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Those Who Dislike Backpackers


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No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers.

I think that probably sums it up, why would an expat in Thailand be concerned about how much a backpacker spends each day, there are cheap places in Thailand that survive only because of the backpackers that frequent those places.

I think that older farangs who are in Thailand can feel somewhat inferior when they are with their gf or wife who is 30 years younger than them and they walk past a bunch of young guys having fun who are the same age as she is, having fun is the operative word, instead of continuous moaning!!!

Secretly these old guys wish they were young again and resent the fact that young guys come to Thailand, appear to be carefree and have a laugh at minimal

cost, whereas the old tired miserable worn out expat never does nothing but moan and whine about how hard done by he is, whilst continually diving in his pocket to appear to be happy with his lot, knowing full well that if he was broke, that little lady 30 years his Junior wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

Live and let live folks, you was once young yourself, don't try to deny the young people of today having a laugh and freedom of movement and free love etc etc..

Remember when you were young and thought you would live forever ?...lol, don't try to deny the youth of today feeling the same just cos you are now old, grey, fat and miserable.

Great post Maigo, I would only add that I believe this envy runs beyond what you've mentioned to a whole bunch of issues relating the the fact that the 'Backpackers' are at the start of their life, wealthier, broader horizons, better travelled and better educated than the bitter old men who bitch about them so much.

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Young backpackers often do not look clean or neat, males mostly have dirty long hairs, males and females often wear old unwashed clothes, surly no eye candy at all!

Yes. why can't they be more like some of the fine Thai young people, super clean, superb eye candy, worshipers of money and modern gadgets, that parade themselves on the go go stage of stardom for the pleasure of the geezerati.

Edited by Jingthing
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Young backpackers often do not look clean or neat, males mostly have dirty long hairs, males and females often wear old unwashed clothes, surly no eye candy at all!

Yes. why can't they be more like some of the fine Thai young people, super clean, superb eye candy, worshipers of money and modern gadgets, that parade themselves on the go go stage of stardom for the pleasure of the geezerati.

maybe too lazy to take a shower 2 times a day or too lazy to wash clothes???

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Because they're kii nok, ha ha.

No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers. Perhaps it's stereotyping. Perhaps it's...could be anything, really. Seems some have a lot of misplaced frustration. C'mon, give it a rest. The world doesn't demand that everyone has to spend $5000/day when they travel.

I think there is a fair bit of jealousy in it if the truth were known. Let's face it when most of us graduated air travel was just not available for any but the well off. We had little or no choice but to get a haircut and get a real job. :o

I thought about this a little more. Young people are often smug and feel they are superior to old people. Its natural for older people to resent that. Younger travelers are mostly lower budget travelers. Perhaps its not the backpack or the cheap mode of travel, but that the old people are pissed off they are past their own SALAD DAYS. Jealousy!

Like a kind of reverse M..m..my G..g..g..generation? Even though the old man still has all the money the young man has the energy to party and pull the chicks and, pre-credit crunch, could raise enough cash to look good.

I have no problems with back packers. Some of them are cheap charlies but so what? I've known plenty of people on very good salaries whose arms were just not long enough to reach the wallet. Some of them are a bit unhygenic but then again so are some in the older age brackets. There is good and bad in all peoples so I just live and let live and if I'm in a place where I don't like the crowd I'll just move on.

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OK, I propose a new game: Expat or backpacker?

First up:



And we had a thread on here today asking why peple stay in Thailand, ask the guy in the pic, I'm sure he'll tell you why he stays. :o

Good luck to him, if he was a movie star he would have young Farang girls dripping off his arm instead. Fair play to the guy.

Polecat, this pic has probably made more than a few people very sad that they are away from Thailand, working away etc. :D

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Great post Maigo, I would only add that I believe this envy runs beyond what you've mentioned to a whole bunch of issues relating the the fact that the 'Backpackers' are at the start of their life, wealthier, broader horizons, better travelled and better educated than the bitter old men who bitch about them so much.


