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Pattaya Today Cartoon


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In the current edition of Pattaya Today is a cartoon of an old woman trying to cross the dangerous junction at the top of Walking Street, saying "there are 30 Tourist Police Volunteer police sitting 10 yards away, you would think some would help us tourists cross this dangerous junction" To which the answer is "P*ss off. We're not traffic police".

It has a point!

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I have long thought that the road at the corner of Walking Street with no right of way for pedestrians to cross and the side walk fenced off, is extremely dangerous and lacks any consideration for walking tourists - especially the elderly and infirm.

What other "World Class" tourist resort would force pedestrians to walk through the forecourt of a jewellery store to get to the main entertainment district?

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I agree this FENCE is a big safety hazard. It is another example of safety theater. It is very visible at a very visible place so it gives the superficial impression that the authorities are doing something to solve a problem. But they haven't solved a problem. In fact, they created a new problem.

-- people still have to cross at this crazy place so they walk to either end of the fence

-- baht bus drivers are sometimes ejecting passengers right into this busy road with no access to exit the road, being BLOCKED by this FENCE

Overall, the fence would be better GONE.

Does anyone have contacts (or anyone reading this perhaps you are a news writer) in the local Pattaya press, who can focus public attention of the problems with this FENCE?

Edited by Jingthing
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I remember before this fence that sheer pressure of numbers of pedestrians usually had the effect of stopping the traffic or slowing it sufficiently to zig zag across at the corner. The fact that traffic was already at the slowest part of the turn also helped. Now pedestrians are forced to cross at the two points either end of the fence where traffic is moving faster as it approaches the turn or accelerates up the hill after the turn and are more likely to get clipped by a motorbike weaving between the cars and songtaews.

Someone in the last city administration is proud of this handywork and his cousin probably got the steelwork contract too.

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It's hardly a 'fence'. Anyone under the age of 60 would have not too much trouble vaulting/ climbing through the few rails that are there.

As for the big drama of being stranded in the middle of the road, you actually had several baht busses (sic?) protecting you from any oncoming, but if you choose the middle then that is up to you.

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It's hardly a 'fence'. Anyone under the age of 60 would have not too much trouble vaulting/ climbing through the few rails that are there.

As for the big drama of being stranded in the middle of the road, you actually had several baht busses (sic?) protecting you from any oncoming, but if you choose the middle then that is up to you.

even though its not a fence ,i think the point to be made is that this must be the busiest pedestrian junction in the whole of pattaya in the evening and its got railings to manouver around or climb thru ,its just not safe or more to the point its ridiculous that tourists have to scramble thru the traffic to get to pattayas biggest night time attraction(w street). it dont bother me but its not good for pattaya and shows tourists they have little sense about some things,but i suppose after you visit thailand a few times you then realise they have little sense about most things here. :o

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I have long thought that the road at the corner of Walking Street with no right of way for pedestrians to cross and the side walk fenced off, is extremely dangerous and lacks any consideration for walking tourists - especially the elderly and infirm.

What other "World Class" tourist resort would force pedestrians to walk through the forecourt of a jewellery store to get to the main entertainment district?

Some time ago, I started a post that the idea of Pattaya being a World Class resort is a bad joke; but I seem to remember being put down for it. Glad to see some more evidence for my viewpoint.

And just what is the point of those farang TP volunteers anyway? I presume they have no power of arrest, and I never see them actually do anything other than sit around at the entrance to WS.

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how about a trafficlight there turning red every 3 or 5 mins for 30 seconds at night time say 7 till 12 pm,wouldnt do any harm would it?????

Do you not remember the traffic lights on 2nd Rd next to Mike Department Store?

They were there for a couple of years, but never once went on red! Eventually they were removed. TIT.

If there is a place in Pattaya in real need of lights, or overhead walkway it's 2nd Rd by Big C, as the traffic has built up speed there with the long straight from Central. At least, by WS the lights do slow the traffic occasionally, enough to get across safely.

