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Iranian Man Badly Beaten On Walking Street.


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In the early hours of Tuesday Morning, Medical Staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital admitted an Iranian Tourist who was allegedly beaten at the far end of Walking Street by a Thai Man.

Mr. Shariaha Asgari aged 49 from Iran sustained serious head injuries but Doctors tell us he will fully recover from the injuries.

The suspected attacker was Khun Tanasaert aged 29 who was located, arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station.

He explained to us that he experienced problems with an Iranian Man earlier in the night and thought he spotted him later.

He attacked the victim with a plank of wood and realized afterwards that he had attacked the wrong man.

Khun Tanasaert is now behind bars and will appear in court to answer a charge of assault later this week.

Pattaya One News

But obviously as soon as Khun Titsareup mentions that "farrang talk badly" he will be out bashing people with planks of wood quicker than you can say OOOOOOH in the Eden Club :o

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Don't worry about this type of story. Just continue to think about the family resort, lovely beaches, new shopping malls, wonderful houses and clean beaches and all of these stories will just fade away.

This only happens in Pattaya, is that, what you want to say?

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i say Khun Tanasaert needs a few anger management sessions.

sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head. the mentality has me shaking my head in despair.

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In the early hours of Tuesday Morning, Medical Staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital admitted an Iranian Tourist who was allegedly beaten at the far end of Walking Street by a Thai Man.

Mr. Shariaha Asgari aged 49 from Iran sustained serious head injuries but Doctors tell us he will fully recover from the injuries.

The suspected attacker was Khun Tanasaert aged 29 who was located, arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station.

He explained to us that he experienced problems with an Iranian Man earlier in the night and thought he spotted him later.

He attacked the victim with a plank of wood and realized afterwards that he had attacked the wrong man.

Khun Tanasaert is now behind bars and will appear in court to answer a charge of assault later this week.

Pattaya One News

But obviously as soon as Khun Titsareup mentions that "farrang talk badly" he will be out bashing people with planks of wood quicker than you can say OOOOOOH in the Eden Club :o

I hear about this kind of shit all the time ,but I'm curious what punishment will this THai get????In Canada he'd get at least a year if he had no record and possibly 5 years if he's a con. :D

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Don't worry about this type of story. Just continue to think about the family resort, lovely beaches, new shopping malls, wonderful houses and clean beaches and all of these stories will just fade away.

It is all very well that the Thai's " wai " to each other and engage in all the

other courtesies - underneath they are no different to any others :o

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i say Khun Tanasaert needs a few anger management sessions.

sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head. the mentality has me shaking my head in despair.

but exactly that would be my prescription to cure Khun Tanasaert from a strange disease. it does not have to be a 2x4. a baseball bat coming down swift and hard on Khun Tanasaert's head would suffice :o

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Maybe Khun Tanasaert thought the Iranian was a time-share tout (or the one he had a problem with earlier was). :o

Having read on TV about how some people were planning on arming themselves and attacking those time-share touts, Khun Tanasaert elected to do the same. :D

But alas, it was a different farang that looked like the other farang (and they all look alike, those nasty farangs) and he clobbered the wrong guy. :D

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Kerryd: Why would a time share tout approach a Thai man with no money?? Most of the touts are trying to find farang with money to buy condos, not Thai men without money that work on Walking Street, drive motorbikes/taxis, sell fruit and stuffed animals on the street and other vendors.

It is more likely that the Thai man was jealous because the Iranian man was taking the Thai man's wife/girlfriend for a short time and then, the Thai man got angry and decided to attack the Iranian man. OK. The only problem is that he selected the wrong man and now there is an innocent man in the hospital recovering.

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i say Khun Tanasaert needs a few anger management sessions.

sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head. the mentality has me shaking my head in despair.

Looks like another loss of face scenario. Besides not paying for the beer , the beaten one probably said something which was considered an affront to Thai pride.

The bottom line is, even though we don't like it, that it's their turf and we've got to play by their rules. Next time he'll know just to pay up and move on.

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i say Khun Tanasaert needs a few anger management sessions.

sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head. the mentality has me shaking my head in despair.

Looks like another loss of face scenario. Besides not paying for the beer , the beaten one probably said something which was considered an affront to Thai pride.

The bottom line is, even though we don't like it, that it's their turf and we've got to play by their rules. Next time he'll know just to pay up and move on.

wait a minute, how can that be, a good muslim citizen of the world from Iran, drinking beer during Ramadan?

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wait a minute, how can that be, a good muslim citizen of the world from Iran, drinking beer during Ramadan?

I'll bet he wasn't associating with infidel women of low moral character either ! :o

(I've often wondered what kind of stampede there would be if an imam/cleric/mullah were to suddenly appear in that area reciting verses from the Qu'ran.)

