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Received this e-maail from my wife today, while I am working in Bangladesh.

Hi my love‏

From: Mrs HB(***********@hotmail.com)

Sent: 20 February 2009 14:18:23

To: [email protected]

darling today about 2.00 p.m. there were the thieve rob me while I was pressing atm and then they force me get to the car with them and threaten me don't notify the police. I am very scare then they leave me at the sideway. that time I was very shocked and didn't know what am I to do? and now I have notify police already and I remember his face. now the police getting on about this.

darling now I am waiting for the news from police.

HB's TeeRak


So the guy / guys can afford a car. This is not just some out-of-work labourer wanting money for food (or more likely booze or drugs) - this is professional.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

By the way - the names and addresses have been changed so it's pointless anyone trying to contact us that way. Those who know me know how to contact me or my wife.

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I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.


I always use ATM's in shopping malls. I suggest that everyone does the same.

ATM muggings will only increase in the months/years ahead due to the economic climate. (Even in the U.K.)

I always use ATM's in shopping malls. I suggest that everyone does the same.

ATM muggings will only increase in the months/years ahead due to the economic climate. (Even in the U.K.)

I think this was the Krung Thai Bank on Pattaya Tai - where there is usually a crowd. But my wife was somewhat upset when I phoned, so I may have got it wrong.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Yes, thousands do - but maybe they don't have the choice to move. I do.

Even with the stagnant housing market - I have the cash to buy elsewhere and sell the current house when things start moving again.

I also have a house in Cambridge in UK and the crime scene there is negligible as compared to what is reported in the Pattaya media.

I am just extraordinarily pi55ed off.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Yes, thousands do - but maybe they don't have the choice to move. I do.

Even with the stagnant housing market - I have the cash to buy elsewhere and sell the current house when things start moving again.

So go do it then

I also have a house in Cambridge in UK and the crime scene there is negligible as compared to what is reported in the Pattaya media.

I am just extraordinarily pi55ed off.


open up multiple accounts, when you go out bring the atm with the petty cash in it, say 20k or whatever you'll need for that night out. So if they get your atm card, they don't have access to everything... just what's in your 'robber' account. Also advised is a 'robber' wallet with a few bills that you can give up if you get mugged. Fight and die. It's not worth it. Just do some smart things like I mentioned and you should be ok if you are ever targeted.


Sorry HB to hear of your wife's misfortune. I hope she wasn't too shaken up and thankfully there was no further violence. I can appreciate your anger and frustration but showing it here has only warmed up the Pattaya bashers, rose-tinted glasses brigade and those that glibly remark 'sh!t happens'. It's like a red rag to a bull.

The rise in crime is not a uniquely Pattaya syndrome but some of these these punters chipping in with desultory comments are missing the point. THIS HAPPENED TO A LOVED ONE! More to the point, HB is overseas and not there to lend much needed comfort. How would you feel if your mum/wife/girlfriend was mugged back home while your were sitting in a pub in Pattaya. Get the picture now?

Good advice from syd in only using an ATM is a mall during the day. I think there's more chance of getting robbed using a 'hole-in-the-wall' type ATM in darkness so you won't see me using any ATM's unless it's at a main branch and in daylight. But even if the OP's wife was mugged outside the busiest branch of a bank during rush hour, these perpetrators are either emboldened or aware that the best place to hide a crime like this is in plain view in a crowd. That's the modus operandi of the daylight muggers on the streets near the most popular touristy beaches in Rio and may be a new trend here. I hope not.

I guess the point is, no matter where you decide to hang your hat, you can become a victim in the blink of an eye. Don't get complacent and always keep your wits about you.


ATM's in bank branches and inside shopping centers are the best choice. Sure, it's not as convenient as pulling up to a 7-11 at 2am after a night out at Differ and Sabai-land... but it all depends on how much you value your convenience.



Sorry to hear of your wife's misfortune HB unfortunately it is going on all the time but it is really brought home when it happens to family and close friends.

