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Angelina Jolie Is In Chiang Mai


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Excellent post, koheesti.

The only thing I can add is -- why does anyone care what she says and does other than because she's rich and famous?? There are hundreds of people working for NGO's here who are doing at least as much but don't get any publicity. This is all about our hero worship of "stars".

"Pathetic" was the right word.

..Sadly im still not immune to shock at the way men seem to enjoy degrading women, even when they are obviously beautiful and have talent beyond the physical.

Nice thought but has nothing to do with this thread as noone has degraded any women here - yet.

Instead of sitting on her laurels, Angelina Jolie attempts to try take on worldwide projects. She realises her celebrate can be put to good use. Im sure she also must read/hear talk about her UN work in negative ways, and she could so easily be reclusive and keep her time and money to herself, instead she just gets with it. Married, 6 kids, and a successful career, and yet she still takes time to work in Humanitarian sectors... ..have real admiration for her. Amazing woman.

OK, first of all, I like Jolie as a hot woman, an actress, and humanitarian but give me a freakin' break here.

Married? What do you think that means to a super rich Hollywood movie star? Exactly what were you thinking of when you wrote that? Maybe that Angelina is the same as any other modern day western wife? Hardly. But please elaborate.

6 kids? My mom actually gave birth to 6 kids on different ocassions (as opposed to 3 adoptions and 2 pregnancies for AJ) and didn't have nannies to take care of them (my older sisters did help change my diapers as I am constantly reminded over 40 years later). I seriously doubt AJ's chikdren see mommy everyday like myself and most others did growing up.

Has time for humanitarian work even with a successful career? I doubt she has ever worked a 40-hour work week in her life. Unless you want to count hanging out on movie sets - which I don't. When was the last time she was in an office or any other normal workplace?

Again, she is trying to do a lot of good and deserves respect for that. BUT, please don't compare her to the married woman with a successful career who has to balance raising kids, taking them to soccer/football practice, helping them with school work, household duties like cooking or cleaning, dealing with the idiot husband and putting in 40-50 hours/week at the office downtown building (you know, the one with the glass ceiling?).

Alright, I'll chip in. What is pathetic about her using her celebrity status to highlight the problems faced by refugees and children in need? I give her the benefit of the doubt, I thinks she's trying to do good things, not attract attention. If her goal was publicity she'd do a lot better gettinig in trouble with the law or having a mental breakdown, which the celebrity press loves. Paris Hilton got far more primetime coverage by driving drunk than Angelina Jolie got in all her work for the U.N.

Yes, the people working for NGO's are doing lots of good. Angelina Jolie probably appreciates them as much as anyone.

BTW, I'm not an obsessed fan. I've only seen one of her movies, and I don't think tatoos enhance a woman's appearance. But I approve of celebrities and anyone else doing useful volunteer work.

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Alright, I'll chip in. What is pathetic about her using her celebrity status to highlight the problems faced by refugees and children in need? I give her the benefit of the doubt, I thinks she's trying to do good things, not attract attention. If her goal was publicity she'd do a lot better gettinig in trouble with the law or having a mental breakdown, which the celebrity press loves. Paris Hilton got far more primetime coverage by driving drunk than Angelina Jolie got in all her work for the U.N.

Yes, the people working for NGO's are doing lots of good. Angelina Jolie probably appreciates them as much as anyone.

BTW, I'm not an obsessed fan. I've only seen one of her movies, and I don't think tatoos enhance a woman's appearance. But I approve of celebrities and anyone else doing useful volunteer work.

My wife "took care" of Ms. Jolie several years ago, when she was in Chiang Mai making a movie. She decribes her as a "lovely girl, who is very skinny and good to her mother". She said her costar Crive O-ven was a "naughty boy".

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Alright, I'll chip in. What is pathetic about her using her celebrity status to highlight the problems faced by refugees and children in need? . . .

BTW, I'm not an obsessed fan. . . But I approve of celebrities and anyone else doing useful volunteer work.

I'll chip back in.

Nothing is pathetic about anyone doing useful work or using what they've got to do it.

