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Why The Need For Giant Pick-up Trucks?

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Maybe the myth that trucks and Urban Assault Vehicles are safer is based on a common sense assumption. Unfortunately it is wrong. Please do some research befor you tell me otherwise.

They are also a waste of fuel (money),

are used offroad about 1% of the time.

I do own several trucks which I only use as trucks, ie hauling. Otherwise they sit.

Good luck on the wiener situation. Lots of ads online to help.


What are "Urban Assault Vehicles"?

The trucks look stronger than cars. The way the drivers drive you would think so - get out my way I am "bigger" than you. I have been studying them the last few days and the drivers do drive differently. The seem to think that you will get out their way, especially when they are overtaking on a narrow road. All the overtaking I have seen has been by these big trucks. What is the rush? I think it it just to show the power of some of these engines. They are pretty powerful.

Where did you do your research?



> Please do some research


> They are also a waste of fuel (money),

:o Are we still talking about Thailand and current turbo-diesel engines?




I've sort of lost what we are talking about here, I thought Neeranam was on about the 4wd 4 door pick-up's you can buy here.

I guess that could be the answer, however the pickups one usually sees with the few families on the back are usually the older "normal" trucks, not these new super duper 4 door things. Have a look at the next pick-up you see full of people, bet it isn't a new one and definately not a high one looking like it was built to go through the jungle and up a mountain.
Or are we talking about these over sized american things?? as I've never seen one here.
I think it it just to show the power of some of these engines. They are pretty powerful

They are'nt really powerful, ok they have 3 Liter Turbo engines, but they are diesel with lots of low end grunt, The standerd ones only knock out about 120 bhp, and in a big car its not that much, I used to have a toyota soluna as well as the 4wd, the car was quicker, and better on fuel (although petrol is more expensive), for driving in town(or BKK) the car was far better than the 4wd. Its just a car is not as versitile as a pick up.

Alright for peasant Thais, but would you do it with your farang family?

Thats the beauty for the 4 door ones, you can have the "VIP" falang's in the front (that will seat 5 easily) and let the "peasant" thais sit in the back. :o

Cheers RC


I've seen a few of the full-sized Chevy vans tooling around... 3 million, fully outfitted, is what one owner mentioned....

Those huge fancy double-decker busses (living area on bottom, seating on top) are only about 4 million.... Would make a wonderful motorhome to tool around Thailand in... I have actually given some serious consideration to this idea (dream) :o

I'll bet those babies would drive Neeranam nuts. Even more than he seems already :D


"I'll bet those babies would drive Neeranam nuts. Even more than he seems already "

Actually, I wouldn't mind one for myself. Obviously noone would buy one if they didn't sleep in it. Practical for touring.

Versatility being the word, hence their popularity.

Yes - versatility: this afternoon I bought too large plants, already in pots over a foot in diameter. The plants were about 2 feet 6 inches tall. The guy simply put them in the back of the pick-up, no problems.
The International 7300 CRX costs $115,000.

For that price I would want the suspension raised at least two feet, some big searchlights at the front and back. And what about a big bar over the top in case it rolls over? :o:D:D

The International 7300 CRX costs $115,000.

For that price I would want the suspension raised at least two feet, some big searchlights at the front and back. And what about a big bar over the top in case it rolls over? :o:D:D

Great! Then you can scare pissless all those other Neeranam woossies :D:D

God, get a more fullfilling life dude :D

jesus h. christ ! how do you reduce the size of uploaded photos !!

downsize it :D

btw i just bought a isuzu dmax top of the range 4-door, 3ltr diesel, just under 800k, waiting for it as i wanted a black one with all the bars and mods :o

loved it had it for one day as a test drive, beat a small toyota for the same price :D

yes i am a big guy just under 6', its also great in the rainy season :D

and i hope it makes my dick an inch bigger :D

yes i am a big guy just under 6', its also great in the rainy season 

and i hope it makes my dick an inch bigger

I've got Dmax 4 x 4 too, I'm only small 5'8" but it definately makes my dick bigger and harder (I use it to go down the pharmacy and buy viagra)

Seriously great machine / family vehicle economical and a work horse.


Go get the Toyota Vigo -- within a day you'll ask the mods to delete your origination post.

Save up for it or buy on finance terms, but go buy it.

I had a look actually today at a Isuzu pick-up in the local supermarket. It looked very comfortable inside, apart from the back seat. 800,000 seems good value. Maybe a bit too big though, I don't need such a big engine - 2500cc, I think it was.

I do understand why so many guys I know buy them.

There also seems to be more high "sleeping policemen" around town, maybe this is due to these pick-ups being able to go over them at high speed.

Maybe it will be a case if I can't beat them, join them :o There seems to be heaps of these Toyota Vigos appearing on the country streets. Reminds me of a movie I saw yesterday(I Robot) where the robots took over :D

I am buying a house first(not sure where yet), and if it means driving "chonabot", or on rough ground, who knows.


Go get the Toyota Vigo -- within a day you'll ask the mods to delete your origination post.

Save up for it or buy on finance terms, but go buy it.