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Some time ago, I started a post that the idea of Pattaya being a World Class resort is a bad joke; but I seem to remember being put down for it. Glad to see some more evidence for my viewpoint.

And just what is the point of those farang TP volunteers anyway? I presume they have no power of arrest, and I never see them actually do anything other than sit around at the entrance to WS.

Some time ago you started another litany of pointless Pattaya bashing. Probably some responders with better things to do chose to point out that in Pattaya, it aint ever been all about, nor ever will it ever be all about farangs opinions.

But it depends if you see the OP as a topic starter about bad traffic management or an attempt to bash the police volunteers.

I opted for the former and responded in kind. However, you maybe think it's about someone's knickers showing about their TPV opinions. So I will chuck my tuppence in on that as well.

Maybe you haven't noticed that the TPV group at the end of WS are a mix of Thais and farangs... so maybe it's just farang TPV's you really can't understand.

If you take some time to stop and ask them what they do, they will tell you since you haven't seemed to accept the oft stated case that their primary task is liaison between visitors and police. If someone gets busted for something bad, they liaise and translate. If someone lost their wallet, they liaise and translate. When U-Tapao was being used as an alternate to Bangkoks airports recently, they were there to liaise and translate. When they assisted the Highway Patrol at Sukhumvit traffic stops... do you see a trend here?

Next you will be stirring up the 'do they have a WP' worriers and the the paramilitary jackboots and crewcuts haters.

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beach road should be no traffic after 8pm but where does the traffic go.i can never fathom out why there are so many cars/trucks driving at night when there is a more than adequate system to get about with.move all the baht buses parked on second rd and all the rental m/bikes and maybe there is enough room to park on second rd and walk a bit.

failing that anybody got any ideas as beach rd has got to be traffic free to be safe for tourists to enjoy walking.

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It's hardly a 'fence'. Anyone under the age of 60 would have not too much trouble vaulting/ climbing through the few rails that are there.

... In this "world class" tourist resort..... :D

"Come to Pattaya and have a great time vaulting fences to avoid being killed by pick up trucks" :D

BTW I'm over 60, so I guess I just have to die. :o

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Any empty Baht Bus that gets to Royal Garden on Beach Road needs to be forced up on to Second Road back Northbound.

As for traffic stop lights at the junction. Great idea, stop the traffic for 2 minutes to allow people (customers) to cross the road - then allow traffic to flow for 30 seconds then repeat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some time ago, I started a post that the idea of Pattaya being a World Class resort is a bad joke; but I seem to remember being put down for it. Glad to see some more evidence for my viewpoint.

And just what is the point of those farang TP volunteers anyway? I presume they have no power of arrest, and I never see them actually do anything other than sit around at the entrance to WS.

Some time ago you started another litany of pointless Pattaya bashing. Probably some responders with better things to do chose to point out that in Pattaya, it aint ever been all about, nor ever will it ever be all about farangs opinions.

But it depends if you see the OP as a topic starter about bad traffic management or an attempt to bash the police volunteers.

I opted for the former and responded in kind. However, you maybe think it's about someone's knickers showing about their TPV opinions. So I will chuck my tuppence in on that as well.

Maybe you haven't noticed that the TPV group at the end of WS are a mix of Thais and farangs... so maybe it's just farang TPV's you really can't understand.

If you take some time to stop and ask them what they do, they will tell you since you haven't seemed to accept the oft stated case that their primary task is liaison between visitors and police. If someone gets busted for something bad, they liaise and translate. If someone lost their wallet, they liaise and translate. When U-Tapao was being used as an alternate to Bangkoks airports recently, they were there to liaise and translate. When they assisted the Highway Patrol at Sukhumvit traffic stops... do you see a trend here?

Next you will be stirring up the 'do they have a WP' worriers and the the paramilitary jackboots and crewcuts haters.

