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Requirements For A 5 Year Driving Licence

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My wife and I have just recently applied for and got our 5 year driving licence in Pranburi and I just thought that I would pass on some details that might help others.

1. ALWAYS make sure that your existing licence has EXPIRED, don't turn up on the day it is expring, or they will tell you to come back when it HAS expired - daft as it sounds that's the way they apply the rules.

2. You WILL require a current medical certificate - which took 5 minutes and 30B each in Pranburi high street.

3. One copy of the main page of your passport and current visa page both signed by yourself - little shop just outside the Pranburi offices will provide copies for 2B each.

4. Proof of place of residence from local immigaration department, not older than 30 days, cost vary place to place.

5. You do NOT need to provide new photographs, as they now have a new system in Pranburi whereby they take the photograph and this is incorporated into the new style driving licence, which not only incorporates the pic of yourself but the details of you name and date of birth etc in English as well as Thai.

6. Total cost 630B - This was for a CAR licence only, so don't know if it cost a bit more for combined licence.

Hope that this info is of some use to people.

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How long, after your 1 year license has expired, can you apply for a five year one? My 1 year motorcycle license expired in May and I just haven't been able to get down to Bangkok to renew it.
The next day

I think you have between one day and one year after expiry, to apply for a five year driving license.
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Do you have to take any of the color blind or depth percecption tests when renewing, say 1 month or so after first one expired?


No, we did not have to take ANY tests again, just provide the info as outlined before.

Ok re the seperate licenses, but I seem to remember seeing someone with a licence that said car & motorbike, but must have been mistaken!

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Anyone got any comments on -

I will be out of the country for an extended period next year when my licence expires - can I apply for early renewal under these circumstances.


I personally don't think that it will make a blind bit of difference, as long as it has EXPIRED, strange as that might be.

We (she who must be obeyed and I) will visit the local Dept. of ????? and ask the question first hand - will let you know the outcome.

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What if you have already a 5yr DL which expires on 16 Jan. 2009? Do you also have to let it expire first or can it be renewed a day or so before the expiry date?

Insurance companies may have some issue if I run into problems on 17.01.09 with a DL that expired the day before.


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What is the proceedure for obtaining proof of residence from Immigration in Bangkok, rather than pay for an embassy letter?

This can be the most irritating part of the licensing process.

You can go to Suan Plu in Bangkok, pay 200 baht and they will MAIL you the proof in about two weeks (mine took 16 days).

Some Immigration offices offer "bring in a.m. pick up p.m." service (the one in Pattaya does this)

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Anyone got any comments on -

I will be out of the country for an extended period next year when my licence expires - can I apply for early renewal under these circumstances.


I personally don't think that it will make a blind bit of difference, as long as it has EXPIRED, strange as that might be.

We (she who must be obeyed and I) will visit the local Dept. of ????? and ask the question first hand - will let you know the outcome.

Rang the local licence dept today and got the following info.

1. You can only renew a maximum 3 month prior to expitry date.

2. You can re-apply within 1 year of expiry date.

when re-applying you need / to do the following

1. copy of passport

2. proof of address - copy of adress book - a new requirement for me as I am on retirement extension - so trip to city hall with a stack of paper work to be included in wife's parents address book.

3. watch a 1hr DVD in English - (how to drive I guess.)

4. Eye test - (normal requirement)

5. for me no medical as I already have a 5 year licence

6. no photo if you opt for the smart card licence- Bht 605 - this allows you to drive in other asian countries.

7. Standard licence - Bht 505 + 2 X 1" photo's

Info on putting name in address book

go to city hall

copy of passport

copy of visa certified by immigration

house owner + their ID card + house book

1 Govt. employee level 3 onwards + govt. card + photocopy - also to go with you

3 x 1" photo's

No charge

3 / 4 days to complete (If you have contact + brown envelope - same day)

But bear in mind this is Thailand so requirements might vary between offices and on the whim of the person processing the application.

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4. Proof of place of residence from local immigaration department, not older than 30 days, cost vary place to place.

Also works with copies of workpermit, pages 1-4 and last with stamp.

That's ok if you have a job.

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