I had a look actually today at a Isuzu pick-up in the local supermarket. It looked very comfortable inside, apart from the back seat. 800,000 seems good value. Maybe a bit too big though, I don't need such a big engine - 2500cc, I think it was.

I do understand why so many guys I know buy them.

There also seems to be more high "sleeping policemen" around town, maybe this is due to these pick-ups being able to go over them at high speed.

Maybe it will be a case if I can't beat them, join them :o There seems to be heaps of these Toyota Vigos appearing on the country streets. Reminds me of a movie I saw yesterday(I Robot) where the robots took over :D

I am buying a house first(not sure where yet), and if it means driving "chonabot", or on rough ground, who knows.

House in your name I hope.


Most of these trucks are very locally produced(many different types from area to area)and are usually suppied without engine as it uses the removable engine from the Tak tak in your second picture,which any family that has moved off the bottom rung of the ladder now own in much of the Isaan countryside.I believe these engines were 650cc single diesels though some might recently have got some extra cubes.Just wish they would show some rear lights at night!

.....Just wish they would show some rear lights at night!

:o Wow! You drive at night time! :D

I did once or twice, but now when the sun goes goes, the truck gets parked - too many pot holes you can park an elephant in!


I try to shoot for being off the road after 3pm.. That's when these Itans and Kwaileks start hitting the road loaded with field workers finished for the day, along with schools letting out... At 4-4:30, the Karachakans head home... 5pm, the regular folks start racing home or to their bar. After dark, the drunks are the main challenge....

Then there are the Farang drivers... :D

Yep, better to park it. :o

If you want more than the basic 55 watts or so, you can change the bulb inside with a 100+ watt bulb available seperately in the shops I've used..

I also remember reading here of a couple of people who reported being fined by hiway cops for having those high-mounted spots uncovered..

Do you REALLY need them ?
I try to shoot for being off the road after 3pm

The whole point of this thread was why have things you don't need.

jesus h. christ ! how do you reduce the size of uploaded photos !!

btw i just bought a isuzu dmax top of the range 4-door, 3ltr diesel, just under 800k, waiting for it as i wanted a black one with all the bars and mods :o

and i hope it makes my dick an inch bigger :D

I get a "woodie" just thinking about my big truck! :D

If you want more than the basic 55 watts or so, you can change the bulb inside with a 100+ watt bulb available seperately in the shops I've used..

I also remember reading here of a couple of people who reported being fined by hiway cops for having those high-mounted spots uncovered..

Do you REALLY need them ?

I try to shoot for being off the road after 3pm
The whole point of this thread was why have things you don't need.

Trolling for a bite? :o

Safety is a big issue for me, as I've expressed earlier. Having extra light power means better visibility at night, and a better safety margin... Driving Safety 101 :D

Your last line makes no relevant point to anything I've written... Feel free to try again, but with something more sensible, please :D


if you really want to protect your children , then you should get one too , in a little mazda you would unfortunately stand little chance. in a larger vehicle you would be safer.

I think it's about time that a few myths were exploded: - If you seriously care about your children do NOT under any circumstances buy a pick-up truck!

These vehicles whilst being sturdy are not up to normal safety standards of monocoque construction road cars; in most countries commercial type vehicles are not subject to the same safety regulations as family transport. The manufacturers take advantage of this as it enables them to avoid expensive built-in safety features and produce cheaper vehicles…

However, in the event of an accident these vehicles are much more likely to cause serious injury to the occupants, (especially if they are seated unbelted in back!) In the event of collision the body may well become detached from the chassis the "crumple" regions and side bar protection now normal in a car are seriously compromised by the chassis based design of pick-ups. And don't kid yourself that being in the stronger vehicle will protect you, the extra jarring you get from not having good crumple zones will be passed on directly to your body. As for the extra vision this is only a higher view point, not necessarily good all-round vision. The extra height of theses vehicles leads to a higher centre of gravity and a propensity for roll-over accidents, you don’t even need another car to crash with! The poor weight distribution leads to unpredictable handling, and the ride far from being more comfortable is very bouncy due to the stiff rudimentary leaf suspension designed to take heavy loads rather than absorb bumps.

If you drive around in one of these you are lulled into a false sense of security; you are in fact considerably more vulnerable than someone in a modern sedan.

When it comes to 4wd, and that is largely where the height comes in there are 2 distinct types: The most common in Thailand is the modified pick-up – this suffers from all of the draw backs I mention above. The second type is the purpose built 4wd i.e. Land Rover, Landcruiser, trooper and Pajero, these vehicles are designed with serious off road use in mind and have totally different road behaviour and centre of gravity characteristics. The third generation art the SUVs, they are very much a mixed bag. For example the Ford explorer and the Ford escape – the explorer is a pick-up with a station-wagon body, the Escape is an occasional off-roader designed from the ground up, this will explain why it is more expensive than the larger Explorer.

As for rpm on diesels anyone with a rev-counter will see that diesels perform on average at a lower rpm than petrol engines, they do however perform best within a small power band, pulling well from low rpm and benefiting from multi-ratio gearboxes to obtain a high cruising speed. Turbo diesels perform more like a petrol engine but loose some of the “torquey” characteristics of the naturally aspirated diesels.

So there!

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