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Reentry Permit

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As of today I've been told that reentry permits are no longer available at the airport. Two of my passengers were caught on the way out this morning and were told that it just started today. They were lucky and quickly went to the immigration office downtown and managed to get one.

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As of today I've been told that reentry permits are no longer available at the airport. Two of my passengers were caught on the way out this morning and were told that it just started today. They were lucky and quickly went to the immigration office downtown and managed to get one.

Yes. Reports posted here said that it would be closing on 15th.

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As of today I've been told that reentry permits are no longer available at the airport. Two of my passengers were caught on the way out this morning and were told that it just started today. They were lucky and quickly went to the immigration office downtown and managed to get one.

Yes. Reports posted here said that it would be closing on 15th.

The office outside the airport has closed. Inside the airport is a 2nd office which will issue re-entry permits. Thats what I was told by airline staff.

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Maybe a good idea to remind people of the following:

You could apply an extention stay or a re-entry permit at every checkpoint.

— For a re-entry permit,if you are in Bangkok area and you have an Internet access, you could fill in a TM. 8 form and send it to [email protected]

— You should e-mail the completed form 1 day in advance.

— You have to submit a 2" photo and pay a permit fee at counter 7, the Immigration Bureau (soi suanplu office.)

— Fee for re-entry permit:

1,000 Bahts for single

3,800 Bahts for multiple

(From immigration website)

By the way, thanks for the warning/confirmation flightcrew1

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...You could apply an extention stay or a re-entry permit at every checkpoint. ..

Are you sure about that? I always thought that you have to apply for that at the immigration office, not at the border checkpoint, with the exception that the re-entry permit can be obtained also at Suvarnabhumi airport.



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...You could apply an extention stay or a re-entry permit at every checkpoint. ..

Are you sure about that? I always thought that you have to apply for that at the immigration office, not at the border checkpoint, with the exception that the re-entry permit can be obtained also at Suvarnabhumi airport.



Not any more according to reports.

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...You could apply an extention stay or a re-entry permit at every checkpoint. ..

Are you sure about that? I always thought that you have to apply for that at the immigration office, not at the border checkpoint, with the exception that the re-entry permit can be obtained also at Suvarnabhumi airport.



I just copied the statement from the immigration police website.

I agree that for an extension you would have to go to an immigration office, not a checkpoint. Probably the same for a re-entry permit. The statement is not correct. Feel free to alter it to avoid confusion.

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  • 1 month later...

yeah ... too bad I didn't read this post earlier. Went to the airport with the TM8 all filled up but found out that I can't get the reentry permit at the airport. Lost my 1year visa :-/ need to reapply for it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just trying to clarify things.

On all my previous trips outside Thailand, I've checked in, collected my boarding pass and gone to the exit/re-entry office. Completed the form, stuck on the photograph, paid the money and submitted my passport and received my exit/re-entry visa.

If what I am reading above is correct, then how and where is an exit/re-entry visa obtained?

If the need for a boarding pass is still valid, how can a visa be obtained prior to checking in?

Very very confused!!!!!!!

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The boarding pass requirement was only at the airport. Re-entry permit is only obtained at the immigration office you use for extension of stay now. Same procedure and costs as normal at a full service immigration office.

Edited by lopburi3
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The boarding pass requirement was only at the airport. Re-entry permit is only obtained at the immigration office you use for extension of stay now. Same procedure and costs as normal at a full service immigration office.

Thanks Lopburi3, I'm headed up to my "local" immigration office this week to collect my extension of stay, I'll inquire with them when I'm there, it's a 6 hour round trip by car.

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As of today I've been told that reentry permits are no longer available at the airport. Two of my passengers were caught on the way out this morning and were told that it just started today. They were lucky and quickly went to the immigration office downtown and managed to get one.

Yes. Reports posted here said that it would be closing on 15th.

I will go back to my home country next month to have my passport renewed. After the renewal of my passport, do I need to report at the Thai consulate in my country for my re-entry permit before coming back to Thailand? Thanks.

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Not sure what you have - a 90 day visa entry or a one year extension of stay?

1. Most people obtain new passport from there Embassy here in Thailand - are you sure you need to leave.

2. Are you here on an extension of stay from immigration office in Thailand? If so you obtain re-entry permit prior to travel - when you return you will have to show both passports and enter the re-entry information on your arrival card. You then should go to your immigration officer to change extension of stay stamp into the new passport. Embassy in your home country can not do this. A re-entry permit has to be obtained prior to leaving Thailand.

