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Suvarnabhumi PAD Protest Continues

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Small corruption is mostly eradicated in developed countries, but I am not sure if big corruption is. For instance, take the example of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. It is quite well known that they were the sources that exposed the CIA operative, Valerie Plame, to revenge her husband's exposure of White House lies to justify the invasion of Iraq. How come they are not in jail, and not even any legal process ongoing? This is nothing but big corruption.

Uhhhhh, no. Scooter Libby was the actual source, and he was tried and convicted. See Wikipedia "United States v. Libby":

"United States of America v. I. Lewis Libby, also known as "Scooter Libby" (USA v. LIBBY, Case No. 1:2005-cr-00394-RBW) is the federal trial of former high-ranking George W. Bush administration official I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Libby served as assistant to President George W. Bush, chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, and assistant to the Vice President for national security affairs from 2001–2005. Libby resigned from his government positions hours after his indictment on October 28, 2005.

"Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five felony counts of making false statements to federal investigators, perjury for lying to a federal grand jury, and obstruction of justice for impeding the course of a federal grand jury investigation concerned with the possibly-illegal leaking by government officials of the classified identity of a covert agent of the CIA, Valerie E. Wilson (also known as "Valerie Plame"), the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. Pursuant to the grand jury leak investigation, Libby was convicted on March 6, 2007, on four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements, and he was acquitted of one count of making false statements. He was sentenced to thirty months in prison and fined $250,000. "

I know lots of people would like to believe the US is corrupt like Thailand, but it just won't fly.


Wrong, dead wrong, Libby took the fall for his bosses.

Simple as that, fell on his sword for the cause.

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I know lots of people would like to believe the US is corrupt like Thailand, but it just won't fly.


Wrong, dead wrong, Libby took the fall for his bosses.

Simple as that, fell on his sword for the cause.

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. - Oscar Wilde

5.In conclusion the international community will not allow anarchy to prevail over democracy.

PAD may not be confirmed terrorists at present but they have certainly appeared on the radar of world anti-terrorist organisations.


And what exactly do you think the "international community" is going to do ? Invade to restore a corrupt government to power ?

What happens in Thailand is Thailand's business. If a revolution of sorts brings about a change in government, the "international community' may not like it, but there is little they could, or would, do about it. Unless it turns into an all out civil war and people start getting massacred all over the country, nobody is going to do much of anything about it.

What did the "international community" do when the "democratically elected" government of Thaksin was tossed out in a military coup ? Nothing. Maybe some "pooh-paahing" and mild statements about hoping the Military would restore democracy as soon as possible. Big whoop.

The international community will not allow anarchy to prevail over democracy ? I guess that explains Burma, Tibet, Laos, half the middle east and numerous other countries around the world. I sure see the international community working hard to overturn some of those governments.

Oh but wait. The "international community" just so happens to be made up of some of those same countries (kind of like the UN Human Rights tribunal having some of the worst human rights offenders on it's counsels).

I think the world's anti-terrorist organizations have much more to worry about than a group of Thais engaged in civil disobedience.


Wow ... nobody objective is calling them terrorists ... not even George W Bush is!

Somchai isn't calling them terrorist ....

The Thai press isn't calling them terrorists

Leaving some obviously misguided people on T.V. about the only ones calling them terrorists!

It should be pretty obvious to you that the mainstream media must choose their words more carefully than TV members. They have constraints we don't have.

It's a huge event internally, but on the world stage it hasn't escalated enough to be of too much interest to outsiders. They need blood.

I'm calling it terrorism

Thaksins old Comrade Yellow Chamlong did call the other Thugs:

"People's Alliance for Democracy leader Chamlong Srimuang has rejected the appeal for a four-party peace talk. He insisted the members of the National Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship are thugs and that the PAD stands by its objectives of preventing a charter amendment and establishing new politics."

TV- Chef Samak Sundaravej did called them Cult:

""Now they say that they won," Samak says. "We ask, won [what]? These group of people, they [rouse] the people, andthey are just like a cult, like in America," the 73-year-old says, making a comparison to the David Koresh congregation raided by federal agents in Waco, Texas, in 1993. "Everybody believes without reason.""

The Nationreports:

that a "PAD leader advised protesters to arm themselves with bags of human excrement and urine to fight off police."

