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My Son Is A Genius


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according to multiple sources in google, thai kids have extraordinary low IQ's

nothing much seems to change in later life either ......

you never stop danching or whatever you call it.

Strange you should point that out , it appears to run in families also , in the west we have welfare families , here in SE asia we seem to have IQ disadvantaged families , "Sins of the father "???? . :o

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Adults putting expectations and judging children at such an early age can have a detrimental effect to the child. I will use myself as an example.

In elementary school I had a very difficult time learning to read. It turns out I had a form of dyslexia. So, at an early age I was told I was not very smart and would never amount to anything.

Later on, as time went by I was able to over come my dyslexia and learned to read fine, but the stigma stuck with me that I was not as smart as the other students my age.

Later in life I learned not only was I not unintelligent, but highly intelligent when I was given IQ test in my late teens and scored between 132 to 145 on various test. But, the stigma put on me at an early age stayed with all those years until I took the test and my teachers were all shocked and made me take them over and over to prove that they were valid.

I ended up obtaining a Masters Degree in Accounting and become a Certified Public Accountant passing the two day exam on the first try. A feet accomplished by less than one percent of the people that take the exam.

But, for all those years as a child until my late teens because of the stigma placed on me by my teachers at an early age I always thought of myself as stupid.

Just a warning for all you parents out there, never under estimate your child's potential and always offer them positive encouragement. Negative reinforcement, even at an early age can have a life long lasting effect that can undermine there self esteem and there will to take on difficult challenges later in life.

I got lucky, due to the fact I was given the IQ test and the scores I got amazed all my teachers and my parents which completely changed how I thought about myself.

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Well my daughter is only 18 months old, and already speaks, English, Thai, Mandarin and Latin, she could count from 1 to 1 million when she was 9 months and was doing quadratic and simultaneous equations by the time she was 13 months. She has just completed he BAGA 6 award for Gymnastics and is currently taking hr grade 7 piano exams. She can sing the wheels on the bus go round and round in 12 languages and was competent in morse code from the time she had been in the womb 5 months and used to communicate regularly, when I would tap out in morse the contents of the 'Telegraph' and 'Financial Times' every day. Apart from all that when she is not horse riding and practising her gymkhana she is a normal 18 month old girl who likes playing with dolls and solving the rubics cube in under 40 seconds.I am worried she may get bored at school (although we have booked her into Harvard University when she is 5), do you think she needs an IQ test??

Not an IQ test but definitely a paternity test. :o

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what was the IQ test Result????? ..... then you can see for yourself :o

His test result was 130, which test they used I have no idea.

well im not accepting a 4 year old is more intelligent than me. My test came out at 129 and his 130 for a 4 year old? never....

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I find it so funny to see all those banners with slogans like: Knowledge is power.

Parents bragging about how smart their kids are, putting them in weekend classes, I think it is torture.

Knowledge means nothing without wisdom, and that comes when you grow older and get experience in life.

My nephew is extremely good in IT, but that is the only thing he can talk about.

Another friend is a specialist doctor, she can only talk about her job and has no idea how to start a fire without matches or a lighter to give you an example.

All those IQ test really mean nothing once you know how it works.

As said by another member, let kids be kids.


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Well, you could ask that woman to take an IQ test. Tell her that if her IQ is higher than your son, you'll pony up the enrollment fee.

After all, who wants his son to be taught by imbeciles.

On another note, my Thai neighbor, who has attended school in the UK for two years on some exchange program, sends her kids to those very pricey after school programs. Naturally, she comes to get me to help HER do the kids' English homework.

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My Daughter is also at 2years 2 months now she speaks Lou and Thai both well also English very good.

Fiercely independent you get no, and why, explain. This is a program to teach you English.

I0 min later ok now I can do. Yes on the computer.

If she does not like you or what she is being asked to do BUFFALO. In Thai and English smart enough to say to some Thais in English.

Apparently Buffalo is an Issan derogatory term used to belittle someone. Has to win all the time.

