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Standing For The National Anthem


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I agree we are guests in this country and should be appropriately respectful. However, as most of us foreigners are not even permanent residents (and so many do not even have a possible pathway towards this) and a tiny portion of us are Thai citizens, I think internalizing Thai nationalism is best kept in the perspective of your personal reality.

Edited by Jingthing
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Didnt we used to do this in the UK cinema's in the 70's -> early 80's?

Certainly had the anthem on the BBC shortly before the schedule ended after midnight.

Well the music certainly played in the UK cinemas, as to the response? I remember a certain Dad's Army episode. Captain Mainwaring stood, and his troop trampled him underfoot to get out. It actually died out in the late 60's in the cinemas, I don't know about television

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Personally i always look at what others are doing . If everybody stands up i'll get up also , if 50% get's up , i just keep on doing whatever i am doing . I don't know my own national athem ... let alone another countries athem and personally i don't give a $*&^ about it . I will also never fight for my country or whatever other country . Not of my business ... My passport gives me a place where i am born , that is the only reason , nothing else . Why should i ever give a dam_n about that ... and a song for it ... pfff couldn't care less but if everybody stands up , well i do know how to pay respect to people so i fake and stand up .

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From what I have seen during my stay in Thailand, Thais people do not stand to the The National Anthem in side of a room accept at the movies or a special ceremony. I was in front of the public hospital on monday 8am few cars stop, about tens Thais stop after they saw me stop and standing as THEIR National Anthem was played. :o SAD : but true.

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I was at Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit the other morning sitting down waiting for my appointment. 8 am arrived and the National Anthem played on the radio and TV.

I automatically stood up, as one does, however, I felt rather foolish as I realised I was the only doing so one out of a room of about 15 or so Thai's. I remained standing but nobody really paid any attention to me

As a long term Thai resident I have always dutifully stopped what I was doing at 8 am or 6 pm if I was outside home or office and in a public place and tried to sing along with the National Anthem.

Just curious if other TV members have experienced this recently.

i always laugh at farang that stop or stand

they never teach you respect when you grow up

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Personally i always look at what others are doing . If everybody stands up i'll get up also , if 50% get's up , i just keep on doing whatever i am doing . I don't know my own national athem ... let alone another countries athem and personally i don't give a $*&^ about it . I will also never fight for my country or whatever other country . Not of my business ... My passport gives me a place where i am born , that is the only reason , nothing else . Why should i ever give a dam_n about that ... and a song for it ... pfff couldn't care less but if everybody stands up , well i do know how to pay respect to people so i fake and stand up .

I think you most not like yourself,what a bloody attitude.

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zero farangs and zero Thais in jail for that

I seem to recall a German or Austrian? drunk graffiti artist got arrested and jailed for spraying posters a couple of years back. But got released a couple of days later with a pardo

A Swiss sprayed posters of HM the King. got a jail term and got a pardon and sent to Switzerland.

I think last years birthday speech of HM the King in which he told that nobody is in jail for lese majesty (spelling) as he gives pardon to everone.

there is an Australian in jail right now for les majesty based on a single line of what he wrote in a novel which only published 50 copies

he has not yet had a trial

the arrest was in November

Edited by dave9988
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Personally i always look at what others are doing . If everybody stands up i'll get up also , if 50% get's up , i just keep on doing whatever i am doing . I don't know my own national athem ... let alone another countries athem and personally i don't give a $*&^ about it . I will also never fight for my country or whatever other country . Not of my business ... My passport gives me a place where i am born , that is the only reason , nothing else . Why should i ever give a dam_n about that ... and a song for it ... pfff couldn't care less but if everybody stands up , well i do know how to pay respect to people so i fake and stand up .

What a nice man you are sezze - just the sort to be alongside in the trenches, NOT !

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i still dont understand what standing in the cinema has to do with standing for the national anthem.


i guess its the same people here who respond in other threads "I hope the PAD loses all of its elections next year".

It is a similar issue. Respecting and following expected national norms while living in Thailand.

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zero farangs and zero Thais in jail for that

I seem to recall a German or Austrian? drunk graffiti artist got arrested and jailed for spraying posters a couple of years back. But got released a couple of days later with a pardo

A Swiss sprayed posters of HM the King. got a jail term and got a pardon and sent to Switzerland.

I think last years birthday speech of HM the King in which he told that nobody is in jail for lese majesty (spelling) as he gives pardon to everone.

there is an Australian in jail right now for les majesty based on a single line of what he wrote in a novel which only published 50 copies

he has not yet had a trial

the arrest was in November

As usual h90 doesn't know what he is talking about. Apart from the above a Thai woman was also arrested for not standing in the cinema. Not sure what has happened with her. I believe there are numerous other cases awaiting trail.

