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Yet Another Tourist Stabbed


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NOTE: There are a fair amount of mentally unstable Thais about town, be careful.


Drunken Man Stabs Tourist

Police were called out on the morning of the 11th November to investigate a stabbing incident.

There at the market in Soi Buahkao, South Pattaya, they found 24 year old Sutha Saenwat being held for stabbing a tourist.

He was in a drunken state and witnesses stated that he had stabbed a foreigner in the arm with a long kitchen knife. The

tourist had been rushed to the hospital before the police arrived. Saenwat claimed that the foreigner approached him and

assaulted him, which made him angry so he grabbed the knife and chased after the man and struck him on the arm. He was

taken to the police station and an investigation will take place when the tourist is interviewed about the incident.

SOURCE: News story w/photos on link below.



Edited by cali4995
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I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

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I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

I see that in your 3 years here you have been conditioned to tow the line - "ya let's cover ever thing up so as not to hurt business and the image of Pattaya"

The other stuff is bullocks as well. Why are defending someone who tried to murder someone? Take your blinders off and read the Pattaya news clipping section EVERYDAY to get a better / broader view of all the things going on in your little friendly resort town.

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I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

I see that in your 3 years here you have been conditioned to tow the line - "ya let's cover ever thing up so as not to hurt business and the image of Pattaya"

The other stuff is bullocks as well. Why are defending someone who tried to murder someone? Take your blinders off and read the Pattaya news clipping section EVERYDAY to get a better / broader view of all the things going on in your little friendly resort town.

And living in BK reading the 'news' clippings gives you a broader view than someone who lives here, goes out on the town regularly, knows a large %age of the local expats, as well as some very well connected Thais.

Why does this never happen to anybody that I know, or anyone that they know? That's alot of people not getting into grief.

As I said in my earlier post, I am no way a Thai apologiser, but these stories are generally sensationalised by our beloved NC, to get a few more hits on his crappy website.

But an expert like you, reading the Pattaya news clippings EVERYDAY would know more about it than me. My humblist apologies sir, I bow to your wisdom.

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I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

I see that in your 3 years here you have been conditioned to tow the line - "ya let's cover ever thing up so as not to hurt business and the image of Pattaya"

The other stuff is bullocks as well. Why are defending someone who tried to murder someone? Take your blinders off and read the Pattaya news clipping section EVERYDAY to get a better / broader view of all the things going on in your little friendly resort town.

And living in BK reading the 'news' clippings gives you a broader view than someone who lives here, goes out on the town regularly, knows a large %age of the local expats, as well as some very well connected Thais.

Why does this never happen to anybody that I know, or anyone that they know? That's alot of people not getting into grief.

As I said in my earlier post, I am no way a Thai apologiser, but these stories are generally sensationalised by our beloved NC, to get a few more hits on his crappy website.

But an expert like you, reading the Pattaya news clippings EVERYDAY would know more about it than me. My humblist apologies sir, I bow to your wisdom.

Perhaps it isnt the long term expat that has learned the ropes that the reporting crime news would have any affect on, but say the newbie farang tourist that doesn't know the pitfalls and on-the-ground actualities, that publishing news stories reflecting crimes against farangs / tourists, may by some slight chance prevent at least one from become another Pattaya statistic / victim.

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Why does this never happen to anybody that I know, or anyone that they know? That's alot of people not getting into grief.

As I said in my earlier post, I am no way a Thai apologiser.

So as none of youre superior sexpat friends has ever been stabbed for no reason, anyone it happens to must have done something to deserve it.

Edited by soundman
Removed flame. No more please.
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NOTE: There are a fair amount of mentally unstable Thais about town, be careful.


Drunken Man Stabs Tourist

Police were called out on the morning of the 11th November to investigate a stabbing incident.

There at the market in Soi Buahkao, South Pattaya, they found 24 year old Sutha Saenwat being held for stabbing a tourist.

He was in a drunken state and witnesses stated that he had stabbed a foreigner in the arm with a long kitchen knife. The

tourist had been rushed to the hospital before the police arrived. Saenwat claimed that the foreigner approached him and

assaulted him, which made him angry so he grabbed the knife and chased after the man and struck him on the arm. He was

taken to the police station and an investigation will take place when the tourist is interviewed about the incident.

SOURCE: News story w/photos on link below.



I happen to know the victim (foreigner) very well. This is a French gentleman, about 72 yrs. old, extremely quiet and in bad health. He moves(walks) very slowly and his voice can hardly been heard when he talks. By NO means this men is a threat to a 5 yr. old child, let alone to a yaba crazy low life. The man is still under shock after several days and surely has done nothing to deserve some of the ridiculous comments!

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No, it doesn't always happen to people who have somehow antagonized the locals. There's

a few too many of these junkies wandering about, hallucinating about foreigners with some

fantasy offence. Every week here, foreigners show-up unconcious on the side of the road

in the wee hours of the morning, beaten-up by a group of the locals. Not always justified.

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In retrospect I may have been a bit harsh in my earlier comments. Now knowing more about the story it does seem a bit random. I still stick to my belief that random attacks are very rare here, but this does appear to be one of them.