Equally unfortunately your post has brought out the usual crop of maggots :D . Good responses NanLaew and tritex and good advice Syd B. :o

The thing I liked about the banks in KL is that all, well all I encountered, the ATMs are inside the building. Even if the bank was closed you had to go inside to withdraw money. No guarantee I know but it just has to be better than those street side machines.

I have to admit even though I lived for a, relatively, trouble free 12 years in Pattaya nowadays if I go out at night I take only the money I need and spread it around my pockets with an emergency wedge hidden deeper. No valuables, no cards, nothing but a few thousand Baht max. But this is for night time excursions, the fact that these scum are operating in broad daylight shows just how ineffectual the BiB have become.

>>?????????? SO....Your saying that because this guy works for a living,and has acquired assets,he/his wife/daughter should be robbed?????

No i am saying that he is sitting on his fat ass in Bangladesh exploiting low paid workers and is now getting a bit of Karma .Also the wife could be telling a lie about a robbery to get a bit of extra house keeping money out of a rich man .

Explain please.How do you know this?Are you assuming this,or do you know something we don't?

I am just extraordinarily pi55ed off.

Completely understandably. Even if my perception of crime in Pattaya is different from yours, when it happens to oneself or a loved one, any crime is too much!

I agree with those who say it's likely crime will increase worldwide due to the economic downturn. It would certainly be advisable for people (especially the elderly and women) to make it a point to use ATMs located inside bank branches or shopping centers.

>>?????????? SO....Your saying that because this guy works for a living,and has acquired assets,he/his wife/daughter should be robbed?????

No i am saying that he is sitting on his fat ass in Bangladesh exploiting low paid workers and is now getting a bit of Karma .Also the wife could be telling a lie about a robbery to get a bit of extra house keeping money out of a rich man .

if you got nothing better to say then <deleted>.

HB sorry to hear of your wife's misfortune, hope she recovers from the shock and everything turns back to normal.



Iam really sorry to read about what happened to your wife HB. Something

similar happend to my wife a few years back, so I know where you are coming from

mate.It can be a very traumatic experience for your wife.

These blokes are scum :o Almost always preying on easy targets.

>>?????????? SO....Your saying that because this guy works for a living,and has acquired assets,he/his wife/daughter should be robbed?????

No i am saying that he is sitting on his fat ass in Bangladesh exploiting low paid workers and is now getting a bit of Karma .Also the wife could be telling a lie about a robbery to get a bit of extra house keeping money out of a rich man .

Some of us, HB included, are employed in various places around the globe because of the specialist skills we have. Whilst discharging our duties in our jobs we are training locals in, not necessarily the basic skills, but the application of those skills that only comes with experience depicted by the wrinkles and grey hairs. I don't know about HB's duties but my work has been anything but "sitting on my fat ass".

As for your "lie" statement, that can only come from an anonymous, slimy, low life coward safe behind his keyboard.

Best you keep quiet until you know what you are talking about. That should freeze your post count for the next few millenia.

>>?????????? SO....Your saying that because this guy works for a living,and has acquired assets,he/his wife/daughter should be robbed?????

No i am saying that he is sitting on his fat ass in Bangladesh exploiting low paid workers and is now getting a bit of Karma .Also the wife could be telling a lie about a robbery to get a bit of extra house keeping money out of a rich man .

You're interpretation of HB position is indeed colourful. I see HB as an ordinary guy who works overseas, manages his money well and is concerned for the safety of his wife and child. Hmm, maybe you didn't have your cornflakes before posting :o

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Nonsense. I would say Pattaya is the center of street-crime in Asia (except Manila). And I am pretty sure, many PTY-residents agree with me. and with the economical downturn and a pathetic police-force, things can only get worse


Sorry to here about your missus and hope the scum get caught.If you like Pattaya dont move away as this can happen anywhere.We all have to be careful and have our wits about you in Thailand or any other country.When i was living in the UK i always looked around before i drew money out of an ATM.

These scum bags chose a lady to rob rather than a big farang or thai guy,now thats what i call cowardice.


