters merely to highlight the phenomenon.

Please abide by the guidelines and post politely.

Reason for edit was to correct spelling mistake.

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