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I don't really dislike backpackers as such, but I think its fair to say they have evolved over the years, now its seems that many fall into two groups;

  • Lager louts mascarading as backpackers getting absolutley w@nkered leaving a trail of vomit and piss everywhere they go and quite a few getting into fights which ruins the whole thing for me. It seems that the islands have become an alternative to Ibiza or Ayanapa. Just the kind of people I came over here to avoid. The only time I have ever seen trouble in Thailand has involved a drunken farang.

  • Tarquin or Lucinda types on a gap year funded by mummy and daddy, they walk onto KSR and undergo a tranformation into the backpacker uniform, fisherman pants, chang vest, tribal tatoo, piss hair dreads. They then spend the next 6 months talking about how poor they are and how in touch they are with the tribal folk.........P!ss off!!

Yes they are stereotypes but stereotypes don't come from thin air! :D


Love that bit. Brilliant.

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Great post Maigo, I would only add that I believe this envy runs beyond what you've mentioned to a whole bunch of issues relating the the fact that the 'Backpackers' are at the start of their life, wealthier, broader horizons, better travelled and better educated than the bitter old men who bitch about them so much.


well I guess we know now who has been giving you all those stars on your profile :D

back to backpackers - nothing more to add, they are here to stay - like it or not. now what's for dinner?

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That's right, he is an.. expat.

Gary comes from Nottingham but now lives in Samut Prakham. He works "in property" and is into Sunday lunches and mobile phone holsters.

Next up... backpacker or expat?


PS - Nice one OriginalPoster, you win a banana smoothie for arfness.

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I think the problem is backpackers, especially those who come to S.E. Asia, have come to have a stereotype of smelly hippies. There are many backpackers who come nowhere close to fitting this stereotype. I love it when people start saying, "I don't like them because they (insert stereotype here)." Who are "they?" The group is too large to fit them into one group. But, people love to have everything in little boxes that they can shout at and stomp on with their muchbetterthanastupidbackpacker feet. Shout and stomp away, members...

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No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers.

I think that probably sums it up, why would an expat in Thailand be concerned about how much a backpacker spends each day, there are cheap places in Thailand that survive only because of the backpackers that frequent those places.

I think that older farangs who are in Thailand can feel somewhat inferior when they are with their gf or wife who is 30 years younger than them and they walk past a bunch of young guys having fun who are the same age as she is, having fun is the operative word, instead of continuous moaning!!!

Secretly these old guys wish they were young again and resent the fact that young guys come to Thailand, appear to be carefree and have a laugh at minimal

cost, whereas the old tired miserable worn out expat never does nothing but moan and whine about how hard done by he is, whilst continually diving in his pocket to appear to be happy with his lot, knowing full well that if he was broke, that little lady 30 years his Junior wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

Live and let live folks, you was once young yourself, don't try to deny the young people of today having a laugh and freedom of movement and free love etc etc..

Remember when you were young and thought you would live forever ?...lol, don't try to deny the youth of today feeling the same just cos you are now old, grey, fat and miserable.


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... I love it when people start saying...

What do you mean "you people"?

Read again, he doesn't say "you people"

I know, I know, I was just trying to trap him in a twisted web of hypocrisy and marmalade. Anyway, ignore me - I'm only here for the burger threads and racism.

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Well, I like them. And I like going down to the backpacker area on Pra Ahtit Road near the river, to get some cheap food and beer in a 'holiday' atmosphere. I even like banana pancakes. I don't quite understand why they tend to flock together in backpacker ghettos, but really who cares?

Semi-wealthy aircon tourists with oversized suitcases and bad attitudes are much more annoying IMHO.

I was in that area only last week; a friend and I had dinner in a backpacker place (nice veggie food) and I was amazed how the demographics had changed. Average age was 35-40.

A bit sad if the younger people can't afford to travel nowadays and have to get a job right after college. :o

I think if you take the time to talk to some "backpackers" you will find they are a pretty mixed bunch. I have 2 friends who still backpack and they are around 60 yrs and it is not because they are short of the odd $ or two. They started backpacking in the 1970's and that is how they enjoy to travel.

The only thing I have noticed about backpackers is that there are not so many young ones as before.

