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Is Thaksin Inciting The Redshirts To Violence?


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Is Thaksin inciting the Redshirts to Violence?

I think so, probably. Watch this video and read between the lines:


Consider this in the context of the current control (not a secret) Thaksin has over the current government and PM Somchai's encouragement of Thaksin to speak to his supporters, even in this time of great tension.

In the video he suggests that IF there is a coup (which would be seen as some kind of victory for PAD) that there would be BLOODSHED. Now, that may very well be true, but coming from his mouth, this smacks of lighting the match to gasoline. There are now reports from the redshirts that if the airports aren't cleared. THEY, the redshirt MOB, will remove them VIOLENTLY. Who told them to take that tactic? Hmmmmm.

The video is also worth viewing for the very rich irony of Thaksin insisting that those who break the law (PAD) must be prosecuted. This from a wanted, convicted criminal.

OK, don't get me wrong. I am still mostly neutral. Mainly because I also find PAD a scary force.

I think there are many many Thais who would be very happy to see a THIRD WAY, not PAD, not Thaksinista, but it is not represented in this sickening struggle.

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So far the Red Shirts have been incredibly disciplined compared to the Yellow-bellies who have caused hundreds of billions of baht worth of damage to the Thai economy and held hundreds of thousands of international hostages for 4 days now. This may change in the future.

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Is Thaksin inciting the Redshirts to Violence?


"Is Thaksin inciting the Redshirts to Violence?"


I can not speak for anyone that has English as a second language, however, for those of us that have English as a first language, the video makes it very clear in Thaksin's own words.

He is inciting mass violence.


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Wouldn't be the 1st time, although they (I think) were not wearing red at that time. However wasn't the threat of violence the basis behind the last coup?

when was it the first time?

The last coup happened because the militery said they had evidence the pro government supporters were on the way to do violence on a anti government rally. Toxin was out of the country.

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Thaksin is playing a very clever game. He is not directly inciting violence but merely by his periodic "guest" appearances he is keeping his name in the spotlight more so than his dear old marionette khun Somchai. He doesn't have to get his hands dirty and incite violence he has his minions to do that so he can come back squeaky clean and be the saviour of the country.

This is almost a direct rerun of the events leading up to the last coup. Anti government protests out of control giving rise to the threat of violence from pro government forces. Last time the army acted before violence could erupt this time they appear unwilling almost as if they are waiting for it to happen so they have a clear raison d'être for their actions.

Thaksin is like an old man sitting by a pond in the evening. All the denizens of the pond want to hunker down and get some shut eye. But just as they are settling down he lobs another rock into the water just to watch the ripples and listen to the ruckuss as confirmation of the power that he weilds.


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I actually interpreted it as a warning to the army not to have another coup, and possibly for his supporters to fight if there is a coup (that would be a mess!). I don't see how he has anything to gain from fighting or a coup as the only people who stand to lose are his people, surely not the army or the courts.

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Do y'all really think violence is bad, or just when the violence is extra-governmental? Taksin was not seen at Gandhi conferences. Most followers of even the pacifist religions like Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity, like almost everybody, think it is divinely righteous to kill for their own agenda. Of course Taksin can spout all the violent rhetoric he wishes, and so may Mr. Sondhi, the media mogul. And some violent Thais will grab their weapons and fling themselves into the bloodshed.

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So it is alright for the Yellow shirts to cause massive disruption in the daily lives of millions of people (Thais and foreigners alike) - but not for the red shirts?

Is that what you mean?

Oh - and Sonthi is not leading the Yellow shirts to violence ??? Troll.

Where in his post did he mention anything about yellow shirts? Aren't there enough threads on them for you to troll in?

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Do y'all really think violence is bad, or just when the violence is extra-governmental? Taksin was not seen at Gandhi conferences. Most followers of even the pacifist religions like Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity, like almost everybody, think it is divinely righteous to kill for their own agenda. Of course Taksin can spout all the violent rhetoric he wishes, and so may Mr. Sondhi, the media mogul. And some violent Thais will grab their weapons and fling themselves into the bloodshed.

