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I have complaned at Don's but to no avail so I thought I would post this as a matter of public safety, I don't mean to upset a sponsor or anything.

The standard of the supermarket is awful, the steak is still good but trying to get meat you ordered 4 days before and you get the smile and no have.

Worse by far is the farang bits like apple sauce, mint etc. etc. Not at all cheap but it is all 3- 6 months out of date. My boss has pointed this out and it was taken off the shelf only to come back two days later.

I can go elsewhere for stuff but being sold something for top dollar when it 6 months out of date is a bit much.

If it was a one or two off then ok but this seems to be regular

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valid complaints are welcome folks, but please dont let this turn into a slanderous nasty piece, as has previously happened.

don, if you are around, the OP is a very respectable individual who would not post on here if it was not warranted.

mods are watching this thread folks, so please stick to facts only.


1. We have recently discovered wholesale theft in our supermarket with colussion between supliers and employees. Some of this relates to outdated products which will be removed from the shelves. Currently we are restocking with new trustwortyl suppliers. This is why there is a shortage. This will take a little time. If there is something special that you would like to have please let me know.

2. The quality of our beef remains as high as you can find in Thailand. New management in the butcher shop should result in a full stock of beef. This will take a little time. We also have new management in our bakery and hope to improve by getting the old products back on the shelves.

3. It appears that the international arrival of tourist now is down about 60-70-%. This is also confirmed by some of the international fast food houses. The 5 star hotels seem to be doing reasonable.

4. We have to work harder and do better to get our situation back up to our standard. Our staff has been trimmed in line with tourism.

Thanks for your comments and constructive thoughts.


I have complaned at Don's but to no avail so I thought I would post this as a matter of public safety, I don't mean to upset a sponsor or anything.

For many of us in business here in Phuket 2008 has been a real struggle. 2007 was a banner year, some of my customers say it was the best year since the 04 Tsunami.

In 2008 we had Easter holiday happen in March, too close to the New Year's holiday for many to take an "Easter Week". Then we had the tail end of huricane Nargis explode on us in early May, bringing a close to high season a month earlier than 2007. Worlwide economics, violence in BKK, the PAD closing Phuket airport, all these things have added up to tough times this year for merchants.

To answer the OP, right now all of us in business where we depend on tourists have had to tighten our belts, scrutinize our inventory and be really careful not to be carrying products that don't move. I believe Don is going through this now.

Please give the man a chance, understand the situation and I'm sure by December you will see many good products back in Don's minimart.


Hi stuandchris,

Thought the topic title was a bit harsh guys,saying it's crap, :D have been to Don's many times,and never had anything but good Beef and Grocery products.

As the Mods says give the man a chance too tell his side,before you kick him in the butt.

He has replied,so maybe an apology is in order from you guys now he has explained himself. :o

He has replied,so maybe an apology is in order from you guys now he has explained himself.
Why? The points from the op are valid and seem to be confirmed by Don.

I don't mean to sound fickle - but how come I could not buy a 1-2-Call phonecard at Don's supermarket these past few months? Everytime I tried, the staff said NO HAB!

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that Don has free wireless internet and I frequented his place for many meals doing business each week... but comes a time when you need to buy fresh phone cred.

So off down the road I trekked to a mom and pop shop to top up my 1-2- Call.... No Hab at Don's! How come Don? You are losing business Don ....


Those are 2 heavy duty posts from DonB and Huggy. The truth hurts and it should be a reminder to those that get seduced by the big smiles etc. Business 101 comes to TV. Don's post should be read by anyone just getting into business here. I like my luxuries here and know that it's darn difficult to bring in products for a minority like me, economies of scale and all. On top of that you have to deal with the fine labour pool.


mmmm Looks my post was deleted.

Maybe a little bit to negative for somebody else.

I thought that personal experiences where allowed here.

Those are 2 heavy duty posts from DonB and Huggy. The truth hurts and it should be a reminder to those that get seduced by the big smiles etc. Business 101 comes to TV. Don's post should be read by anyone just getting into business here. I like my luxuries here and know that it's darn difficult to bring in products for a minority like me, economies of scale and all. On top of that you have to deal with the fine labour pool.

A very good point. Even the most superficial research will reveal the considerable risks in conducting business in LOS. Aside from the considerable impact of coasting through a low season only to be confronted by a lean high season, there are all the other risks ('official', natural and cultural) that are often not fully considered in any business case/risk assessment. Although I don't have any idea of the actual figures, there is ample anecdotal evidence to suggest that a high proportion of farang-managed businesses fail in LOS.