Apologies to the victim and friends, hope he gets well soon.

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QED i was once beaten to within second of my life by someone with a weapon for no other reason then i was walking down the street (in England)

Many operations later i no longer think these things happen to people you never meet, but can happen to anyone fortunately its rare.

Last year walking past 3 Thais drinking out the back of a pickup truck i could have so easily gotten into a fight for no other reason then i was walking past them alone and they were looking for trouble, these were well to do Thais not junkies.

I hope the pr7ck who stabbed him ..........................

Edited by spiderman2
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I'll also agree that violence happens infrequently here in the big picture, but you know when

people are on holiday, generally boozing and enjoying themselves, and you combine this

with the sometimes very testy and quick to anger locals, you get ugly incidents. Here on the

link below is a story of a Finnish man, apparently beaten-up by taxi drivers last week. It does

happen here, get brushed under the rug and the victim all too often blamed as misbehaving. If

they're having a problem, why don't they call the tourist police? This is just wrong.


Edited by cali4995
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. If they're having a problem, why don't they call the tourist police? This is just wrong

If i was a poor Thai i wouldnt call the police as id have probably have been scammed and ripped off by them many times and wouldnt trust them, plus i know ive got free reign to kick crap out of a farang with help from those around and get no comeback whatsoever.

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Random violent crimes are prevalent in Thailand and in Pattaya particularly.

Being drunk and alone marks you as an easy target so be careful as there are plenty of opportunists in Pattaya looking for an easy score.

There are plenty of posters in denial who think that bad things only happen to bad people but tell that too the numerous number of westerners who are murdered,raped,robbed or assaulted in thailand each year.

Thailand is a violent society , most Thais are very congnisant of this fact and take due caution when they go about their daily lives.

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Thailand is a violent society , most Thais are very congnisant of this fact and take due caution when they go about their daily lives.

this is very true. its ashame that most farang cant do the same. even myself unfortunatly.

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I also used to think well, this just happens to people who are being drunk and stupid

but then I began to notice, it happens about every week here? Sometimes I believe it

takes very little provocation and a defenseless farang punching bag at 3am is an

inviting target for some pent-up frustrations with any penalties being remote. Here

below is an exceptionally sad story of a guy still in hospital, comatose, who remains

unidentified after one of these robberies/beatings. Exercise caution is good advice.


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every country has its bad side and Pattaya certainly is not an ultra safe place.however these things were happening in spain from the late 70,s early 80,s regarding stabbings,robbings etc.maybe its still happening but i stopped going because of danger to my wife and son.

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these things happen all the time in every city in the world, they happen so often papers can't even be bothered reporting it as it isn't news just the norm, no idea why it makes the news on websites like this.

you only have to visit any hospital casualty dep in the uk on a friday or sat night around midnight onwards to see dozens of victims who have been stabbed glassed or punched/kicked sensless. most of it doesnt reach the news paper's.

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these things happen all the time in every city in the world, they happen so often papers can't even be bothered reporting it as it isn't news just the norm, no idea why it makes the news on websites like this.

you only have to visit any hospital casualty dep in the uk on a friday or sat night around midnight onwards to see dozens of victims who have been stabbed glassed or punched/kicked sensless. most of it doesnt reach the news paper's.

most stuff dont reach the news pages sure but in this case an O.A.P minding his own business was attacked with a knife in the street for no real reason.......might make the news in a few towns/cities.

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How proud the attackers family must be. Their adulation for the attacker of a frail 72 year old should know no bounds. As for thugs attacking anyone, well they are just thugs and that's how they settle their scores. They don't want the police involved.

If it's news worthy it should be reported in the media. The truth maybe stretched and twisted but as long as most of what is written is accurate the public deserves to know. Maybe one day the people in charge will get of their butts and do something about crime!

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My thoughts are with the victim. I hope he makes a full recovery.

Firstly, I hope the victim recovers soon! Now Pattaya has a bad side to it, lets not forget that. However having spend the last 6 years travelling there I've never had a single problem. I feel safer in Pattaya than i do in London for sure, where I'm surrounded by black gangsters and muslim extremists. Why does everyone like to put Pattaya down, this is fun town and I great place to work, rest & play :@) If you don't like it's image and what it's about..don't go there. Leave it for the millions of tourists who do. Crime is every where in Thailand, it's all over the world..Pattaya is no more dangerous than any other city...

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Here, Here, there's plenty of old guys about, we can spare a few. So what if they get robbed or

beaten-up by taxi drivers or whatever. I mean it's not like it's a tourist destination or anything.

Survival of the fittest I say. Only the young and strong should be allowed to come for holiday. :o

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these things happen all the time in every city in the world, they happen so often papers can't even be bothered reporting it as it isn't news just the norm, no idea why it makes the news on websites like this.

you only have to visit any hospital casualty dep in the uk on a friday or sat night around midnight onwards to see dozens of victims who have been stabbed glassed or punched/kicked sensless. most of it doesnt reach the news paper's.

True, a uk hospital on a weekend is an awful place with violence taking place actually in them, the police are assigned to them now,.and wear bullet/knife proof vests,.what is it coming to, :o
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