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Just wait till "naam" comes along, he will explain perfect.

Kor dai, I'll wait...call him for me then.. :o

I will not be here today, will go looking mobile in MBK.. can be back at night na.

Pai non laew.. good night

"The ladies doth protest too much, methinks."

Ijustwannateach, kindly teach me nhoi sii...

"me thinks" and "I think" which one is correct?

I was taught to use "I think", though it is at the end of sentence...

I will say... The ladies doth protest too much, I think.

but why seen a lot in here... "me think"?, Does it need "s" after "think", bec "me" is single noun..?

ummm..."I think" is correct. "Me thinks" is a quote from a play by Shakespeare, and is not how English is spoken these days.

And 'blue balls' is when a man gets 'excited' and can't do anything about it.

"The ladies doth protest too much, methinks."

Ijustwannateach, kindly teach me nhoi sii...

"me thinks" and "I think" which one is correct?

I was taught to use "I think", though it is at the end of sentence...

I will say... The ladies doth protest too much, I think.

but why seen a lot in here... "me think"?, Does it need "s" after "think", bec "me" is single noun..?


"Methinks" is archaic and no longer used in common conversation.  However, Ijustwannteach is using a famous quote from Shakespeare that we often use when someone seems to protest something too fervantly when perhaps she (or we change it to the male perspective) is actually in agreement with the sentiment.

An example might be if a woman keeps telling everyone over an over again that she has no interest in a man when she really does like him. In that case, someone talking about her and her feelings for that man might say  "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

anyone who thinks the majority of sex workers in Pattaya are "forced" into the trade needs their head examined. I suppose many are "stuck" in the trade as they haven't developed any other skills and also its hard to walk away from lucrative though risky line of work if the money keeps flowing. That could happen to people in any profession founded on human weaknesses.

Keep saying that if it serves as a balm for your conscience. I suggest you talk to these people. I mean really talk to them. I have and I get a completely different reason. Then again, they usually are in dire straits when they meet me, so maybe the proximity of the grim reaper tends to restart the morality chip.


I think sex and morality is the same in most Asian countries, such as China, Burmar, Vietnam and so on.

But for the global integration and self awareness, how many teenagers never try sex before marriage?

I stay a province out of BKK, university girls stay with their boy friend living a life as married couple. Many of them raising dogs as a child....

As i know, many Thai family accepts their daughter to stay with a man everyday.

Even traditional attitude shows that woman should keep virgin before marriage. But it's very hard to believe it is still the main thinking of young generation.

Young generation is more and more curious to the unknown world.


From what I've seen and heard (from speaking to various Thais, some working in bars, some not), is that "morality" isn't what it used to be. Many I know are working to support a child back home, that came about from shagging a school friend (who promptly disappeared upon learning he was going to be a father). Some were married and had the same thing happen.

I see a lot of girls hit town and within a few days are shacked up (living with) some boy from a karaoke bar (or boy bar, or moto-taxi driver, etc). Probably not something they'd do if their parents were within a short moto-ride's distance, but seems (in many cases) to be no big deal to them when they think they are far enough away that "mom" won't be dropping in unexpectedly.

I knew one girl that actually rented another apartment for a month, because her mom was coming for a visit and she didn't want her to know that she was living with a boy (in an apartment she was also paying for). She was quite nervous about the possibility of mom finding her out.

Perhaps the idea of morality is still strong in the minds of the older generations of Thais, but doesn't appear so in the younger generations. This is not very different than many Western Cultures though. Many of them openly bordered on "prudish" but behind closed doors (or out of sight of the elders), were just as naughty as anyone else.

Difference being that in those days, people tended to hush-up "mistakes" and pretend they never happened.

Remember the old saying(s) about a young man "sowing his wild oats" ? Well, he had to be "sowing" them somewhere, and it usually takes two to tango !

Sexual Freedom simply started becoming more open in recent generations, and the morals that were loosely followed are more abstract now than ever before. Too many generations are growing up learning all there is to know about life from television and MTV (and now, the internet), as parents often seem to spend more time working and less time raising their children and setting the examples for them to follow later in life.

This is happening in other parts of the world as well, as they become more developed and have better access to modern "ways".

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

Sexual freedom: high

Sexual cost: varies on exchange rates

Morals: Low

I think I speak for the Pattaya community.


It was meant to be funny, so happy to hear you got the joke.

anyone who thinks the majority of sex workers in Pattaya are "forced" into the trade needs their head examined. I suppose many are "stuck" in the trade as they haven't developed any other skills and also its hard to walk away from lucrative though risky line of work if the money keeps flowing. That could happen to people in any profession founded on human weaknesses.