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Didnt we used to do this in the UK cinema's in the 70's -> early 80's?

Certainly had the anthem on the BBC shortly before the schedule ended after midnight.

Well the music certainly played in the UK cinemas, as to the response? I remember a certain Dad's Army episode. Captain Mainwaring stood, and his troop trampled him underfoot to get out. It actually died out in the late 60's in the cinemas, I don't know about television

The BBC stopped playing the Anthem many years ago. Ever since the launch of 24 hour Television.

Edited by TEFLMike
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:oJoker if you cannot be bothered to pay your respects to the King why bother to stay in Los! It only takes a minute or so in cinema, thats just being LAZY in the extreme.

I wonder what country you came from and why you are in Thailand, to be be so disrespectfull to your host country???

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It is all about conflict prevention by the majority of Farangs. If e.g. staying seated in the cinema without any harm done during the anthem, the majority of Farangs would not stand up.

The yellow shirt on Monday kind of Farangs would stand up. But this people are an own folk, which mostly experience some kind of recognition in Thailand, they lacked at home. Nothing against that. On the contrary, a good way to get a psychical boost away from old depressions. But there are also dangers, if you can not handle that.

So, standing for the national anthem is mostly not a way to show respect by Farangs. It is either a lazy way of conflict prevention or politeness to the Thais around them.

Edited by Birdman
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I am from The Netherlands, also the same Monarchie system as Thailand. Anyhow I do stand up in Cinema, only saying it's annoying.

No, you are now back-tracking.

You said it was annoying AND you planned your cinema visits to avoid the preview and the Royal song. That is what some posters have found pathetic - why ? You presumably don't find such royal gestures in the Netherlands annoying.

Does standing in the cinemas change the world ? Of course not. But the respectful gesture is requested, and expected, by the cinema proprietors and lasts for less than a minute - even if you are holding popcorn and a diet coke it is not the most challenging event of the day. I fail to see how anyone can take a negative view of it. To me, it is just one of those quaint cultural things that the Thais do.

I don't want to harp on about it - but I accept that I am doing - would you find taking your shoes off before entering a Thai house or temple annoying ? Would you finf wai-ing a monk at the temple, or family at their home annoying ?

It is a small part of the Thai way of life. Live with it, share in it even if you can't fully embrace it - there are plenty of other things to get "annoyed" about.

Have a nice day. :o

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I was at Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit the other morning sitting down waiting for my appointment. 8 am arrived and the National Anthem played on the radio and TV.

I automatically stood up, as one does, however, I felt rather foolish as I realised I was the only doing so one out of a room of about 15 or so Thai's. I remained standing but nobody really paid any attention to me

As a long term Thai resident I have always dutifully stopped what I was doing at 8 am or 6 pm if I was outside home or office and in a public place and tried to sing along with the National Anthem.

Just curious if other TV members have experienced this recently.

i always laugh at farang that stop or stand

I assume you are not aware that you can be jailed for not doing so. Laughing will probably speed your trip up considerably.

Can get had in a cinema with the King's tune but not for the anthem... simply stop what you're doing for that if anyone else is around.

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Everytime im home at 6pm and the thai national anthem plays i stop what im doing SPRINT upstairs and stand with my chest puffed out on the balcony whilst waving a flag above my head and my other hand is on my heart.

Im a farang but im desperate to be a thai.

edited because i forgot how to spell other :o

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I am from The Netherlands, also the same Monarchie system as Thailand. Anyhow I do stand up in Cinema, only saying it's annoying.

You presumably don't find such royal gestures in the Netherlands annoying.

We don't have such things in our country, as we find the Queen and Royal Family not that much important. We pay TAX enough all ready to them.

It's not that they are much remembered in our daily lives, like in Thailand.

I fail to see how anyone can take a negative view of it. To me, it is just one of those quaint cultural things that the Thais do.

There are more quaint cultural things that Thais just do.

Would you find taking your shoes off before entering a Thai house or temple annoying ? Would you finf wai-ing a monk at the temple, or family at their home annoying ?

I don't Wai and taking shoes off is oke, because this is a hot country and you don't want the dirt inside the house.

It is a small part of the Thai way of life. Live with it, share in it even if you can't fully embrace it - there are plenty of other things to get "annoyed" about.

That's true.

Have a nice day. :o

You to

Edited by TheJoker
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I do not know what all the fuss and bother is all about on this thread , I stood erect for the anthems of both my Mother land and my adopted country , feeling I had allegience to them because I was and still am , a part of both countries . I was and never will be considered a citizen of Thailand , there are some trends of culture i do not consider it neccessary to become beholden to under these circumstances . I am and always will be considered a mere visitor , for this I am thankfull and will obey its laws , as to standing for the Thai anthem , I have not once seen a Thai stand for his/her anthem , that would take excess energy if you get my drift . So what is your point again ?