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i say Khun Tanasaert needs a few anger management sessions.

sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head. the mentality has me shaking my head in despair.

Looks like another loss of face scenario. Besides not paying for the beer , the beaten one probably said something which was considered an affront to Thai pride.

The bottom line is, even though we don't like it, that it's their turf and we've got to play by their rules. Next time he'll know just to pay up and move on.

who said he didnt pay for his beer........i thought report said mistaken identity,he thought this was the iranian who had conned him in some way..............i dont know what sort of business the iranian had with him,but im sure it probably did involve virgins ......but not of the legal age :o

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Don't worry about this type of story. Just continue to think about the family resort, lovely beaches, new shopping malls, wonderful houses and clean beaches and all of these stories will just fade away.

This only happens in Pattaya, is that, what you want to say?

I assume this is your pathetic attempt to defend the indefensable. This kind of thing happens a lot in Pattaya

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sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head.

I agree. It's better to use a gun. Obviously, he is a poor thai and can't afford a gun.

actually im amazed at how many young teenagers here have guns.........must get good pocketmoney.

or there metalwork classes go beyond the norm :o

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sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head.

I agree. It's better to use a gun. Obviously, he is a poor thai and can't afford a gun.

actually im amazed at how many young teenagers here have guns.........must get good pocketmoney.

or there metalwork classes go beyond the norm :D

I think you got it there Rob, have you seen some of the "guns" they confiscate??? little more than a piece of pipe with a 12 guage shotgun cartridge inserted, or a thing that looks like a pen with a .22 shell - one shot wonders!!!! They might all grow up to be fine blacksmiths!! :o:D

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sheesh. if you have a problem with people, you dont just take after them with a piece of 4 x 2 and knock them over the head.

I agree. It's better to use a gun. Obviously, he is a poor thai and can't afford a gun.

actually im amazed at how many young teenagers here have guns.........must get good pocketmoney.

or there metalwork classes go beyond the norm :D

I think you got it there Rob, have you seen some of the "guns" they confiscate??? little more than a piece of pipe with a 12 guage shotgun cartridge inserted, or a thing that looks like a pen with a .22 shell - one shot wonders!!!! They might all grow up to be fine blacksmiths!! :o:D

some of those weapons look dangerous..........dangerous for the user rather than the intended victim :D

but i have seen reports on television where some of these kids have got some nice 9mm autos......they cant be cheap or home made :D

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Totally unprovoked by the way it reads , in Western Australia , 3 - 5 years sentence then one third off.

If Aboriginal, probably probation unless previous record of half a dozen similar convictions


Thats simply untrue, if not most of the bar goers would be IN jail. 

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Kerryd: Why would a time share tout approach a Thai man with no money?? Most of the touts are trying to find farang with money to buy condos, not Thai men without money that work on Walking Street, drive motorbikes/taxis, sell fruit and stuffed animals on the street and other vendors.

It is more likely that the Thai man was jealous because the Iranian man was taking the Thai man's wife/girlfriend for a short time and then, the Thai man got angry and decided to attack the Iranian man. OK. The only problem is that he selected the wrong man and now there is an innocent man in the hospital recovering.

Are you <deleted> serious ???? :o

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Agree it's easy to do. Guys dressed in a bed sheet with a towel wrapped around their heads all pretty much look the same.

Iranians are not Arabs - they - along with Afghans - form the basis of the Aryan race (but don't tell Adolf).

The language is different, the social structure is different and if you go back in history you will find that their civilisation was well in advance of the Greeks, with regard to humanitarian laws and behaviour. Although both Greeks and Persians were slave-owning societies (at the time Greece was supposed to be 'the cradle of democracy') the written codex of Darius and Cyrus is much nearer to our present attitude than the oligarchy of Athens.

Anyway - back to the thread - when working in Iran many years ago my family and I took a package tour from Teheran around SEA. The guys were not over-excited when we touched down in Bangers, drove along the lotus-pond-lined road from Don Muang to the Dusit, nor even when we had a couple of days in Pattaya (the TQ was recently opened), but when we reached Singapore all they could talk about was Bugis Street. Left their wives and families to go shopping, did their own shopping, After that - in Hong Kong and the Phillipines - they were still talking non-stop about the delights of Bugis Street. Meanwhile the wives each had about 100kg of excess baggage - so I guess everyone was happy.

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Don't worry about this type of story. Just continue to think about the family resort, lovely beaches, new shopping malls, wonderful houses and clean beaches and all of these stories will just fade away.

It is all very well that the Thai's " wai " to each other and engage in all the

other courtesies - underneath they are no different to any others :o

Ouch! The truth hurts.

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