What is . . . pathetic, to use the term that is being used here, although I don't think it necessarily captures all that well the speciousness and hollowness of the phenomenon in question . . . is that people place an importance on what a movie star or any other celebrity thinks or does that goes beyond (in fact often far beyond, but the point would apply equally even if it were only slightly beyond) the importance that they place on what anyone at all does. That they think the star means something that others don't. Contemptible is not, for me, too strong a word for it.

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Alright, I'll chip in. What is pathetic about her using her celebrity status to highlight the problems faced by refugees and children in need? . . .

BTW, I'm not an obsessed fan. . . But I approve of celebrities and anyone else doing useful volunteer work.

I'll chip back in.

Nothing is pathetic about anyone doing useful work or using what they've got to do it.

What is . . . pathetic, to use the term that is being used here, although I don't think it necessarily captures all that well the speciousness and hollowness of the phenomenon in question . . . is that people place an importance on what a movie star or any other celebrity thinks or does that goes beyond (in fact often far beyond, but the point would apply equally even if it were only slightly beyond) the importance that they place on what anyone at all does. That they think the star means something that others don't. Contemptible is not, for me, too strong a word for it.

Ok, I'll go along with celebrity obsession being pathetic. But I don't blame the celebrities, I blame the idiotic fans. Whenever CNN and BBC are wasting air time on Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, "Branjelina", etc., I switch to Al Jazeera.

Edited by heybruce
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Ok, I'll go along with celebrity obsession being pathetic. But I don't blame the celebrities, I blame the idiotic fans.

Then our views are, to that extent at least, the same.

I'll go along with that, don't understand the obsession at all.

I read somewhere about a quiz given out in a school about the old "what do you want to be when you grow up".

A very large number wrote simply " famous".

They thought it was a profession, which in a sense it is. It has been made a profession with rewards often totally out of proportion to the job done.

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I think if she keeps complaining about Thailand to the entire world then perhaps she should be denied a visa on her next visit.

In that case, there would be a large reduction of Thaivisa members able to get back into Thailand. :o

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nice body, nice tits and big lips

Mattias, believe it or not, "nice tits"(I assume you mean "big tits") and "big lips" are not every culture's ideal, so all you have really told us is that you, and probably your culture generally, admires these traits.

Anyway, forget Angelina. Look at the person in the "Beyonce" video. How many people can do that :o ?

And all you told us is that YOU are either not from the western world OR didnt understand much of the ideal over there.

Tits, female body and big lips do sell. In most cultures. Infact i personaly think those reasons have very much to do with the succes of Angelina Jolie in particular. (Not saying that she is´nt talented on top of those other benefits).

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Ive taken the liberty of forwarding your post to Ms Jolie's agent. Ive read somewhere that they're fairly litigous. :o

Troll or unhappy fan?

Probably some member using a second nick. Very dangerous practice.

Yes, could be a prankster. Anyways, for fun, I googled "Jim Klein" :

Jim Klein has been an independent filmmaker since 1969. Along with his partner, Julia Reichert, he made the first

documentary about women from a feminist perspective, Growing Up Female.

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I personally dont like anyone being called a slut. Male or female

Slut or slattern is a pejorative term for a person who is deemed sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning "dirty or slovenly."[1] It may also be used as an expression of pride in one's status, or to express envy at the sexual successes of others.

Although the ultimate origin of slut is unknown, it first appeared in <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_English" target="_blank">Middle English[/url] in 1402 as slutte (AHD), with the meaning "a dirty, untidy, or slovenly woman." Even earlier, Geoffrey Chaucer used the word sluttish (c.1386) to describe a slovenly man;

perhaps thats what "jimklein" was referring to.

however, later uses appear almost exclusively associated with women. The modern sense of "a sexually promiscuous woman" dates to at least 1450.