PAD Speaker Auychai Watha chairman of a northeastern teachers' group. said:

"Whoever cheated [the country], may their children become whores infected with venereal disease!"

“Cookie”, 11-years-old daughter of the dead hero talks on PAD stage:

MC: In your opinion.. your dad did for the country.. what do you have to say to the police, government?.. to catch whoever did this?… What do you want to say to the prime minister, Somchai Wongsawat?

Cookie: I want to say.. I wish him dead like my dad….


see, judinasia. you can be creative with your language. dosn't have to sound like George W Bush .


Just a little clarification on "violent PAD" - prior to Udon red mob viscious attack there was very little security around PAD rallies. Things have changed dramatically after that incident (and a dozen of others all around the country).

PAD has cancelled ALL rallies in Isan and the North and asked supporters to come to Bangkok instead, and PAD has beefed up the security with hired professionals and, I believe, any hot blooded males who were interested.

Who is to say that they overreacted? With almost daily bomb attacks, red mob attacks, police attacks, so many PAD supporters killed and injured - who is to say that their defence force is unjustified?

They have taken steps to protect themselves, and in the process developed quite potent and even deadly force, but it's not the PAD itself, it's their Srivijai warriors.

It woudn't even exist if not for the reds - they wanted to physically intimidate PAD, they got their response.

Yes, it was an unfortunate escalation, a sort of an arms race, but it wasn't PAD that started it.


you can read all over that people have spoken out against violence. The PAD is a group of protesters ... As for violent actions this week, it sucks that some PAD guards shot at people when they were attacked. It doesn't suck that they made some police run away. It doesn't suck that someone was detained and released. It would suck if a person were held hostage. It sucks that so many banned members are creating new names. It doesn't suck when they get banned again :o

Really because the video I saw of PAD shooting does not show any one shooting at them, attacking them... nope just PAD shooting...

I have a question to you and all other PAD haters?

1- do you like Thaksin coming back to power

2- do you believe that at this moment Thaksin is still controling the PPP and therefore the government

3- do you believe that changing the constitution in the favour of Thaksin is a good idea;

4- do you believe that the last elections where coruption free and there was no vote buying,

a simple yes or no will do.

PS: rainman we still wait for the debt rates in Isan and North before and after Thaksin

The business leaders of Thailand will be expected to absorb the financial problems from the seizure of Thailand's main airport.

After suffering losses over the years, from problems relating to bird flu, SARS, then the horrific tsunami, businesses large and small are now reeling from this latest unnecessary financial loss

People like me, both foreign and Thai will be expected to pay wages and costs, even though our income is drying up. Furthermore we shall be expected to compensate our clients, even though we are not at fault.

My Thai staff will expect to be paid and also expect to keep their jobs – it's also not their fault!

What should we business people do?

I love Thailand and its people and do my best to respect the country and its culture, I have also offered significant personal financial support ( especially after the tsunami ) and investment over the years and more planned...... now for the first time I am beginning to think if I have made a mistake over the last 10 years....

I am not the only person wondering about Thailand in this way …..

Yes I know this will pass – and I realize we have to be patient, but this is a man made disaster and not a natural disaster and therefore, could have been avoided

There is no longer any rule of law in Thailand, the Government is being ignored, and this does not furnish foreign investors with any confidence at all, indeed we are on the brink of a coup, military or de-facto – it's the same

Never mind the reasons for the occupation of the airports, there are courts who should decide who is at fault, and once groups and thugs start taking things into their own hands, from whichever side, then we all lose – but Thailand loses most.

The occupation of the main airports is illegal and has ruined Thailand in many peoples eyes and the damage to the economy and the reputation of Thailand is staggering ………… and to top all of this off with a coup, Military or otherwise, will just bury us all 10 feet lower than we are already

Well Said!


So stating that : We will fight to death .... is peacefull is it ??? They are unautorised in a place ...

Let's say i walk in a bank ... and i drive the guard back so i can get in the mainframe computersystem of the bank and then block the entrance makes me just a protester because let's say i want 100 million deposit on my account and if you try to push me out i will fight to the death to get my goal makes me just a protester ... nice idea ....

Sounds similar or not ???


Did someone actually say that about Isaan people or was that a unbelievably foul joke???

