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Watch U.s. Tv Online In Pattaya

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As this is about Pattaya, I'll move the thread to the Pattaya Forum



Probably through a yank proxy, but since its streaming might have an issue with good connectivity. Plus the official tele sites block hence the need for the proxy. Perhaps try hulu.com?


Another much more expensive way is to have a friend in the US be your slingbox host. You buy a slingbox device, its hooked to a US high speed ISP and cable service (plus your personal DVR) and you stream away, at your pleasure. You of course need DSL in Thailand and that won't always be so hot either (not fast enough) but usually OK.

The way you can persuade a US friend to help you with this is to offer to share the cost of their cable service. Entirely reasonable considering you will be using their cable service and bandwidth.


So the question is:

Is there any software I can buy (at IT Ctr?) so I can watch TV from the U.S. on my computer in Pattaya?

Many Thanks,



AMAZING!.. i was just about to start a topic tonight about the same issue with getting Aussie tv!

My thai friend sent me the following link that she claimed to be from youtube.

As you will see it claims no software is needed so it sounds like some sort of streaming system.I have some reservations about whether it will work on my system and you have to pay the fee without a demo,which could be a bit dodgy:


It sounds ok at first glance and it if you trust your fellow americans please let me know how it goes!!


All these one time payment programs actually only list channels which can be watched free anyway. And there's not much premium channels, as it simply would be illegal to stream them, or to receive them without paying proper monthly fees.

There's several websites dedicated to listing all those free channels, no need to pay any money!




And so on.

Indeed the only way to (easily) watch your home cable channels is the slingbox.

Two observations:

* The quality depends on the bitrate. Most internet packages in the West only allow for a 512 kbps upload, which gives acceptable quality but nothing brilliant. I have never had any problem of my Thai internet matching the upload speed of my slingbox (both on Maxnet Premium and CAT). On the cheaper "home" packages you'll probably only be able to watch properly during the quit night hours.

* Many Western internet providers impose a monthly data transfer limit (especially in Australia I think). When streaming at 450kbps (which is what you'll mostly get with a 512kbps uplink) you are transferring 1.5 GB for every hour of television watched! Check the small print of the contract with your ISP to see if they cap the transfer limit and at how much. Some will simply charge you extra if going over the limit resulting in steep bills!

I had a Belgian Telenet subscription (15Mbps/512kbps, 2000 Baht/month) which was capped at 25 Gb/month or about 17 hours of watching slingbox. Each extra Gb was billed at 1€ (45 Baht) so for every extra hour I watched I got billed 70 Baht!!!

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