Another early meaning was "kitchen maid or drudge" (c. 1450), a meaning retained as late as the 18th century, when hard knots of dough found in bread were referred to as "slut's pennies." A notable example of this use is Samuel Pepys's diary description of his servant girl as "an admirable slut" who "pleases us mightily, doing more service than both the others and deserves wages better" (February 1664). In the 19th century, the word was used as a euphemism in place of bitch in the sense of "a female dog."[2]

Similar words appear in Dutch, German and Swedish dialects meaning "a dirty woman," indicating a common ancestor in Germanic languages. The word entered the colloquial Yidish as "akhsluttishkha" meaning "a hag". It exists in Ukrainian too as slutyj as a loan word from Yidish or via the mediaeval Scandinavian Varangian colonists in Kievan Rus'. A popular theory connects slut to earlier Germanic forms meaning "slush" or "mud puddle," but this derivation remains in question.

Common usages

The accepted denotative meaning is a sexually promiscuous woman<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut#cite_note-2" target="_blank">[3][/url] or "a woman of a low or loose character; a bold or impudent girl; a hussy, jade."[4] These definitions identify a slut as a person of low character — a person who lacks the ability or chooses not to exercise a power of discernment to order their affairs, such as a cad, rake, or womanizer. The adjective "slutty" carries a similar connotation but can be applied both to people and to clothing and accessories, such as Halloween costumes. [5]

The term slut is therefore frequently used as an insult. The derogatory power of the term derives both from its denotative meaning of a promiscuous woman, but also from its historical and regional connotations or alternate meanings that identify a slut as a dirty or unkempt person. These additional meanings and connotations are negative and identify a slut as being a slovenly and ugly person, for example as in these quotations from OED2:

Hearne, 1715: "Nor was she a Woman of any Beauty, but was a nasty Slut." Shenstone, 1765: "She's ugly, she's old,... And a slut, and a scold." The attack on the character of the person is perhaps best brought together by the highly suggestive and related compound word, slut's-hole, meaning a place or receptacle for rubbish;[6] the associated quote provides a sense of this original meaning:

Saturday Review (London), 1862: "There are a good many slut-holes in London to rake out." The British journalist Katharine Whitehorn attempted to re-claim this latter meaning in a famous 1963 article in The Observer:[7] "Have you ever taken anything out of the dirty-clothes basket because it had become, relatively, the cleaner thing? Changed stockings in a taxi? Could you try on clothes in any shop, any time, without worrying about your underclothes? How many things are in the wrong room—cups in the study, boots in the kitchen? ... [this makes] you one of us: the miserable, optimistic, misunderstood race of sluts." This article prompted a flurry of correspondence, with many women writing in to describe their own acts of sluttishness.


Alternate usages

Recent times have seen alternate <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slang" target="_blank">slang usages of the word slut. It is often used against gay males and bisexuals, comparing them without merit as people who are promiscuous in that they have, or are reputed to have, many sexual partners, or whose sexuality is voracious, indiscriminate, and shameful.

Perhaps also applicable

Slut is also used as a slang term in the BDSM, polyamorous, and gay and bisexual communities.[8] With BDSM, polyamorous, and non-monogamous people, in usage taken from the book The Ethical Slut, the term has been used as an expression of choice to openly have multiple partners, and revel in that choice: "a slut is a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you."[9] A slut is a person who has taken control of their sexuality and has sex with whomever they choose, regardless of religious or social pressures or conventions to conform to a straight-laced monogamous lifestyle committed to one partner for life. The term has been "taken back" to express the rejection of the concept that government, society, or religion may judge or control one's personal liberties, and the right to control one's own sexuality.

Edited by ajarnpim
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I think if she keeps complaining about Thailand to the entire world then perhaps she should be denied a visa on her next visit.

In that case, there would be a large reduction of Thaivisa members able to get back into Thailand. :o

I see your point Tywais but the biggest difference with our complaints and hers are her complaints end up on CNN and ours don't.

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Personally, I think Angelina Jolie is focusing attention on some very valid points about the treatment of refugees in Thailand and I can't understand why some members have a problem with this happening. If she doesn't do it, nobody else certainly will

Angelina Jolie voices support for Myanmar refugees in northern Thailand camps

BAN MAI NAI SOI REFUGEE CAMP, Thailand, February 5 (UNHCR) – UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie has called on the Thai government to grant Myanmar refugees in northern Thailand greater freedom of movement, after spending a day listening to refugees tell of the difficulties they have faced in two decades of living in closed camps.

