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Two University Students Shot As They March To Pm's Residence

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. Why would the PPP supporters kill students? Remember when the State of Emergency was called by the govt? Who were the first (and only) people to go home? The PPP supporters right?

Because thugs like Newin Chidchob are organising the counter protests for Samak. Shooting and killing is their normal tactic. They do not see any other way to solve conflicts. They do not possess the morality of a normal person. Hence their success at rising through the ranks of the Thaksin Family organised crime syndicate.

The PPP thugs went home after they achieved their objective of creating a State of Emergency.

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University students joining political turmoils... not a great idea.

A very tragic incident but saying that students(the future of a country) should not be politically involved is incorrect.

Hopefully this is not the start of something worse.

looks like a job done by PAD. so that they can make the ram uni student angry. They have the largest number of student and history of striking against the government.

Shoot your allies in a war in order to get them angry against an already shared enemy.

A very interesting battlefield strategy. I wonder why Patton never thought of that.

University students joining political turmoils... not a great idea.

Hmmm, I always thought it was predominantly University students that got active early and organized against a government they felt had gone astray.

. Why would the PPP supporters kill students? Remember when the State of Emergency was called by the govt? Who were the first (and only) people to go home? The PPP supporters right?

Because thugs like Newin Chidchob are organising the counter protests for Samak. Shooting and killing is their normal tactic. They do not see any other way to solve conflicts. They do not possess the morality of a normal person. Hence their success at rising through the ranks of the Thaksin Family organised crime syndicate.

The PPP thugs went home after they achieved their objective of creating a State of Emergency.

Newin Chinchob may still be angry he got feces thrown at him while cruising down a klong.


University students have emerged as a new force in the antigovernment campaign.

BANGKOK: -- Students from 21 institutes and two schools plan to gather at Makkawan Rangsan Bridge tomorrow to join the People's Alliance for Democracy protest.

A group calling themselves Young PAD plan to meet at 6pm to express their opposition to the government, the group's spokesman Wasan Wanit, said.

Yesterday Silapakorn University's Sanam Chan campus in Nakhon Pathom called for the government to stop using violence to solve the political crisis.

Calling themselves Tab Kaew Alliance, the student group asked the government to withฌdraw charges against the People's Alliance for Democracy's leaders. They also called for the Samak administration to lift the state of emerฌgency in Bangkok.

About 500 students signed a petition that will be sent to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

The PAD rally at Government House has attractฌed a growing number of students from universities including Thammasat, Chulalongkorn, Hua Chiew, Thai Chamber of Commerce, Prasarnmitr and the Rajabhat Institutes.

Some took the stage and gave speeches in front of the cheerฌing crowd while others, like Chulalongkorn's medical students, stayed among protesters at the rally site. "Although we are warned by Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat that we should not get involved in politics, we think it is our duฌty. His speech shows how unfit he is for the post," said a Thammasat student yesterday.

-- The Nation/XPRESS 2008-09-04

Gee I was just sitting around when my friend, who happens to be a cop, came and told me for the second time since I have been here that it's not a good idea to go to BBK right now. UMMMMM. SAME AS IN 1992? Even then some students were killed - maybe this time too. Very Tragic none to say. I am extremely sorry for them. But I blame their educators for not telling them corectly.

[i am extremely sorry for them. But I blame their educators for not telling them corectly.

Would you care to expand on your idea? What would you have their educators tell them? What did their educators tell them? What was incorrect? Your statement is highly provocative and I'm trying to understand.


Don't ever underestimate the power of the students.

Student uprisings have proven to be the most succesful of all, over the years and against seemingly overwhelming military powers (French revolution, Russian revolution, Chinese revolution etc).

Students appear to be the one force that even armies can't resist (USA v Vietnam being the most notably recent).


Being a university student in Thailand doesn't grant the person instantaneous integrity or decency. If anything, it would cause the typical university student in Japan, Singapore and western countries to snicker at the Thai university student protestors.

University student demographics in Thailand are significantly different than in the west. Thai universities are homogeneous places where the vast majority of students share similar economic and ethnic backgrounds. This is the opposite of what one sees in Aus, Canada, the USA, Germany etc. In the aforementioned countries it is normal to have many students in the class that come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds or of different ethnic origins. In Thailand, they all come from the same cookie cutter.