So I can sympathise with Don's dilemma. However, by way of example, you will pay a lot more for Eveready batteries than you will for Acme batteries, because there is a significant investment of reputation in the quality of the product (a "distinctive competency") which actually has a dollar value. If Eveready batteries began to attract a reputation for early leakage, that reputation would be lost and the profit margin would need to be reduced - at least until the reputation of the product started to improve. So, while it may be seen that Don has had a battery leakage, one way he could try to tackle it (apart from the measures he is already taking) would be to rduce his margin, painful though it may be. I must admit to having been surprised at the mark up of some of his products where they are available at other suppliers, such as Carrefour. In some cases, the markup was astonishing. But price is not everything - marketing/'packaging' of his service and goods provision - is equally significant.

I wish Don well. Those who cheated/stole from him were obviously not cognisant of the impacts over time; and those very acts have ruined businesses in the past. For mine, I would never, ever contemplate in engaging in any form of business in LOS. Good luck to those who do.


I too wish Don and anyone that does business here well but then again, it is the persons choice whether to operate here on not.

I would however say that 'times are hard' is a poor excuse for selling stock 6 months out of date, especially as it was pointed out to the staff the week previously.

The 5 star hotels seem to be doing reasonable.

5 star hotels? Maybe not so. Someone told me a couple of days ago that a certain 5 star resort, not so very far from you, only has 40 percent bookings for December (usually 100 percent full). Times are tough out there.

PS Keep doing the homemade chicken n basil sausages, Don. They are fab !!


Theres' a new farang food importer just opened up opposite TescoLotus called Farang Food Paradise may have a few new goodies for us. Not checked it out yet.

Theres' a new farang food importer just opened up opposite TescoLotus called Farang Food Paradise may have a few new goodies for us. Not checked it out yet.

Not a new importer, just a new store. Farang Food has been around for awhile.


That the same one on the Kathu to Patong bit near the police hut..

If so I have stopped multiple times and its always been shut.. I assumed it was out of biz..

"there is ample anecdotal evidence to suggest that a high proportion of farang-managed businesses fail in LOS."

Good grief….. :D

"I would never, ever contemplate in engaging in any form of business in LOS."

Agree totally. :o

1. We have recently discovered wholesale theft in our supermarket with colussion between supliers and employees. Some of this relates to outdated products which will be removed from the shelves. Currently we are restocking with new trustwortyl suppliers. This is why there is a shortage. This will take a little time. If there is something special that you would like to have please let me know.

2. The quality of our beef remains as high as you can find in Thailand. New management in the butcher shop should result in a full stock of beef. This will take a little time. We also have new management in our bakery and hope to improve by getting the old products back on the shelves.

3. It appears that the international arrival of tourist now is down about 60-70-%. This is also confirmed by some of the international fast food houses. The 5 star hotels seem to be doing reasonable.

4. We have to work harder and do better to get our situation back up to our standard. Our staff has been trimmed in line with tourism.

Thanks for your comments and constructive thoughts.

Don gets 10/10 for customer service. Addressing the issues, and not ignoring them. If only a few Thai business could adopt the same.

Well Done Don's ....

Those are 2 heavy duty posts from DonB and Huggy. The truth hurts and it should be a reminder to those that get seduced by the big smiles etc. Business 101 comes to TV. Don's post should be read by anyone just getting into business here. I like my luxuries here and know that it's darn difficult to bring in products for a minority like me, economies of scale and all. On top of that you have to deal with the fine labour pool.

A very good point. Even the most superficial research will reveal the considerable risks in conducting business in LOS. Aside from the considerable impact of coasting through a low season only to be confronted by a lean high season, there are all the other risks ('official', natural and cultural) that are often not fully considered in any business case/risk assessment. Although I don't have any idea of the actual figures, there is ample anecdotal evidence to suggest that a high proportion of farang-managed businesses fail in LOS.

So I can sympathise with Don's dilemma. However, by way of example, you will pay a lot more for Eveready batteries than you will for Acme batteries, because there is a significant investment of reputation in the quality of the product (a "distinctive competency") which actually has a dollar value. If Eveready batteries began to attract a reputation for early leakage, that reputation would be lost and the profit margin would need to be reduced - at least until the reputation of the product started to improve. So, while it may be seen that Don has had a battery leakage, one way he could try to tackle it (apart from the measures he is already taking) would be to rduce his margin, painful though it may be. I must admit to having been surprised at the mark up of some of his products where they are available at other suppliers, such as Carrefour. In some cases, the markup was astonishing. But price is not everything - marketing/'packaging' of his service and goods provision - is equally significant.

I wish Don well. Those who cheated/stole from him were obviously not cognisant of the impacts over time; and those very acts have ruined businesses in the past. For mine, I would never, ever contemplate in engaging in any form of business in LOS. Good luck to those who do.

