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Phuket restaurateur killed


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I've highlighted a portion so you don't have to read every word in this really long sentence.

"Contributing to the rising traffic on the website are the Gazette's robust rankings in Google under all Phuket news-related search terms; the continuing top-four ranking of the site under the term "Phuket" alone; a surge in the Gazette's presence in the Google Alerts, with 1-3 stories picked up and announced to the world almost every day; and an editorial policy adjustment in which crime, though not swept under the carpet, is now given a lesser weighting in the newspaper's content mix, with recreation, sports, and business assuming a greater role." (Gazette Online)

Well it is better then the Gazette who has not stated it at ALL :o
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Another pitch for the 'quality tourist'..

LOS ...... you lost me with that remark .... :o

Meaning Phuket pitches itself as a highly developed, stable, place for high net worth retirees etc.. Yet in reality its not got the infrastcture, security, or police force with an interest to come even close.

They need to keep those sex tourists happy cos they are the only ones that are going to keep coming through thick and thin.. Not dream of high net worth visitors they dont know how to please or keep safe.

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This event should have no impact whatsoever on the tourist trade nor detract from tourist's perceptions as to relative safety. Go to any big western city and similar events occur. Anyone that has lived in a big city knows that you can't operate a nightclub or restaurant in some districts without paying protection or tribute to a local mobster or gang. For all we know, this could have been a case of mistaken identity.

It is unfortunate that someone who has worked hard to build up something successful (if the report is correct) has to end up this way.

I dont know where you came from ?? Probably the USA ??

But I know that where I grew up and came from there was pretty much no gun crime, no shootings, etc.. Phuket is far more rural than that yet theres one every couple of months.

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Mods, please edit the title. It's inflammatory and misleading.

A shooting is not necessarily an assassination. An assassination implies a political figure murdered for political motives. This is apparently not the case.

Where does that definition come from ?? Who says it has to be political ??

To me assassination is the premeditated and planned murder of another person, often using a 3rd party / hired killer.

The Oxford English Dictionary's definition is :-

The action of assassinating; the taking the life of any one by treacherous violence, esp. by a hired emissary, or one who has taken upon him to execute the deed

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The Oxford English Dictionary's definition is :-

The action of assassinating; the taking the life of any one by treacherous violence, esp. by a hired emissary, or one who has taken upon him to execute the deed

I don't disagree with that definition ..... but the assassin idea implies a political or high profile planned killing in a covert manner. In Thailand it's a drive by shooting, on the back of a motor bike. Not too much planning or covert operation. i.e. a low level paid HIT. We might jaw on about this, but let's consider that the guy was killed, another injured, and that's not a good thing for family and friends. RIP...

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I am completly stunned to read this news, my wife and I are regulars and find the place to be excellent value and quality and the staff very very helpful.

What ever the motives and reasons there is way to much of this sort of crime, and it's very much on the rise.

This Governor needs to get after the guns, and do it fast and hard. Do matter what the TIT reasons and culture are, fire arms of anny sort need to be outlawed and the penalty severe.

To fail will frankly be the final reason not to reside here.

Sympathy and condolences to famliies or recent victims.

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sorry to hear, but may i get a description of the menu? ive always wondered what kind of food they have other than thai? and how good it is.

They have a quite a comprehensive menu of western food and Thai food, including pastas, pizzas, even sushi food. Prices are very reasonable, but portions are small. Very well presented and the pasta sauces are terrific. Pasta dishes & pizzas start from about 90 baht, as do most of the western foods, except for imported meats. Thai dishes start about 60 baht. I think very good value for money. The desert cakes are to die for, but start about 120 baht. Wine 85 baht/glass.

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I am completly stunned to read this news, my wife and I are regulars and find the place to be excellent value and quality and the staff very very helpful.

What ever the motives and reasons there is way to much of this sort of crime, and it's very much on the rise.

This Governor needs to get after the guns, and do it fast and hard. Do matter what the TIT reasons and culture are, fire arms of anny sort need to be outlawed and the penalty severe.

To fail will frankly be the final reason not to reside here.

Sympathy and condolences to famliies or recent victims.

Residing in Phuket is fairly safe... Setting up or doing business is another..