You are on the list for cowardice,and i hope one day you say something nasty to someones face,i know what you would get too.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Nonsense. I would say Pattaya is the center of street-crime in Asia (except Manila). And I am pretty sure, many PTY-residents agree with me. and with the economical downturn and a pathetic police-force, things can only get worse

Most of the bad crime is thai on thai,and yes there are necklace robberies etc but mainly no harm done other than a few baht less.There are burgalries too but to say Pattaya is the centre of street crime is crazy.I think you mean se asia as india/pakistan,parts of the old russia are all Asia.

>>I have the cash to buy elsewhere and sell the current house when things start moving again.

I also have a house in Cambridge in UK <<

A bit of money distribution going on me thinks .From you who has too much and is cryng lie a baby to somebody who is in need .

That is a bit harsh and an uncaring comment.

It isn't so much the money as a loved one that was mugged... and a female at that. Most women take muggings much harder than males do and women feel more helpless. Who gives a rat's azz if the guy has money or not? His lady was assaulted and mugged! She's justifiably scared and her husband can not be there to comfort her!

There have been some good comments on money management while living overseas and using ATM cards on a regular basis. Thanks for those, but this is a different situation entirely.

A party city like Pattaya attracts the tourists with money, which in turn attracts all the evil doers, because of that money. You don't see a lot of crime in sleepy country villages, because there aren't enough dollars/baht floating around. Same goes for the back-packer areas of Thailand. That's because the backpackers are seldom packing a lot of cash and use an ATM so infrequently that it's not worth a crooks time waiting for a victim. Sections of Bangkok are very safe, but it's not so in the sleazier areas with sex tourism. Crime naturally goes where money is readily available.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Nonsense. I would say Pattaya is the center of street-crime in Asia (except Manila). And I am pretty sure, many PTY-residents agree with me. and with the economical downturn and a pathetic police-force, things can only get worse

Most of the bad crime is thai on thai,and yes there are necklace robberies etc but mainly no harm done other than a few baht less.There are burgalries too but to say Pattaya is the centre of street crime is crazy.I think you mean se asia as india/pakistan,parts of the old russia are all Asia.

"Most of the bad crime is thai on thai,and yes there are necklace robberies etc but mainly no harm done other than a few baht less....."

I would guess you have never been the victim of what you call "no harm done" burglery...otherwise you wouldn't have written that statemenet. H.B. certainly was harmed physically, but how do you think he feels knowing his wife was put through that situtation?

H.B - I work in the Middle East and I am not sure what I would do if my lady was the victim of such a crime (she lives 15km outside of Pattaya but goes in for shopping, etc.). Your missus is physically okay though, so, at least that is a good thing.


Although with no confrontation, my wife was the victim of a pickpocket who we later seen on television news and twice in news papers being caught and brought to police attention. Turns out that they phone a friend (presumably gang member) to pay the 1,000 Baht, using previously stolen money most likely, and then they are on the streets again.

Sorry to hear about your wife's situation, but unless you pay money to the police, they will most likely never be brought to justice.

Received this e-maail from my wife today, while I am working in Bangladesh.
Hi my love‏

From: Mrs HB(***********@hotmail.com)

Sent: 20 February 2009 14:18:23

To: [email protected]

darling today about 2.00 p.m. there were the thieve rob me while I was pressing atm and then they force me get to the car with them and threaten me don't notify the police. I am very scare then they leave me at the sideway. that time I was very shocked and didn't know what am I to do? and now I have notify police already and I remember his face. now the police getting on about this.

darling now I am waiting for the news from police.

HB's TeeRak


So the guy / guys can afford a car. This is not just some out-of-work labourer wanting money for food (or more likely booze or drugs) - this is professional.

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

By the way - the names and addresses have been changed so it's pointless anyone trying to contact us that way. Those who know me know how to contact me or my wife.

