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Iron Butt Ride


Best Route  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Route

    • Up through Nakhon Sawan
    • Up through Suphan Buri
    • Up through Kanchan Buri
    • Up through Lop Buri
    • Up through Chaiyaphum
    • Up through Korat
  2. 2. Travel Time

    • Bring it on, I can do it in one day!
    • Give my poor butt a break, let's stop for a night.
    • I know of a good hotel along the route that I voted for.
    • The route I voted for passes by my house and I'm offering a place for the riders to stay at.

This poll is closed to new votes

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As I've hinted at in another poll, I'm attempting to organise a ride from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Projected leave time is the 21st November. Since I always stay in Bang Pu and it is extremely easy to find, I recommend we start from there. However, I'm open to other start places.

I have included a poll to see the route that most of the people want to take. Personally, I would prefer to go the western most route since there is mountains and hills with all the nice twisty roads that us motorcyclist like.

Also, once the route is sufficiently polled, we need to try and see if we can pick up either some forum members along our route, or if we make it a multi-day even either stop at some hotel or any kind forum member's house to sleep over at.

I would like to keep the group to those who can easily maintain a 90 km/h rate. Other than that request, I don't care if we have every bike from a Wave to a 1098.

I'm volunteering the usage of my truck as a luggage vehicle. Since it appears I'm going to have at least 4 occupants in it, I will only have room for one more if someone that's riding their bike wants their significant other to go along. However, I believe that Bard was talking about going also and he mentioned something about his wife possibly taking their family car.

I've included some distance that google maps spits out for those who want to see how far they're going to have to ride.

Start Middle Dest. KM Middle Dest. Final Dest. KM KM

Bang Pu-Nakhon Sawan 287 Nakhon Sawan-Chiang Mai 457 Total 744

Bang Pu-Suphan Buri 168 Suphan Buri-Chiang Mai 608 Total 776

Bang Pu-Kanchanaburi 302 Kanchanaburi-Chiang Mai 828 Total 1130

Bang Pu-Lop Buri 205 Lop Buri-Chiang Mai 584 Total 789

Bang Pu-Chaiyaphum 402 Chaiyaphum-Chiang Mai 444 Total 846

Bang Pu-Korat 276 Korat-Chiang Mai 734 Total 1010

Edited by Crow Boy
modificationof poll as per OP request
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Ummh, this was my first poll, could a mod please combine the East/West routes and make one choice? Or if that's not possible, all those who vote, please list which one you had to vote for but didn't want to vote for.

My "unvote" is for Lop Buri.

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Hiya Dave!

Good on you for putting together a trip.

I'm ready to go and am up for any route that avoids major highways. While it would be possible to do Bangkok-Chiang Mai in a day I think that would take all the fun out of it. Personally I could see making it a 2 or even 3 day trip if we wanted to explore fun roads on the way. (Anyway- for me riding is never about the destination) :o

My wife and son might drive, or they might take the train with some friends.

Ride On!


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Hiya Dave!

Good on you for putting together a trip.

I'm ready to go and am up for any route that avoids major highways. While it would be possible to do Bangkok-Chiang Mai in a day I think that would take all the fun out of it. Personally I could see making it a 2 or even 3 day trip if we wanted to explore fun roads on the way. (Anyway- for me riding is never about the destination) :o

My wife and son might drive, or they might take the train with some friends.

Ride On!


ok, I'm up to 2 riders then! I don't know what age your child is, but he doesn't appear to be much older than my 6 month old daughter. At least our wifes will have something to talk about!

I noticed you didn't vote. Would you be willing to run up the Western Border and hit all those really nice roads? I was actually mulling over going down the Mae Sot-Umphang Hwy. Some 1200 curves in a 160 Km stretch sounds really nice!

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For those who aren't opposed to the western route, I've done up a proposed route.

First leg is the Bang Pu to Si Sawat Kanchanaburi. This will take us up by the Si Nakharin reservoir. Projected distance is 293 km and travel time is 4 hours 51 minutes. If we leave early enough, we can eat lunch here.


(a picture of the resevoir)

From Si Sawat I want to go up to Wang Yao and on from there to Ban Rai. Travel is going to result in 129.9 km and 2 hours 59 min (totals of 422.9 km and 7 hours 50 min).