Uh, no. No one said that.

With so many absurd references to Fascism and the Khmer Rouge, I took the absurdity further and attributed actual Nazi-esque statements.

I apologize if it offended.

Maybe sarcasm and satire don't work well on an international webboard.

PS: rainman we still wait for the debt rates in Isan and North before and after Thaksin

What am I, your secretary? Go find your own information about Thailand's debt rates if you want to know, I didn't ask you for it.


you can read all over that people have spoken out against violence. The PAD is a group of protesters ... As for violent actions this week, it sucks that some PAD guards shot at people when they were attacked. It doesn't suck that they made some police run away. It doesn't suck that someone was detained and released. It would suck if a person were held hostage. It sucks that so many banned members are creating new names. It doesn't suck when they get banned again :o

Really because the video I saw of PAD shooting does not show any one shooting at them, attacking them... nope just PAD shooting...

I have a question to you and all other PAD haters?

1- do you like Thaksin coming back to power

2- do you believe that at this moment Thaksin is still controling the PPP and therefore the government

3- do you believe that changing the constitution in the favour of Thaksin is a good idea;

4- do you believe that the last elections where coruption free and there was no vote buying,

a simple yes or no will do.

PS: rainman we still wait for the debt rates in Isan and North before and after Thaksin

You apparently seem to think that opposing the PAD automatically means support for Thaksin.

As a seeker of truth and justice I have stepped back from the emmotive stuff and taken the personalities out of things, and what are you left with,

1.The government are democratically elected and legitimate.

Allowing for the warts and all, there is no international critisism of the government or the election process.

Here we go again Mr Truth and Justice Seeker:

1. Several parties forming the current 'government' (and I use that term loosely) will likely be dissolved for electoral fraud. For the SECOND TIME. The judgement could come as early as TOMORROW. Now, if you think a government that repeatedly engages in electoral fraud can claim to be 'democractically elected' or 'legitimate', then you probably need to do a bit of reading.

2. Re. international criticism, had the present Thai government been permitted to use force against the protestors resulting in another massacre, there would have been plenty of concern expressed by the international community. Fortunately it was denied that option. So while it is a largely peaceful protest, and with an internal legal solution likely at hand, there's not a lot to complain about. And does international criticism of the electoral process really matter when Thailand's own Electoral Commission has declared the election to be as crooked as a dog's hind leg?


1.As a seeker of truth and justice I am now confused how a government can engage in electoral fraud, as you alledge.

Can you read up on that and inform me please.

Surely at the time of the election they were not the government but a legtimate political party with stated policies?

The coups, the court rulings, the dissolutions, the allegations,the courts themselves,...do you see the pattern here!.



Non democratic

The EC, who do they answer to? LOL


you can read all over that people have spoken out against violence. The PAD is a group of protesters ... As for violent actions this week, it sucks that some PAD guards shot at people when they were attacked. It doesn't suck that they made some police run away. It doesn't suck that someone was detained and released. It would suck if a person were held hostage. It sucks that so many banned members are creating new names. It doesn't suck when they get banned again :D

Really because the video I saw of PAD shooting does not show any one shooting at them, attacking them... nope just PAD shooting...

LOL ... Cool! so you disregard all the reports about the events unless ...

So you're saying they were provoked.

Shooting back at someone is peaceful protest? :o

Oh dear.

Self-Defense is absolutely justified ... 'shooting back at someone' is self defense (in this case I hope they arrest the guys in that group and see if there is enough to put them on trial for assault with intent ...)

This does not change the fact that the PAD are peaceful and have shown great restraint. What is appalling though is the lack of condemnation on here about the grenade attacks, deaths caused by the police, etc!

For gods sake, what PAD is doing will probably end up costing the Thai economy more than 50 billion dollars and push millions of Thai people into unemployment. And there will be nothing good coming out of this by the end, just more hatred and a more divided country.

please be a little bit realistic the total budget revenue of Thai government is 44,14 billion $ the total GDP is 245,7 billion $. (official exchange rate) and 521,5 billion $ purchasing power parity.

so proclaiming a 50 billion$ lost for the economy is a litle bit over the top

The business leaders of Thailand will be expected to absorb the financial problems from the seizure of Thailand’s main airport.