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Residing in Phuket is fairly safe... Setting up or doing business is another

As long as your not in the wrong place at the wrong time, can't see what the business comment has to do with it...

If you are seen to have a successful business, others want a share ... or the entire business ...

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Residing in Phuket is fairly safe... Setting up or doing business is another

As long as your not in the wrong place at the wrong time, can't see what the business comment has to do with it...

If you are seen to have a successful business, others want a share ... or the entire business ...

sweetmusic. That is what i used to think, until i started a business a few years back.

LivinginKata is spot-on with his comment.


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"Oh ... emubob, your OP stated hit happened about 09.30pm. Subsequent publications say 01.00 a.m.... "

Living in Kata...

I can assure you that at my age I can tell the time.

What proper restaurant......PROPER restaurant is open and serving food at 1pm in Phuket Town? You do know this place and they do not have a licence to serve at this time.

Also...you are forgetting one simple thing........I WAS THERE.

The time was as I stated and yes, I have also seen the reports on other sites but was only mildly surprised at their inaccuracy.

As for StevenL

"Yes, and that seems to be the main aim in stead of giving facts.

See post # 20, the heading not just may mislead but will mislead"

The complete facts were given at the time of writing. How you personally interpret the headline is indeed up to you. However, many people around Thailand have viewed this because of the given headline and that to me can only be a good thing as it again further highlights the gun problem this country faces.

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"Oh ... emubob, your OP stated hit happened about 09.30pm. Subsequent publications say 01.00 a.m.... "

Living in Kata...

I can assure you that at my age I can tell the time.

What proper restaurant......PROPER restaurant is open and serving food at 1pm in Phuket Town? You do know this place and they do not have a licence to serve at this time.

I don't doubt you at all. I know this restaurant and it's not a drinking hole. I was more being sceptical about the other reports/publications. And how events can be distorted by the media.

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I've highlighted a portion so you don't have to read every word in this really long sentence.

"Contributing to the rising traffic on the website are the Gazette's robust rankings in Google under all Phuket news-related search terms; the continuing top-four ranking of the site under the term "Phuket" alone; a surge in the Gazette's presence in the Google Alerts, with 1-3 stories picked up and announced to the world almost every day; and an editorial policy adjustment in which crime, though not swept under the carpet, is now given a lesser weighting in the newspaper's content mix, with recreation, sports, and business assuming a greater role." (Gazette Online)

Well it is better then the Gazette who has not stated it at ALL :o

:D:D I didn't read that as the article seemed to self indulgent and boring. This is horrible. .. what are they going to write about ? more property and the booming F* property market and other FLUFF? If I want that then I will I will read tourists magazines!!! Well more reason to appreciate http://www.phuketwan.com

Thank Alan for your candid reporting. Howver I find the layout teribly confusing as I want all the Latest news on one page/rss feed and I although I got the boat people story :D I seemd to have missed this Farang shooting story.....

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I dont know where you came from ?? Probably the USA ??

But I know that where I grew up and came from there was pretty much no gun crime, no shootings, etc.. Phuket is far more rural than that yet theres one every couple of months.

I am not an American. I come from a city with a population of approx 2million that has recorded annual murders of between approx. 30 and 45 for each of the past 5 years and has gun control and all those good things we westerners say thailand should have. Pulling out the domestic and drug related murders, there are almost no random murders, so I should be safe right? What my home city also has is a masive junkie problem with cars windows every night, a robust drug trade untouched by the police and an entrenched organized crime network that says you can't operate in certain districts without paying protection or tribute. Most people that visit the strip clubs or trendy bars in my home city are unaware or don't want to know about the links to organized crime. It's not any different in most western cities. Just because we don't see the crime, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Why should Thailand be any different?

Sure, the police in Phuket don't handle basic property crimes well, but at least they will come to your house after a break in. The cops don't even bother anymore in big Canadian or UK cities. As bad as it is in Phuket, compared to some cities in North America and the EU, it's not any worse for most foreigners . I had my car broken into 3 times in 2 months at my apartment back in my home city. In 3 years, not one robbery at my Patong condo. My point is that, yes there is crime here, but for it is mostly Thai on Thai and we foreigners have it good in that regard.

