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Best Place To Meet Other Ferangs In Phuket

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We have just bought a property in Thalang and will be retiring in Phuket before to long. Where are the best places to meet

other like minded people in either Thalang, Surin or Laguna areas. Any suggestions??

We will be our again in April.

Cyprus 1951


Any suggestions on meeting fellow 20 somethings in Phuket? All the pubs, clubs etc that I've been to are either full of 20 something tourists or old guys...

Any suggestions on meeting fellow 20 somethings in Phuket? All the pubs, clubs etc that I've been to are either full of 20 something tourists or old guys...

Don't think you'll find too many farangs in their 20's who are not tourists. Lack of job opportunities means most people who are living in Thailand have retired there.

Any suggestions on meeting fellow 20 somethings in Phuket? All the pubs, clubs etc that I've been to are either full of 20 something tourists or old guys...

Don't think you'll find too many farangs in their 20's who are not tourists. Lack of job opportunities means most people who are living in Thailand have retired there.

Been here a few years myself and only know a handfull ( 2 or 3 ) guys in their 30s ( I'm one of e'm ! ) let alone their twentys bud ! Be interesting to see if any member knows any though.

If i were a betting man id bet your on your own here in your twentys !


I know a couple of 'sons of expats' in their 20's..

But as per other peoples comments.. Not many 20 something year olds have hit the financial security to retire..


Thinking about it , did see some 20 something russians in patters the other week , they were working here . Salary didnt seem to bad for them 2500Thb per hour :o

I know a couple of 'sons of expats' in their 20's..

But as per other peoples comments.. Not many 20 something year olds have hit the financial security to retire..

So what if you are retired, I assume there are quite a lot of ex-pats in that group, how do you get to meet them?


I have been here for 2 years now, (23). I have met maybe 2 or 3 guys my age that are set up and living here. I rather enjoying hanging out and drinking with the older guys, makes for better stories and advice!

I have been here for 2 years now, (23). I have met maybe 2 or 3 guys my age that are set up and living here. I rather enjoying hanging out and drinking with the older guys, makes for better stories and advice!

23, I bet the Thai girls are all over you like a rash. Lucky you!

I know someone who is about your age and had a baby last year with his Thai girlfriend. First name starts with J.


Eza try Krajoksee in the town :o There are many good clubs in town,not by the beaches

It is actually Ka Jok Sae

Try facebook or myspace .. lots of groups and club info.. There are a good handful of 20 somethings in Phuket but most of them probably don't post on Thai Visa..

Don't think you'll find too many farangs in their 20's who are not tourists. Lack of job opportunities means most people who are living in Thailand have retired there.
Plenty of English teachers and diving instructors from that age.

Im 28 got a few friends staying with me for a few months. Have thought about what will happen when they leave, will i just get bored?

started playing football a few times a week so hopefully that will help me in making a few friends before they go.


so back to the OP... my suggestion as someone else has posted is to meet people through your interests, what ever that is?

p.s if anyone is into fishing, sea or course then it would be good to hear from you as i miss a bit of tigh lines.


" Ferangs" ? So you only want to meet white skinned foreigners?

I hope you realize after you've been here a while, how bigoted that term is. Ferang, Falang, farang, etc.

, Meanwhile the Sandwich Shoppe near Laguna entrance has free computer workshops once a month or so and offers free meeting space . Go by and check out the schedule .

there is a local yoga clinic about 2 k east of Cherngtelay that is offering a free introductory lesson.

Lunches at Paula's Cafe at Surin Beach always attracts regulars though she is selling the business. ( Only bakery around selling a REAL whole wheat bread , Ihope the new owner can keep up the standard , )

Phuket Gazzette and Phuket Post are informative but I notice often only cover events after the happenings, not their fault ...

Soi dog can always use volunteers at Mai Khao beach.


I'm 37 and been living here for 2 1/2 years ..... still no real mates as such , it is a hard place to meet good people ... there is alot of people living here are very false , my work takes me away a fair bit so hard to join clubs and groups and be there all the time , it's just not a easy place to meet folk unless you are intrsted in sitting in a bar every day ?? not my cup of tea.



go out and meet people in the circles you want to .hotels,bars social clubs etc.......they wont come to you ......mingle man,,same as any where else in the world........you will know whos who after a while...........

  • 4 weeks later...

" Ferangs" ? So you only want to meet white skinned foreigners?

Ferangs, Falangs etc doesnt mean, just white skinned foreigners.

Im thai myself and they call me falang after been away from thailand quite sometime.

falang = means foriegner which means someone from another country or looks different compared to them.

Thai's can be harsh in describing and judging people just to let u know : )

Ferangs, Falangs etc doesnt mean, just white skinned foreigners.

Im thai myself and they call me falang after been away from thailand quite sometime.

falang = means foriegner which means someone from another country or looks different compared to them.

Thai's can be harsh in describing and judging people just to let u know : )

Sorry to say but in my experience, Farang DOES usually mean white-skinned foreigner.

Our Chinese staff do not get called Farang. They get called Chinese People (khun cheen)

Our Filipino staff also do not get called Farang.

The Caucasian staff get called Farang.

An African-American chap gets called negro. So that's nice isnt it. Not.

Places to meet people from your home country who are not tourists? Visa run buses is a good start! Facebook has been mentioned too. Then any of the pubs and clubs away from the tourist areas. Try just about any of them in Phuket Town. Timber Hut is full of young things shaking their booties.

Good luck

Gerd. A small piss up would be a good idea. Are you arranging it?

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