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The End Of The Crisis

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When Nuliebour is out of power will be a good start.

Though the govt.is wasting 75milliongbp of taxpayers money to tell fat people to eat less and exercise more.... http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/O...g_Obesity_Rates

.... this joke is backed by Coca cola, Mars bar etc...., as these people are running the show this highlights why governments spending our money will make the recession a long drawn out process.

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A fan of L. Neil Smith, perchance? :o

The reason we have two parties is that they do their utmost to shut out any and all independents and third parties at all points of the game. Ballot access (for third-party candidates) is often restricted, and the R's and D's play all sorts of dirty tricks to destroy third-party candidates who come up with potentially winning issues.

BTW, who or what is "GZ"??

I dont know Mr Smith but GZ is the guy you introduced me to.

Thanks :D

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Lifestyle change.


You will eat less in the near future because of prices of food skyrocketing.

The British consumers can follow the government sponsored news on their recently purchased flatscreens, ha ha ha.


Hey Obama,

Can you give us about a Trillion Dollar to repair the bridges that we lease from the investment peeps.

I mean it is not that much you know, you have given the bankers about the same.

And it is really urgent as we have a bit of a cash flow shortage at the moment.

You say you lease your bridges?

Yes but also the new football stadium and government house and and and.......

What happened with that money you got from that bridge deal.

Well we build a new town meeting center and then we sold this new center and from that money we build the new stadium.

And the stadium is now also "Leased"

Uuuuuuuuuhhhhh, yes.

What happened with that money from the stadium?

It's sorta gone.........we uh, invested it with this Madeoff guy.


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Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :jerk:

postings of AlexLah are costing me a bundle and are making my psychiatrist rich. to get rid of my depressions i have to be on his couch now twice a week. on top of that i am paying a fortune for my consumption of the antidepressiva Prozac.



Why don't you try countering peoples positions using FACTS rather than setting up straw man arguments.

why didn't you see the three smilies which ended my posting? do you need reading glasses? :D

Many a true word spoken in jest!!! :D:wai:

So, I can say anything I like, add a few smilies and say its all a big joke and meanns nothing? Hmmmm...

Can someone please stop Naam??? His slavish regurgitating of what he hears on CNN, BBC world or whatever mainstream garbage he listens to is driving me crazy!!! :P lol:

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You remember this tent guy I was talking about previously?

Well you know just before he joined the riots he felt a bit sick.

(I guess from eating the food that he scrapped out of those waste containers).

He goes to this healthcare center and tried to get some medicine or whatever they could give.

So he goes to the nearest he can find and after some time in the waiting room he sees the docter.

After a minute in his story the docter writes some prescription note and hands out to him.

Joe the tent guy previously employed as beancounter goes to the nurse and gives the prescription note.

Nurse asks for ID number and his name and after a while Joe get's his medicine.


Mr. Obama stressed the link between restoring the nation's dismal economy

and making health coverage more affordable and accessible to Americans.

Does Mister Obama know that every year about 60 Billion USD in fraudulent claims are being made under the Medicare program?

I believe he does.......

Why else would you appoint a guy that is a fraud himself?

Appointed Tom Daschle


"We have the most expensive health care system in the world,

but are not the healthiest nation in the world," Daschle said.

Do I read here: The most profitable scam?

This Made Off guy took about 3 decades to get away with 30-50 Billion USD.

Medicare fraud is about 60 Billion a year, chosse which you like better.

Some fact's:

Daschle, D-S.D., became a public policy adviser at the law and lobbying firm

Alston & Bird, although he isn't a registered lobbyist. He advised clients on

issues including health care, financial services and taxes and trade,

When confronted with his fraudulent behaviour he said:

I've made mistakes. I admit them. I'll go on and try not to make them again."

Read, next time I will do my best to hide how I steal money and not get cought.

Just recently the appointed by Mr. Obama minister of agriculture decided it was better to drop out of his new post because of fraudulent behaviour.

Those peeps know, once they are in full spotlight, everyone can see them so they choose to remain to operate in the shadows.

So ask yourself, why is Mr, Obama hiring people that are known frauds?

Why are the big banking institutions the greatest single contributors to his campaign?