Violence signifies the breakdown of human reasoning processes. The problem is that despite 200,000 years of evolution man still has those primitive violent tendencies deeply buried inside, more so in some than others. We all feel these emotions when we can't get what we want or can't get the other person to see our view. It's there in every one of us, in some it manifests itself as a verbal response (we raise our voices) in other it comes out as physical violence. Some people have this ability to bring out the worst in people and are termed rabble rousers or similar. Thaksin, Sondthi, Hitler, Mussolini all from the same mold they scream the rhetoric others die.

Of course in an ideal world all violence is bad but what thoughts run through your mind when you see the mob attacking a person just for holding an alternative view? How do you view the rebels in DRC raping and pillaging their way through refugee camps?

Sorry :o

Lets hope neither the reds nor the yellows resort to violence and everyone gets to go home for dinner with their families.

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The video is also worth viewing for the very rich irony of Thaksin insisting that those who break the law (PAD) must be prosecuted. This from a wanted, convicted criminal.

I'm reminded of an old saying ... " Do like I Say, Not Like I Do " :o

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Mr T hasnt been convicted of anything. :o

Is this some kind of semantics game you are playing?

Thaksin has been on the run after being sentenced in absentia to two years in jail on corruption charges in Thailand. The Nation

IMHO, Thaksin *SHOULD BE* telling people to take a stand. The government is obviously not doing it. So I'd applaud it if Thaksin finally takes a page from the Sondhi book of riling up the masses.

Excuse me, but do you fully realize what you are cheering for? To incite the redshirts to attack the yellowshirts is a call for vigilante violent action.

Now you don't have to approve of PAD's cause or tactics to realize how wrong that is. If there was the political will for the police or the military to roust PAD, that is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT type of thing than riling up up Thai civilians to take up arms against other Thai civilians.

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Go on Redshirts - if police won't do their job then you should do it!!! The only one to blame is the PAD.

I am not one to refer to religious teaching often, but I am inspired now:

Forgive them Lord for they know what they do
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Sorry mate - PAD must be stopped so this sort of sh*te won't happen again.

Then the police or the military should stop them, NOT an angry mob of armed civilians. Can you imagine the damage to the fabric of Thai society if such a fight resulted in massive deaths?

I think it is very irresponsible to encourage this, and I suspect Thaksin may be doing so.

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granted that video was hard to follow because his broken English, equally that could be said of posts written by some who supposedly have English as first language, I didn't detect any ominous undertones. He said the right things, which any sensible law abiding politician/citizen would say in similar circumstances. The reference about bloodshed is a realistic scenario that everybody fear, if things are allowed to go on. I think it's in his personal and political interest to appear to be above the fray, he's a clever man and wouldn't want to be seen fanning the flames. So to answer the original question; no, he doesn't appear to incite violence, on the strength of the video provided

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He should not be on TV at this time at all. He is a large root cause of this current crisis. The obvious way for violence to be avoided was for Somchai to step down and call for new elections. Of course that is against Thaksin's self interest. Anyone who seriously thinks Thaksin has the best interests of the Thai people in mind should have their head examined. Sarge's comments: classic ramblings of a farang Thaksinista. Calling him law abiding, a convicted criminal, that's rich.

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He should not be on TV at this time at all. He is a large root cause of this current crisis. The obvious way for violence to be avoided was for Somchai to step down and call for new elections. Of course that is against Thaksin's self interest. Anyone who seriously thinks Thaksin has the best interests of the Thai people in mind should have their head examined. Sarge's comments: classic ramblings of a farang Thaksinista. Calling him law abiding, a convicted criminal, that's rich.

so let me get this straight; you start a thread asking a specific question: "Is Thaksin Inciting The Redshirts To Violence?" and providing a link to a Thaksin video interview, inviting people to watch it, then you get all uptight and bothered if people have a different take from yours. What's the point asking questions? It's like the one choice polls: Do you support PAD? Yes? and that's it :o

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Sarge. You are not a virgin to this topic. You have taken the red side before and you are now a BIASED PARTISAN. So your comments have to be taken within that context. This is probably fodder for another topic but I strongly feel we as foreigners should remain neutral on this serious conflict. Here is an example, the US government has condemned PAD for taking the airport, that is reasonable, but at the same time they did not glorify or give support to convicted fugitive Thaksin. You can be both anti-Thaksin AND anti-PAD; I don't see the logic in farangs taking sides in this potential civil war. There are more than enough THAIS fanning the flames of this INSANITY.

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