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Do Thai People Smoke Marijuana?


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I know its meant to be illegal, but must be a very profitable cash crop to poor farmers as it grows so easily. I heard it is available to buy at some markets....do the Thai police turn a blind eye to natives smoking it in their own homes?

Anyone got any experience of this?

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I know its meant to be illegal, but must be a very profitable cash crop to poor farmers as it grows so easily. I heard it is available to buy at some markets....do the Thai police turn a blind eye to natives smoking it in their own homes?

Anyone got any experience of this?

Seems alot of locals got discouraged when 2000+ people died during the last 'war on drugs'.


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he only Thai guy I saw smoking the weed was a hill tribe guy that was about 12 years ago. I seen more weed in a space of 5 minutes in Australia that I've seen in in my whole time in Thailand. The only other people I seen smoking it were falangs . can't say I'm sorry not to see it here


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I know a few Thais that smoke, but not too many. I have certainly smelt it down Khao San Rd. A few guys I know up north smoke. Lots.

A few I know in the Sth do as well.

But I have seen very few really stoned people.

I think that the ones that DO smoke do it in a conservative manner. Most of the guys I know that do it do it in private, not in front of their guests (unless the guests want some too!). Come to think of it, some friends on Ph Ngan are big smokers. At times their whole guesthouse is full of people smoking.

So, to answer your question. Yes.

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Do Thai People Smoke Marijuana?

Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Is this a serious question...???

I guess for some dumbass backpackers its not a serious question but then they are the ones who end up crying in the clutches of the police looking to make a fast buck out of little Johnny Farang shitting him/her self in a Thai police cell on the end of the phone to Daddy and Mummy pleading for them to pay with their credit cards to get out of jail.....

No it is a serious question....Marijuana production has been happening/is still happening on a large scale in Thailand (you can buy it Amsterdam for god's sake!)...so its interesting to read about the views of people who have seen it being used....

I know the government wants to clean up Thailands act so is doing the high profile burning of drugs stuff to get the story over in the papers...but I think thats just for effect....the drug sanctioned murders is of course another thing!

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I guess for some dumbass backpackers its not a serious question

Where in my post is ANY reference to Backpackers...?

My slightly flippant remarks on previous post were due to the fact that if you have spent any considerable time in LOS, you wouldn't have to ask "Do Thai People Smoke Marijuana?"

Why do you think there was the (in)famous government crackdown on drugs!

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