3. If you are here on a 90 day visa entry and have a valid (multi entry visa) you just use that (in old passport) on your arrival to get new entry (in new passport). A visa can not be transferred to new passport.

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This new requirement of only being to obtain a Re-entry permit at your designated office for extensions and 90 day reports is surely particularly disturbing to most of us here.

There were many days of complaining about the need for 90 day reports to go that way, but when you think about it, at least they can be mailed.

Surely there must be numerous occasions where we may need to travel out at short notice and to complete a journey of in some cases hundreds of kilometres back to your new office is I would say totally unreasonable. I mean surely the expiry date of your extension is paramount as far as permission to be in the kingdom and readily identyfiable at any immigration point.

I hope I'm not out of line here but is there no way of any feedback to Government officials from T.V. or our new association with the Nation that can perhaps state where something is overly unfair.

The change of Immigration Office was obviously on the drawing boards for some time and in most cases reasonable to their needs, but this re-entry matter is only an aspect of that and surely not imperative to go back to the one place.

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Surely there must be numerous occasions where we may need to travel out at short notice and to complete a journey of in some cases hundreds of kilometres back to your new office is I would say totally unreasonable.

It certainly is unreasonable, but such is the price we pay for.. well you know.

I have to visit home next month, and the 'office' where I am required to do my penance is, as you describe, hundreds of kilometers away - and what's worse, in the opposite direction from civilization (bangkok/pattaya). So I would never go there in a million years but for this requirement.

So anyway, since my teaching visa runs out a month after I get back I am not going to bother to travel all that way to get a re-entry permit, but rather just get some Tourist Visas from the consulate by mail while I'm at home, and then get a new working visa sometime after I get back. (normally the schools screw up visa renewals so badly one's original working visa expires and one has to go to Lao and get a whole new one anyway). I guess that's the key in this country - always plan for the worst.

Edited by ClareQuilty
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lopburi3; Of course you are correct in the main.

What (I believe) I am speaking of is those of us who not only "want" to travel out, but those of us who I'm sure still have many family ties from where we came from. Including those who may need to go out in the case of a serious family illness etc etc.

Even in the case of NOT any urgent need, aren't we now in a sense being presented with a impediment to reasonably free movement.

Imagine someone has an urgent need to be in another place. Imagine how they are feeling whilst they travel by whatever means, to places hundreds of K away to get a simple stamp to return, something they used to be able to do in a few minutes at the airport.

You appear to be putting this Re-entry matter into a fairly simple category of just another small annoyance.

To be honest, I don't think this happening has really hit home yet.

As I said in the previous post, there were many days of complaining about the 90 day report changes. I would say again that this is a very minor issue compared with those who during the coming months are going to face major travel and disruption when they NEED or WANT to travel out and didn't imagine this when they extended.

Nonthaburial is also correct in saying to get a Multi, but at another few thousand Baht, is that extra insurance that we can all afford for a "maybe" happening. No problem to me a while back when I was working in a good job, now needs a tad more thought.

Day after day since joining T.V. I read post after post about what I feel are great issues and some not so great. I have most likely posted many items myself in the "not so great" category.

I feel this topic is very important and deserves a "look at".

Please don't discount it too much!

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Am not sure what you are talking about as I only stated buying a multi would not fit my situation and stated the current rules. I said nothing about the new system being a good or bad idea. My feeling is that the airport office should never have been closed and I have voiced that opinion on other forums. I also can see no reason it can not be issued at any office in this computer age.

I have pointed out that from what has been reported emergency issue of a re-entry permit is still available so if you have such and don't have time to get normal re-entry permit give it a try - you may be able to save your current extension of stay.

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The big problem will be if someone has to travel urgently and Immigration Offices are closed for a few days because of weekends and public hollidays. Sonkran being a good example. closed for 5 days including the weekend.

A bit of a gamble leaving it until you reach the airport.

Maybe we should all have e Re Entry Permit in advance just in case.

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I think what I am talking about is quite clear.

I believe that this matter stands out above all other issues to do with the new rules as being totally unfair and unreasonable.

Not being familiar with the chain of command around here or at levels of Immigration or Government I don't know what can be done about it. I read in one of the English Language papers a few weeks back, an interview with the Minister responsible for Immigration matters.