(don't think this is an actual picture from the area, but these are the type of roads we'll be on)

There are some interesting roads to go from Ban Rai, but if we do, we're going to reach a destination that we have to backtrack from. So, assuming everyone's hungry/sleepy, we'll go up from Ban Rai to Lan Sak, which has a hotel. That's going to give us a ride of 63 km and 1 hour 17 minutes (totals of 485.9 km and 9 hours 7 minutes).


(a picture of the entrance to the world heritage site just up the road from Lan Sak.

If we do shack up for the night, we can head out in the morning after a hearty meal. Going up from Lan Sak, we'll pass through Kampheng Phet and Tak on the way to Mae Sot. This should get us there in time for lunch or there abouts with travel time being 271 km and 5 hours 3 min (total 756.9 km 14 hours 10 min).


(a Mae Sot Road)

Skirting along the Burmese (Myamarese?) border via 105 will take us up to Mae Yuam. Travel time being 230 km and 3 hours 28 minutes (total 986.9 km 17 hours 38 minutes).

Hanging a right on 108 (which co-incidentally enough was the designation of the State Route I grew up on in the US!) we'll head up to Chiang Mai. A pretty quick run, only 189 km and 3 hours 30 minutes. (total 1175.9 km 21 hours 8 minutes).

Now, I know that the time estimates are rather generous, but since I got them from Google Maps, that's what I'm going with. That will allow us plenty of time for stopping and any ladies buying fruit, hydration, excretion, and nicotine addiction filling. If we were to maintain a steady 90 km/h, we could technically do it in 13 hours, but if we're going to make a proper road trip out of it, let's do that.

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I did the poll so plz unvote me on Lop Buri. Sounds like a good idea and I'd really recommend the side trip to Umphang via "The Death Highway". I did it earlier this year with a mate and you can see my trip report at:


Enjoy your trip and when in CNX, feel free to give me a buzz on 0811645011 so we can meet for a beer. Can also do any minor bike maintenance tasks for you and the others at my rental shop.

Cheers and have a great ride.


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Just a thought if you're going to all this preparation. Combine your trip with Chiang Mai Bike Week which is on the 6-7th of December. http://www.chiangmaibikeweek.com/ There will be organized rides throughout the surrounding area besides the static displays, food and entertainment. Let me know when you're going to be in Chiang Mai and we can meet at the Good View Restaurant, right on the Ping River, one evening. They are big bike friendly and you'll be parked right out in front.

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Projected leave time is the 21st November
Combine your trip with Chiang Mai Bike Week which is on the 6-7th of December
Christ! Does anyone work?  :o

I feel like I'm among jet-setting men of leisure here.  :D

If you leave Fri and return Mon, I can join if I pull a sickie and return to work Tuesday. Same for the Bike Week.

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Hmmm.. Sure is a long way from Phuket but.. I have wanted to have a look see around CM, and that Western route sure looks appealing..

I could ride, send the missus up on the plane, have a few days cruising around CM.. Maybe even a visa run..

Interestink.. very interestink...

[/Rowan and Martin laugh in]

Quite a lot could get in my way between now and then.. But I am in the 'watching this thread closely' category.

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Hmmm.. Sure is a long way from Phuket but.. I have wanted to have a look see around CM, and that Western route sure looks appealing..

I could ride, send the missus up on the plane, have a few days cruising around CM.. Maybe even a visa run..

Interestink.. very interestink...

[/Rowan and Martin laugh in]

You bet your sweet bippy, that you can put that in your Funk&Wagnalls.
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I did the poll so plz unvote me on Lop Buri. Sounds like a good idea and I'd really recommend the side trip to Umphang via "The Death Highway". I did it earlier this year with a mate and you can see my trip report at:


Enjoy your trip and when in CNX, feel free to give me a buzz on 0811645011 so we can meet for a beer. Can also do any minor bike maintenance tasks for you and the others at my rental shop.

Cheers and have a great ride.


I have yet to hear anyone want to go the Eastern Route. Unless someone specifies in the thread they want to go that way, I'm going to assume that they're voting only for the Western Route.

The Mae Sot/Umphang route (Hwy 1090) was one of those really interesting roads in that area I've considered, but since it's well over 160 km and since the road doesn't have any other way to get from Umphang except from Mae Sot, that would be an extra 320 km on the ride.

