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Birth risks differ for Asian-Caucasian couples

Wed Oct 1, 2:31 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New research indicates that the rates of cesarean deliveries, gestational diabetes, and other pregnancy-related outcomes differ among Asian, Caucasian, and interracial Asian-Caucasian couples.

"Our study demonstrates that interracial Asian-Caucasian couples represent a population with distinct perinatal risks, with differing risks depending upon which parent is of Asian race," the researchers state in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The findings are based on a study of 868 Asian-Caucasian couples, 3226 Asian couples, and 5575 Caucasian couples who delivered at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Stanford, California, from 2000 to 2005.

Compared to Caucasian couples, Asian-Caucasian couples were 2.4- and 2.6-times more likely to be affected by gestational diabetes, depending on whether the mother was Caucasian or Asian, Dr. Michael J. Nystrom, from Stanford University Medical Center, and colleagues found.

The risk in Asian couples, however, was even higher at 4.7-times higher than in Caucasian couple,

The results also indicate that Caucasian couples had larger babies than the other groups. The average birthweight in Caucasian couples was 3400 grams, compared with the next highest weight, 3360 grams, which was seen in Asian-mother/Caucasian-father couples.

Compared with Asian couples, Asian-mother/Caucasian-father couples were the only ones to have an increased rate of cesarean delivery.

"Further research into interracial couples may she light onto the effects of genetics vs environment on perinatal outcomes," the team concludes.

SOUIRCE: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, October 2008.

Compared to Caucasian couples, Asian-Caucasian couples were 2.4- and 2.6-times more likely to be affected by gestational diabetes, depending on whether the mother was Caucasian or Asian, Dr. Michael J. Nystrom, from Stanford University Medical Center, and colleagues found.

The risk in Asian couples, however, was even higher at 4.7-times higher than in Caucasian couple,


Wouldn't the research seem to indicate that having a Caucasian partner bring's an Asian woman's risks down from 4.7 to 2.4?


I guess Mr Coal has an axe to grind about us diluting the Asian Gene Pool ?

Without opening a hornet's nest (oops too late), I wonder what the health benefits are for Asian / Cauc children over the long term versus Asian / Asian.

Do mixed children live longer on average, have better education, healthcare etc than none mixed?

I guess Mr Coal has an axe to grind about us diluting the Asian Gene Pool ?

Without opening a hornet's nest (oops too late), I wonder what the health benefits are for Asian / Cauc children over the long term versus Asian / Asian.

Do mixed children live longer on average, have better education, healthcare etc than none mixed?

This has nothing to do with genetics....more to do with the amount of money you have...= Asian/Cauc children = more money around than Asian/Asian.....so a flawed question to start with...

I guess Mr Coal has an axe to grind about us diluting the Asian Gene Pool ?

Without opening a hornet's nest (oops too late), I wonder what the health benefits are for Asian / Cauc children over the long term versus Asian / Asian.

Do mixed children live longer on average, have better education, healthcare etc than none mixed?

This has nothing to do with genetics....more to do with the amount of money you have...= Asian/Cauc children = more money around than Asian/Asian.....so a flawed question to start with...

Is this a flawed question? the one in bold that you conveniently didn't choose to comment on?

I only ask because OP refers to a potential risk of mixing private parts, I just wonder if there are any potential genetic benefits? Perhaps you can enlighten us o wise one?


Commenting as a geneticist by background but not having done any specific research into this issue, generally speaking a child of mixed race is LIKELY to have a stronger genetic make-up than a child of a single race - due to greater genetic variation.

It's not a definite - there will always be exceptions and it's case by case depending on the genetic make up of the parents.

Commenting as a geneticist by background but not having done any specific research into this issue, generally speaking a child of mixed race is LIKELY to have a stronger genetic make-up than a child of a single race - due to greater genetic variation.

It's not a definite - there will always be exceptions and it's case by case depending on the genetic make up of the parents.

I have never read any results of research on the subject, but intuition tells me this is probably true. Mix-breed dogs tend to be healthier than purebreds, so why wouldn't this hold true for humans?