He seemed quite reasonable and answered the questions, I think, quite well and with thought. That's why I have posted as I have.

If I'm vague or uninformed; Sorry.

If we are a complete voice in the wilderness as far as issues to do with Thai Visas and matters surrounding same are concerned, there are many thousands of hours wasted by members posting such issues at all.

So be it if that's the case.

No point at all any member posting anything at all about their concerns to do with visas and the forum pages will reduce significantly.

All that's needed here is to remind members of what they need to do to apply or maintain a visa or extension of stay.

I stand by what I posted earlier that this issue hasn't really hit home yet, and as soon as many of us start feeling in a way "considerably disadvantaged and annoyed" by what we need to do to leave and reenter the Kingdom, it will hit home.

I'll 'shut-up' on this issue now, the message I'm getting is that I'm wasting the time of the forum by posting.

Edited by fishhooks
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I'll 'shut-up' on this issue now, the message I'm getting is that I'm wasting the time of the forum by posting.

I agree with you and, frankly, it's always worth moaning about such nonsense.

I can just about understand sending you to the same immigration offices for most of your dealings but re-entry permits are different. Immigration don't need access to your records to give you one. In fact, are there any grounds for refusing a reentry permit if you have a valid visa and passport, fill in the form and pay the fee? It's just a stamp in your passport to keep your visa alive.

All that is needed is a supply of the forms, a rubber stamp and a cashbox to put the proceeds in. I don't see why they can't offer them at all points of entry and exit to the Kingdom. Indeed, and here's an idea they might like, they could even charge extra because you had not gone to your designated office!

I too read the interview with the Poo Yai from Immigration and he seemed like a sensible fellow. Just shows you can't believe what you read in the newspapers.

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I have to agree with 'Fishhooks' as I've posted about what he says, before. TV must be financially stable enough to have a fund that can be used to legally challenge some of these redicilous rule changes ie 'TM47 report by post'etc. If it came to it, I would make a voluntary donation to a fund provided it was used for that purpose.

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"I think what I am talking about is quite clear."

Sure fishooks good comment however the Immi "SERVICE" is not a SCANDANAVIAN social welfare model designed to SERVE customers more a snakes and ladders keep us all from getting bored.

In 10 yrs I think they have over 400 fotocopies of my passport and dozens maybe hundreds of fotos to what purpose deforestation.

I too learned about no re-entry at Swampy the hard way,go down town said a surly lady no smiles on departure!

Thinking outside the BOX why have this at all Oz USA UAE Saudi nor Qatatr, Oman ,S Lanka Malayasia mess about with this paper chase

LOS can still add in the charge if revenue is an issue,think of the shorter queues esp if 90 dyas done ONLINE!!!!!

As to border control they know when we are stamped in and out on the big computer and if Siam don't the Chinese spy software knows!

Perhaps its all a job creation scheme.I think they read this and devise ways to keep us on the hop?

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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The big problem will be if someone has to travel urgently and Immigration Offices are closed for a few days because of weekends and public hollidays. Sonkran being a good example. closed for 5 days including the weekend.

A bit of a gamble leaving it until you reach the airport.

Maybe we should all have e Re Entry Permit in advance just in case.

Absolutely. The ideal time to get your multiple re-entry permit is each year when you extend your permission to stay.

For those here on 1-year multiple entry visas who fail to obtain an extension of stay but rather leave the country every 90 days. get one the first time you do your 90-day reporting. In any case it should mean only one trip to immigration per year, and you can double that up with either extending your stay or with 90-day reporting.

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The big problem will be if someone has to travel urgently and Immigration Offices are closed for a few days because of weekends and public hollidays. Sonkran being a good example. closed for 5 days including the weekend.

A bit of a gamble leaving it until you reach the airport.

Maybe we should all have e Re Entry Permit in advance just in case.

Absolutely. The ideal time to get your multiple re-entry permit is each year when you extend your permission to stay.

For those here on 1-year multiple entry visas who fail to obtain an extension of stay but rather leave the country every 90 days. get one the first time you do your 90-day reporting. In any case it should mean only one trip to immigration per year, and you can double that up with either extending your stay or with 90-day reporting.

Those with 1 year multi entry visas don't do any 90 day reporting. you leave and re-enter the country using your visa. No re-entry permit needed.

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