Why is war or some severe crisis very profitable?

A litlle excersise:

Please come up with another 5 letter word for: Exit


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Jcon, I know the thruth is hard to swallow and indeed sometimes I need a litlle break and have a bit of online fun.

I am here giving you all the bit's and pieces and hopefully you start thinking.

This fight will be a hard one as the King's are so widespread and have their influence everywhere.

Your duty is to inform other people and educate your children if you have some.

It will be difficult but not impossible to remove this Cancer from the system.

Should I start a seperate topic?

I could, but how do I relate it to Thailand?


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Should I start a seperate topic?

I could, but how do I relate it to Thailand?

I usually just take your posts with some salt but I cannot say I can relate most if any of them to Thailand.

Not that it is a bad thing for me :o

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well the crisis has just begun and no one knows how it will unfold.

as a result of the financial crisis,yes in the past it has been solved by world wars.

maybe this time it will be coupled by environmental disasters,massive famines,nations in riots,people turning against each other in dire straights....................i,m beginning to sound like alex lah,who maybe a washington insider and therefore knows more than

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The end of the crisis in the U.S. will be marked by the stabilization of the real estate market, sometime in mid 2010! In the U.K., Spain, Ireland, Italy and Greece it might be 2011or 2012? Until then disinflation and deflation will be the theme of the day :D Since the U.S. got hit first it will get out first, the ECB has been behind the curve since the begining of this crisis so europe will continue to have problems even after the U.S. comes out of this. As far as China goes, its anyones guess if their capitalist experiment can weather this storm, as for the other Asain nations their export sector will be impaired for many years to come. At this point in time the economy in Russia looks very ugly, the situation is geting more desperate every day and I fear the hardliners will take complete control of the country before its over :o

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The end of the crisis in the U.S. will be marked by the stabilization of the real estate market, sometime in mid 2010! In the U.K., Spain, Ireland, Italy and Greece it might be 2011or 2012? Until then disinflation and deflation will be the theme of the day :D Since the U.S. got hit first it will get out first, the ECB has been behind the curve since the begining of this crisis so europe will continue to have problems even after the U.S. comes out of this. As far as China goes, its anyones guess if their capitalist experiment can weather this storm, as for the other Asain nations their export sector will be impaired for many years to come. At this point in time the economy in Russia looks very ugly, the situation is geting more desperate every day and I fear the hardliners will take complete control of the country before its over :D

Your time exact predictions are quite amazing ? :o

I dont agree with you at all about the US .......but lets just agree to disagree :D

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The end of the crisis in the U.S. will be marked by the stabilization of the real estate market, sometime in mid 2010!

The problem is that before that stabilization takes place you need a collapse. The last 'subprime' is insignificant when you compare it with commercial real estate. Shops are closing at an alarming rate leaving the owners without rental income, being unable to pay for their mortgages causing another bubble to collapse.

Sure markets will stabilize as they always do but at what level?

The prosperity level we have now or thrown back tens of years with a lot less jobs and with a lot less choices.

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The end of the crisis in the U.S. will be marked by the stabilization of the real estate market, sometime in mid 2010!

The problem is that before that stabilization takes place you need a collapse. The last 'subprime' is insignificant when you compare it with commercial real estate. Shops are closing at an alarming rate leaving the owners without rental income, being unable to pay for their mortgages causing another bubble to collapse.

Sure markets will stabilize as they always do but at what level?

The prosperity level we have now or thrown back tens of years with a lot less jobs and with a lot less choices.

Do you think this will start to show up this year ?

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Shops are already closing. Adding to that office spaces. Those too are more and more empty.

If you realize that most malls, offices etc were financed by banks/investors with only lease contracts as backing, the real estate itself is often located in areas that are not able to keep there value. Those are starting to default. Probably taking a few months to really brake the banks again. are they too big too fail again?

US communism is closing in.

Another problem is consumer confidence. If people walk on the streets and see shop after shop closed, when they go to work whole office floors are empty, other employees you worked with for years are fired. all this will make people more afraid of the future and spending will go even lower with a result even more shops have to close.

When that spiral down is broken there is not much left.