Access to a university education in Thailand for the poor and economically disadvantaged ,is extremely difficult. Multiple barriers have been erected over the years to keep the type of person PAD likes to call too uneducated, from becoming educated. The bursary and grant programs one sees in the west are practically non existant in Thailand. The result is that the typical Thai university student body is made up of the children of the "haves" with few "have nots" in attendance.

Mrs. Michelle Barak, wife of Obama, is the daughter of a poor afro american family. She grew up in a bad part of town. Yet, she was able to go to Princeton and Harvard. Obviously she had some brains, but she also benefited from programs that encouraged visible minorities and the poor to attend university. Now, imagine if an Issan woman of similar intelligence wanted to attend one of the top universities in Thailand. That woman would never have a chance.

This is why I do not take the political views and rantings of Thai university students seriously. They are the priveliged few looking to preserve their place at the pigs trough. If they cared, they'd be out in large numbers helping the poor, bringing literacy and health programs to the disadvantahed like their counterparts the world over. In Thailand, university students as a group think only of themselves. Yes, there are Thai students that do reach out to others and that do care about the plight of the nation. However, those students are out with their sleeves rolled up helping the poor and disadvantaged, not engaging in social gathering quasi protests.


In part the wikipedia says....

In 2008 interviews with CNN and al-Jazeera Samak denied involvement in the 6 October 1976 massacre that left officially at least 46 dead, Samak insisted only 1 person was killed. Accounts from witnesses, documents and published reports clearly identify Samak as chief operator of the "Armoured Car" radio programme, an ultra-right wing broadcast that constantly expounded anti-communist and pro-right propaganda. Samak used this programme to stir up hatred against student demonstrators at Thammasat University, and intentionally disobeyed the Prime Minister's orders to "stop creating divisiveness." In defending the return of 1973-ousted Field Marshal Thanom over the radio, Samak told listeners that students demonstrating against the dictator's return were committing suicide.

And this is the man that is prime minister. Leopards do not change their spots and pigs only ever grunt.

Really - 'amazing Thaland"


I signed up to the forum just for this thread because the levels of retardation is getting to an all time high.

1) The PAD shot the students

This is obviously a favourite with the same users that think Bush did 9/11.

The PAD have be protesting for over 100 days without attacking anyone. They have been involved in defending themselves from violence, yes but not starting any violence of their own. Time and time again the PAD leaders have called for peaceful protest so I don't understand all this anti-PAD crap on these forums about them going around attacking people.

Lets look at the attack on the NBT station. The truth is that no one was hurt in this raid and that perhaps they did have wooden sticks. I'm not quite clear on that point, but somehow the NBT raid has been twisted by certain people on this forum to be PAD protesters running in with sub-machines guns (I read this in a previous thread), I mean seriously, where the hel_l did that come from?

I wish the admins would go through all these posts adding [citation needed] wikipedia style because the amount of baseless claims on these forums not just put me off reading but makes me angry that you people can be so bias when it's not even your country (and that goes for people on both sides)!

2) The PAD will bring an end of democracy

Again, this is completely unfounded. If the prime minster did resign it doesn't mean the PAD automatically get what they want with regards to restructuring the government. I don't know about my fellow readers but I feel like Thailand is more of a dictatorship rather then a democracy at the moment.

I know this post will probably not stop the bias crap from most users who feel strongly one way or another but hopefully it will get through to at least one or two of you who post on here.

I signed up to the forum just for this thread because the levels of retardation is getting to an all time high.

The PAD have be protesting for over 100 days without attacking anyone. They have been involved in defending themselves from violence, yes but not starting any violence of their own. Time and time again the PAD leaders have called for peaceful protest so I don't understand all this anti-PAD crap on these forums about them going around attacking people.

I think you just contributed to the ailment that you find offensive.

What koolaid have you been drinking? Of course they have attacked people. It happens when there is a mob of angry people. It's not a PAD exclusive characteristic. It happens anytime there is a gathering of this nature, no matter the political views. Do you honestly believe that because someone trots out a public statement about "Peace" that Peace will be maintained?

Remember George Orwell? He wrote;

"The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous, war has ceased to exist. ... War is Peace."

You state;" I feel like Thailand is more of a dictatorship rather then a democracy at the moment" . Did this come as an epiphany or did you come to this conclusion after an extensive analysis? When has Thailand ever been a democracy in the conventional sense? What we get are varying degrees. Compared to the previous government option, a military dictatorship, the current format is a bit of an improvement. Hello? This is Thailand. What you see is what you get and what you get you may not keep.