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Report in Thai Rat newspaperwith rather graphic photo ... not for the faint hearted ...


Seems that the owner was discussing his next project with an engineer, who was also hit, but is recovering in hospital. The news paper speculates it was a business related matter, due to his apparent success in Phuket.

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when are these people going to stop killing people for just being successful? just because one person is successful and another isnt, does not give the less successful one a reason to shoot the other.

this is the third acquaintance/friend of mine, that has been shot dead in front of many others and i find this mentality disturbing.

Thailand is like the wild wild west and i hope that the police catch these thugs and string them up by their teeny balls. how these people sleep at night is beyond me.

Kit was a delightful man with a smile that would light up a room. he was a loving father and husband, who had built up his business by himself. a very humble man, Kit had many friends on the island and in Bangkok.

may he rest in peace and may his wife and children recover from this shock eventually.

my heart goes out to them, and to the rest of Kits family and friends.

i hope his legacy continues through his restaurants, which are truly wonderful.

You didnt deserve this Kit.

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when are these people going to stop killing people for just being successful? just because one person is successful and another isnt, does not give the less successful one a reason to shoot the other.

Donna ... unfortunately, yes it does give them a reason. I'm told that it costs 60,000 baht for a 'hit', indeed this service has been offered to me a few times. It shocks me, and also worries me for myself and wife's safety, that's why we try to keep low profile in public.

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As for StevenL

"Yes, and that seems to be the main aim in stead of giving facts.

See post # 20, the heading not just may mislead but will mislead"

The complete facts were given at the time of writing. How you personally interpret the headline is indeed up to you.

If you would have read the post I mentioned, you would have noticed that this poster presumed a farang was shot dead. Nothing to do with my personal interpretation, I am just pointing out that your header not may mislead but does mislead.
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Phuket restaurateur killed

By The Nation on Sunday

Published on January 18, 2009

The owner of Phuket's popular Farang Restaurants was shot dead while sitting in one of his eateries on Friday night, police said yesterday.

Chid Rakngam, 36, was shot in the head and appeared to be killed immediately. A 37-year-old man was injured in the shooting, according to police.

Police quoted witnesses as saying that the gunman appeared middle-aged and had fired three shots at the victim before fleeing on a waiting motorcycle.

Investigators said possible motives of the murder were conflicts involving business or relationships.

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Thoughts must and do go to the family. Another bad day in Thailand. What I find disgusting among all this is while people are sending their wishes to the family and trying to make sense of this senseless killing some posters are happily discussing the menu and whether the food is any good. A man is dead for crying out loud. Have some respect people. What next, somebody asking for job vacancies ? :o

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Thoughts must and do go to the family. Another bad day in Thailand. What I find disgusting among all this is while people are sending their wishes to the family and trying to make sense of this senseless killing some posters are happily discussing the menu and whether the food is any good. A man is dead for crying out loud. Have some respect people. What next, somebody asking for job vacancies ? :o

I think that people who didn't know Kit were just curious as to what the restaurants were all about, so others replied.

I think it would be great for people to continue going to his restaurants to support his staff and family who were left behind in this tragedy.

I know I will, certainly.

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Condolences to his friends and family.

The restaurant is on the intersection of the by pass road and the street behind Big C. It is popular with well-to-do Thais as well as foreign tourists and expats. I've eaten there many times. Patients at the nearby Phuket International Hospitals also ordered from there frequently.

At 9pm, the place could be quite full with customers, including families with children.

Bullets do stray.

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Thoughts must and do go to the family. Another bad day in Thailand. What I find disgusting among all this is while people are sending their wishes to the family and trying to make sense of this senseless killing some posters are happily discussing the menu and whether the food is any good. A man is dead for crying out loud. Have some respect people. What next, somebody asking for job vacancies ? :o

i agree with you H2oDunc.

posts such as the one you mentioned are in very poor taste, as is the bickering about what time it happened etc.

please have some respect folks. some of us DID know Kit personally.

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There is talk from some that Thailand's crime rate is no worse than most western countries.

But, I have to ask, how many here have personally known three separate people who have been shot dead, even in the US, as has happenned to Donna?

Although it appears to be mainly Thai on Thai, it is a very disturbing situation and one that should be considered when decisions about residence are made.

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