Just a thought if you're going to all this preparation. Combine your trip with Chiang Mai Bike Week which is on the 6-7th of December. http://www.chiangmaibikeweek.com/ There will be organized rides throughout the surrounding area besides the static displays, food and entertainment. Let me know when you're going to be in Chiang Mai and we can meet at the Good View Restaurant, right on the Ping River, one evening. They are big bike friendly and you'll be parked right out in front.

I unfortunately have to be out of the country by the 5th, so the bike week isn't going to be an option for me.

Christ! Does anyone work? :o

I feel like I'm among jet-setting men of leisure here. :D

If you leave Fri and return Mon, I can join if I pull a sickie and return to work Tuesday. Same for the Bike Week.

I do overseas! That's the reason I have to leave when I do. Also, the plan was for us to leave the 21st (a Friday) and the return trip was planned for....

Hmmm.. Sure is a long way from Phuket but.. I have wanted to have a look see around CM, and that Western route sure looks appealing..

I could ride, send the missus up on the plane, have a few days cruising around CM.. Maybe even a visa run..

Interestink.. very interestink...

[/Rowan and Martin laugh in]

Quite a lot could get in my way between now and then.. But I am in the 'watching this thread closely' category

It appears that I'm going to have one extra seat in the truck my wife will be driving. You could save some cash if your lady doesn't mind riding there.

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I'm for the western route too! If we get enough riders, can we split the group into two? Those who want to tear up the twisties, and those who want to roll with a bit more leisure?

I can easily keep up with the 90KpH but I enjoy cruising along at whatever the road/scenery dictates. (prolly why I bought a cruiser!)

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It appears that I'm going to have one extra seat in the truck my wife will be driving. You could save some cash if your lady doesn't mind riding there.

I think shes more of a destination than a journey person.. Plus I like some alone time.. Biking about is perfect, then she can share some scenic routes round CM so she doesnt feel left out.

I am really warming to this idea.. I cant commit 100% as theres lot of variable with a visiting brother. But if I am free at that week I am in.

My bike saddle bags and tail bag arrived a few mins ago.. Its an omen I tells ya !!

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Just a thought if you're going to all this preparation. Combine your trip with Chiang Mai Bike Week which is on the 6-7th of December. http://www.chiangmaibikeweek.com/ There will be organized rides throughout the surrounding area besides the static displays, food and entertainment. Let me know when you're going to be in Chiang Mai and we can meet at the Good View Restaurant, right on the Ping River, one evening. They are big bike friendly and you'll be parked right out in front.

I unfortunately have to be out of the country by the 5th, so the bike week isn't going to be an option for me.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be in country until just before the Chiang Mai ride. We'll be gathering in Bkk on the 5th for HRH's birthday and then heading north for a few days.

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I'm for the western route too! If we get enough riders, can we split the group into two? Those who want to tear up the twisties, and those who want to roll with a bit more leisure?

I can easily keep up with the 90KpH but I enjoy cruising along at whatever the road/scenery dictates. (prolly why I bought a cruiser!)

Well, during the twisties we most likely wouldn't be going that fast. Just during the long boring runs up to there.

I think shes more of a destination than a journey person.. Plus I like some alone time.. Biking about is perfect, then she can share some scenic routes round CM so she doesnt feel left out.

I am really warming to this idea.. I cant commit 100% as theres lot of variable with a visiting brother. But if I am free at that week I am in.

My bike saddle bags and tail bag arrived a few mins ago.. Its an omen I tells ya !!

Keep us in the loop!

Are you sure it's not just OLD MEN, thats my excuse for not working anyway, and my Visa says not allowed to work, point that out to the wife, whenever needed.

So will your busy schedule preclude from joining us or can I pencil you in?

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I am pretty sure I can do the trip to CM, supposed to be off for a week from the 17th soooo unless they change that I am definitely in. I am trying to convince my better half to drive our family car, which can seat up to 5 more passengers. She is unsure but there is nothing like a threat of me alone with nice things to look at in CM won't fix... :o

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I am pretty sure I can do the trip to CM, supposed to be off for a week from the 17th soooo unless they change that I am definitely in. I am trying to convince my better half to drive our family car, which can seat up to 5 more passengers. She is unsure but there is nothing like a threat of me alone with nice things to look at in CM won't fix... :o

That's it; when reasoning doesn't work resort to extortion!