In part the wikipedia says....

That people that rely on wikipedia for their information and then quote from wikipedia are incapable of original thought? Intellectually lazy? Willing to accept something that is available from an open source without seeking out alternative sources with actual citations?

Do you know what happens to University students that rely on wikipedia for information in respect to research? They get an F for Fail. Having an F on a transcript is not a good thing. The rents tend to get upset over those things. You don't want your mom having a mental do you?

I'm sick and bored with this..

Either Samak resigns or the PAD goes back home for good.

It'll probably be the first, so get it over quickly please.

And why would that be? Get it into your head he WON'T resign and good thing too.

I signed up to the forum just for this thread because the levels of retardation is getting to an all time high.

1) The PAD shot the students

This is obviously a favourite with the same users that think Bush did 9/11.

The PAD have be protesting for over 100 days without attacking anyone. They have been involved in defending themselves from violence, yes but not starting any violence of their own. Time and time again the PAD leaders have called for peaceful protest so I don't understand all this anti-PAD crap on these forums about them going around attacking people.

Lets look at the attack on the NBT station. The truth is that no one was hurt in this raid and that perhaps they did have wooden sticks. I'm not quite clear on that point, but somehow the NBT raid has been twisted by certain people on this forum to be PAD protesters running in with sub-machines guns (I read this in a previous thread), I mean seriously, where the hel_l did that come from?

I wish the admins would go through all these posts adding [citation needed] wikipedia style because the amount of baseless claims on these forums not just put me off reading but makes me angry that you people can be so bias when it's not even your country (and that goes for people on both sides)!

2) The PAD will bring an end of democracy

Again, this is completely unfounded. If the prime minster did resign it doesn't mean the PAD automatically get what they want with regards to restructuring the government. I don't know about my fellow readers but I feel like Thailand is more of a dictatorship rather then a democracy at the moment.

I know this post will probably not stop the bias crap from most users who feel strongly one way or another but hopefully it will get through to at least one or two of you who post on here.

Welcome HungryHippo. I agree with much of your post, but I must clarify the belief of many of us. We would like to see an end to the civil unrest and we do not believe the resignation of the PM will accomplish that. We agree that democracy here is not healthy, but it is our position that repairs and improvements on the current system are the preferred route. Another appointment by the MP's will probably result in another PM from the PPP. New elections will result in more PPP. Adopting the PAD proposals would result in massive unrest in Isan and student protests. PAD has been fairly civil, I think the country is better off with there peaceful protests then what we are likely to see from Isan or especially the students if the PAD new politcs is adopted. I know that you do not agree with this position, but everyone has different experince and forms different opinions.

What koolaid have you been drinking?

None. It's just you are not completely quoting me so that your argument has nothing to do with my post, then you go off on some paranoid rant.

My post wasn't directed at you because you are too far gone to receive any help or encouragement, all you see is the people for and against your side.


Just like the UDD guy shouldnt have been killed or tens on both sides injured. These students should not have been shot. It doesnt matter whether you like the people or not, somethigns are just unacceptable and undeserved. The aggressors shoudl be brought to justice as should anyone who directly incited the actions by urging violence (not including right to defend natually)


In part the wikipedia says....

In 2008 interviews with CNN and al-Jazeera Samak denied involvement in the 6 October 1976 massacre that left officially at least 46 dead, Samak insisted only 1 person was killed. Accounts from witnesses, documents and published reports clearly identify Samak as chief operator of the "Armoured Car" radio programme, an ultra-right wing broadcast that constantly expounded anti-communist and pro-right propaganda. Samak used this programme to stir up hatred against student demonstrators at Thammasat University, and intentionally disobeyed the Prime Minister's orders to "stop creating divisiveness." In defending the return of 1973-ousted Field Marshal Thanom over the radio, Samak told listeners that students demonstrating against the dictator's return were committing suicide.

And this is the man that is prime minister. Leopards do not change their spots and pigs only ever grunt.

Really - 'amazing Thaland"

1976 and fast forward to 2008...

a sampling from another Samak thread:


Suppression of activists in Burma normal: Samak

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Sunday described Burmese leader Senior General Than Shwe as being religious person and killings and suppressions in the neighbouring country were "normal' things.

Thai PM says Myanmar's Suu Kyi detention is "OK"

BANGKOK - Thailand has no problem with the prolonged house arrest in Myanmar of opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said on Wednesday.

