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What came of the airline that had the crash in Phuket?

Are they still flying?


1-2-Go suspended all flight operations supposed due to financial troubles. But then it was disclosed that the Thai authorities suspended their operations license. They talked about starting flights about 1 November 2008 but ????

1-2-Go suspended all flight operations supposed due to financial troubles. But then it was disclosed that the Thai authorities suspended their operations license. They talked about starting flights about 1 November 2008 but ????
Visit their website, they accept bookings. ( hxxp://www.fly12go.com/en/home/index.php )

I would strongly recommend you visit this Pro pilot discussion site www.PPRuNe.com threads under 1-2 Go grounded and Phuket air crash then over to one of the deceased passenger's sister's site www.InvestigateUdom.Com ( Udom is CEO of Orient Thai-and 1-2 GO ) Prrof and evidence page

What she has uncovered re Thai DCA is very scary stuff but not at all surprising.

btw the plane crashed because the pilot decided to land in a monsoon and the inexperienced junior pilot forgot to push the engines up for a go around , about the stupidest mistake a pilot could make. Many reasons why the Capt made such a mistake ( he was sleepy and practicing Ramadan ??? ) and management practices at the airline are most likely a contributing factor .

After seeing the evidence, you may not want to fly with ANY Thai airline . Too much info to put here but

1-2 Go is being sued in the US.

They have received their operating certificates back ..after lying to the public about why they stopped flying

1-2 Die !

( btw much is coming out on US FAA inability to ACCURATELY access Thai safety standards and it may have to do with an executive that directly caused many deaths ion an Alaskan Airline crash 10 years ago.. )

Incidentally InvestigateUdom posted here on Thai visa but she was banned , her posts scrubbed completely and 1-2 Go visits Wikipaedia regularly to scrub her findings and post their own BS .

PS If someone wants to sue me for defamation go ahead I welcome a chance to get the evidence into the Thai public record.


Hmmm, read about the millions of dollars the US airlines payed last year for not following maintenance standards, late modifying essential equipment, and using non qualified maintenance staff. I am sure it will be on the same FAA site.

It is not just the foreign airlines that don't work according to the book.

Edit for link.


This link gives a very mild image of what ONE airline was fined for. I will leave it to others to seek for more. But the balance between economics and safety isn't always on the safety side. And I am talking western airlines here.

Hmmm, read about the millions of dollars the US airlines payed last year for not following maintenance standards, late modifying essential equipment, and using non qualified maintenance staffl. I am sure it will be on the same FAA site.

It is not just the foreign airlines that donot work according to the book.

Agreed the entire US FAA rating system is flawed and rife with corruption. HOwever there are SAFE airlines in the world, I just don't think any of them are in Thailand .

I'll fly Singapore Air and Malaysian Air and that's about it for SE Asia .

btw RE HKT : An American rescuer has testified that staff on site was way below required number- the rest had to come in from off site so it was a seriously deficient response time.

AND there was no water or foam as it hadn't been replenished from a training drill 3 days prior to the crash .


So how many died inside the plane because of HKT incompetence ?

Lets not forget HKT ( in the tropics ) is NOT rated OK for hard rain landings as there are NO grooves in the runway for water run off .

A good pilot will wait for rain to subside rather than landing on a lake. Bad airlines- bad pilots

IT is fact that 1-2Pilots were operating under forged documents . it is fact that a senior manager ordered pilot duty log books to be altered and those books were given to US NTSB by Thai DCA with full knowledge they were falsified .

90 people died , why isn't anyone being indicted ?


[quote name='HorseDoctor'

90 people died , why isn't anyone being indicted ?

Ah, you give yourself away as an American.

Maybe you remember the day? maybe not.

I do.

it was the worst wind i ever experienced (below 5,000 meters.)

It was one of those days where the wind is literally blowing sidewise and you didn't want to be outside.

I couldn't imagine trying to land any plane on a day like that.

I'm sure the pilot was scared. Who wouldn't be.

But, let's just blame it on his religous holiday or lack of sleep instead and see how much we could sue him for.

That oughta solve the problem, aye?

Ah, you give yourself away as an American.

Maybe you remember the day? maybe not.

I do.

it was the worst wind i ever experienced (below 5,000 meters.)

It was one of those days where the wind is literally blowing sidewise and you didn't want to be outside.

I couldn't imagine trying to land any plane on a day like that.

I'm sure the pilot was scared. Who wouldn't be.

But, let's just blame it on his religous holiday or lack of sleep instead and see how much we could sue him for.

That oughta solve the problem, aye?

Are you a trained arline pilot , Run an airline ? Have any common sense maybe

I think negative on above all three.