Edited by Khun Jean
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Shops are already closing. Adding to that office spaces. Those too are more and more empty.

If you realize that most malls, offices etc were financed by banks/investors with only lease contracts as backing, the real estate itself is often located in areas that are not able to keep there value. Those are starting to default. Probably taking a few months to really brake the banks again. are they too big too fail again?

US communism is closing in.

Another problem is consumer confidence. If people walk on the streets and see shop after shop closed, when they go to work whole office floors are empty, other employees you worked with for years are fired. all this will make people more afraid of the future and spending will go even lower with a result even more shops have to close.

When that spiral down is broken there is not much left.

As i read this I am watching a documentary on BBC World about the MASSIVE

loss of jobs in China :D It is getting very serious there - so that is yet another dimension

to all this ..................the crisis hasnt ended and is getting deeper................

China was meant to be imune :o

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Shops are already closing. Adding to that office spaces. Those too are more and more empty.

If you realize that most malls, offices etc were financed by banks/investors with only lease contracts as backing, the real estate itself is often located in areas that are not able to keep there value. Those are starting to default. Probably taking a few months to really brake the banks again. are they too big too fail again?

US communism is closing in.

Another problem is consumer confidence. If people walk on the streets and see shop after shop closed, when they go to work whole office floors are empty, other employees you worked with for years are fired. all this will make people more afraid of the future and spending will go even lower with a result even more shops have to close.

When that spiral down is broken there is not much left.

As i read this I am watching a documentary on BBC World about the MASSIVE

loss of jobs in China :D It is getting very serious there - so that is yet another dimension

to all this ..................the crisis hasnt ended and is getting deeper................

China was meant to be imune :o

china will need to start quick smart a social welfare programme for all the unexpected unemployed or social unrest could start.would imagine most of the population had been led to believe this was the beginning of a new economic dawn(a catch up with the west)and will feel badly let down.

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Victor the the private speculator screams and cries out loud.

Joe who lives in the tent next to him decides to have a look at Vic to see what is going on.

He find's Vick staring at a picture of what seems to be an Asian girl.

Joe asks Vic what's up dude?

Vic then explains that he went for a short holiday to Thailand after his wife commited suicide by hanging herself the day they had to leave their house.

He met this girl named Pong and fell in love at day one, promised to send her some money from his savings.

Hoping he would have another job soon as was promised by the great almighty Obama.

What Obama did not tell is that there are now 40 Million people without a job and growing by a million each month.

Vic was now without money as he just sended his last 50 USD to Pong.

I get you some hot tea my friend, I made a stove.


Joe pours some of the Fema water in a can and fires up his homemade stove, then takes off his sock and put it into the can,

thinking that at least it will give some taste.


After the tea is ready Vic starts to talk.

He talks about his son, obsessed with PC games and the gamezone that was put up by the US military in malls.


Shortly after that, recruiters talked with his son and now his son is fighting the global war.

He remembers the invasion of the Gaza strip by Israel and that it escalated into a war with Iran.


Bolton harped on the point that "we have been involved in negotiations with Iran for the last five years."

He was referring to the European negotiations with Iran, in which the US refused to participate

Other countries got involved and soon it became one big mess.

This whole finacial crisis was looking like a riplle in the water compared to what is going on right now.

He just wonders when this madness will ever stop.

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I don't think in that much doom but the FEMA camps are a thing to really worry about.

Someone up high is keeping something quiet.

Yanks should get themselves separated from the TV (already about 8 hours a day) and start asking questions.

If enough do that maybe some answers will be needed to keep people from revolting.

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Also not to add to that doom & gloom but

While waxing the truck I was listening to the radio news.

They said Military Re-enlist is so high they have taken away

the usual re-enlisting bonus. Seems many see it as gainful employment

in these times. Sad as they are 90+% just kids.

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How about this then for a conspiracy theory .................

The Global Economic Crisis was " engineered " by those who " own " the

US Fed to create enough money ( from the bail out packages the US

Goverment is handing out ) to fianance a war between Israel and Iran ?

Any takers please ? :o

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How about this then for a conspiracy theory .................