I would never screw a purebred or mix breed dog - but i'm sure there's some people on this forum that would try :o

This has nothing to do with genetics....more to do with the amount of money you have...= Asian/Cauc children = more money around than Asian/Asian.....so a flawed question to start with...

Given that the study was done at the hospital in Stanford, CA, this assumption is most likely incorrect.

Birth risks differ for Asian-Caucasian couples


Compared with Asian couples, Asian-mother/Caucasian-father couples were the only ones to have an increased rate of cesarean delivery.


This makes intuitive sense. As a whole, Caucasions are larger than Asians (and Caucasions babies have a higher birth weight), and many, many Caucasion/Asian couples have the man much larger than the woman. That being the case, with a large disparity in size, a cesarean is a more likely outcome for a birth where the two parents are closer to the same size or where the woman is larger than the man.


When my wife first became pregnant, the Dr. told her that there was a high chance that she would need a cesarean on the grounds that I am a 'large' Caucasion. I am not a particularly big bloke, tall but not big yet my wife is very petite.

The Dr. was right, a cesarean was needed.


There are two reasons (that I can think of) that are beneficial to having a C-sect (cesarean)... one the baby is delivered on schedule (a must for those who are busy with work, etc), and two the mother's p*ssy remains tight. Ok, the last is my opinion... not medical.

The negative reason for having a C-sect is that the mother can bleed to death... but I think that modern medicine has compensated for that issue.

Expecting mother's that wish to enjoy the "pain" of giving birth are magnanimous, but IMO silly. Why would you put yourself through that much torture? My TW has had two C-sects, and even though recovery is painful (but resolved with pain-killers), at least she did not have to endure it the full brunt of the pain.


An informative poll done at many of Bangkok's finer establishments reveals that a large portion of the female working population who have had babies, have had the old C section.

Upon further study, it was all revealed that the fathers of these children were of an Asian background.

Guessing but it appears that the issue perhaps lay with the relative petitness of the females in question, and not whether or not the fathers were local or imported.

Perhaps Stanford should spend some time on the ground here and conduct further studies.


Perhaps Stanford should spend some time on the ground here and conduct further studies.

Maybe that is what they are hoping for... that the scientific community will ridicule this study. In turn, Stanford will choose to send those that conducted the study to SE Asia to further their research... into the design/complexity of the women's vagina. :o

When my wife first became pregnant, the Dr. told her that there was a high chance that she would need a cesarean on the grounds that I am a 'large' Caucasion. I am not a particularly big bloke, tall but not big yet my wife is very petite.

The Dr. was right, a cesarean was needed.

The % of cesareans are very high here, I think it could be 50%. I think a lot of it is for hospitals to make money and their convenience.

Many Thai women with Thai husbands are also told cesareans are necessary for various reason.

However I'm not saying in your case it wasn't necessary.

When my wife first became pregnant, the Dr. told her that there was a high chance that she would need a cesarean on the grounds that I am a 'large' Caucasion. I am not a particularly big bloke, tall but not big yet my wife is very petite.

The Dr. was right, a cesarean was needed.

The % of cesareans are very high here, I think it could be 50%. I think a lot of it is for hospitals to make money and their convenience.

Many Thai women with Thai husbands are also told cesareans are necessary for various reason.

However I'm not saying in your case it wasn't necessary.


(Normally, you can tell the people who were cesarean born, as they tend to exit a room through the window instead of the door. :o )


As for the C-sections, it seems to be a preferred method of delivery for hospital births in the Western world but more so in Thailand. More of convenience than anything else, of course the argument could be made that it is done here for profit. With my wife there will be no choice. Triplets, plus I am 6'2" American of German decent, with a 4'11" Filipina wife, not to mention that I was 9lbs 10oz when I was born, will make it a medical necessity not a choice of vanity or convenience.

... With my wife there will be no choice. Triplets, plus I am 6'2" American of German decent, with a 4'11" Filipina wife, not to mention that I was 9lbs 10oz when I was born, will make it a medical necessity not a choice of vanity or convenience.

