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..... Thai American Amnity Treaty, that they can not change as it is between His Magisity The King of Thailand and Lyndon B Johnson President of the United States as stated in the Treaty, but don't think they haven't tried. Have to have the treaty registration paper and a copy of the treaty handy when dealing with the government departments .....

Hi there -- many Thai and europeon friends are lately insisting that the Treaty will be "eased out" under wto "rules."

Do you have the skinny on that?

Best regards.

Sincerely -- Brian


Last I heard, there has been some activity concerning the Treaty, which I think the agreement is due to expire sometime early next year. I think it is in January. In the meantime there is some negotiations on going, concerning it.

WTO may or may not pursue it that much, but then again one never knows.

So I would consider the treaty now in danger so to speak. I would think if it does expire, that Thailand might honor all those under previous provisions who had businesses under the treaty to be kept intact. It more likely will affect those after the treaty expires of which one cannot use the treaty as one method for protection etc.


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