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Trainee/volonteer Visa

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I've been awarded a scholarship from sweden to be a trainee in a company in thailand. The company is registerd in Thailand. I will be payed from sweden, from this scholarship I've been awarded. I'll be payed somewhere around 5000 SEK. Approx. 25 000 baht/month. The company does not pay anything for me. I'm Swedish and 26 years of age.

Is this supporting document obtained from the Thai ministry of foreing affairs?

Most happy for any swift replies...


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The only possible way of a trainee/volunteer work visa as far as I know has to be sponsored or applied for by the company which is employing/accepting you.........The company that is allowing you to tbe their trainee/volunteer should be doing all this for you........after all they are the ones who have asked you to come and they are paying you minimum wage or none at all!!! Check with them

If not, try becoming a UN volunteer......www.unv.org.......you may not get a posting in Thailand but it all depends on your reason(s) for volunteering....you may want to come to Thailand for personal reasons and not work experience related :o

Good Luck!

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Hi, all!

I've been awarded a scholarship from sweden to be a trainee in a company in thailand. But I need to get a trainee Visa from thailand or else I cant go. I heard it is close to impossible to get. I'm Swedish and 26 years of age.

The embassy in sweden said that it is possible to get it if the company in question apply for the visa from the thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the Thai embassys homepage in sweden this possible. But I spoke with my supervisor here in sweden, she said this visa in perticular was suspended last year.

Is this true?

Is it possible to get this visa or does it not exist?

Most happy for any swift replies...


As far as I am aware there is no volunteer type Thai visa. Some Thai Embassies and Consulates will issue a Non-Immigrant O class visa to volunteers with religious or charitable bodies.

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Trainee? Company?.

If the company is a research institute or related to a university you can obtain a I year visa in Sweden. Is it a Thai company? How is the scholarship paid. Could it be paid through the "company" as salary? Does the scholarship meet the Thai minimum income to thereby justify issue of a work permit?

What is the company and what at what are you training.

Like many posts in this forum you information is too vague to be able to offer specific advice

You need to talk to the visa section in Stockholm. They could be sympathetic and issue you with an "O" visa which amongst other things is for purposes which do not fit neatly into other categories. You would need to demonstrate that you are not doing a Thai out of a job or what you are doing will be of some benefit to Thailand. You will need supporting documentation from the Thai company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Muenwai2!

I've been awarded a scholarship from sweden to be a trainee in a company in thailand. The company is registerd in Thailand. I will be payed from sweden, from this scholarship I've been awarded. I'll be payed somewhere around 5000 SEK. Approx. 25 000 baht/month. The company does not pay anything for me. I'm Swedish and 26 years of age.

are those supporting document obtained from the Thai ministry of foreing affairs?




Trainee? Company?.

If the company is a research institute or related to a university you can obtain a I year visa in Sweden. Is it a Thai company? How is the scholarship paid. Could it be paid through the "company" as salary? Does the scholarship meet the Thai minimum income to thereby justify issue of a work permit?

What is the company and what at what are you training.

Like many posts in this forum you information is too vague to be able to offer specific advice

You need to talk to the visa section in Stockholm. They could be sympathetic and issue you with an "O" visa which amongst other things is for purposes which do not fit neatly into other categories. You would need to demonstrate that you are not doing a Thai out of a job or what you are doing will be of some benefit to Thailand. You will need supporting documentation from the Thai company.

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I've been awarded a scholarship from sweden to be a trainee in a company in thailand. The company is registerd in Thailand. I will be payed from sweden, from this scholarship I've been awarded. I'll be payed somewhere around 5000 SEK. Approx. 25 000 baht/month. The company does not pay anything for me. I'm Swedish and 26 years of age. I'm going to be staying for 6 month.

What Visa do I need to stay?

Most happy for any swift replies...


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I've been awarded a scholarship from sweden to be a trainee in a company in thailand. The company is registerd in Thailand. I will be payed from sweden, from this scholarship I've been awarded. I'll be payed somewhere around 5000 SEK. Approx. 25 000 baht/month. The company does not pay anything for me. I'm Swedish and 26 years of age. I'm going to be staying for 6 month.

What Visa do I need to stay?

Most happy for any swift replies...


To begin, you need a Non-Immigrant B Visa. Get it in Sweden. You'll need a letter of invitation from the Thailand company to present with your application to the Thai Consulate or Embassy.

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We have had several foreign interns work for us that were sponsored by their college.

The company who will employ you as trainee must give you supporting info( invitation letter and company papers) so you can get the non immigrant visa. They apply for the WP and putting zero as your salary.


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The company who will employ you as trainee must give you supporting info( invitation letter and company papers) so you can get the non immigrant visa. They apply for the WP and putting zero as your salary.


Yes, makes sense to me. I mentioned before, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13965&hl=

my son was denied a non-imm B as being too young, but got a non-imm Ed based on my (Thai) company's letter that he will be hired at 'all costs paid but no salary'.

No company details have been asked for.

No guarantee, as it seems to be the decision of the Thai mission how to interpret the rules.

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The company who will employ you as trainee must give you supporting info( invitation letter and company papers) so you can get the non immigrant visa. They apply for the WP and putting zero as your salary.


Yes, makes sense to me. I mentioned before, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13965&hl=

my son was denied a non-imm B as being too young, but got a non-imm Ed based on my (Thai) company's letter that he will be hired at 'all costs paid but no salary'.

No company details have been asked for.

No guarantee, as it seems to be the decision of the Thai mission how to interpret the rules.

Post to Post, Person to Person, the rules change. Makes it hard to know what's what. :o

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This company is my friend's from sweden he's one of the owners. They make video websites. http://www.dreamtraveller.com
I wonder what this company does, that is worthy of scholarship to study?

Seems vaguely reminiscent of the competition prizes:

1st Prize One week in xyz

2nd Prize Two weeks in xyz

Then your friend should know ALL the answers. If he doesn't. stay home.

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