Thai PM Endorses Burmese Junta's Ban against Suu Kyi

The Thai prime minister endorsed the Burmese junta's barring opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from future general elections.

Prime Minister and Defense Minister Samak Sundaravej led Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein on a ceremonial inspection of the troops, a gesture extended to welcome his Burmese counterpart

I know that you do not agree with this position, but everyone has different experience and forms different opinions.

I'm not for or against anyone but I don't like the crap that gets posted here such as the MBT sub-machine gun raid lies by one user. People here might not like the PAD movement but that doesn't give you a right to lie about the situation on a forum where people get a lot of their information from.

So someone said right at the start of this thread that "the PAD did it". Well prove it or shut up because now 1000 people have read your post and it's become fact (which was obviously your goal from the start to spread misinformation).

The problem is you try to correct the lies and you get labelled as a sympathiser for the cause. Disgusting.


Students disperse from Lardprao police station

Ramkhamhaeng University students dispersed from the Lardprao police station to regroup and rally in front of their university early Friday.

Some 200 students stopped demonstrating in front of the police station at 1:15 am and canceled the plan to march to the house of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

They instead moved to rally in front of the Ramkhamhaeng University after many of their friends left the rally site in front of the police station and returned home.

The students demonstrated at the police station after two students were short and injured while the students were marching to the prime minister's house Thursday evening.

Some students went home after the Lardprao police chief promised to bring those behind the shooting to justice.

- The Nation


Being conditioned to live in a State of Emergency? Well remember it's a lot harder to gain freedoms than it is to lose them. So don't lose your freedoms.


Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance - Albert Einstein

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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AIDS viruses in vaccines?!





The upsetting part here is the fact that students are getting involved in a situation where neither side deserves their support. The only hope for this country (IMHO) is for a new generation of critically thinking educated Thai people to take the reins. If today's students are still taking sides in this antediluvian struggle then we're in for the long haul indeed.

I know that you do not agree with this position, but everyone has different experience and forms different opinions.

I'm not for or against anyone but I don't like the crap that gets posted here such as the MBT sub-machine gun raid lies by one user. People here might not like the PAD movement but that doesn't give you a right to lie about the situation on a forum where people get a lot of their information from.

So someone said right at the start of this thread that "the PAD did it". Well prove it or shut up because now 1000 people have read your post and it's become fact (which was obviously your goal from the start to spread misinformation).

The problem is you try to correct the lies and you get labelled as a sympathiser for the cause. Disgusting.

thank you ....i am 100% with you ....


It's a pity Kingdom of Thailand can't learn from history. I particularly think of the last but one presidential elections in Taiwan. An unpopular encumbent president (Chen Shui Bien) won a very close and polarising election suposedly by foul means having survived a late "assassination" attempt. Afterward literally millions of opposition supporters demonstrated in the streets. It was scary, I know because I was there. But eventually normal people have to go back to their normal lives and Chen Shui Bien toughed it out.

At the next election he was voted out of office.

The power is in the ballot box. And don't tell me that Taiwan doesn't have vote buying because it does, as does most Asian countries.

What koolaid have you been drinking?

None. It's just you are not completely quoting me so that your argument has nothing to do with my post, then you go off on some paranoid rant.

My post wasn't directed at you because you are too far gone to receive any help or encouragement, all you see is the people for and against your side.

I suggest you read my comments again. I did not take your original remarks as directed at me if it matters. I draw your attention to your decision to classify certain people as being retarded, and then you go on to intimate that the PAD group is espousing peace. My comment was that whenever one has a crowd of angry people, such warm sentiments are put aside, no matter the political views. That is the psychology of mobs. You then go on to discuss your feeling that there is no democracy in place. Yes, so tell us something we do not know. Unfortunately, the current government is an improvement from the last government, a military junta. It may come as a surprise to you, but I don't like the current government. However, the alternatives are worse. I will take your assessment that I am "too far gone" as a compliment. I checked my approval ratings here at home and both the cat and dog gave me the big tail up, so I must be ok.

Being a university student in Thailand doesn't grant the person instantaneous integrity or decency. If anything, it would cause the typical university student in Japan, Singapore and western countries to snicker at the Thai university student protestors.

