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Thailand To Build A Firewall To Block 'offensive' Websites

sriracha john

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Thailand firewall to block 'offensive' websites

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plans to spend about 100 million to 500 million baht to build a gateway to block websites with contents defaming the royal institution. ICT Minister Mun Patanotai said exactly 86% of those websites are from foreign countries. He said his Ministry will give more attention to websites violating lese majeste laws than pornographic, obscene, and terrorist websites. According to the minister, thousands of the websites have been found to have information offending the monarchy, but they could not be revealed because Internet users would visit them once they are known. The minister added the more such websites are suppressed, the more they grow, but police will continue to penalise the offenders nonetheless. Prime Minister and Defence Minister Somchai Wongsawat had discussed this with the intelligence units, the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) and the Communications Authority of

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ICT to hold meeting Wed to deal with lese majeste websites

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is preparing to hold a meeting on Wednesday (October 29) on measures to deal with websites criticizing the monarchy.

ICT Minister Man Pattanotai stated today (October 28) that he reported on websites criticizing the royal institution to the Cabinet. But he was asked to not yet publicly announce the addresses as it may only serve to promote the sites.

The ministry would meet on Wednesday with relevant agencies to decipher remedies to such websites, he said.

The ministry was considering purchasing web-blocking equipment worth 100-500 Million Baht.

It was also working with police to take legal action against transgressors.

- ThaiNews / 2008-10-28

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So people trying to paint PAD as fascists, well...the [moral] fascists are already in power.

And nice to see that they highlight a crime no-one can say 'no' to, to hide their agenda.

Much like they use child porn to excuse any filtering added in Europe (and already stepped away from only going after).

Edited by TAWP
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Thailand firewall to block 'offensive' websites

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plans to spend about 100 million to 500 million baht to build a gateway to block websites with contents defaming the royal institution.......

......exactly 86% of those websites are from foreign countries.

He said his Ministry will give more attention to websites violating lese majeste laws than pornographic, obscene, and terrorist websites. ........

The minister added the more such websites are suppressed, the more they grow, .........

Prime Minister and Defence Minister Somchai Wongsawat had discussed this with the intelligence units,

the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) and the Communications Authority.........


So lets seen as Somchai not wants to be seen defending the monarchy...

As an excuse to control thoughts and access to information.

He thinks this is MUCH more important than :

Spending 500k baht on something to help the poor of Issan.

Fighting terrorist communication and recruiting directly.

Even as they fight these sites they find there are more than ever;

in other words a losing battle they are not winning,

so throw more money at it to look good.

And as noted above it will slow down an already slow internet access even more.

Wouldn't think of throwing 500k baht at FIXING the internet and making it work properly here.

How much for industry kickbacks? How much for companies Thaksin has a share in?

They KNOW EXACTLY 86% are over seas.... exactly HOW do they know 86%?

How do they know they have seen them all?


they will be trying the old thought control of the ignorant masses ploy again.

If they can't get alternate thoughts and information, they can't change their voting patterns...

When will these silly buggers ever learn?

Edited by animatic
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They KNOW EXACTLY 86% are over seas.... exactly HOW do they know 86%?

Either from Somchia's fortune teller from up north or some mysterious figure that appeared in his dream last night :o

Chonsawat Asavahame, the newly appointed Secretary-General to Deputy Premier and Information and Communications Technology Minister Mun Patanotai, said yesterday that his fugitive father Vatana had advised him to do his best in the job.

Or maybe asking Vatana, Chonsawat's father who is hiding overseas

where all `Thailand troubles seem to come from.

None of it EVER comes from INSIDE Thailand...

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They KNOW EXACTLY 86% are over seas.... exactly HOW do they know 86%?

Either from Somchia's fortune teller from up north or some mysterious figure that appeared in his dream last night :o

Chonsawat Asavahame, the newly appointed Secretary-General to Deputy Premier and Information and Communications Technology Minister Mun Patanotai, said yesterday that his fugitive father Vatana had advised him to do his best in the job.

Or maybe asking Vatana, Chonsawat's father who is hiding overseas

where all `Thailand troubles seem to come from.

None of it EVER comes from INSIDE Thailand...

Chonsawat's father is actually on an international arrest warrant (hiding in one of his cambodian casinos) and the son is just appointed secgen to a deputy premier ....... when r they going to end this nonsense !

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None of it EVER comes from INSIDE Thailand...

From their reckoning, 14% of it does.

Seems they forgot what the remainder actually means...

But no they can now blame THAT on Thaksin! :o

It could be a play to endear themselves, but will in all probability end up being a complete failure and will simply end up blocking the few political academic discussion boards that exist as commentary to the idiotic situation going on in Thailand right now.

I did like the fact that at the moment it will cost anything between 100mn and 500mn. Being as the international line is in CAT's hands and theirs alone it shouldn't be that hard to create. The cost of programming per hour in Bangkok must be pretty steep these days. Couldn't they just ask the Chinese or Burmese for a version of their firewall? Unless of course there is a kickback of anything ranging from 75mn to 475mn involved.

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So people trying to paint PAD as fascists, well...the [moral] fascists are already in power.

And nice to see that they highlight a crime no-one can say 'no' to, to hide their agenda.

Much like they use child porn to excuse any filtering added in Europe (and already stepped away from only going after).

I must have missed that or has a post been deleted ? :o

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the sad thing is, it's not just Thailand...