:o The poor dear. Can she still walk? :D

Best of luck with the triplets!


I was gestational Diabetic, 12lbs at birth, Black father/white mom. My wife is like "Give me a big fat Mandingo baby!" I wonder if she will still be saying that in month 9 LOL!

I guess Mr Coal has an axe to grind about us diluting the Asian Gene Pool ?

Without opening a hornet's nest (oops too late), I wonder what the health benefits are for Asian / Cauc children over the long term versus Asian / Asian.

Do mixed children live longer on average, have better education, healthcare etc than none mixed?

I`m no medical expert but would guess that children of mixed race are metabolistically stronger than those that are from one ethnic group.

This has been proven with dogs for example, mongrels are more hardy than pure breeds.

Another example is those who prefer to keep to their own class or race such as royalty and Jewish people. These groups do have certain weaknesses, usually smaller and more prone to hereditary diseases. That is why the nazis idea of a super race is flawed.

I believe it is a good thing to blend the races, which creates healthier, hardier individuals.

... With my wife there will be no choice. Triplets, plus I am 6'2" American of German decent, with a 4'11" Filipina wife, not to mention that I was 9lbs 10oz when I was born, will make it a medical necessity not a choice of vanity or convenience.

:o The poor dear. Can she still walk? :D

Best of luck with the triplets!

To be honest she looks like shes 7 months plus at 18 weeks, and isn't getting around too well. When we found out it was disbelief, and now it is joy mixed with trepidation. I was a bigun. I can't imagine 3 babies my size. Hopefully they will get more of the Asian side. Thank goodness all is well.

... With my wife there will be no choice. Triplets, plus I am 6'2" American of German decent, with a 4'11" Filipina wife, not to mention that I was 9lbs 10oz when I was born, will make it a medical necessity not a choice of vanity or convenience.

:o The poor dear. Can she still walk? :D

Best of luck with the triplets!

To be honest she looks like shes 7 months plus at 18 weeks, and isn't getting around too well. When we found out it was disbelief, and now it is joy mixed with trepidation. I was a bigun. I can't imagine 3 babies my size. Hopefully they will get more of the Asian side. Thank goodness all is well.

All i can add to this is , keep her as active as possible up until the birth(s) , it is a proven fact , the more active the mother , the easier the birth .

A modicum of relativity , i read an article a long time ago that stated ' Italian field workers give birth to the child , pass it on to a caregiver and continue picking the crops' , must be some credance to the keep active theory .

My own small wife bore 4 children for us and we worked to this theory, FACT , i suffered with the morning sickness , took her medication for labour pains and she always laughed about it , i even woke her up to tell her the ambulance was on the way m, our doctor said it was 'Symptomatic' child birth .

Yeah yeah , have a laugh on me , i have broad shoulders .

... With my wife there will be no choice. Triplets, plus I am 6'2" American of German decent, with a 4'11" Filipina wife, not to mention that I was 9lbs 10oz when I was born, will make it a medical necessity not a choice of vanity or convenience.

:o The poor dear. Can she still walk? :D

Best of luck with the triplets!

To be honest she looks like shes 7 months plus at 18 weeks, and isn't getting around too well. When we found out it was disbelief, and now it is joy mixed with trepidation. I was a bigun. I can't imagine 3 babies my size. Hopefully they will get more of the Asian side. Thank goodness all is well.

All i can add to this is , keep her as active as possible up until the birth(s) , it is a proven fact , the more active the mother , the easier the birth .

A modicum of relativity , i read an article a long time ago that stated ' Italian field workers give birth to the child , pass it on to a caregiver and continue picking the crops' , must be some credance to the keep active theory .

My own wife bore 4 children for us and we worked to this theory, FACT , i suffered with the morning sickness , took her medication for labour pains and she always laughed about it , i even woke her up to tell her the ambulance was on the way m, our doctor said it was 'Symptomatic' child birth .

Yeah yeah , have a laugh on me , i have broad shoulders .

My wife at that time is not Asian , 4 chidren, 10 grandchidren and 3 great grandchidren

only 1 ' Belly cut' , clarify things /


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