"I was saddened to meet a 21-year-old woman who was born in a refugee camp, who has never even been out of the camp and is now raising her own child in a camp," Jolie said after her visit Wednesday to Ban Mai Nai Soi camp, home to 18,111 mainly Karenni registered refugees, just three kms from the Myanmar border, near Mae Hong Son.

"With no foreseeable chance that these refugees will soon be able to return to Burma (Myanmar), we must find some way to help them work and become self reliant," she said.

The 111,000 registered refugees who live in nine camps in northern Thailand along the Thai-Myanmar border are not allowed to venture outside the camps to work or receive higher education.

In a thatched two-room house on stilts, Jolie sat down on the floor and chatted with refugee Ma Pai, a 44-year-old minority ethnic Kayan woman who has applied for resettlement to the United States.

At a boarding school for orphans and children separated from their parents, Jolie listened attentively as two teenage girls – sent across the border to the refugee camp by their parents for education – told of their fears that they might have to go back to Myanmar when they finish their schooling.

"I hope we can work with the Thai authorities to speed up the government admissions process and that you will not be forced to go back to Burma if danger remains," Jolie said.

The Thai government's Provincial Admissions Board, the only body that can grant refugee status to people fleeing fighting or persecution in Myanmar, has yet to process some 5,000 people who arrived in Mae Hong Son province in 2006 and 2007, the last time there was significant fighting in Kayah State just across the border. Throughout last year, people continued to trickle into Ban Mai Nai Soi and three other camps in the province, mostly fleeing forced labour and other human rights abuses.

One 26-year-old woman, Pan Sein, told Jolie she fled her village in Kayah State last November, and took a circuitous, hazardous journey on foot that finally brought her to the camp at the beginning of January.

"Weren't you scared to leave your parents and come on your own?" Jolie asked.

"Yes, I was scared," Pan Sein replied. "It was dangerous to flee, but even more dangerous to stay in my village."

Jolie's visit came at a time of worldwide attention to the large numbers of Rohingya migrants fleeing Myanmar's northern Rakhine state in rickety boats, and just after UNHCR gained access to 78 Rohingya boat people in detention in Ranong in southern Thailand.

"Visiting Ban Mai Nai Soi and seeing how hospitable Thailand has been to 111,000 mostly Karen and Karenni refugees over the years makes me hope that Thailand will be just as generous to the Rohingya refugees who are now arriving on their shores," Jolie said.

"I also hope the Rohingya situation stabilizes and their life in Myanmar improves so the people do not feel the desperate need to flee, especially considering how dangerous their journey has become," she added. "As with all people, they deserve to have their human rights respected."

By Kitty McKinsey

In Ban Mai Nai Soi Camp

Source: UNHCR

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I see your point Tywais but the biggest difference with our complaints and hers are her complaints end up on CNN and ours don't.

True, she has the advantage of mass exposure through her position <my previous post was tongue in cheek>. My take on it is that if she can truly initiate a positive change then her reasons for doing it are not that important. However, she hardly needs to do this to garner media attention and do believe she is doing it because she can and she feels it's the right thing. (IMHO).

//edit - PS: If she is ever refused a Visa due to her activities it will put Thailand in a very negative spotlight and the media will have a field day with it.

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Personally, I think Angelina Jolie is focusing attention on some very valid points about the treatment of refugees in Thailand and I can't understand why some members have a problem with this happening. If she doesn't do it, nobody else certainly will

Not sure what you mean. If she doesn't do it, nobody else will? If she doesn't do it, somebody else will?

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Perhaps I was unclear, so let me ask do you see any other celebrity of her stature trying to bring this out into the open? How many private citizens do you see trying to bring this out into the open?

It seems to me that people who criticize her for using her celebrity to help people should perhaps first see what they themselves are doing to help people. If you can honestly say that you donate a sizable portion of your income and your time to charity and people in need of help, then perhaps you can throw stones.