Senator Conroy is trying to introduce mandatory ISP level content

filters for all Australian internet users. This will cost at least 40

million dollars to implement initially with large ongoing costs and:

(1) Have almost zero effect on the access to illegal or

inappropriate material by anyone that wants to get it as it doesn't

block peer-2-peer traffic or any number of encrypted workarounds

(2) Lull parents into a false sense of security and assist them to

abrogate their responsibility to properly educate and supervise their

children's activities online - a head in the sand approach to dealing

with life's challenges rarely works.

(3) Cost the taxpayer an initial 40 million+ with more to come -

money that could be directed to assisting social services agencies to

pursue the hundreds of real reports of abuse they are not currently able

to keep up with due to underfunding in every state and territory & run

well considered education programmes in the community.

(4) Remove between 2 and 13 percent of legitimate content

(5) Slow your internet connection between 2 and 86 percent

(6) Allow the government to silently block all sorts of content in

the future they may deem inappropriate, this is the start of a slippery

slope into government censorship of all sorts of things.

(7) Isn't needed as anyone who wants a filter can get one for free

from the government's 180 million spend on netalert free for all

Australians anyway.

An article of interest is below. If you feel strongly about this issue I

recommend you go to http://nocleanfeed.com/ and contact Senator Conroy's

office to let him know how you feel. Please pass this on to whoever you


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Thailand firewall to block 'offensive' websites

ICT Minister Mun Patanotai said exactly 86% of those websites are from foreign countries

so then 14% comes from within, wonder who the miscreants are. Doubt they' d be Thais more likely be, geriatric PAD aficionado farang, who live in fear should Taks come back to void their visa once for all

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Thailand firewall to block 'offensive' websites

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plans to spend about 100 million to 500 million baht to build a gateway to block websites with contents defaming the royal institution.......

......exactly 86% of those websites are from foreign countries.

He said his Ministry will give more attention to websites violating lese majeste laws than pornographic, obscene, and terrorist websites. ........

The minister added the more such websites are suppressed, the more they grow, .........

Prime Minister and Defence Minister Somchai Wongsawat had discussed this with the intelligence units,

the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) and the Communications Authority.........


So lets seen as Somchai not wants to be seen defending the monarchy...

As an excuse to control thoughts and access to information.

He thinks this is MUCH more important than :

Spending 500k baht on something to help the poor of Issan.

Fighting terrorist communication and recruiting directly.

Even as they fight these sites they find there are more than ever;

in other words a losing battle they are not winning,

so throw more money at it to look good.

And as noted above it will slow down an already slow internet access even more.

Wouldn't think of throwing 500k baht at FIXING the internet and making it work properly here.

How much for industry kickbacks? How much for companies Thaksin has a share in?

They KNOW EXACTLY 86% are over seas.... exactly HOW do they know 86%?

How do they know they have seen them all?


they will be trying the old thought control of the ignorant masses ploy again.

If they can't get alternate thoughts and information, they can't change their voting patterns...

When will these silly buggers ever learn?

Why would they do that, it might be construed as using common sense, something that is in extreme short supply here. :o

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And why is internetporn such a bad thing? Rather having criminals home jerking off, than out on the streets letting their anger lose?

Why bother censoring porn when anyone can just wander down to their local redlight / house of ill repute and see it live?

Senator Conroy is trying to introduce mandatory ISP level content

filters for all Australian internet users. This will cost at least 40

million dollars to implement initially with large ongoing costs and:

I have met some of the Oz "internet police" and they said (and I quote) "Good luck!" :-)

Basically some political peanuts think it helps project an image of Integrity and Moral Fibre that appeals to certain segments of voters but it is futile. If you are serious about censoring the internet - turn it off!

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Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plans to spend about 100 million to 500 million baht to build a gateway to block websites with contents defaming the royal institution.

Up to 500M baht for more censorship???

What is wrong these people?

How many schools can be built that money?

Do any of these fools with more power than brains have any concept of priorities?

ICT Minister Mun Patanotai said exactly 86% of those websites are from foreign countries.

"Exactly" 86%

Wow...sounds like he must REALLY know what he's talking about :o

He is after all the Information Minister, right?

Probably not unlike another Information Minister we've all heard of...


Edited by ChefHeat
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None of it EVER comes from INSIDE Thailand...

From their reckoning, 14% of it does.

Seems they forgot what the remainder actually means...

But no they can now blame THAT on Thaksin! :o

I still dont see any connection with this topic and Thaksin. I thought all you PAD faithful would be happy with protecting the institution. I dont see what all the fuss is about it since it is against the law in Thailand. Also the the army are cracking down. Put your reading goggles on and read about the topic a little more.

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According to the minister, thousands of the websites have been found to have information offending the monarchy, but they could not be revealed because Internet users would visit them once they are known.

This remark borders on the offending as well, as it implicitly states that Thai internet users are interested in reading such websites. I onder why he would believe such to be true.

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That money would be spent better on inproving the network infrastructure and external cables. Bad excuse to use His Majesty on this... I wonder what he would say, if they even asked him? I did not know, that there were so many websites out there, "Hating" the King of Thailand? And why is internetporn such a bad thing? Rather having criminals home jerking off, than out on the streets letting their anger lose?

I really hope that their plan will fail... And - Have they never heard of proxies? Internet censurship never works as long as their are smarter people working against it (and there always is). Money wasted, and a sad step in the wrong direction.... Thailand, oh Thailand, you are so off track :o

The money would be spent better on whiskey and ho's. And it will be.

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People seem to forget how much Thaksin's cronies tried to shut people up.

They're back in business again.

Never forgot that for a moment!

It's why I have been so against PPP,

even if that means appearing to support PAD implicitly.

The alternative to giving up has ALREADY proved to much to bare.

Let the watchdog keep barking when the thieves stir.

This is just another installment of WHY!

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