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Well, I like them. And I like going down to the backpacker area on Pra Ahtit Road near the river, to get some cheap food and beer in a 'holiday' atmosphere. I even like banana pancakes. I don't quite understand why they tend to flock together in backpacker ghettos, but really who cares?

Semi-wealthy aircon tourists with oversized suitcases and bad attitudes are much more annoying IMHO.

I was in that area only last week; a friend and I had dinner in a backpacker place (nice veggie food) and I was amazed how the demographics had changed. Average age was 35-40.

A bit sad if the younger people can't afford to travel nowadays and have to get a job right after college. :o

I think if you take the time to talk to some "backpackers" you will find they are a pretty mixed bunch. I have 2 friends who still backpack and they are around 60 yrs and it is not because they are short of the odd $ or two. They started backpacking in the 1970's and that is how they enjoy to travel.

The only thing I have noticed about backpackers is that there are not so many young ones as before.

Yep i hear you there. I was in Nepal backpacking/trekking a couple of months ago and most of the backpackers were over 40! seems once the kids have left home to go to university or work, the parents are out travelling Asia, spending the kids inheritence!! Good on em.

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I made many travels allover the kingdom, and it can sounds strange but i never saw backpackers in the real interesting places. Its seems they all stick together in the same places. They follow the Lonely Planet guide like it was the bible. Last April I passed Pai on my way to Mae Hong Son, well it was overwhelmed by backpackers, I still wonder why they all go there.

I guess they are much less adventurist than we think, in fact they are not much different than the common tourist who booked an package holiday. The backpacker follow Lonely Planet and the Neckerman tourist the guide. Non of them never have seen the real Thailand or culture when they came back home. Both of them seldom leave the path than the millions before them.

Maybe that's why I seldom see a backpacker all alone by himself outside the backpackers trail, which they all follow like sheep's. And if I see some, its usually a young couple who just enjoying each others company, traveling far away from the usual back packers trail.

I have met some of them, and after some brief conversation and pointing out some interesting places I leave them continuing there romantic journey with a little bit envy in my hearth, because they still have a whole life in front of them.

IMHO backpacking nowadays is just as commercialised as package tours.

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I made many travels allover the kingdom, and it can sounds strange but i never saw backpackers in the real interesting places. Its seems they all stick together in the same places. They follow the Lonely Planet guide like it was the bible. Last April I passed Pai on my way to Mae Hong Son, well it was overwhelmed by backpackers, I still wonder why they all go there.

I guess they are much less adventurist than we think, in fact they are not much different than the common tourist who booked an package holiday. The backpacker follow Lonely Planet and the Neckerman tourist the guide. Non of them never have seen the real Thailand or culture when they came back home. Both of them seldom leave the path than the millions before them.

Maybe that's why I seldom see a backpacker all alone by himself outside the backpackers trail, which they all follow like sheep's. And if I see some, its usually a young couple who just enjoying each others company, traveling far away from the usual back packers trail.

I have met some of them, and after some brief conversation and pointing out some interesting places I leave them continuing there romantic journey with a little bit envy in my hearth, because they still have a whole life in front of them.

IMHO backpacking nowadays is just as commercialised as package tours.

For someone who has never been in Thailand before and doesn't know the drill (which probably describes the vast majority of backpackers), it's going to be pretty hard to find the "real interesting places" if they aren't written up in internationally available publications. Maybe with enough time you could drift from village to village and eventual find the unpublicized gems, but that's not a practical option for most backpackers. To them the Lonely Planet seems to save them from a lot of "trial and error".

I agree though that the backpacker's ghetto phenomena is a curious thing. I think that it's harmless enough, but you can go to cities and towns all across Asia and stay at places that are just the same as at whatever your last stop was, and hang out with westerners who each have made the stops on the same trail as you, and at each place experience the same enligntened vibe. Travelling that way must make each destination seem like the rest. To me it seems similar to Japanese who book bus tours to go to any destination that you can think of and hang out with other Japanese taking similar tours, or with the "20 countries in 30 days" package tours of yore depicted in the old movie "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium". Perfectly good fun I'm sure, but whether it causes you to experience the local cuture or to be isolated from it is debateable.

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