Keep saying that if it serves as a balm for your conscience. I suggest you talk to these people. I mean really talk to them. I have and I get a completely different reason. Then again, they usually are in dire straits when they meet me, so maybe the proximity of the grim reaper tends to restart the morality chip.

You some kind of missionary or something, mate? I used to whore myself, nobody forced me.

People sell themselves for the MONEY, because they need the money, same reason people get regular jobs. Straight jobs are often soul crushing as well.


submaniac>>>> Thank you for your input, appreciated!

Though you have said it is no longer used in nowadays, also I have done searching a little....

is as you said, but how come I have seen a lot in here... :D ?

umm..also, I have wondered in pessimistic way now, the "blue balls" as you said is not too complicated..

but why my TorLae needs me to wait for "naam" nia?, Or he will put me into one more battle? :o

umm....nah... :D

Ijustwannateach >>>> yes, please.. :D if u're happy to....

I will be happy too.... anything you may teach but Thai... Sorry, I've got A+++ and + already..haha

Oh..and I always question so loadddd...... don't be hurry giving up na..ok?

Oh.. the Shakespeare's stuffs, too.. I'd love to, a little hard though.. I read only Harry Potter..haha..

bonobo >>>> Thank you indeed, your input has given me useful knowledge, it was so clear and easy to understand.

Confess, the Shakespeare's is not my thing.... so if some will be poetic to me, please cc to bonobo also..haha..and you will help explaining me again na, won't you?..nah, please..


My opinion is that it is best for both men an women to have adequate sexual experience and skill before enterning into a marriage. No two people are the same with regard to sex and the level of enjoyment and satisfaction can vary considerably from one partner to another. Hopefully, this learning process can help tie the emotional and sexual connection into a harmonious blend. I would never consider marrying anyone without adequate trial of such.

I think sex and morality is the same in most Asian countries, such as China, Burmar, Vietnam and so on.

But for the global integration and self awareness, how many teenagers never try sex before marriage?

I stay a province out of BKK, university girls stay with their boy friend living a life as married couple. Many of them raising dogs as a child....

As i know, many Thai family accepts their daughter to stay with a man everyday.

Even traditional attitude shows that woman should keep virgin before marriage. But it's very hard to believe it is still the main thinking of young generation.

Young generation is more and more curious to the unknown world.

So I think we should tell our younger generations to all the time keep birth control pills and gloves with them instead of keeping virginity. :o

I don't mean to be sarcastic to you na ka, tingting..but just want to say the fact that we should face it and accept (though a little) that the world has changed in every days..

No point to just cry out for the ancient time's morality, and keep living on the bible..Why not helping the renovation to become proper and decent in this world, not that world?

I am "A Lady doth protest too much" again...sorry..

P.S. Are you kon Thai ja, tingting? :D

I think sex and morality is the same in most Asian countries, such as China, Burmar, Vietnam and so on.

But for the global integration and self awareness, how many teenagers never try sex before marriage?

I stay a province out of BKK, university girls stay with their boy friend living a life as married couple. Many of them raising dogs as a child....

As i know, many Thai family accepts their daughter to stay with a man everyday.

Even traditional attitude shows that woman should keep virgin before marriage. But it's very hard to believe it is still the main thinking of young generation.

Young generation is more and more curious to the unknown world.

So I think we should tell our younger generations to all the time keep birth control pills and gloves with them instead of keeping virginity. :o

I don't mean to be sarcastic to you na ka, tingting..but just want to say the fact that we should face it and accept (though a little) that the world has changed in every days..

No point to just cry out for the ancient time's morality, and keep living on the bible..Why not helping the renovation to become proper and decent in this world, not that world?

I am "A Lady doth protest too much" again...sorry..

P.S. Are you kon Thai ja, tingting? :D

The point is that the world does not always become more sexually free as the years progress.

Why does every generation think that they invented sex?


No point to just cry out for the ancient time's morality, and keep living on the bible..Why not helping the renovation to become proper and decent in this world, not that world?

The point is that the world does not always become more sexually free as the years progress.

Why does every generation think that they invented sex?

What I have stated is not to mean only the sexual thing, but many ancient practices in the ... well, I will call it a 'Bible'.

The discrimination by genders, by colors also... well, these are only few examples....

I am complaining to the world, actually... for the unfairness that has happened by no end.

and I quite be sure that you as a westerner, you will have no idea how complicate of living by Asian ways....

