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Since the beginning of the year there are new young people in the house in front of us. When they leave the house, mostly in the afternoon till late in the night, mostly 3 o’clock in the morning, the dog stay alone, bark and cry for hours, and it is not possible to sleep. Also others neighbours complains about that dog, but the young people did not react. Any suggest?

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A BB pellet can cause serious injury, not that some people would care. It is the dog owners that are responsible. Take it out on these "young" people not the dog.

BTW, encouraging anyone to undertake a criminal act is a violation of the local laws. Unsanctioned poisoning and the firing of a weapon at an animal is contrary to statute in case you didn't know. My understanding of TV rules is that counseling anyone to engage in illegal acts violates the rules of this forum.


Look on eBay for one of those special eletric shock dog collars. Everytime the little b'stard barks a small sharp shock is delivered to its neck. They soon learn to shut up! I used to love digs until i lived here. Now they just piss me off with their noise, shit, and stealing my daughters shoes all the time.


I suggest you go to your local amphor office and register a complaint.

A letter will be sent to the people involved, and the amphor staff should phone you about one week later to see if there has been any improvement, if not another letter will be sent.

BTW, encouraging anyone to undertake a criminal act is a violation of the local laws. Unsanctioned poisoning and the firing of a weapon at an animal is contrary to statute in case you didn't know. My understanding of TV rules is that counseling anyone to engage in illegal acts violates the rules of this forum.


Posts and replies have been deleted.

Please do not encourage or condone cruelty to animals.

Since the beginning of the year there are new young people in the house in front of us. When they leave the house, mostly in the afternoon till late in the night, mostly 3 o'clock in the morning, the dog stay alone, bark and cry for hours, and it is not possible to sleep. Also others neighbours complains about that dog, but the young people did not react. Any suggest?

Whoooooff whooof ruf ruuuuuf ruuuff woof ruuuuuuf ruffff. Grrhhhhaf rooof ruf ruuuffff roof.

Since the beginning of the year there are new young people in the house in front of us. When they leave the house, mostly in the afternoon till late in the night, mostly 3 o'clock in the morning, the dog stay alone, bark and cry for hours, and it is not possible to sleep. Also others neighbours complains about that dog, but the young people did not react. Any suggest?

Whoooooff whooof ruf ruuuuuf ruuuff woof ruuuuuuf ruffff. Grrhhhhaf rooof ruf ruuuffff roof.



There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

Yes ok - yawn !!!!

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

Yes ok - yawn !!!!

I'm obviously missing something here. Please explain.

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

Yes ok - yawn !!!!

I'm obviously missing something here. Please explain.

Sorry I thought it was a joke. Please explain - Soi Dogs ???

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

Yes ok - yawn !!!!

I'm obviously missing something here. Please explain.

Sorry I thought it was a joke. Please explain - Soi Dogs ???

There's a charitable organisation called 'Soi Dogs' dedicated to helping stray dogs and the root cause (i.e sterilisation programmes). Unfortunately I don't know whether they operate in Pattaya. Try asking on the Pattaya forum to find out.



Bacon ?

Yeah, worked for me. My neighbors are too far away for dog noise to bother me, but I used to have some at the pak soi who used to bark at me when I'd walk or ride by. Regularly tossing them some bacon turned the situation into dogs sitting at attention/almost like dogs that have been through obedience school without a sound being made... true, they still bark at everyone else not willing to make such an investment.

Dealing with human employees is not so different.


Any suggest?

Quoted post deleted by Ubonjoe

Another fool.

MeetJohnDoe; as has already been pointed out on this thread by a mod your disgusting comment violates the rules.

How would you like to be poisoned?

Any suggest?

Edit: Deleted

Another fool.

MeetJohnDoe; as has already been pointed out on this thread by a mod your disgusting comment violates the rules.

How would you like to be poisoned?

Agreed, however much of a nuisence they are, they did not ask to come into this world.

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

What is a "Miniature Chiwawa" ?

I assume you mean a Chihuahua .. but "Miniature"?

BTW, encouraging anyone to undertake a criminal act is a violation of the local laws. Unsanctioned poisoning and the firing of a weapon at an animal is contrary to statute in case you didn't know. My understanding of TV rules is that counseling anyone to engage in illegal acts violates the rules of this forum.


Posts and replies have been deleted.

Please do not encourage or condone cruelty to animals.

Same warning repeated.

There are about 8 wild dogs in my Soi, and 7 new little puppies. A couple of weeks ago my Miniature Chiwawa got out of my railings (a one off) and unfortunately got chewed to death my these wild dogs. Today the puppies are asleep under my car, one got ran over at about 7am, screaming very loud and now limping badly, then a couple of hours ago, one of them was trapped inside the engine of my car. We have called Pattaya City Hall about this, and they said they will come to look, that was 6 weeks ago, after they chewed a little white kitten up on my front. If anyone has any sugestions who we might contact for help i would appreciate it - please no comments about cruelty i.e shooting or poisoning them, its not there fault they are a nuisence, they did not ask to be brought onto this world.

Phone Soi Dogs and see if they can help.

What is a "Miniature Chiwawa" ?

I assume you mean a Chihuahua .. but "Miniature"?

Yes you are correct, sorry about the spelling.


More deletions of suggestions for illegal acts and/or cruelty to animals.

My reading of the OP's problem is that the poor dog is lonely. If it is a new dog and if the owners provide enopugh attention when they are home, matters may imporve with time as he gets to understand the pattern; in my expereince puppies especially cry a lot when left alone but if the absences are predicatble and plenty of attention in between usually adjust. It would help enormously if they got a second dog to keep him company but all you can do is suggest it.

If the dog is kept outside, going by and playing with it, or betetr yet bringing by another dog to play with it, will help but I sort of have the iompression it is kept outside.

Pattay-girl's problem is different - stray dogs. This is the link for Soi Dog rescue, contact them and ask if there is a similar organization in Pattaye. http://www.scadbangkok.org/

And my condolences n the loss of your Chihuahua.

Moving this to the Pets forum where it may attract responses from people with more expertise than I in dog behavior -- and hopsefully attract less inappropriate responses.


Further deletions made of posts attempting to carry on the flame-fest that has already been called to a halt.

This thread has been moved to a pet-friengly forum in the hopes of getting the OP and others who posted related problems with some appropriate and constructive advice.

Stay on topic or please don't post.


oh, now i understand; i couldnt understand how i didnt see all the off topic baddy posts; saw it just got to herre now....

so, then here is my suggestion/s:

one option is to talk to the people about getting a doggy babysitter/walker; second is YOU offerring to be the dog walker once in evening,

it is possible the dog has separation anxiety in which case, maybe they can leave tellie or radio on for dog, with some lights on;

first u have to talk with the owners though.

edit: if the thread deteriorates, i guess i will finally have to learn how to do all that mod stuff that i havent had a chance to do yet: so here's a clue: suggesting poisoning, removing dog to somewhere else, shooting etc., will get the post disappeared, so save air space.



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