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Give Us A Break


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on the top of the page , at the side of the page and at the bottom of the page. at least they can be semi-ignored as they are in my peripheral vision or clicked upon if they purport to offer anything useful , which is very rarely if at all.

but now you have started to whack them right in the middle of the page between posts , and some of the buggers now obscure parts of the posts themselves and cant be moved or closed.

when reading about thai politics , is it really necessary to bang an ad inbetween posts asking me if i want to sign on with a thai ladyboy escort agency .

please , have some respect for the lifeblood of your operation , the posters ..... and put the ads where they belong and change your marketing manager.

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Got to agree! Its now getting to the stage where I am about to call it a day and find another forum where I can post my thoughts without excessive advertising or censorship. A sad day. This used to be THE forum for Thailand but now its all about the money!!! Nobody minds an ad or two as long as they are not in your face at every link

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Have to admit - hoping this is just an experiment gone wrong, but this is overkill. Ads in original posts????

They've gone again :o

I treat the text area of the post as "my" property, Trespassers will be Prosecuted :D

The ads between posts 1 and 2 don't bother me, just so long as they don't start appearing between every post.

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There is no ads within the posts if you are logged in.

I'm logged in: in fact, I have settings to automatically be logged in on my computer, so I never see the site un-logged in. I see ads within posts, just after the first post of a thread, and have been for over a week now.

The last time this subject was brought up, SBK asked that people give detailed, rational reasons as to why the ads are intrusive or in other ways negative. I did just that, got no response, and then about 3 posts later the thread was closed.

Incidentally, what factors are you looking at when judging the success of this "trial"? How much cash the new, intrusive ads make? Or how the members react to them? Because I can't, for the life of me, think how any members could actually think that these extra ads are a good thing...

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There is no ads within the posts if you are logged in.

I'm logged in: in fact, I have settings to automatically be logged in on my computer, so I never see the site un-logged in. I see ads within posts, just after the first post of a thread, and have been for over a week now.

Same here, exactly.

Also, the ads have been covering over parts of the posts, the last few days.

What gets me, is that our opinion is asked for, its given in an adult way and then the thread gets closed :o

I am not against Ads. I am against over- kill, and the slowness it now takes to load the different pages.

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