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Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????I live out between CM and Mae Rim,no it wasn't the result of Xmas overindulgence or flatulance caused by too much turkey..................

Cheers :o

Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????I live out between CM and Mae Rim,no it wasn't the result of Xmas overindulgence or flatulance caused by too much turkey..................

Cheers  :o

I take it it was a pretty mild event?


Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????I live out between CM and Mae Rim,no it wasn't the result of Xmas overindulgence or flatulance caused by too much turkey..................

Cheers  :o

I take it it was a pretty mild event?


Yep and so was the turkey induced flatulence,however Bkk readers also felt a tremor around 20 minutes earlier at 0810......ciao

Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????I live out between CM and Mae Rim,no it wasn't the result of Xmas overindulgence or flatulance caused by too much turkey..................

Cheers  :o

I felt it for sure, and yes, it very well could have been from my flatulence.

Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????

Yup, I felt it too. It was pretty small one though. Wasn't sure at first if it was just my imagination but then I saw one of my overhead lights swinging.

Morning all,did anybody feel a slight earth tremor around 0835 this morning?????I live out between CM and Mae Rim,no it wasn't the result of Xmas overindulgence or flatulance caused by too much turkey..................

Cheers  :D


Just went back to the USGS earthquake site. Seems there has been an 8.5 quake in Sumatra, Indonesia. (off-shore) This is a very big quake and the time should have been about 08:00 in Thailand. I would guess that is what you felt, even though you are quite a bit north. Alternatively; large quakes like that can cause minor weak quakes in other areas as stressed faults release. So possible that is what happened.



I felt it.

By the feel of it I could tell it was big. And then remembering that thailand is not in an earthquake zone I knew it had to be massive.

It is indeed massive. it occured in North Sumatra out to sea. We felt it in Northern Thailand!! That was one of the 10 biggest recorded earthquakes since 1900. A tidal wave hit sri lanka afterwards it was so big and 10 people were killed in flash flooding.

There are still large secondary quakes happening now over there but we cant feel them.

it was 8.5 on the richter scale. :o


The quake woke me up at around 8.35am, the whole building rocked and swayed for about five seconds. Reminded me of when I lived in San Francisco, where tremors like this occurred with regularity.

At the time I assumed the epicentre was in Myanmar, as usually the tremors we feel here in Ch Mai originate there.

Of course once I had logged onto tv.com I found out the rest of the story.

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