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A Big Problem In Thai Society

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Deputy Prime Minister Suthep, the Democrat "king maker'', insisted the new coalition government was strong enough to last the distance. But he called for a truce with the Democrats' rivals, saying he was ready to prostrate himself before former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra if that would bring peace back to Thailand.

## This gets to the very heart of the social problems in Thailand and Phuket in particular. The concept of "Kreng Jai" where unwarranted deference is paid to a person unworthy of respect. Thaksin lost all his perceived respect with most as he put his own selfish interests before those of the country. So to continue to show him unearned respect begs the question of why this guy is offering to "prostrate" at his feet. It is Thaksin who should be doing the prostrating and begging for forgiveness for all his underhanded and devious behavior.

In Thai the word "kreng jai" is a very deep concept. Generally it means "not wanting to impose or seem a burden" to another person, but it goes much further than that in terms of the social hierarchy where deference is given according to the perceived social standing. This has led to rich people getting away with just about everything from rampant corruption to murder to "save face" or protect their position in the pecking order. Just look at the way certain "influential" people tried to steal land after the tsunami. Rather than offering compassion and help they tried to cash in on others hardship and problems by running them off their land so they could build a resort or hotel to make even more money.

This is not just a problem for Thailand but I feel in the west there is much less likelihood of people offering unearned respect just because a person is cashed up. We had this not that long ago but we are moving past it very quickly with only a few pockets of it left in terms of celebrities etc. We tend to scrutinize our leaders and where they have come from quite harshly. In Thailand if you are rich nobody really cares how you made your cash. You are instantly given "deference" no matter how you made the cash.

Respect should always be earned. People like Thaksin would promise to build a bridge even if there was no river. He was a pathological liar, tax avoider, share ramper and possibly the most corrupt leader Thailand has seen for decades yet people still "kreng jai" him. Even his opponents seem to "kreng jai" him as shown in the above quote. Rather than any "setakit por pian" we had freebies and handouts given out like trinkets for the savages.

Thaksin now sounds like the guy who murdered both his parents and on facing sentence pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan. His made his own bed and now must lie in it. Thais need to forget this "kreng jai" stuff unless a person has earned it with a bit of honesty and integrity. Those traits don't need to be backed up by a huge bank balance. Most of the time they cannot co-exist in a place like Thailand. The former must be given up to gain the latter........

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep, the Democrat "king maker'', insisted the new coalition government was strong enough to last the distance. But he called for a truce with the Democrats' rivals, saying he was ready to prostrate himself before former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra if that would bring peace back to Thailand.

## This gets to the very heart of the social problems in Thailand and Phuket in particular. The concept of "Kreng Jai" where unwarranted deference is paid to a person unworthy of respect. Thaksin lost all his perceived respect with most as he put his own selfish interests before those of the country. So to continue to show him unearned respect begs the question of why this guy is offering to "prostrate" at his feet. It is Thaksin who should be doing the prostrating and begging for forgiveness for all his underhanded and devious behavior.

In Thai the word "kreng jai" is a very deep concept. Generally it means "not wanting to impose or seem a burden" to another person, but it goes much further than that in terms of the social hierarchy where deference is given according to the perceived social standing. This has led to rich people getting away with just about everything from rampant corruption to murder to "save face" or protect their position in the pecking order. Just look at the way certain "influential" people tried to steal land after the tsunami. Rather than offering compassion and help they tried to cash in on others hardship and problems by running them off their land so they could build a resort or hotel to make even more money.

This is not just a problem for Thailand but I feel in the west there is much less likelihood of people offering unearned respect just because a person is cashed up. We had this not that long ago but we are moving past it very quickly with only a few pockets of it left in terms of celebrities etc. We tend to scrutinize our leaders and where they have come from quite harshly. In Thailand if you are rich nobody really cares how you made your cash. You are instantly given "deference" no matter how you made the cash.

Respect should always be earned. People like Thaksin would promise to build a bridge even if there was no river. He was a pathological liar, tax avoider, share ramper and possibly the most corrupt leader Thailand has seen for decades yet people still "kreng jai" him. Even his opponents seem to "kreng jai" him as shown in the above quote. Rather than any "setakit por pian" we had freebies and handouts given out like trinkets for the savages.

Thaksin now sounds like the guy who murdered both his parents and on facing sentence pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan. His made his own bed and now must lie in it. Thais need to forget this "kreng jai" stuff unless a person has earned it with a bit of honesty and integrity. Those traits don't need to be backed up by a huge bank balance. Most of the time they cannot co-exist in a place like Thailand. The former must be given up to gain the latter........

You got a very valued point there mate, I wholeheartedly agree!

It has probably been exploited, bend this way by the influential and rich!

In this particular case, this guy already demands a pardon from the king himself! "Unless I won't return!" Shows the extend of this c_ap!

"Thais need to forget this "kreng jai" stuff" be sure before this happens another millenium will pass, or ever seen a camel fly?

This is not just a problem for Thailand but I feel in the west there is much less likelihood of people offering unearned respect just because a person is cashed up. We had this not that long ago but we are moving past it very quickly with only a few pockets of it left in terms of celebrities etc. We tend to scrutinize our leaders and where they have come from quite harshly. In Thailand if you are rich nobody really cares how you made your cash. You are instantly given "deference" no matter how you made the cash.

Ever been to Russia?,

## This gets to the very heart of the social problems in Thailand and Phuket in particular. The concept of "Kreng Jai" where unwarranted deference is paid to a person unworthy of respect. Thaksin lost all his perceived respect with most as he put his own selfish interests before those of the country. So to continue to show him unearned respect begs the question of why this guy is offering to "prostrate" at his feet. It is Thaksin who should be doing the prostrating and begging for forgiveness for all his underhanded and devious behavior.