She can do basic maths could count to 100 at 15 months.

Can use the phone and mobile which is a little dangerous

Has a boyfriend who she likes to boss. He is 3. They go hand in hand every morning.

I look and think isn’t life great.

Will god or Buddha give me the time on this earth to see her fulfil her dreams?

I hope so

She is still a child and all children need to be allowed to be just that a child.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love it!! She is wonderful :o

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Well my daughter is only 18 months old, and already speaks, English, Thai, Mandarin and Latin, she could count from 1 to 1 million when she was 9 months and was doing quadratic and simultaneous equations by the time she was 13 months. She has just completed he BAGA 6 award for Gymnastics and is currently taking hr grade 7 piano exams. She can sing the wheels on the bus go round and round in 12 languages and was competent in morse code from the time she had been in the womb 5 months and used to communicate regularly, when I would tap out in morse the contents of the 'Telegraph' and 'Financial Times' every day. Apart from all that when she is not horse riding and practising her gymkhana she is a normal 18 month old girl who likes playing with dolls and solving the rubics cube in under 40 seconds.I am worried she may get bored at school (although we have booked her into Harvard University when she is 5), do you think she needs an IQ test??

Not funny.. lol. Jealous parent maybe?

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My Daughter is also at 2years 2 months now she speaks Lou and Thai both well also English very good.

Fiercely independent you get no, and why, explain. This is a program to teach you English.

I0 min later ok now I can do. Yes on the computer.

If she does not like you or what she is being asked to do BUFFALO. In Thai and English smart enough to say to some Thais in English.

Apparently Buffalo is an Issan derogatory term used to belittle someone. Has to win all the time.

She can do basic maths could count to 100 at 15 months.

Can use the phone and mobile which is a little dangerous

Has a boyfriend who she likes to boss. He is 3. They go hand in hand every morning.

I look and think isn’t life great.

Will god or Buddha give me the time on this earth to see her fulfil her dreams?

I hope so

She is still a child and all children need to be allowed to be just that a child.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love it!! She is wonderful :o

Makes life so wonderfull.Fills my day with wonder and joy.

When she was born i gave up the cigs dont drink.

It is hard to explain the wonder i fell. TOTAL JOY AND HAPPYNESS.

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Seriously. How do you give an IQ test to a 4 year old?

That's a bit ridiculous.

That is what I was thinking! I doubt if there are IQ tests for toddlers; if so, there should not be, maybe?

I smell, 'your special child should go to our school' coming.

See how he does on this test. Even with lots of help a 4 year would be lucky to 5 or 10.


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Well it is official now; my son is a freaking genius….

Here is the story, my wife came home with some documents, showing that my son had undergone an IQ test (he is 4yrs old). The IQ test showed that he is a freak of nature and is a child prodigy.

My wife was all excited and began to "explain" to me the results.

My response was:

"While I do not doubt that my son is intelligent, and probably more intelligent than the woman that administered his IQ test…. I would like to see the last 20 tests given by this woman."

Really, I imagine this woman tells everyone what they want to hear, she is getting paid to do so, and no one wants to hear, "your child is clinically…. stupid."

Any how, my wife sulked around the house for some time… but what can I say, the reality is, we are in Thailand & one should take what "experts" say with little faith.

Let me guess, the "expert, woman" just happens to be the admissions officier for a new International School program in Nakorn Nowhere. Yearly fees in the million baht range to ensure your little genius is nurtured to brilliance. :o I like your take on it, funny how Thai's respond to this stuff!

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according to multiple sources in google, thai kids have extraordinary low IQ's so maybe thats why she was impressed by a 'normal' kid

My kid is growing at a normal rate for farangs but according to all the thai families around here, my 5month old son can do more stuff than their 7-8-10month old babies..

yes your child is indeed superior.

hold on tight to that belief.

