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The New Central Shopping Complex Is A Waste Of Space

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No hard feelings, ok?
No Kay.

You've changed your avatar frequently, but I must say this most recent one suits you best. :o

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You've changed your avatar frequently, but I must say this most recent one suits you best.

Thank you. I use to image to pay homage to Walt Whitman. He apparently couldn't afford a shave.



In answer to a previous question, yes, there is a Guess store there.

I too would like to know about proposed fitness centers in Central. Would be hugely convenient. Any news from anyone?

I too would like to know about proposed fitness centers in Central. Would be hugely convenient. Any news from anyone?

I have been in there many times and have not seen any sign of one being built...but there are still vacant spaces that are available where one could be put in. My guess is that the swank new Hilton hotel to be built on top of the mall will have a fancy gym so maybe nobody wants or is allowed to open one in the mall itself.

On another note, one thing that seems odd and off-putting is the ground/first floor and how empty/lifeless it is. This is where most people enter the mall and first off its design, with low ceilings feels cramped but more to the point, the collection of small shoebox sized stores seem really sad...especially as many are selling some Euro fashion brand items that no one can now afford and wouldn't buy in Pattaya anyway if they could. An example is the Theirry Mugler watch stand next to Starbucks. I mean, I doubt they have sold anything since they opened and who comes to Pattaya to buy such a watch?

There are also lots of empty spaces still on this floor which doesn't give a warm welcome to visotors. All the other floors are much more lively...just the ground floor seems rather lifeless. (Maybe the rents there are highest so having trouble filling the spaces.)

I'm not surprised the girl was pissed off with you. Your picky attitude would annoy any restaurant waiter anywhere...especially when you walked out in a huff after all the fuss you made. I'm sure they were happy to see the back of you.

The sets are special prices as a draw for customers and it seemed pretty obvious they are not interchangeable.

Yes, Sukishi.

I agree, I also wouldn't assume they would interchange at a place like that. THAT IS WHY I ASKED!!!! BEFORE ENTERING because I did not feel like pork ribs. Maybe to you pork ribs and beef chunks are the same thing, but so sorry if it is a crime to not be in the mood for pork ribs.

You go too far, dude! I have eaten there before and I will again when I feel like spicy pork ribs soup or BBQ or something else, but today I wanted spicy beef soup. It is not bad, but the Korean food is not quite as authentic as in a dedicated Korean place. I did not leave in a huff. I did not insult her or raise my voice, I just retreated from a business that would not provide what I wanted. I just left and I explained why I left, I can't help it if that girl was high strung, her problem, not mine. There was a misunderstanding. I wouldn't have entered the place unless I thought they had agreed to my request. They had the soup, they had the set, the base soup was the same cost basis, and what I asked for was not unreasonable considering I did not feel like eating PORK. Maybe I felt like having a Kosher day. I happen to love spicy Korean beef soup but it is no good without extras like rice and kimchi. You have some kind of personal agenda against me (don't deny it), that's your problem, not mine.

Actually, you're wrong. I've gotten over your abusive pm's and I take your posts as they come. We agree on some things and we disagree on others.

I can't comment on pork ribs because I've never tried them. I only order Japanese in Sukishi. One thing I've noticed and had to get used to in Pattaya (I can't comment for the rest of Thailand) is that the customer is usually wrong and the staff can get their back up very quickly. You'll never get an apology for a mistake, but rather a denial.

No hard feelings, ok?:o

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

Yes this aspect of Thai business practice can be very frustrating! It is caused because, unlike current business practices in the West to push down decision making authority to front-line employees (especially in the service sector) the exact opposite in the case in Thailand/Asia. Lowly front-line employees are NOT give ANY discretion from deviating from what they have been trained to do and say in whatever position they occupy. I guess most Thai employers feel that without this control, they business environment would descend into complete anarchy. :o

A perfect example is my earlier post in this thread concerning The Loft restaurant. Understandably, they have a rule about not allowing outside food inside. So me and 3 friends walk in and I have a few sip left on a Starbucks coffee. So the hostess stops me and says she is sorry but I cannot bring it in with me. I tell her it's about empty and even show it to her...no luck. She has been told about the rule and doesn't want to get called on the carpet for breaking it. She has never been trained to think for herself and make a smart decision (either in her school or working career) so me and my friends go eat somewhere else and The Loft looses business.

Can anyone tell me if there is a Guess store in the new Central? I'll be in Pattaya for one night only this weekend and this would be useful information.



Yes there is a Guess store in the new Central...There is also one in Royal Garden.. Both places carry the same stock..

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

Yes, it is true, but it also comical. There is a certain entertainment value in just watching the thinking NOT happening. I really wanted what I asked for, and I really thought she said yes (silly me), but the culture shock show was an unintended free bonus.

A perfect example is my earlier post in this thread concerning The Loft restaurant. Understandably, they have a rule about not allowing outside food inside. So me and 3 friends walk in and I have a few sip left on a Starbucks coffee. So the hostess stops me and says she is sorry but I cannot bring it in with me. I tell her it's about empty and even show it to her...no luck. She has been told about the rule and doesn't want to get called on the carpet for breaking it. She has never been trained to think for herself and make a smart decision (either in her school or working career) so me and my friends go eat somewhere else and The Loft looses business.