In Thai the word "kreng jai" is a very deep concept. Generally it means "not wanting to impose or seem a burden" to another person, but it goes much further than that in terms of the social hierarchy where deference is given according to the perceived social standing. This has led to rich people getting away with just about everything from rampant corruption to murder to "save face" or protect their position in the pecking order. Just look at the way certain "influential" people tried to steal land after the tsunami. Rather than offering compassion and help they tried to cash in on others hardship and problems by running them off their land so they could build a resort or hotel to make even more money.

This is not just a problem for Thailand but I feel in the west there is much less likelihood of people offering unearned respect just because a person is cashed up. We had this not that long ago but we are moving past it very quickly with only a few pockets of it left in terms of celebrities etc. We tend to scrutinize our leaders and where they have come from quite harshly. In Thailand if you are rich nobody really cares how you made your cash. You are instantly given "deference" no matter how you made the cash.

Respect should always be earned. Thais need to forget this "kreng jai" stuff unless a person has earned it with a bit of honesty and integrity. Those traits don't need to be backed up by a huge bank balance. Most of the time they cannot co-exist in a place like Thailand. The former must be given up to gain the latter........

But is the "respect" in any way sincere? Or is it just for sycophantic self-promotion, and as false as the average smile and wai from a shop assistant?

In the west people suck up to the rich for a reason.... not because they really respect them - in fact in Europe people prefer "Schadenfreude" if any is available. Only in the American Dream is personal success at the expense of others a source fo pride.

But a source of envy..you bet

But is the "respect" in any way sincere? Or is it just for sycophantic self-promotion, and as false as the average smile and wai from a shop assistant?

In this particular case it doesn't matter if or not, it that why there are so many "Taksinistas" out there, they can if they have reached a certain level of wealth, they can be sure to get away with everything! see chalerm's sons, got away with murder and just one of these days this guy who ordered the killing of an environmentalist got life!

But then a monk has not to touch in any way a woman!

and, and, and all these fancy "taboos", very, very strange, many of them seem to be in place for the influential to exploit the underlings!


:o Well I'd wish Thaksin would "prostrate" himself at my feet, just long enough for me to kick the lying bastards teeth in........

My post was more of an instruction to the people who don't realize how deep this runs. As a farang you can take great advantage of this but it is basically total <deleted> and public brownosing for me. All too often I see farangs doing themselves a great diservice by not understanding this and acting like total dickheads in public.

The wai itself I never ever use unless formally introduced to a person who is older. I never wai a younger person unless they do first. You can tell a lot about your Thai friends by when and how they wai you. This is a nice gesture, graceful and sincere when used in the right situation.

:o Well I'd wish Thaksin would "prostrate" himself at my feet, just long enough for me to kick the lying bastards teeth in........

My post was more of an instruction to the people who don't realize how deep this runs. As a farang you can take great advantage of this but it is basically total <deleted> and public brownosing for me. All too often I see farangs doing themselves a great diservice by not understanding this and acting like total dickheads in public.

The wai itself I never ever use unless formally introduced to a person who is older. I never wai a younger person unless they do first. You can tell a lot about your Thai friends by when and how they wai you. This is a nice gesture, graceful and sincere when used in the right situation.

Yes surely - if you return wai a waitress or a shop assistant they will assume you are a fool

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep, the Democrat "king maker'', insisted the new coalition government was strong enough to last the distance. But he called for a truce with the Democrats' rivals, saying he was ready to prostrate himself before former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra if that would bring peace back to Thailand.

## This gets to the very heart of the social problems in Thailand and Phuket in particular. The concept of "Kreng Jai" where unwarranted deference is paid to a person unworthy of respect. Thaksin lost all his perceived respect with most as he put his own selfish interests before those of the country. So to continue to show him unearned respect begs the question of why this guy is offering to "prostrate" at his feet. It is Thaksin who should be doing the prostrating and begging for forgiveness for all his underhanded and devious behavior.

In Thai the word "kreng jai" is a very deep concept. Generally it means "not wanting to impose or seem a burden" to another person, but it goes much further than that in terms of the social hierarchy where deference is given according to the perceived social standing. This has led to rich people getting away with just about everything from rampant corruption to murder to "save face" or protect their position in the pecking order. Just look at the way certain "influential" people tried to steal land after the tsunami. Rather than offering compassion and help they tried to cash in on others hardship and problems by running them off their land so they could build a resort or hotel to make even more money.

This is not just a problem for Thailand but I feel in the west there is much less likelihood of people offering unearned respect just because a person is cashed up. We had this not that long ago but we are moving past it very quickly with only a few pockets of it left in terms of celebrities etc. We tend to scrutinize our leaders and where they have come from quite harshly. In Thailand if you are rich nobody really cares how you made your cash. You are instantly given "deference" no matter how you made the cash.

Respect should always be earned. People like Thaksin would promise to build a bridge even if there was no river. He was a pathological liar, tax avoider, share ramper and possibly the most corrupt leader Thailand has seen for decades yet people still "kreng jai" him. Even his opponents seem to "kreng jai" him as shown in the above quote. Rather than any "setakit por pian" we had freebies and handouts given out like trinkets for the savages.

Thaksin now sounds like the guy who murdered both his parents and on facing sentence pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan. His made his own bed and now must lie in it. Thais need to forget this "kreng jai" stuff unless a person has earned it with a bit of honesty and integrity. Those traits don't need to be backed up by a huge bank balance. Most of the time they cannot co-exist in a place like Thailand. The former must be given up to gain the latter........

Sure you know how to put the words :o

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