The Global Economic Crisis was " engineered " by those who " own " the

US Fed to create enough money ( from the bail out packages the US

Goverment is handing out ) to fianance a war between Israel and Iran ?

Any takers please ? :D

hmmmm... :o

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How about this then for a conspiracy theory .................

The Global Economic Crisis was " engineered " by those who " own " the

US Fed to create enough money ( from the bail out packages the US

Goverment is handing out ) to fianance a war between Israel and Iran ?

Any takers please ? :o

I think it is not far from the truth. Finance War I do not know.....

But I did see someone write they thought it was a set up to get everyone out of any market & into cash. Cash that is being inflated & made worthless by leaps & bounds.

Now that.................has merit as a well engineered set up.

Think about it..........how perfect is that? Make the fiat currency default but first get everyone to sell their real property or real shares in companies etc & turn that into what is to become worthless.

They say wealth is never destroyed only transferred.

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I think it is not far from the truth. Finance War I do not know.....

But I did see someone write they thought it was a set up to get everyone out of any market & into cash. Cash that is being inflated & made worthless by leaps & bounds.

Now that.................has merit as a well engineered set up.

Think about it..........how perfect is that? Make the fiat currency default but first get everyone to sell their real property or real shares in companies etc & turn that into what is to become worthless.

They say wealth is never destroyed only transferred.

flying that is interesting also but that would put too much emphasis

on the importance of money wheras Israel is genuinely worried

about its continued existence..........Iran is getting closer and closer

to having a nuclear bomb and remember the Iranian President

has threatened to " wipe them off the face of the earth ".

I think Israel is getting ready for something big.................. :o

And maybe that is why no one will explain where exactly the money has gone ..............?

Maybe Israel was ready to " go in " so Iran used a clever ploy of using

the Palestiniens to stoke the fire to keep them occupied there

and have you seen today Lebanon is threatening to get involved again ?

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flying that is interesting also but that would put too much emphasis

on the importance of money wheras Israel is genuinely worried

about its continued existence..........Iran is getting closer and closer

to having a nuclear bomb and remember the Iranian President

has threatened to " wipe them off the face of the earth ".

I think Israel is getting ready for something big.................. :o

And maybe that is why no one will explain where exactly the money has gone ..............?

See this is classic about what I said earlier in another thread.

After 08 I tend not believe anything in print.

*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

But then again I am getting pretty leary of government fed info these days.

Why is it certain countries are trusted by default to have WMD's & Others are deemed not responsible enough? Because we are *TOLD* they said they would do this or that?

I would love to see a live show where all the actual leaders sat & talked & we were allowed to listen. I bet we would all be quite surprised.

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See this is classic about what I said earlier in another thread.

After 08 I tend not believe anything in print.

*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

But then again I am getting pretty leary of government fed info these days.

Why is it certain countries are trusted by default to have WMD's & Others are deemed not responsible enough? Because we are *TOLD* they said they would do this or that?

I would love to see a live show where all the actual leaders sat & talked & we were allowed to listen. I bet we would all be quite surprised.

TOLD by who ......? those who are dancing to the tune of those that

own " the bank " !! :o

You are asking MY favourite question that those in power have never answered .........

why is Israel the ONLY country in the world not made to declare the size of its

nuclear abilities ............?

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You are asking MY favourite question that those in power have never answered .........

why is Israel the ONLY country in the world not made to declare the size of its

nuclear abilities ............?

Oh...........Let me be of service then :D

I can answer that for you..............

They are allowed that luxury because their best friend in the whole world is the biggest baddest school yard bully. :o

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*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

I think you take the problem in the wrong way : don't try to think as the US or Israel... Try to think as Iran.

To have the nuclear bomb is the only way for the mollahs to protect themselves and sanctuarize their country, their regime and their oil fields.

It's the ultimate deterrence.

Without the nuke, the US will come after them because of the oil of course.

Saddam Hussein would be still in power... if he had nukes...

With this in mind, everything becomes clear : Iran must get nuclear bombs as fast as possible and US must stop them doing so. Each camp just can't back off.

This is why a conflict is inevitable (in a way or another, could be a war, or an economic war, think about the vertigineous fall of oil prices....).

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