Happened to our Maid (Mae Baan) of our Bar last week. She went to a SCB ATM near BigC North to get 2000 Baht. As soon as she had pulled the cash, two guys forced her to get in a car. They took her to a place far out of Pattaya. There was another Girl as well, those guys have threatened her very badly what made our Maid very scared. They told our Maid to call her 'Farang Boyfriend' (she is single) and request more money or they won't release her. Some 24 hours later (!!!) the guys released her because she had simply only the 2000 Baht from the ATM and no addresses or phone numbers of any relatives of friends in her bag (luckily, she didn't took her mobile phone with her). She's still scared and she won't go to the police to report the crime.


Happened to our Maid (Mae Baan) of our Bar last week. She went to a SCB ATM near BigC North to get 2000 Baht. As soon as she had pulled the cash, two guys forced her to get in a car. They took her to a place far out of Pattaya. There was another Girl as well, those guys have threatened her very badly what made our Maid very scared. They told our Maid to call her 'Farang Boyfriend' (she is single) and request more money or they won't release her. Some 24 hours later (!!!) the guys released her because she had simply only the 2000 Baht from the ATM and no addresses or phone numbers of any relatives of friends in her bag (luckily, she didn't took her mobile phone with her). She's still scared and she won't go to the police to report the crime.


A Thai girl takes her bag but not her phone, disappears for 24 hours and refuses to go to the police. .........................Ok

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

Yes, thousands do - but maybe they don't have the choice to move. I do.

Even with the stagnant housing market - I have the cash to buy elsewhere and sell the current house when things start moving again.

I also have a house in Cambridge in UK and the crime scene there is negligible as compared to what is reported in the Pattaya media.

I am just extraordinarily pi55ed off.

yes i would too especially since your not currently in pattaya to help.syd barrett's point is a good one though"use ATMS INSIDE SHOPPING MALLS.

Happened to our Maid (Mae Baan) of our Bar last week. She went to a SCB ATM near BigC North to get 2000 Baht. As soon as she had pulled the cash, two guys forced her to get in a car. They took her to a place far out of Pattaya. There was another Girl as well, those guys have threatened her very badly what made our Maid very scared. They told our Maid to call her 'Farang Boyfriend' (she is single) and request more money or they won't release her. Some 24 hours later (!!!) the guys released her because she had simply only the 2000 Baht from the ATM and no addresses or phone numbers of any relatives of friends in her bag (luckily, she didn't took her mobile phone with her). She's still scared and she won't go to the police to report the crime.


A Thai girl takes her bag but not her phone, disappears for 24 hours and refuses to go to the police. .........................Ok

She's not that young anymore. ;-)

But this is for night time excursions, the fact that these scum are operating in broad daylight shows just how ineffectual the BiB have become.

What police? Oh, I forgot, those brave and selfless professionals that throw up road blocks to catch nasty motorbike drivers with no helmet or driving with their lights on during the day...


No i am saying that he is sitting on his fat ass in Bangladesh exploiting low paid workers and is now getting a bit of Karma .Also the wife could be telling a lie about a robbery to get a bit of extra house keeping money out of a rich man .

bravo! spoken like a true believer in Buddhism :D of course it goes without saying that all rich men sit on their fat asses in most beautiful countries like Bangla Desh whilst the family lives a poor man's life in Thailand and it's the done thing their wives have to cheat their rich husbands out of a few thousand Baht to feed their hungry children and themselves :o

I have been talking on this forum for months now about leaving Pattaya - my daughter has just been signed in to REPS school, so my first move will probably be for a year or two to Rayong - but Pattaya is no place to raise a family.

Who ever said it was? That being said, I see thousands of Thai and foreign residents doing it so it must not be too difficult.

Sh!t happens anywhere...sorry to hear about your wife but I certainly don't feel that Pattaya is unsafe compared to most Western cities.

But unsafe compared with other Thai cities.


Pattaya is not a safe place at all ,how many crimes go unreported?

also as i was told once when there ,we farangs are easy targets at night using ATMS when drunk picking up god knows who at the beach late at night , and forgetting that to

some people 300 baht is 2-3 days food payed , even when you have little cash the clothes your wearing have a secondhand value to pay for food,

God bless Pattaya


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