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Didnt we used to do this in the UK cinema's in the 70's -> early 80's?

Certainly had the anthem on the BBC shortly before the schedule ended after midnight.

Well the music certainly played in the UK cinemas, as to the response? I remember a certain Dad's Army episode. Captain Mainwaring stood, and his troop trampled him underfoot to get out. It actually died out in the late 60's in the cinemas, I don't know about television

The BBC stopped playing the Anthem many years ago. Ever since the launch of 24 hour Television.

BBC still play the DIRGE at 1-00am in the morning on Radio 4 just after the shipping forcast......'rockall 4 and rising'... 5 miles visibility.... good......and Sailing By............nice wee tune.

Usually in bed so dont stand up.... :o

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Personally i always look at what others are doing . If everybody stands up i'll get up also , if 50% get's up , i just keep on doing whatever i am doing . I don't know my own national athem ... let alone another countries athem and personally i don't give a $*&^ about it . I will also never fight for my country or whatever other country . Not of my business ... My passport gives me a place where i am born , that is the only reason , nothing else . Why should i ever give a dam_n about that ... and a song for it ... pfff couldn't care less but if everybody stands up , well i do know how to pay respect to people so i fake and stand up .

What a nice man you are sezze - just the sort to be alongside in the trenches, NOT !

I just hope that the next time I'm deep in the shit, that I'm not facing death in some crappy armpit of the world, protecting his rights and freedoms. :o

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I was at Samitivej Hospital Sukhumvit the other morning sitting down waiting for my appointment. 8 am arrived and the National Anthem played on the radio and TV.

I automatically stood up, as one does, however, I felt rather foolish as I realised I was the only doing so one out of a room of about 15 or so Thai's. I remained standing but nobody really paid any attention to me

As a long term Thai resident I have always dutifully stopped what I was doing at 8 am or 6 pm if I was outside home or office and in a public place and tried to sing along with the National Anthem.

Just curious if other TV members have experienced this recently.

i always laugh at farang that stop or stand

Yes I agree, it's pathetic.

They call it respect, I call it downright ignorance.

Poor lost souls

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please tell me exactly which part of the culture , what ancient tradition and what specific aspect of the way of life you have come here to respect that cant be found in your home country.

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Once I was walking down the steps after getting out from skytrain at 6pm, all of us stood until the Anthem finished.

Nobody's mentioned the sky train till now, every time I've been on it at 6pm everybody stood still, including me. Be interesting to see what happens at the very busy Siam stop

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zero farangs and zero Thais in jail for that

I seem to recall a German or Austrian? drunk graffiti artist got arrested and jailed for spraying posters a couple of years back. But got released a couple of days later with a pardo

A Swiss sprayed posters of HM the King. got a jail term and got a pardon and sent to Switzerland.

I think last years birthday speech of HM the King in which he told that nobody is in jail for lese majesty (spelling) as he gives pardon to everone.

there is an Australian in jail right now for les majesty based on a single line of what he wrote in a novel which only published 50 copies

he has not yet had a trial

the arrest was in November

Actually not Nov. , it was July/Aug. He has been there a looooong time.

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I am more than happy to conform and be polite if it is an event, formal occasion etc. but having it part of the daily routine is a tad overkill.

On the other hand if I or any other should choose not to conform to this ritual I would hope that the authorities/society would show the same amount of politeness and respect to the persons concerned.

It should be everyone's right to choose not to conform when it does no harm to others. That in my mind is the mark of a civilised society and everyone should have that right.

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Recently whilst touring around Australia I was absolutely disgusted at this stupid stupid Japanese woman at the War Memorial in Canberra where she chatted away in japanese language right through the period of a minutes silence, dispite being the only one doing it & dispite a number of people trying to sshh her.

The dirty rude thing then proceeded into the tomb of the unknown soldier where she spilled her sports drink across the floor after she producing it from her handbag. At that time I had seen just about enough & my disgust at her total lack of respect caused me to proceed over to her, take hold of her by the arm & remove the drink from her hand. I then proceeded towards the entrance with her in hot pursuit of her drink & two army officers (that witnessed the entire thing) ejected her from the War Memorial. The best thing about this was that they wernt gentle with her & I couldnt help but feeling proud of the Australian soldiers as they kicked arse! Being the cranky b*stard that I am, I was only sorry that I couldnt put my foot on her throat and carefully direct a couple of glock rounds into her forehead! :o

If you are a visitor in another country, irregardless of how ignorant you are, you should show complete respect for these types of things, afterall how hard is it to show a little respect!

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