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Well my daughter is only 18 months old, and already speaks, English, Thai, Mandarin and Latin, she could count from 1 to 1 million when she was 9 months and was doing quadratic and simultaneous equations by the time she was 13 months. She has just completed he BAGA 6 award for Gymnastics and is currently taking hr grade 7 piano exams. She can sing the wheels on the bus go round and round in 12 languages and was competent in morse code from the time she had been in the womb 5 months and used to communicate regularly, when I would tap out in morse the contents of the 'Telegraph' and 'Financial Times' every day. Apart from all that when she is not horse riding and practising her gymkhana she is a normal 18 month old girl who likes playing with dolls and solving the rubics cube in under 40 seconds.I am worried she may get bored at school (although we have booked her into Harvard University when she is 5), do you think she needs an IQ test??

Tigs, congratulations on your exceptional child.

Are you, by any chance, a politician or real estate agent?

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what was the IQ test Result????? ..... then you can see for yourself :D

His test result was 130, which test they used I have no idea.

The last time I took one I got a 130 as well. Does that mean I am as smart at 4 year old or is it the 4 year old is as smart as a 40 year old? Confused I am. :o

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Well my daughter is only 18 months old, and already speaks, English, Thai, Mandarin and Latin, she could count from 1 to 1 million when she was 9 months and was doing quadratic and simultaneous equations by the time she was 13 months. She has just completed he BAGA 6 award for Gymnastics and is currently taking hr grade 7 piano exams. She can sing the wheels on the bus go round and round in 12 languages and was competent in morse code from the time she had been in the womb 5 months and used to communicate regularly, when I would tap out in morse the contents of the 'Telegraph' and 'Financial Times' every day. Apart from all that when she is not horse riding and practising her gymkhana she is a normal 18 month old girl who likes playing with dolls and solving the rubics cube in under 40 seconds.I am worried she may get bored at school (although we have booked her into Harvard University when she is 5), do you think she needs an IQ test??

Not funny.. lol. Jealous parent maybe?



Are you, by any chance, a politician or real estate agent?

What are you trying to say?? :D Politicians are liars and real estate agents are mostly out of work now! mmmmmm I wonder which it could be?

On a serious note, those of you that are feeling inadequate concerning the fact that your IQ may be only 1 point difference to a four year old, please take a deep breath annnnnd reeeelaxxxx!

IQ is measured as a comparison of population norms. What that means is that given a series of intelligence and reasoning tests, the average score that the mass population will get is 100. Above this score you are above the average, and below the score, below the average, ok, with me so far? A four year olds IQ is measured against the population norms of ....wait for it...four year olds! So a child of four with an IQ of 140 is above the norm expected of 100 points for four year olds. If the child was measured using the tests that determine an adults IQ (which are designed to test if you are below or above the average for adults) then it is likely they would come out with an IQ of 10 or so, as compared to the intelligence and spacial reasoning of adults, they would be way way below the average.

Edited by Tigs
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THere are a couple points that should be noted by IQ tests.  First, IQ test given to toddlers tend to vary signifcantly. The testing methods are just not that accurate.

Second, while IQ tests that result in scores around 100 tend to be pretty stable, tests in outliers above and below that can vary significantly from test to test.

And third, an IQ is only one measure of potential, not of success or even of knowledge.  I have been tested numerous times, and my scores range from 158 to 172. Yet I barely made the top 1/3 of my undergraduate class.  I got my act together later and was the top student for both my masters and my doctorate, but I was far out-performed but hundreds of students as an undergradaute, students who had far lower IQ's.  My roommate had an IQ of 120, yet he kicked my butt scholastically (and he was an EE major).

A high IQ might be nice bragging rights or get a person into Mensa, but it is hardly any sort of free pass into success.

Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.  Thomas Edison

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THere are a couple points that should be noted by IQ tests.  First, IQ test given to toddlers tend to vary signifcantly. The testing methods are just not that accurate.

Second, while IQ tests that result in scores around 100 tend to be pretty stable, tests in outliers above and below that can vary significantly from test to test.

