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Can I prevent so much phlegm with a cold/URI?

The faint of heart need read no further.

Throughout my life I've experienced quite severe symptoms accompanying colds and infections. In Bangkok it's even worse and now vomiting large amounts of phlegm and then bile seems to be the norm. It goes on and on and I'm often left retching and gasping. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in frothy snot. And it isn't just once, maybe 6-10 real throw ups repeated over a few hours. Finally, there are blood streaks and bile.

Next day, typically, I'll feel ok, cough a few times and spit out the most awesome greenie the like of which any schoolboy would take great pride in placing in a jar for all to be revolted at. This time it was about a table spoon full in one hit, and so sticky I couldn't wash it away straight away.

This latest event really frightened me though. I feel quite shaken. I mean no one else seems to go throw up when they have a cold, throat infection or URI. I really feel traumatised.

Backdrop is regular non allergic rhinitis, quit smoking, otherwise excellent health for 47 year old. The consensus from various docs is I have quite sensitive mucal membranes.

Any advice specific or general greatly appreciated.


I am not that faint of heart but almost gave up/out halfway through!

Assuming at this point that all underlying chronic conditions and infections such as TB and bronchiectasis etc have been excluded...

The bleeding due to the severe retching may be from small tears that occur in the lower end of the esofagus due to the pressure created in the process; in severe cases it is sometimes referred to a the "Mallory Weiss syndrome"..

Please make sure, however that this is not from a lung lesion.

Symptomatically, steam inhalations work best; with or without some aromatherapy. It helps to dilute the mucous and makes it easier to get rid of. Chronic sinusitis may also be part of this whole scenario and saline rinses twice a day will help as well. Boots sell a 200ml, 500ml and 1,5l squirt bottle of saline and this will work well.

All the rest of the added measures such as exposure to air conditioning, cleaning of filters, humidifyers, etc have been discussed on this forum before and good info is to be had on those discussions as well.

Resort to antibiotics only when there is a definite need for it (fever and other signs of infection) and try and get sputum cultures done before taking a course. The last thing you need is to culture is some resistant bug.


I'm assuming when you say ëxcellent health"that you have had a recent and thorough physical that would rule out lung or heart pathology..?

What medications do you take when you have these colds? (I am wondering if the vomiting might actually be an adverse effect of a drug...virtually all medications can cause vomiting in sensitive individuals). If you are in the habot of taking any cold remedies I'd suggest trying without and seeing if it makes a difference in the vomiting.

It may be faint comfort, but the unpleasant symptoms associated with colds are actually the result of the body's launching an effective immune response. All that mucous is part of it - your body rushing white blood cells to gobble up the virus.


Thanks for the excellent postings.

No, in truth, my last chest xray was a year ago, likewise ecg, and hiv test. I did have a check up 6 months ago and the doctor did in fact comment that my chest was A1 despite having smoked for over 30 years (gave up 1 year ago). But as I'm generally athletic I really think I'm ok. This was sudden onset too.

It seems to be a bit more severe than a cold as I have been experiencing multiple symptoms: partial loss of voice, and quite a bit of disturbance from nose to stomach. Most notably I've partially lost my voice, feel a bit wheezy, and have experienced night sweats. But the active phase appears to be over, and I think my immune system has won the day. I'm still worried though and will go to the docs if necessary.

My guess is I have a broncho virus or similar.

But it's more this vomiting that causes concern, it just doesn't seen normal and even a standard cold can cause it. I do have sensitive linings for sure so I guess this could be an explanation, but the effect is terrible.


I've just had a look at my throat and it's very red and my tonsils have white spots. So I think I have tonsilitis proper, it certainly explains a lot.

But I really feel so much stronger now.

If I still feel better tomorrow, I'm inclined to leave it at that. Is this an acceptable decision?


White spots on tonsils may be either from an acute infection such as strep (fungal also but rare in non-immune compromised persons) or just residues of previous infections. The white spots are usually debris in the tonsil crypts (walnut like anatomy).

With no fever and/or enlarged regional glands in the neck, it would probably be OK to just treat it symptomatically and not use antibiotics. Best I could suggest is to use a Povidone Iodine based gargle. It is both antiviral as well as antibacterial and antifungal but make sure it is the oral preparation not the wound antiseptic.

White spots on tonsils may be either from an acute infection such as strep (fungal also but rare in non-immune compromised persons) or just residues of previous infections. The white spots are usually debris in the tonsil crypts (walnut like anatomy).

With no fever and/or enlarged regional glands in the neck, it would probably be OK to just treat it symptomatically and not use antibiotics. Best I could suggest is to use a Povidone Iodine based gargle. It is both antiviral as well as antibacterial and antifungal but make sure it is the oral preparation not the wound antiseptic.

Thanks FBN

My girlfriend is now suffering from same and her sister has been diagnosed with a severe throat infection, and also has similar symptoms, a number of the youngsters have it too, so i guess a virus is the best bet, and a very hard one at that.

I still can't get over the severity of the symptoms, and am again rattled by the blood specks/streaks in my nose, throat and possibly from lower tract too.

However, things have normalised. haven't ruled out a thorough check up soon.


Please have a throat culture for strep; this spreads quire easily.

Culture should include sensitivity for antibiotics. If so, proceed with specific treatment.

Strep may cause such an inflammatoru reaction of the mucous membranenes of the upper (and to some extent) lower respiratory tract, that the physical effort and effect (air expelled at 600m/s) of sneezing or coughing may cause these sensitive membranes to rupture and cause bleeding. This is localised and fresh blood is aparent in the sputum. If bleeding is due to a Mallory Weiss syndrome as mentioned before, the bleeding is usually severe enough to cause blackened stools as well.

If this continues, please have a decent check up again..

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