My my. Super sensitive, aren't we!

Why would I indulge in Pattaya bashing when I love the place? I just can't stand it when people try to promote it as a "World class resort", which it is patently not, and which I would do my utmost to prevent, were it within my power to do so.

As for bashing the farang TPVs, it's all in the interpretation. I meant it as a genuine question, but you have interpreted it as a negative.

Bye the way, I know there are Thai TPVs, but I wasn't asking about them, so why do you bring them up?

As this forum is almost entirely farang opinions, I wonder why you make the comment that it's not about our opinions. Were farangs not to proffer opinions there wouldn't be much to read!

As you did not attack the other poster for his negative comment about Pattaya being a World class resort, I can only assume your tirade against me is personal, not that I care, as you're just a bunch of pixels.

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Some time ago, I started a post that the idea of Pattaya being a World Class resort is a bad joke; but I seem to remember being put down for it. Glad to see some more evidence for my viewpoint.

And just what is the point of those farang TP volunteers anyway? I presume they have no power of arrest, and I never see them actually do anything other than sit around at the entrance to WS.

Some time ago you started another litany of pointless Pattaya bashing. Probably some responders with better things to do chose to point out that in Pattaya, it aint ever been all about, nor ever will it ever be all about farangs opinions.

But it depends if you see the OP as a topic starter about bad traffic management or an attempt to bash the police volunteers.

I opted for the former and responded in kind. However, you maybe think it's about someone's knickers showing about their TPV opinions. So I will chuck my tuppence in on that as well.

Maybe you haven't noticed that the TPV group at the end of WS are a mix of Thais and farangs... so maybe it's just farang TPV's you really can't understand.

If you take some time to stop and ask them what they do, they will tell you since you haven't seemed to accept the oft stated case that their primary task is liaison between visitors and police. If someone gets busted for something bad, they liaise and translate. If someone lost their wallet, they liaise and translate. When U-Tapao was being used as an alternate to Bangkoks airports recently, they were there to liaise and translate. When they assisted the Highway Patrol at Sukhumvit traffic stops... do you see a trend here?

Next you will be stirring up the 'do they have a WP' worriers and the the paramilitary jackboots and crewcuts haters.

My my. Super sensitive, aren't we!

Why would I indulge in Pattaya bashing when I love the place? I just can't stand it when people try to promote it as a "World class resort", which it is patently not, and which I would do my utmost to prevent, were it within my power to do so.

As for bashing the farang TPVs, it's all in the interpretation. I meant it as a genuine question, but you have interpreted it as a negative.

Bye the way, I know there are Thai TPVs, but I wasn't asking about them, so why do you bring them up?

As this forum is almost entirely farang opinions, I wonder why you make the comment that it's not about our opinions. Were farangs not to proffer opinions there wouldn't be much to read!

As you did not attack the other poster for his negative comment about Pattaya being a World class resort, I can only assume your tirade against me is personal, not that I care, as you're just a bunch of pixels.

Alright, I will pull my head in. It's nothing personal (how can you get personal with a pixel btw?) but you did question the TPV and if they have powers of arrest which you will admit, also has little to do with whether Pattaya is a world class resort... but I digress. I responded to that as well as addressing the actual city hall clusterf*ck of placing the barrier there. I was talking with a mate who is a TPV veteran about this a few days ago and he said that when the TPV started their 'night watch' and before the barrier, they actually did do periodic traffic-pedestrian management at that corner during rush-hour. Once the city erected the exercise rails, they gave up that act and now just lol around watching the girlies, liaising and translating in between power struts up and down WS.

Anyway, nice to hear you love the place; she needs all the love she can get. I reckon it's a nice place to call home as well despite the changes since 1979 when I first fell off the bus here. I think there's enough room in the city for a 'World Class' bit as well as the less developed and less commercial bits that come with such recognition. But that would need professional planners and right now, I don't see anyone in city hall asking for that.

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