And third, an IQ is only one measure of potential, not of success or even of knowledge.  I have been tested numerous times, and my scores range from 158 to 172. Yet I barely made the top 1/3 of my undergraduate class.  I got my act together later and was the top student for both my masters and my doctorate, but I was far out-performed but hundreds of students as an undergradaute, students who had far lower IQ's.  My roommate had an IQ of 120, yet he kicked my butt scholastically (and he was an EE major).

A high IQ might be nice bragging rights or get a person into Mensa, but it is hardly any sort of free pass into success.

Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.  Thomas Edison

158 to 172, you are smarter than you seem :o

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Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.  Thomas Edison

158 to 172, you are smarter than you seem :o

My point exactly, with no humor intended.

If you go strictly by IQ scores, then I should be making scientific breakthoughs which will benefit mankind or some such.  Unfortunately, I have not met up with that so-called potential and have not really made the world a better place.

So forgive me if I take all IQ scores and discussions with a grain of salt.

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Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration. Thomas Edison

158 to 172, you are smarter than you seem :o

My point exactly, with no humor intended.

If you go strictly by IQ scores, then I should be making scientific breakthoughs which will benefit mankind or some such. Unfortunately, I have not met up with that so-called potential and have not really made the world a better place.

I've no idea where you were tested, but I seem to recall that an IQ of 150 is a genius!

If the child is not composing symphonies or astounding mathematicians at the age of 5, then I think we can safely assume they are not a genius!

Having said that I agree with the majority of posters, early IQ indicators are irrelevent to future prosperity. Bill Gates wasn't a genius, but he certainly made a lot of money! :D

So forgive me if I take all IQ scores and discussions with a grain of salt.

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Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration. Thomas Edison

158 to 172, you are smarter than you seem :o

My point exactly, with no humor intended.

If you go strictly by IQ scores, then I should be making scientific breakthoughs which will benefit mankind or some such. Unfortunately, I have not met up with that so-called potential and have not really made the world a better place.

I've no idea where you were tested, but I seem to recall that an IQ of 150 is a genius!

If the child is not composing symphonies or astounding mathematicians at the age of 5, then I think we can safely assume they are not a genius!

Having said that I agree with the majority of posters, early IQ indicators are irrelevent to future prosperity. Bill Gates wasn't a genius, but he certainly made a lot of money! :D

So forgive me if I take all IQ scores and discussions with a grain of salt.

I've no idea where you were tested, but I seem to recall that an IQ of 150 is a genius!

If the child is not composing symphonies or astounding mathematicians at the age of 5, then I think we can safely assume they are not a genius!

Having said that I agree with the majority of posters, early IQ indicators are irrelevent to future prosperity. Bill Gates wasn't a genius, but he certainly made a lot of money! :D

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I was a pretty smart kid- started school at age 4 but could already read at a junior high level, so they skipped me up a couple of grades (I was 5 in second grade, everyone else was 2 years older than I was). I was also given numerous tests, and was found to have a very high IQ (which I won't post for fear that I'll be accused of bragging :o ).

But the story goes on... the woman that administered the test was telling my wife that because my son was so smart, that he should attend "smart class" after school in order to keep him from getting bored...

That is actually consistent with my experience... I was put part time in a special (free) school for "gifted" kids. I thought it was great actually. I did get bored in public school and this school program (named the Expansion of Interests Program (EIP)) was very helpful in getting me focused. I remember doing mock trading, lots of tangrams and similar logic puzzles, and writing extensive reports and giving presentations on biology and the like at 8 years old. Back in public school they were still making halloween masks with construction paper and playing duck duck goose. I was even on various news programs and science shows. I loved it!

Of course it does isolate a child from the regular population and several of my schoolmates got a lot of shit for it. I was used to being set apart because my family moved around a lot and I always had to adapt to new schools. A less adaptable child might find it difficult.

I did move away from that school and that program after about 8 months, and my time in the spotlight as a genius came to an end. I still did very well in school- straight As until my junior year of high school when some things happened and I rebelled/stopped going. I was never much good at left brain reasoning like math- not that I can't figure it out (got straight As in math too) but I get bored so silly by logical and numerical concepts that my mind just goes stubbornly blank.