What are you blithering on about Eveready batteries and Acme batteries? The facts are that Don's supermarket sold some stuff you couldn't buy unless you were willing to schlep up to Central, and with an at least 30% markup on each and every item. I mean, who the hel_l's going to pay 125 baht (around two quid) for a tin of baked beans? The cans of coke, bottles of local beer, items easily found in many other local shops, are ridiculously overpriced also. So then along came Homepro. Which has affected a lot of businesses in the Rawai area.

I like Don. I've been here a long time and I find him friendly, a real Meine Host. However. His supermarket price gouges. And, a word to the wise Don, your bakery truly sucks and everyone I know says the same. The bread looks good, it smells good, BUT, it tastes like pap, to wit, it is truly inedible. My theory is your doctor has proscribed salt in your diet? Not everyone has a health problem, usually heart, which proscribes salt. Get your staff to make a loaf or two especially for you. And price your items more realistically. For all the well meaning comments - it's business.

Oh and by the way - nothing to do with Don's staff. I believe he has some of the best on the island.


I have stoppped selling phone cards because this is a source of major theft by staff. When they inventory they show the cards are there but not. Recently we did a complete inventory and now I am building up the stock. I am doing my best to specialize in goods for expats and let Thai items be sold as they may. Previous technique of stealing came from having the pass word to cancel sales in the minimart. Now only a sale can be cancelled by the manager in the office. They did this mostly on big ticket items such as wine and liquor. You may ask why I don't change the staff, well I have changed the manager 4 times this year and personnel in the market 6 times. All left for obvious reasons. BEWARE THAT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO YOU. It also happens in Bangkok, Samui and Chiang Rai. People have changed a lot. The magnitude of these problems has increased 2 fold in the past 2 years. If you can't be there to guard the business all the time don't do it.

We use no salt in our bread so I am not sure where this comes from. We are the sole supplier of bread to Molly Malone, Scruffie, and Andaman White Beach Resort they seem to be satisfied and I have never heard a customer complain about the bread. However, I will check again as I am never sure what people are doing when you are not watching.

The black Russian bread is a big seller. Note that we only use whole wheat dark bread in the restaurant. Give us another chance, we can do better.

We use no salt in our bread so I am not sure where this comes from.

pro·scribe (pr-skrb)

tr.v. pro·scribed, pro·scrib·ing, pro·scribes

1. To denounce or condemn.

2. To prohibit; forbid.

That is what jitagon is complaining about. He thinks that your bread needs salt.

I have stoppped selling phone cards because this is a source of major theft by staff. When they inventory they show the cards are there but not. Recently we did a complete inventory and now I am building up the stock. I am doing my best to specialize in goods for expats and let Thai items be sold as they may. Previous technique of stealing came from having the pass word to cancel sales in the minimart. Now only a sale can be cancelled by the manager in the office. They did this mostly on big ticket items such as wine and liquor. You may ask why I don't change the staff, well I have changed the manager 4 times this year and personnel in the market 6 times. All left for obvious reasons. BEWARE THAT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO YOU. It also happens in Bangkok, Samui and Chiang Rai. People have changed a lot. The magnitude of these problems has increased 2 fold in the past 2 years. If you can't be there to guard the business all the time don't do it.

We use no salt in our bread so I am not sure where this comes from. We are the sole supplier of bread to Molly Malone, Scruffie, and Andaman White Beach Resort they seem to be satisfied and I have never heard a customer complain about the bread. However, I will check again as I am never sure what people are doing when you are not watching.

The black Russian bread is a big seller. Note that we only use whole wheat dark bread in the restaurant. Give us another chance, we can do better.

There's been a misunderstanding. Everyone I've spoken to has said your bread has no flavour. I pointed out that I thought it because there was no salt in it, you've just confirmed that fact. The only bread I've found edible is your dark Russian bread. I'm asuming that's because all the rye and fruit makes up for the lack of salt. Please add salt. Or everyone will still keep bypassing your bakery to go to Brunos or Flinstones. And that'd be a shame as you're just down the road from me :o


Just to say after the moan I made about out of date stuff at Don's I can say Don was as good as his word.

All the old produce has left the shelves and fresh stuff put on.

Thanks Don.

Jitagon, since when does have bread have flavour? :o I always thought its what you put on the bread that gives it flavour!?

.....and there speaks a true expert...dont know why he wanted to post his comment when he obviously knows sod all about the subject. Salt is a very nessesary ingredient in bread making,it assists the yeast to rise and enhances the flavour of the flour.No salt will produce a bread that is probably 'proved' with chemical rising agents and gives a very light texture.A good loaf of bread is a meal unto itsself,,,a slab of salted butter and a hunk of 'Mainland" vintage cheese.........

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