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Ummh, this was my first poll, could a mod please combine the East/West routes and make one choice? Or if that's not possible, all those who vote, please list which one you had to vote for but didn't want to vote for.

My "unvote" is for Lop Buri.

Poll fixed mate - I would like to make the trip but it is going to depend on a number of things here in Pattaya


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Ummh, this was my first poll, could a mod please combine the East/West routes and make one choice? Or if that's not possible, all those who vote, please list which one you had to vote for but didn't want to vote for.

My "unvote" is for Lop Buri.

Poll fixed mate - I would like to make the trip but it is going to depend on a number of things here in Pattaya


Thank you Crow Boy. Would have thought my buddy P.B. would have come through, but I guess this new fangled "intraweb" gets kinda confusing (well, it confused me!).

I'll soft pencil you in. I've got a list below for those that are firmly commited and those that are a possible along with their mounts (interestingly between the known motorcycles it's split fairly evenly between the big bikes and the small ones). If there are any mistakes, don't hesitate to correct me.

Definitely going:

  • BigBikeBKK {Kawaski Ninja 250}
  • Bard {Kawasaki Ninja 250}
  • Meridian007 {Honda Steed 600}
  • dave_boo {Honda CBR 150R}

Possibly going (and possible conflicts):

  • RusticCharm (sounded like a definitely though) {Ducati Monster?}
  • LivinLOS (family in town) {unknown?}
  • Thumchok (schedule) {Honda Fireblade 929}
  • Crow Boy (schedule) {unknown?}

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Definitely going:

  • BigBikeBKK {Kawaski Ninja 250}
  • Bard {Kawasaki Ninja 250}
  • Meridian007 {Honda Steed 600}
  • dave_boo {Honda CBR 150R}

Possibly going (and possible conflicts):

  • RusticCharm (sounded like a definitely though) {Ducati Monster?}
  • LivinLOS (family in town) {Bandit 4}
  • Thumchok (schedule) {Kawasaki ZZR1400}
  • Crow Boy (schedule) {unknown?}

Still plenty of time for others to sign up! Would really like to see a large group of us heading up there.

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Hi all. I'm interested if its the kanchanburi route. i'm in nakhom pathom. but might only be able to join you for some of the route as have work, but then again might take a sicky. be riding a cbr250 i hope (the old girls getting an engine transplant as we speak) if not will do it on me cbr150.

would be interesting to see the old girl up against those sexy ninja's.


Edited by thaicbr
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Just posted in the CBR150 thread, thanks for the link to this thread Dave_Boo, this sounds like a fun way to lose my long distance cherry , on a bike, here, and by November I should either be cool with riding here or started smoking again, count me in provisionally, could well bring the Mrs and pickup along as we could go down to her patch, Phetchabun, afterwards, and she's always wanted to see Chiang Mai.

Off to the dealers tomorrow, will call Mityon as you suggested..gotta be black for me,


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Just posted in the CBR150 thread, thanks for the link to this thread Dave_Boo, this sounds like a fun way to lose my long distance cherry , on a bike, here, and by November I should either be cool with riding here or started smoking again, count me in provisionally, could well bring the Mrs and pickup along as we could go down to her patch, Phetchabun, afterwards, and she's always wanted to see Chiang Mai.

Off to the dealers tomorrow, will call Mityon as you suggested..gotta be black for me,


Excellent! Hopefully you'll have your CBR 150R by then. I've updated the roster and here it is

Definitely going:

  • BigBikeBKK {Kawaski Ninja 250}
  • Bard {Kawasaki Ninja 250}
  • Meridian007 {Honda Steed 600}
  • thaicbr {Honda CBR 250RR}
  • prestburypark {Honda CBR 150R}
  • dave_boo {Honda CBR 150R or CBR 250RR}

Possibly going (and possible conflicts):

  • RusticCharm (sounded like a definitely though) {Ducati Monster?}
  • LivinLOS (family in town) {Bandit 4 or Honda Fireblade 900}
  • Thumchok (schedule) {Kawasaki ZZR1400}
  • Crow Boy (schedule) {unknown?}

As it stands now, for the definites, we're a small bike group. With the exception of Meridian007 of course (who I'd like to allay the fears of and state that at minimum my wife drives slowly enough for you to enjoy the view, plus we motorcyclists can't get too far ahead of the rest of the convoy unless a Westerner who can navigate is with them!).

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