If you go strictly by IQ scores, then I should be making scientific breakthoughs which will benefit mankind or some such. Unfortunately, I have not met up with that so-called potential and have not really made the world a better place.

Ha- agreed! :D

Also, years of both forced and voluntary drug use probably wiped out a lot of that genius- in any case I recently took another set of IQ tests and the results were lower.

Who knows... but OP if your kid has potential, I don't think there is anything wrong with exposing him to more ideas and similar people.

Edited by girlx
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I was a pretty smart kid- started school at age 4 but could already read at a junior high level, so they skipped me up a couple of grades (I was 5 in second grade, everyone else was 2 years older than I was). I was also given numerous tests, and was found to have a very high IQ (which I won't post for fear that I'll be accused of bragging :o ).
But the story goes on... the woman that administered the test was telling my wife that because my son was so smart, that he should attend "smart class" after school in order to keep him from getting bored...

That is actually consistent with my experience... I was put part time in a special (free) school for "gifted" kids. I thought it was great actually. I did get bored in public school and this school program (named the Expansion of Interests Program (EIP)) was very helpful in getting me focused. I remember doing mock trading, lots of tangrams and similar logic puzzles, and writing extensive reports and giving presentations on biology and the like at 8 years old. Back in public school they were still making halloween masks with construction paper and playing duck duck goose. I was even on various news programs and science shows. I loved it!

Of course it does isolate a child from the regular population and several of my schoolmates got a lot of shit for it. I was used to being set apart because my family moved around a lot and I always had to adapt to new schools. A less adaptable child might find it difficult.

I did move away from that school and that program after about 8 months, and my time in the spotlight as a genius came to an end. I still did very well in school- straight As until my junior year of high school when some things happened and I rebelled/stopped going. I was never much good at left brain reasoning like math- not that I can't figure it out (got straight As in math too) but I get bored so silly by logical and numerical concepts that my mind just goes stubbornly blank.

If you go strictly by IQ scores, then I should be making scientific breakthoughs which will benefit mankind or some such. Unfortunately, I have not met up with that so-called potential and have not really made the world a better place.

Ha- agreed! :D

Also, years of both forced and voluntary drug use probably wiped out a lot of that genius- in any case I recently took another set of IQ tests and the results were lower.

Who knows... but OP if your kid has potential, I don't think there is anything wrong with exposing him to more ideas and similar people.

You were forced to take drugs? Do explain please.

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not your business... did you have to quote the whole post for just that???

sorry, my IQ is not as high is yours and I haven't figure out that quote thingy yet. Regarding the forced drug thing, of course that's your business but if it is so private, then why bring it up in the first place?

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I remember taking an I.Q. test once.

It had all of the normal stuff like problem solving, lateral thinking ect..... Yet one of the questions was "What is the capital of Idaho"........

<deleted>, I have NO IDEA what the capital of bloody Idaho is yet I bet that somebody who lives in Idaho does, would that make the Idaho person 'more intelligent' than myself?

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I remember taking an I.Q. test once.

It had all of the normal stuff like problem solving, lateral thinking ect..... Yet one of the questions was "What is the capital of Idaho"........

<deleted>, I have NO IDEA what the capital of bloody Idaho is yet I bet that somebody who lives in Idaho does, would that make the Idaho person 'more intelligent' than myself?

Clearly not an IQ test! Where on earth did you take this supposed 'IQ test'?

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I remember taking an I.Q. test once.

It had all of the normal stuff like problem solving, lateral thinking ect..... Yet one of the questions was "What is the capital of Idaho"........

<deleted>, I have NO IDEA what the capital of bloody Idaho is yet I bet that somebody who lives in Idaho does, would that make the Idaho person 'more intelligent' than myself?

Clearly not an IQ test! Where on earth did you take this supposed 'IQ test'?

Boise. But he forgot that it was in Idaho.

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