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Urgent Call To The Press


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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

I'm sure you've contacted your respective embassy's, are they not helping?

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

Oh please, save me the hyperbole. Just relax. They are sorting out flights via military airports for you. You are being fed, and accommodated for free. Your work back home can and will wait.

The press can do nothing. What do you expect-- a platoon of British soldiers to arrive to save you from your desperate position.

Relax. It seems from your post, that your only expenses are the telephone calls. That must mean your cost of living here is less than back at home. Just use your debit card at the atms for goodness sake. Don't be so pathetic.

Edited by Gaccha
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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

the fact that you have internet access and posting on ThaiVisa says you can contact them yourself

why dont you get some pictures with your camera phone and forward them to the news agencies?

besides, you must have plenty of free time at the hotel

Edited by bingobongo
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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

wow, you should have purchased the travel insurance. anyway, how would you be paying for meals and phone calls if you were home?

knock off the hysteria and be proactive -- have seat by the pool.

Edited by t.s
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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

It's inconvenient for sure, but you're not going to suffer any long term damage becasue of this. Grow some balls, and act like an adult. Sure there are worse places to be stuck. Dhaka :o anybody?

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i think everyone is being way to hard on the poster. I personally have a friend who's father, in London is 65 and has been moved to hospital because he is now suffering from neumonia. He could die. My friend cannot leave the country as he doesnt get paid till the end of the month, and all the neighbouring countries rates have gone sky high. This situation really is ruining lives, why does everyone assume that the only thing effected is peoples bank balances?? This is not a hostage situation but it just goes to show how much alot of these people really do not respect tourists. Everyone that lives here cannot deny this, Im in a way kind of glad that the rest of the world can see this now, and on another point its woken me up out of the daze I have been in staying here. I dont mean to stereotype but when a country runs on morals set out by people at the top and the people at the top do certain things its obvoisuly gonna spill through the classes. As for me Im off to Singapore, this country is now a complete shithole, I apologize if this has offended anyone

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WOW...nearly unanimous sentiment here.... See....this crisis is bringing us (ex-pat) folks closer together.... :D

But, I do have some sympathy for the OP... If I was stuck in the Ambassador City hotel in Pattaya, I'd be putting out a call for someone to come rescue me as well..... :D

On the other hand, if I had been placed into Secrets in Pattaya, then I'd just be kicking back and enjoying it... Closed airports... Who cares.... :o

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i think everyone is being way to hard on the poster. I personally have a friend who's father, in London is 65 and has been moved to hospital because he is now suffering from neumonia. He could die. My friend cannot leave the country as he doesnt get paid till the end of the month, and all the neighbouring countries rates have gone sky high. This situation really is ruining lives, why does everyone assume that the only thing effected is peoples bank balances?? This is not a hostage situation but it just goes to show how much alot of these people really do not respect tourists. Everyone that lives here cannot deny this, Im in a way kind of glad that the rest of the world can see this now, and on another point its woken me up out of the daze I have been in staying here. I dont mean to stereotype but when a country runs on morals set out by people at the top and the people at the top do certain things its obvoisuly gonna spill through the classes. As for me Im off to Singapore, this country is now a complete shithole, I apologize if this has offended anyone

im sorry, but as far i could see,the whingeing OP is not your friend with the dying father, he is a hysterical little man of the chicken little variety.

As for lives ruined, i would expect that some have been severely inconvenenced, but ruined? Isnt it a little eary for that. Ruined is the man pulled out of the pickup truck in Chaing mai.

In addition, we are very well aware that the PAD do not care who they affect, as long as they get their way, but do not for a second become confused over this next point: The PAD is not the representative of the entire thai nation . The PAD is an interest group with an agenda that has gone too far. The PAD is using human sheilds and encouraging their odd mix of members to bring their children with them to their protests to ensure the military and police do not banish them with tear gass and water cannons.

BTW if my father were dying i would be flying out of samui or phuket or any airport with a connection to singapore, hk, taipei, kl, you name it. you are only trapped for as long as you spend waiting for someone to fix this for you. credit cards if maintained are a handy thing.

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

I think this is just a bit of boredom and wanting to get involved. Can the OP not go back to Buriram?

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It all sounds pretty idyllic to me, a free hotel room with free board thrown in and a perfect excuse for the boss back home as to why your vacation has been extended - all of this in Pattaya no less. Enjoy it all I say, you may never get a second chance at something like this.

There again, if you really do need to get home it is not too difficult (or expensive) to get from Pattaya to KL or Singapore overland where there are loads of flights to everywhere.

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

you have food, accomondation and email, you need money for what?

If you need money, contact your embassy, they help.

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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

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Sorry mate but that is a load of crap.

First of I doubt very much that you are not paying customers, somebody will be paying just not you. And even if they are putting you up for free then you should be bloody well grateful for it.

I doubt very much that any hotel would allow an 80 yr old carry around heavy luggage, if only so as not to give a bad impression to other guests. Besides, why does she have to cart it around at all? Why not just leave it in the room?. And if you feel that strongly about it then why not carry it for her yourself.

The Bangladeshi guy who lost his job due to circumstances completely beyond his control, well if true then his issue is clearly with his employer. More likely he is waving his arms around like a Drama queen exaggerating his story to all of those that might listen.

Why do I feel as though I have just fed a troll?

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I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

Get real. You describe your situation as being held hostage in Thailand. In the time you have been holed up at the Ambassador, have you bothered to flip on the news and get caught up on the situation at the Oberoi and the Taj Hotels in Mumbai? In light of what's been unfolding in India over the course of the past day and a half, you ought to be ashamed of describing your situation as that of a hostage.

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move to a cheaper hotel? or guesthouse before the cash runs out?

And dont forget your THB 500/day, they are going to fine you for the overstay.... :o:D

...not, as in here:

Phuket Immigration Police Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd has confirmed that any travelers stranded in Thailand by the closure of Bangkok’s two airports will be exempted from paying overstay fines.

Immigration headquarters in Bangkok has instructed immigration officers nationwide to extend “special assistance” to stranded travelers, just as it did in the wake of the 2004 tsunami disaster, he said.

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I would like to think that all Thai Visa posters have sympathy with tourists travelling into and out of Thailand. It is a pain and an annoyance to be delayed in transit. We understand.

The overriding problem we expats have, at the moment, is that we are probably preoccupied with the outcome effect this will have on our own family, business, financial situations within Thailand.

This is not an ideal situation for anyone.

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move to a cheaper hotel? or guesthouse before the cash runs out?

And dont forget your THB 500/day, they are going to fine you for the overstay.... :o:D

...not, as in here:

Phuket Immigration Police Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd has confirmed that any travelers stranded in Thailand by the closure of Bangkok's two airports will be exempted from paying overstay fines.

Immigration headquarters in Bangkok has instructed immigration officers nationwide to extend "special assistance" to stranded travelers, just as it did in the wake of the 2004 tsunami disaster, he said.

I was taking the p*ss.......the OP was being a bit of a drama queen to say the least. I would suggest that this is the reason the vast majority of posters are being so negative in their comments, in situations like this, isnt this what their particular embassies and consulates in Thailand are there for ?...to provide assistance for nationals of their respective countries...

But if the OP thinks I am a w*nker...then so be it....been called a lot worse... :D:D

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