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Fastest Available Internet Connection In Phuket?

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Hi fellow TV members,

I am relocating to Phuket very soon and need to know what are the fastest internet connections available at the moment?

My work is internet related and involves moving 4-5 gigs of data on daily basis. Therefore I need something really fast and reliable.

UPLOAD is what matters, has to be minimum 5mbit/5000kb/s.

What would you recommend, what are the prices, ISP's etc?

Thank you.

Hi fellow TV members,

I am relocating to Phuket very soon and need to know what are the fastest internet connections available at the moment?

My work is internet related and involves moving 4-5 gigs of data on daily basis. Therefore I need something really fast and reliable.

UPLOAD is what matters, has to be minimum 5mbit/5000kb/s.

What would you recommend, what are the prices, ISP's etc?

Thank you.

Oh dear I think you will have a big problem, they say that a hotel in HK has more bandwidth that the whole of Thailand :o


Kimera, your reply was veeery helpful!

Why there is such need to write just about anything, for some of you people simply doesn't matter what you write or what is your answer!

If you don't have any useful info don't write anything, pleeease.



Forget it unless you prepared to pay 80 - 100k for fibre connections monthly and consider the costs of having it run to you. Your talking megabuck connections if even possible. Island Technology would be an adviser for the high end lines (or used to be, I knew someone who paid 60 odd thousand monthly for a line that gives less than current ADSL a few years back)..

None of the consumer lines or SOHO/SME or Netcafe ADSL packages get close to that on uploads.

Check Khun Woodys live real on the ground speedtests (as per Gazette articles) for lines.. Best really is CAT and Maxnet premier, you can get 1.5 - 2.5Mbit international downloads on the better lines. I think maxnet may now have a 4Mbit (down) on thier premier packages but not tested one yet. To see 1024 real kb international upload would be gobsmacking to be honest.


Couple of my guests had the Island Technology expensive hook up. Minute it rained, no connection. They both gave up and prefered to use our Maxnet Indy WiFi system. This can run up to 4Mbps, but is shared with 100 users so can slow do at lot at peak user times. I'm trying Premium 2Mbps right now at that's really stable all day. Suggest you think and the Premium 4 Mbps option, assuming you have a TT&T phone line in your home.


I've not heard nor seen upload speeds like the OP is looking for. All the packages I've seen here are usually 50% of the download speed, i.e. 2mb down, 1 mb up.

Livin LOS, would a leased fiber line even at 100K month be able to deliver 5 mb up guaranteed?  

Maybe if you piggybacked a bunch of different services together you might be able to do this.........maybe, at least within Thailand, but good luck with this speed getting out of Thailand.


I think you're definitely into leased line arena to get those types of upload speeds. And expect to pay very high prices for is.

The other alternative would be to take multiple ADSL/lines and hook them up to a load balancer. Might also be a lot cheaper than leased line, and also more reliable (fallover) if you use multiple suppliers. Of course next hurdle is getting them to actually give you the lines, not to mention the ADSL...

DO you mind me asking what it is that requires uploading 5Gb per day? Moving that much payload would generally be in the realm of very large data users.

Just curious, and apologies for the intrusion.


I think you choose the wrong city to move to.... The wrong country infact, I don't know that you will be able to find what you are looking for in regards to internet speed. Internet here is such a joke, I am internet based (luckily don't have to upload large amounts like you) and I can not believe how often the net goes down, or 3/4 packets time out, or during peak times when it takes 1-2 minutes to load googles home page... its a joke.

I would if you don't mind sharing like to know what it is you do, that is a large amount of uploading on a dialy basis.

If you find a company that fits your needs please update this post with pricing...

I know a guy the was paying 60,000B for his office internet, fastest possible he could find, and was fairly fast but no where near what you need. It too was down allot...


Here's something that K. Woody set up. It's real reporting of the real speed that you're getting all tested from a US server so you don't get any false positives of blazingly fast speed to BKK.


I encourage you to join and participate in the recording.

As you will be able to see my TOT 4MB plan is a total fallacy with my average speed of only just around 256. I was acheiving better results when i was on the 2MB plan.

Over all CAT seems to be the most consistent in terms of speed and stability

Kimera, your reply was veeery helpful!

Why there is such need to write just about anything, for some of you people simply doesn't matter what you write or what is your answer!

If you don't have any useful info don't write anything, pleeease.


No need for that reply my friend, I take it you have read the posts now, my reply said it all, best you keep quite next time the OP's question is beyond you :o


I agree with Kimera.

Jagoo, who are you to delegate what we as users/members write in our posts.

Read the posts, and take what you need and leave the rest, but don't get bossy.



Ok, thanks people.

Btw, I was warned majority of posters here are British and pretty rude. Moderators obviously condone this behaviour. I aked simple question and hel_l breaks loose. Why can't you refrain from useless comments unless you have something smart to say? Flamingtod and kimera, problems at home?

Ok, thanks people.

Btw, I was warned majority of posters here are British and pretty rude. Moderators obviously condone this behaviour. I aked simple question and hel_l breaks loose. Why can't you refrain from useless comments unless you have something smart to say? Flamingtod and kimera, problems at home?

You have the problem, what you ask for is impossible, now where will you take your computer :o

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