I would merely speculate

Pilots should be trained = Not scared of what they operate or should turn back or abort

Airlines should assess where and when they operate

The rest of the comments are not worth the bother as I am sure any one with family who died would be pleased to inform you , although maybe not so politely.


I was on the beach road 3 k from the airport at the time of the crash, it was impossible to drive the car, I had to stop, I took a short video of the storm on the phone as I had never seen anything like it before !

Ah, you give yourself away as an American.

Maybe you remember the day? maybe not.

I do.

it was the worst wind i ever experienced (below 5,000 meters.)

It was one of those days where the wind is literally blowing sidewise and you didn't want to be outside.

I couldn't imagine trying to land any plane on a day like that.

I'm sure the pilot was scared. Who wouldn't be.

But, let's just blame it on his religous holiday or lack of sleep instead and see how much we could sue him for.

That oughta solve the problem, aye?

Yes SUE the bastards

I live near the airport and heard the plane go by and couldn't believe it wasn't diverted ...I heard the top pop off , or a compressin stall , it wasn't investigated fully what the noise was ..No surprise there

And yes it is the pilot's fault, landing in a monsoon -no one an forced him to land IT IS THE PILOT'S DECISION .

HOwever that airport should have closed, that's how it's done in places that value safety and life.

Capt Arief had stated that flying in the afternoon was problematic for him , indeed controls were taken from him on a previous afternoon flight . AND it was Ramadan and he was practicing , that means low blood sugar. NO pilot should be allowed to fly wihtout eating, it is a debilitating state akin to diabetes.

And suing is appropriate bec se the management , and Thai DCA concured and took the certificates away for blatant disregard of safety regualtions.

So yeah sue the bastards and sue HKT too .

anyone being indicted ?

Ah, you give yourself away as an American.[/color]

Indicted is wha the state does to criminals , this means you are charged with a crime and going to court, like CEO's of ailines that allow systemic safety violations - it has nothing to do with suing, that's what victims of crime do to perpetrators to ensure others think twice before enacting the same crime

God D*mn this tiny print

Sorry but I to use bigger print my view button will not increase the print any more and I cannot see to type


I think most prudent people would avoid 1,2 Go. Even before this tragedy, my Thai friends refused to use it. As consumers we have a choice. Bangkok Airways, Air Asia and Thai Airways are alternatives. If we are still unhappy, we can choose not to fly. If people are willing to accept the risks associated with the lowest costs, then they have to deal with the consequences. It's like flying Ryanair and then griping about the cramped space and extra charges. There are times when I have diverted in order to avoid USAirways. The extra few hours and $100 cost were worth it to me.

I think most prudent people would avoid 1,2 Go.

Roger that. Not just the practices, also the old recycled aircraft. Never ever liked any aircraft with engines stuck each side of the tail fin.

I think most prudent people would avoid 1,2 Go.

Roger that. Not just the practices, also the old recycled aircraft. Never ever liked any aircraft with engines stuck each side of the tail fin.

That particular MD- 80 plane sat in a New Mexican desert for 2 years prior to Udom's WIFE"S company buying it, refitting and leasing it to her husband's company. Guess who gets the insurance on it.

Thai AIR MIGHT be safe , but it's entirely voluntary as THai DCA isn't going to enforce safety standards. THe ONLY reason 1-2 go lost its certifiate TEMPORARILY is because of Bonnie Rind's site, investigateUdom.com and getting US FAA to pay a visit and threaten to downgrade Tland's OK safety rating.

Bangkok Air has had serious issues too- go to PPRuNe.com

can't believe Udom isn't awaiting manslaughter charges, 90 people dead ,

That particular MD- 80 plane sat in a New Mexican desert for 2 years prior to Udom's WIFE"S company buying it, refitting and leasing it to her husband's company.

So, how old was that actual aircraft ? Not that it's so unusual for many tight budget airlines.

That particular MD- 80 plane sat in a New Mexican desert for 2 years prior to Udom's WIFE"S company buying it, refitting and leasing it to her husband's company.

So, how old was that actual aircraft ? Not that it's so unusual for many tight budget airlines.

delivered to TWA in 1983, parked in desert 2005 for 2 years, refitted and flew for 6 months before total loss Sept., 2007


Plenty of aircraft flying around that have been previously mothballed, it's the quality of the refit that matters , and then the inspection ..Some how I doubt Udom's wife's Virgin Island registered aircraft leasing company, GrandMax made sure it was up to top standards as seats came flying loose and injured passengers, too . It wasn't that damaged that seats should have come loose as it's still in one piece and easily viewed from Mai Khao beach.

I have a mind to protest 1-2 Go being allowed to fly , from the beach when it resumes landing at Phuket , anyone care to join me?

  • 3 weeks later...

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