University student demographics in Thailand are significantly different than in the west. Thai universities are homogeneous places where the vast majority of students share similar economic and ethnic backgrounds. This is the opposite of what one sees in Aus, Canada, the USA, Germany etc. In the aforementioned countries it is normal to have many students in the class that come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds or of different ethnic origins. In Thailand, they all come from the same cookie cutter.

Access to a university education in Thailand for the poor and economically disadvantaged ,is extremely difficult. Multiple barriers have been erected over the years to keep the type of person PAD likes to call too uneducated, from becoming educated. The bursary and grant programs one sees in the west are practically non existant in Thailand. The result is that the typical Thai university student body is made up of the children of the "haves" with few "have nots" in attendance.

Mrs. Michelle Barak, wife of Obama, is the daughter of a poor afro american family. She grew up in a bad part of town. Yet, she was able to go to Princeton and Harvard. Obviously she had some brains, but she also benefited from programs that encouraged visible minorities and the poor to attend university. Now, imagine if an Issan woman of similar intelligence wanted to attend one of the top universities in Thailand. That woman would never have a chance.

This is why I do not take the political views and rantings of Thai university students seriously. They are the priveliged few looking to preserve their place at the pigs trough. If they cared, they'd be out in large numbers helping the poor, bringing literacy and health programs to the disadvantahed like their counterparts the world over. In Thailand, university students as a group think only of themselves. Yes, there are Thai students that do reach out to others and that do care about the plight of the nation. However, those students are out with their sleeves rolled up helping the poor and disadvantaged, not engaging in social gathering quasi protests.

I doubt if there are many Privileged Students at Ramkhamhaeng Uni.

where the shot students reportedly come from.

It is NOT like the other Universities.

Daily Classes and Domitory/Hostels are not the norm at Ramkhamhaeng.

Students there have to find Work and try to attend classes

maybe one day per week. They earn their degree by accumulating credits.

Students from up country rent rooms - with many in one room.

University students joining political turmoils... not a great idea.

Students always join political protests - in every country.

What other group of people of voting age (so they care) have the free time to take part in demonstrations, and are naieve enough to think that protesting works.

Not necessarily good for the students (think Tiananmen Square).

Kent State comes to mind as well.

Being a university student in Thailand doesn't grant the person instantaneous integrity or decency. If anything, it would cause the typical university student in Japan, Singapore and western countries to snicker at the Thai university student protestors.

University student demographics in Thailand are significantly different than in the west. Thai universities are homogeneous places where the vast majority of students share similar economic and ethnic backgrounds. This is the opposite of what one sees in Aus, Canada, the USA, Germany etc. In the aforementioned countries it is normal to have many students in the class that come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds or of different ethnic origins. In Thailand, they all come from the same cookie cutter.

Access to a university education in Thailand for the poor and economically disadvantaged ,is extremely difficult. Multiple barriers have been erected over the years to keep the type of person PAD likes to call too uneducated, from becoming educated. The bursary and grant programs one sees in the west are practically non existant in Thailand. The result is that the typical Thai university student body is made up of the children of the "haves" with few "have nots" in attendance.

Mrs. Michelle Barak, wife of Obama, is the daughter of a poor afro american family. She grew up in a bad part of town. Yet, she was able to go to Princeton and Harvard. Obviously she had some brains, but she also benefited from programs that encouraged visible minorities and the poor to attend university. Now, imagine if an Issan woman of similar intelligence wanted to attend one of the top universities in Thailand. That woman would never have a chance.

This is why I do not take the political views and rantings of Thai university students seriously. They are the priveliged few looking to preserve their place at the pigs trough. If they cared, they'd be out in large numbers helping the poor, bringing literacy and health programs to the disadvantahed like their counterparts the world over. In Thailand, university students as a group think only of themselves. Yes, there are Thai students that do reach out to others and that do care about the plight of the nation. However, those students are out with their sleeves rolled up helping the poor and disadvantaged, not engaging in social gathering quasi protests.

I doubt if there are many Privileged Students at Ramkhamhaeng Uni.

where the shot students reportedly come from.

It is NOT like the other Universities.

Daily Classes and Domitory/Hostels are not the norm at Ramkhamhaeng.

Students there have to find Work and try to attend classes

maybe one day per week. They earn their degree by accumulating credits.

Students from up country rent rooms - with many in one room.

and the number of those students falling into the category at Ram U number in the thousands....

out of which I've had the privilege of knowing several, all of whom fell into that description.

The total enrollment there is an astounding 430,000 according to their website.

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