After suffering losses over the years, from problems relating to bird flu, SARS, then the horrific tsunami, businesses large and small are now reeling from this latest unnecessary financial loss

People like me, both foreign and Thai will be expected to pay wages and costs, even though our income is drying up. Furthermore we shall be expected to compensate our clients, even though we are not at fault.

My Thai staff will expect to be paid and also expect to keep their jobs – it’s also not their fault!

What should we business people do?

I love Thailand and its people and do my best to respect the country and its culture, I have also offered significant personal financial support ( especially after the tsunami ) and investment over the years and more planned...... now for the first time I am beginning to think if I have made a mistake over the last 10 years....

I am not the only person wondering about Thailand in this way …..

Yes I know this will pass – and I realize we have to be patient, but this is a man made disaster and not a natural disaster and therefore, could have been avoided

There is no longer any rule of law in Thailand, the Government is being ignored, and this does not furnish foreign investors with any confidence at all, indeed we are on the brink of a coup, military or de-facto – it’s the same

Never mind the reasons for the occupation of the airports, there are courts who should decide who is at fault, and once groups and thugs start taking things into their own hands, from whichever side, then we all lose – but Thailand loses most.

The occupation of the main airports is illegal and has ruined Thailand in many peoples eyes and the damage to the economy and the reputation of Thailand is staggering ………… and to top all of this off with a coup, Military or otherwise, will just bury us all 10 feet lower than we are already

Very well stated. Furthermore, Westerners who reside in Thailand are powerless to assist. It appears from what I have read that PAD is not friendly to Western business/investment. It also is apparent that by their actions they have insured that Thaksin will be able to achieve his political goal.

PS: rainman we still wait for the debt rates in Isan and North before and after Thaksin

What am I, your secretary? Go find your own information about Thailand's debt rates if you want to know, I didn't ask you for it.

I can tell you one thing....up here in Chiang Dao, a lot of poor and uneducated lost their farms and houses, because of the stupid Thaksin scam of letting them borrow money for three years without payment and then having to pay it all back at the three year anniversary date with interest. The poor are definitely poorer up here, since Thaksin.

Thaksin is a guy, who threw a few crumbs to the poor (underfunded 30 Baht Health Care Program for example) and then robbed the country blind, escaping with a planeload full of cash and gold. You have to get rid of capitalist crooks like him, before real change can happen for the poor, sick, elderly and oppressed.

The only real good, positive things I have seen for the poor, in Thailand, are the Royal Projects.

Well, today is the day that the Supreme Court desides if Somchai (Thaskin's Brother in Law Puppet), is a crook or not. I hope that the PPP and some of it's coalition partners get disolved today and that everything will be peaceful again before the 5th.

I also pray that there will be no more violence. I am really getting tired of Thaksin's paid, drunken and stoned army of redshirted thugs :-( I don't know how any intelligent person can defend these people? (I guess that is why most educated people support the PAD)

Anyways...at least Somchai has a name that rhymes well.... Somchai - Goodbye Somchai - Don't cry Somchai Mai Dai ;-)

5.In conclusion the international community will not allow anarchy to prevail over democracy.

PAD may not be confirmed terrorists at present but they have certainly appeared on the radar of world anti-terrorist organisations.


And what exactly do you think the "international community" is going to do ? Invade to restore a corrupt government to power ?

What happens in Thailand is Thailand's business. If a revolution of sorts brings about a change in government, the "international community' may not like it, but there is little they could, or would, do about it. Unless it turns into an all out civil war and people start getting massacred all over the country, nobody is going to do much of anything about it.

What did the "international community" do when the "democratically elected" government of Thaksin was tossed out in a military coup ? Nothing. Maybe some "pooh-paahing" and mild statements about hoping the Military would restore democracy as soon as possible. Big whoop.

The international community will not allow anarchy to prevail over democracy ? I guess that explains Burma, Tibet, Laos, half the middle east and numerous other countries around the world. I sure see the international community working hard to overturn some of those governments.

Oh but wait. The "international community" just so happens to be made up of some of those same countries (kind of like the UN Human Rights tribunal having some of the worst human rights offenders on it's counsels).

I think the world's anti-terrorist organizations have much more to worry about than a group of Thais engaged in civil disobedience.