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Perhaps I was unclear, so let me ask do you see any other celebrity of her stature trying to bring this out into the open? How many private citizens do you see trying to bring this out into the open?

It seems to me that people who criticize her for using her celebrity to help people should perhaps first see what they themselves are doing to help people. If you can honestly say that you donate a sizable portion of your income and your time to charity and people in need of help, then perhaps you can throw stones.

Good posts sbk. Ms. Jolie is putting forth her time, money, effort, and reputation to draw attention to the plight of refugees. I commend her for it. I've known others (including myself) who have made similar efforts with no where near her effectiveness. Her long association with refugee causes and personal funding of many, including adoption gives her a lt of credibility with me.

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One of these women is Angelina, and the other is also famous.


Which is which and why is the other famous?

I think one of them has just given birth to an octopus

Yes. They both have millions of babies and bloated lips.

Think how many nappies the cost of that lip job could have bought! :o

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Some people enjoy seeing negatives and like to attempt to demean others in any way they can. I suppose some get genuine enjoyment out of it.

I guess this thread is likely to continue to go along the same lines, but as it will have no effect on the good work she is attempting to do, then wallow away.

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Congrats ajarnpim. So you can cut and paste from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut and even add a few words of your own. No wonder you're an Ajarn.

I personally dont like anyone being called a slut. Male or female

Slut or slattern is a pejorative term for a person who is deemed sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning "dirty or slovenly."[1] It may also be used as an expression of pride in one's status, or to express envy at the sexual successes of others.

Although the ultimate origin of slut is unknown, it first appeared in <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_English" target="_blank">Middle English[/url] in 1402 as slutte (AHD), with the meaning "a dirty, untidy, or slovenly woman." Even earlier, Geoffrey Chaucer used the word sluttish (c.1386) to describe a slovenly man;

perhaps thats what "jimklein" was referring to.

however, later uses appear almost exclusively associated with women. The modern sense of "a sexually promiscuous woman" dates to at least 1450.

Another early meaning was "kitchen maid or drudge" (c. 1450), a meaning retained as late as the 18th century, when hard knots of dough found in bread were referred to as "slut's pennies." A notable example of this use is Samuel Pepys's diary description of his servant girl as "an admirable slut" who "pleases us mightily, doing more service than both the others and deserves wages better" (February 1664). In the 19th century, the word was used as a euphemism in place of bitch in the sense of "a female dog."[2]

Similar words appear in Dutch, German and Swedish dialects meaning "a dirty woman," indicating a common ancestor in Germanic languages. The word entered the colloquial Yidish as "akhsluttishkha" meaning "a hag". It exists in Ukrainian too as slutyj as a loan word from Yidish or via the mediaeval Scandinavian Varangian colonists in Kievan Rus'. A popular theory connects slut to earlier Germanic forms meaning "slush" or "mud puddle," but this derivation remains in question.

Common usages

The accepted denotative meaning is a sexually promiscuous woman<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut#cite_note-2" target="_blank">[3][/url] or "a woman of a low or loose character; a bold or impudent girl; a hussy, jade."[4] These definitions identify a slut as a person of low character — a person who lacks the ability or chooses not to exercise a power of discernment to order their affairs, such as a cad, rake, or womanizer. The adjective "slutty" carries a similar connotation but can be applied both to people and to clothing and accessories, such as Halloween costumes. [5]

The term slut is therefore frequently used as an insult. The derogatory power of the term derives both from its denotative meaning of a promiscuous woman, but also from its historical and regional connotations or alternate meanings that identify a slut as a dirty or unkempt person. These additional meanings and connotations are negative and identify a slut as being a slovenly and ugly person, for example as in these quotations from OED2:

Hearne, 1715: "Nor was she a Woman of any Beauty, but was a nasty Slut." Shenstone, 1765: "She's ugly, she's old,... And a slut, and a scold." The attack on the character of the person is perhaps best brought together by the highly suggestive and related compound word, slut's-hole, meaning a place or receptacle for rubbish;[6] the associated quote provides a sense of this original meaning:

Saturday Review (London), 1862: "There are a good many slut-holes in London to rake out." The British journalist Katharine Whitehorn attempted to re-claim this latter meaning in a famous 1963 article in The Observer:[7] "Have you ever taken anything out of the dirty-clothes basket because it had become, relatively, the cleaner thing? Changed stockings in a taxi? Could you try on clothes in any shop, any time, without worrying about your underclothes? How many things are in the wrong room—cups in the study, boots in the kitchen? ... [this makes] you one of us: the miserable, optimistic, misunderstood race of sluts." This article prompted a flurry of correspondence, with many women writing in to describe their own acts of sluttishness.