Well, my mother has positoned me as a broken daughter of the family...haha... she said teasingly... :o


No point to just cry out for the ancient time's morality, and keep living on the bible..Why not helping the renovation to become proper and decent in this world, not that world?

The point is that the world does not always become more sexually free as the years progress.

Why does every generation think that they invented sex?

What I have stated is not to mean only the sexual thing, but many ancient practices in the ... well, I will call it a 'Bible'.

The discrimination by genders, by colors also... well, these are only few examples....

I am complaining to the world, actually... for the unfairness that has happened by no end.

and I quite be sure that you as a westerner, you will have no idea how complicate of living by Asian ways....

Well, my mother has positoned me as a broken daughter of the family...haha... she said teasingly... :o

I am really trying to read and understand this message (I think their is a certain underlying truth), but it's like trying to crack the Devinci code...

Saying that, a lot better than my Thai!


No point to just cry out for the ancient time's morality, and keep living on the bible..Why not helping the renovation to become proper and decent in this world, not that world?

The point is that the world does not always become more sexually free as the years progress.

Why does every generation think that they invented sex?

What I have stated is not to mean only the sexual thing, but many ancient practices in the ... well, I will call it a 'Bible'.

The discrimination by genders, by colors also... well, these are only few examples....

I am complaining to the world, actually... for the unfairness that has happened by no end.

and I quite be sure that you as a westerner, you will have no idea how complicate of living by Asian ways....

Well, my mother has positoned me as a broken daughter of the family...haha... she said teasingly... :o

I am really trying to read and understand this message (I think their is a certain underlying truth), but it's like trying to crack the Devinci code...

Saying that, a lot better than my Thai!

I think it is fantastic and has a great rhythm in the tone - and far better than my Thai.

I mean this in a nice way, so please don't take offence but I think it is like listening to Yoda speak.

I think we should all speak this way. May the force be with you MidoriApple.


I am really trying to read and understand this message (I think their is a certain underlying truth), but it's like trying to crack the Devinci code...

Saying that, a lot better than my Thai!

I think it is fantastic and has a great rhythm in the tone - and far better than my Thai.

I mean this in a nice way, so please don't take offence but I think it is like listening to Yoda speak.

I think we should all speak this way. May the force be with you MidoriApple.

Have to say sorry for you two that I just disappeared without any word..

Was left for Nadal in AO.. :D , my heart was about to stop beating, but he had not let me down....

Well, Geekfreaklover......sorry, i might be too hard to you.....wasn't meant to you at all, just making complaint...Jing jing na...

Complaint...or like take it out of my mind to help relaxing whilst I can do nothing but follow the (crazy) ancient's rules.

then I can be back to be lazy, tingtong as usual... :o

DC1066, I will take this as a compliment.....I am just practicing my writing, that's all.....

Thanks for your blessing, I will keep this force and get back to my work....

May the force be with you too.... :D

Jingthing, are you a pattaya's warrior?

I haven't been here much enough for keeping up to date...

How come you are this much popular? :o

Of course, there is no better place to live in Thailand that our beloved whoretropolis, Pattaya.

People who trash it are the kind of people whose farang relatives say oh no, dear, how can you live in Thailand with all those bad things? And they so, oh no, the bad things are only in Pattaya. They are lying. And we've got ocean breezes.


As a general rule I mostly try to treat others like I like to be treated myself, with some respect, I think the Thai word is "krengjai", trying to be aware of the feelings of other people and of the consequences of your behaviour. This does not give any specific morals concerning sexuel behaviour. Personally I like my apples mature, sweet and juicy. I don't know if this has to do with a natural attitude or with what society has learned me. But repression of natural feelings can lead to all kind of perversions, unnatural attitudes and feelings.

Trying to make other people feel good on the short and long term. Which is not always easy. But it is my experience that if I not try it as well myself and the other are going to feel bad. I think this is a natural human intention, also expressed in the teachings of many religions, that every person has when he is born.

But life anno here and now has it's own realities, and the natural attitude can become unconscious because you get learned some specific morals, e.g. that only marriage and a lifelong, monogamous, man/woman relation is normal and natural. And in other cultures their can be other morals. These morals can sit very deeply become unconscious, and can be experienced as naturel.

This was referend dutchguest speaking to you.

anyone who thinks the majority of sex workers in Pattaya are "forced" into the trade needs their head examined. I suppose many are "stuck" in the trade as they haven't developed any other skills and also its hard to walk away from lucrative though risky line of work if the money keeps flowing. That could happen to people in any profession founded on human weaknesses.