As a seeker of truth and justice it is clear to me that the international community will defend democracy in Thailand by taking their money and investment elsewhere.Thailand will become a Burma, or Laos as you indicate.

The international community will not regognise a puppet appointed government produced by the PAD one poor person no vote ideology.

What happens in Thailand right now is everybodies business, the shoots of terrorism have appeared.

Revolution, or sponsored "terrorism" as the international community now understands it.?

The international community did not understand the mechanics of the overthrow of taksin, now they fully understand because of the worldwide coverage.

The PAD are now on the radar.

I am sure you get the drift really especially as you carry it out in your day job!!

BTW, a lot of good governments didn't come about by voting for them....one example...Fidel Castro, with Che Guevara, in Cuba. I laugh in the eye of all this Western Propaganda, when I see a small country like Cuba, who provides free medical to it's citizens (and some of US Citizens in the past as well) and the US can't even look after their own sick.

However Che Guevara and Castro were most definitely terrorists, Especially Guevara, in my opinion he deserved what he got in the end.

Now someone come here and tell me these are not terrorists.

It's all in the wording...maybe these are terrorist acting violently(in the photos) but it is wrong to stereo type all PAD supporters as wanting or intending to be violent

And similarly it's wrong to label the PAD as a group of peaceful protesters. Can't have it both ways.

Actually both apply, but percentages should be considered.

The majority are tarred with the same brush

as a minority that they have no control over.


LOL at PAD on the radar and 'terrorism'

Some of these new folks should come to Thailand, wander out and meet some people (yes, even people in the PAD and UDD) and TALK to them (of course this may require learning Thai in many cases, but it is a small price to pay when seeking after "Truth" :o

What happens in Thailand is basically up to the Thais. I don't see W sending in the marines to deal with a country's internal political changes and growth.

What so far has put Thailand firmly in the minds of the people that watch these things are how peaceful things have been so far and how much restraint has been showed by the PAD in dealing with being attacked.


"People who have never thought of Thailand as a place to invest in or to go to on holidays, may consider it, after this conflict is over"

One of my friend is a partner in a big hotel chain and they just decided to stop their 1billion bath project of a new resort in Thailand .

So perhaps some may consider as you said but others have already considered not to come.


That teory would make Somalia a very good place to invest money... I think Thailand will be okay in the long run, Bangkok however might be in for a bit of trouble.

As a seeker of truth and justice it is clear to me that the international community will defend democracy in Thailand by taking their money and investment elsewhere.

Capitalist nations, under the guise of "Global Economy", will take their money whereever they get the most bang for their buck, no matter what the political climate is. They will keep trying to keep their sweatshops open in poor countries like Thailand and will continue to take advantage of the people of this Nation :-(

Western Sex tourists and Pedophiles will continue to come to Thailand by the millions, unless there is a government to start protecting it's people against exploitations.

While Auto workers sit on welfare in the US, wondering what happened to their jobs, the Thai Auto industry will thrive

As for the few disgruntled foreigners, who do nothing but complain, if they want to go back to their countries, good riddance!

Some of us here love Thailand, Love HM and support the PAD in their struggle to wipe out corruption. Even though this may be a long struggle, since corruption is so widespread and largely tolerated in this country. We can win against it, one Court case at at time, one ousted government at at time.

Things won't change all at once, overnight. There is no magic pill. These are growing pains. Shutting down an airport for a few days to get rid of a violent, corrupt government, is not the end of the world. My boss used to say.."any news is good news" and I believe that. This conflict has put Thailand on the map. People who have never thought of Thailand as a place to invest in or to go to on holidays, may consider it, after this conflict is over.

Kurt Gruen


oh my god!!!!. please visit the webpage for brainwash at its best.

By the way, before people flame me, i do not agree with thaksin and i do not want him back running the country, but .........not allowed to say more on this forum.