Alternate usages

Recent times have seen alternate <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slang" target="_blank">slang usages of the word slut. It is often used against gay males and bisexuals, comparing them without merit as people who are promiscuous in that they have, or are reputed to have, many sexual partners, or whose sexuality is voracious, indiscriminate, and shameful.

Perhaps also applicable

Slut is also used as a slang term in the BDSM, polyamorous, and gay and bisexual communities.[8] With BDSM, polyamorous, and non-monogamous people, in usage taken from the book The Ethical Slut, the term has been used as an expression of choice to openly have multiple partners, and revel in that choice: "a slut is a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you."[9] A slut is a person who has taken control of their sexuality and has sex with whomever they choose, regardless of religious or social pressures or conventions to conform to a straight-laced monogamous lifestyle committed to one partner for life. The term has been "taken back" to express the rejection of the concept that government, society, or religion may judge or control one's personal liberties, and the right to control one's own sexuality.

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Angelina Jolie voices support for Myanmar refugees in northern Thailand camps

BAN MAI NAI SOI REFUGEE CAMP, Thailand, February 5 (UNHCR) – UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie has called on the Thai government to grant Myanmar refugees in northern Thailand greater freedom of movement, after spending a day listening to refugees tell of the difficulties they have faced in two decades of living in closed camps.

"I was saddened to meet a 21-year-old woman who was born in a refugee camp, who has never even been out of the camp and is now raising her own child in a camp," Jolie said after her visit Wednesday to Ban Mai Nai Soi camp, home to 18,111 mainly Karenni registered refugees, just three kms from the Myanmar border, near Mae Hong Son.

"With no foreseeable chance that these refugees will soon be able to return to Burma (Myanmar), we must find some way to help them work and become self reliant," she said.

In a thatched two-room house on stilts, Jolie sat down on the floor and chatted with refugee Ma Pai, a 44-year-old minority ethnic Kayan woman who has applied for resettlement to the United States.

At a boarding school for orphans and children separated from their parents, Jolie listened attentively as two teenage girls – sent across the border to the refugee camp by their parents for education – told of their fears that they might have to go back to Myanmar when they finish their schooling.

"I hope we can work with the Thai authorities to speed up the government admissions process and that you will not be forced to go back to Burma if danger remains," Jolie said.

One 26-year-old woman, Pan Sein, told Jolie she fled her village in Kayah State last November, and took a circuitous, hazardous journey on foot that finally brought her to the camp at the beginning of January.

"Weren't you scared to leave your parents and come on your own?" Jolie asked.

"Yes, I was scared," Pan Sein replied. "It was dangerous to flee, but even more dangerous to stay in my village."

"Visiting Ban Mai Nai Soi and seeing how hospitable Thailand has been to 111,000 mostly Karen and Karenni refugees over the years makes me hope that Thailand will be just as generous to the Rohingya refugees who are now arriving on their shores," Jolie said.

"I also hope the Rohingya situation stabilizes and their life in Myanmar improves so the people do not feel the desperate need to flee, especially considering how dangerous their journey has become," she added. "As with all people, they deserve to have their human rights respected."

By Kitty McKinsey

In Ban Mai Nai Soi Camp

Source: UNHCR

"Why that's just horrific"

AS she climbed aboard her private jet and wisked away while sipping champange and tasting lobster row..."Geebs, can we have some brazed kobe beef tips on the way out"... " Think we could adot another...I don't have a hilltriber yet"..

What was Varuka's line in Willy Wonka..." I want...I want it NOW"

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