Keep saying that if it serves as a balm for your conscience. I suggest you talk to these people. I mean really talk to them. I have and I get a completely different reason. Then again, they usually are in dire straits when they meet me, so maybe the proximity of the grim reaper tends to restart the morality chip.

You some kind of missionary or something, mate? I used to whore myself, nobody forced me. People sell themselves for the MONEY, because they need the money, same reason people get regular jobs. Straight jobs are often soul crushing as well.

I am agnostic, so I will take the missionary label as a compliment. Thank you for sharing your former employment as a "whore" as it it provides excellent insight as to your positions on many issues and allows one to understand you better. However, your former employment and experience still doesn't justify the exploitation of another person. Doesn't matter if it is for assets, for power or for emotional need, we all have the ability to choose between right and wrong. I try to choose the way that does no harm. Usually, that path benefits me more in the long run. I think most people do that too, even those that engage in "immoral" acts. There are those that may use the services of someone in an alternative job, but still manage to respect the other person's dignity and show decency. One can be good and moral even when undertaking an immoral activity.

As a general rule I mostly try to treat others like I like to be treated myself, with some respect, I think the Thai word is "krengjai", trying to be aware of the feelings of other people and of the consequences of your behaviour. This does not give any specific morals concerning sexuel behaviour. Personally I like my apples mature, sweet and juicy. I don't know if this has to do with a natural attitude or with what society has learned me. But repression of natural feelings can lead to all kind of perversions, unnatural attitudes and feelings.

Trying to make other people feel good on the short and long term. Which is not always easy. But it is my experience that if I not try it as well myself and the other are going to feel bad. I think this is a natural human intention, also expressed in the teachings of many religions, that every person has when he is born.

But life anno here and now has it's own realities, and the natural attitude can become unconscious because you get learned some specific morals, e.g. that only marriage and a lifelong, monogamous, man/woman relation is normal and natural. And in other cultures their can be other morals. These morals can sit very deeply become unconscious, and can be experienced as naturel.

This was referend dutchguest speaking to you.

Not sure if I could get your point....

You have said of 'consciousness'... yes, is essential in following the social's rules, I think smart people will do...

to consider which rule can be followed unconsciously.... is to mean you will accept it 'completely' by your heart.

Well, I don't believe in perfectionism..there are load of the rules that I 'must' keep on living with...

'To try' to make other people feel good naturally, also to make me have least complicated living...

hey... you have made me so tired... :D whilst I am an easy person, actually more ridiculous....

I have taken so much time thinking of your reply....

No more this serious discussion laew na....(please..)

=== closed === (good bye, folks..:o)

I am agnostic, so I will take the missionary label as a compliment.

I never met an agnostic (me too) or an atheist who would take being called a missionary a compliment. Color me suspicious, Father.

hey... you have made me so tired... :D whilst I am an easy person, actually more ridiculous....

I have taken so much time thinking of your reply....

No more this serious discussion laew na....(please..)

=== closed === (good bye, folks..:o)

Sheesh! After only 3 pages?


hey... you have made me so tired... :D whilst I am an easy person, actually more ridiculous....

I have taken so much time thinking of your reply....

No more this serious discussion laew na....(please..)

=== closed === (good bye, folks.. :o )

Sheesh! After only 3 pages?


Lightweight?...Oiii !!!!!..haha.... featherweight, actually..!!!

Don't put me into heavyweight again, OK..hun? :D

Roughly read from dutchguest's thread


nothing much related to, but it makes me wonder....

I am talking this based on my experience and the fact in my area..

Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society.

Especially for an under 18y/o female, this is completely unacceptable.

To keep morality, virginity should be all the way if without the marriage.

What do you think as a foreigner?

As talking to a foreign friend, virgin girls seem too scary to deal with. (Really?)

(Well, what is more scary na... some Thai men still keeps virginity before the marriage though they are now mature..)

He feels hard to believe that some Thai women keep virginity though they are mature.

Sometimes intime helps getting relax for human's body.

He has made disgusting feeling in his face..

I have talked of One Night Stand, he said why not?.. as long as it is safe, nothing too risky.

It..umm..like a gift or present will get from the relationship

Come on.... I am confusing..

Physical needs and Thai moral.... are they confliction?

What should I do? <-- (no answer needed..I just talked to myself) :o

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

I refer you to the words of one of the greatest men who ever lived

"morality is the herd instinct in a person"

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