As a seeker of truth and justice I have stepped back from the emmotive stuff and taken the personalities out of things

If you are also a seeker of a deeper understanding on the development of democracies and its troubles, you should read this article:

The Rise of Illiberal Democracy by Fareed Zakaria

It's a long article, so I will just include the first paragraph:

"THE AMERICAN diplomat Richard Holbrooke pondered a problem on the eve of the September 1996 elections in Bosnia, which were meant to restore civic life to that ravaged country. "Suppose the election was declared free and fair," he said, and those elected are "racists, fascists, separatists, who are publicly opposed to [peace and reintegration]. That is the dilemma." Indeed it is, not just in the former Yugoslavia, but increasingly around the world. Democratically elected regimes, often ones that have been reelected or reaffirmed through referenda, are routinely ignoring constitutional limits on their power and depriving their citizens of basic rights and freedoms. From Peru to the Palestinian Authority, from Sierra Leone to Slovakia, from Pakistan to the Philippines, we see the rise of a disturbing phenomenon in international life -- illiberal democracy."

Fareed Zakaria is currently an editor of Newsweek International and a host of a weekly show on CNN on international issues and foreign affairs. He is not anti-democracy in any way, but he would share the same concerns as many Thais do about introducing democracy in developing countries.

I would recommend to read his book with the same name as well.

As a seeker of truth and justice it is clear to me that the international community will defend democracy in Thailand by taking their money and investment elsewhere.

Capitalist nations, under the guise of "Global Economy", will take their money whereever they get the most bang for their buck, no matter what the political climate is. They will keep trying to keep their sweatshops open in poor countries like Thailand and will continue to take advantage of the people of this Nation :-(

Western Sex tourists and Pedophiles will continue to come to Thailand by the millions, unless there is a government to start protecting it's people against exploitations.

While Auto workers sit on welfare in the US, wondering what happened to their jobs, the Thai Auto industry will thrive

As for the few disgruntled foreigners, who do nothing but complain, if they want to go back to their countries, good riddance!

Some of us here love Thailand, Love HM and support the PAD in their struggle to wipe out corruption. Even though this may be a long struggle, since corruption is so widespread and largely tolerated in this country. We can win against it, one Court case at at time, one ousted government at at time.

Things won't change all at once, overnight. There is no magic pill. These are growing pains. Shutting down an airport for a few days to get rid of a violent, corrupt government, is not the end of the world. My boss used to say.."any news is good news" and I believe that. This conflict has put Thailand on the map. People who have never thought of Thailand as a place to invest in or to go to on holidays, may consider it, after this conflict is over.

Kurt Gruen


oh my god!!!!. please visit the webpage for brainwash at its best.

By the way, before people flame me, i do not agree with thaksin and i do not want him back running the country, but .........not allowed to say more on this forum.



Sorry Kurt,

But Thailand used to be known as the land of smiles.....

It does not need to be known as the land of thugs, villains and lawlessness...

Blame is only a poor excuse


I know lots of people would like to believe the US is corrupt like Thailand, but it just won't fly.


Wrong, dead wrong, Libby took the fall for his bosses.

Simple as that, fell on his sword for the cause.

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. - Oscar Wilde

Written in the Golden Age of robber train barons and before monopolies were regulated.

Always loved Wilde such a scathing eye for culture.

I have a question to you and all other PAD haters?

1- do you like Thaksin coming back to power

2- do you believe that at this moment Thaksin is still controling the PPP and therefore the government

3- do you believe that changing the constitution in the favour of Thaksin is a good idea;

4- do you believe that the last elections where coruption free and there was no vote buying,

a simple yes or no will do.

PS: rainman we still wait for the debt rates in Isan and North before and after Thaksin

1. Thaksin?

2. no

3. that is a stupid question

4. i don't answer stupid questions.

and don't say haters to us. PAD propagates Hate. i puke an PAD.


In less than 24 hours, we will know the PAD's true intentions. If the courts deliver a verdict tomorrow to disband the PPP effective immediately, the PAD should clear out of the airports the same day. We'll see if they keep their word or if they find a new reason to stay.


Domestic Thai airport hit by blast

Associated Press - December 1, 2008 1:43 PM ET

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - An explosive device has detonated among protesters camped outside Bangkok's domestic airport, injuring 13 people.

An official at Mongkut Wattana hospital says three people at Don Muang airport were seriously injured by shrapnel. She spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak to the press.

It was the third such attack in two days by unidentified assailants targeting Thailand's anti-government protesters.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

In less than 24 hours, we will know the PAD's true intentions. If the courts deliver a verdict tomorrow to disband the PPP effective immediately, the PAD should clear out of the airports the same day. We'll see if they keep their word or if they find a new reason to stay.


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