You seem to understand what is going on - i.e. The girl at the front could have been reprimanded (or worse) for breaking the rules and letting you in. You knew she was only doing her job and was not responsible for the rules. You also knew that walking away would not bother anyone as the people at the front are on salaries and don't get paid any more or less whether you enter or not.

You say the door girl has never been trained to think for herself and make a smart decision. This is insulting to the girl because I'm sure you know her job does not allow her to make decisions. She has strict guidelines to follow. Management make decisions, not door girls.

So... why did you not just finish your coffee at the door or discard the cup which was almost empty anyway? Why did you have to make a point of walking away as if to punish someone when no one really cared either way?

I think your behaviour showed immaturity and pettiness. If you really wanted to make a point you should have asked to speak with the duty manager. I'm guessing he would have welcomed you in.

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

You should have put in a proviso when you made your rule that the rule only holds for franchised restaurant chains.

At smaller restaurants I often make changes, such as upsizing, without even the slightest drama.

If you really wanted to make a point you should have asked to speak with the duty manager

Funny that you say that. If I had been in the mood, I would have demanded to speak to a manager to get my requested spicy beef soup set, but I was not in the mood for any kind of conflict. I may just try this in the future and see if the results are different, as I still would like to try the spicy beef soup in the set someday, but I am not sure the results will actually be any different.


Having read this thread at home(UK).I am now here,and have been round the Mall from top to bottom a couple of times,so heres my take on it .

First thing to say yes its very impressive,and should be a big plus to Pattaya.However hardly anyone has pointed out the number of empty units opening Feb 09 ?At 8pm the place was a virtual Ghost Town,the only places doing anything were the jap/korean food joints.But who knows ,time will tell if it is going to make any money for the owners.Did notice the higher price at Dairy Queen as apposed to Big C :o

So... why did you not just finish your coffee at the door or discard the cup which was almost empty anyway? Why did you have to make a point of walking away as if to punish someone when no one really cared either way?

I think your behaviour showed immaturity and pettiness. If you really wanted to make a point you should have asked to speak with the duty manager. I'm guessing he would have welcomed you in.

I must agree with tropo - but I would probably done the same thing - walked away. :o

At 8pm the place was a virtual Ghost Town,the only places doing anything were the jap/korean food joints.But who knows ,time will tell if it is going to make any money for the owners.Did notice the higher price at Dairy Queen as apposed to Big C

Well if the restaurants are the only businesses doing well, they could make it into the largest food court on the planet. Now that's a tourist attaction!

Can anyone tell me if there is a Guess store in the new Central? I'll be in Pattaya for one night only this weekend and this would be useful information.



Yes there is a Guess store in the new Central...There is also one in Royal Garden.. Both places carry the same stock..

Thanks so much Pdaz..can't wait!

...Yes this aspect of Thai business practice can be very frustrating! It is caused because, unlike current business practices in the West to push down decision making authority to front-line employees (especially in the service sector) the exact opposite in the case in Thailand/Asia. Lowly front-line employees are NOT give ANY discretion from deviating from what they have been trained to do and say in whatever position they occupy...

Agreed. There is this Japanese Burger Chain I would visit and order a burger without onions. Each time there was a discussion with the on duty manager to get approval. :o Jeez, it's just a burger without onions.


If they had used their brains,IMHO,they would have put foot bridges over the Beach and Second roads.

Footbridges would just become an expensive eyesore and no one would use them. Lucky they were using their brains and didn't bother. :o

If they had used their brains,IMHO,they would have put foot bridges over the Beach and Second roads.

Footbridges would just become an expensive eyesore and no one would use them. Lucky they were using their brains and didn't bother. :o

Also the baht buses let people off on the mall side on both beach and second roads.


OK, so I wanted a day pack, you know the sort, just enough for some clothes for a couple of days away and doubles as a handy sized carry on on the plane. Now the BT199/299 Thai shit fall apart after X (insert a low number) minutes but no way way I going to pay the Bt4000 and up they wanted in one shop there.

So I ask myself the question. Who the hel_l would pay ? Well, if you have that sort of money and are on holiday, then you already have one and it hasn't broken. If you live here, you either have one, don't need one or sure as hel_l won't pay that for one. So where is the target market ?

I think the management of some of these stores have either been given near zero rents to sign up or have had their shops fitted out at no cost (or heavily subsidised) because no educated person would look at Pattaya and see a need for a $250,000+ shop fit selling bags at $150 and up to people who have come to just about the cheapest destination in SE Asia. And that is without thinking about the reason reason Pattaya exists, cheap sex !


Not all of the shops are going to make it. If almost none of them can make it, they will have to lower the rents. Its a bad economy all over. Give it (lots) of time. I have already noticed some desperate looking small shop owners there.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the rental charges in the mall?



Not there but s few years ago, perhaps 3 or 4, I enquired about a place in the Royal Garden Mall and was taken aback by the rents and other monies and deposits wanted. They were preposterous but the economy was riding high then.

Rents aside, it was the money you had to tie up in deposits and other crap which was not being utilised which was the big factor.


'torrenova' date='2009-03-07 02:22:29' post='2579100'] wrote:

> OK, so I wanted a day pack, you know the sort, just enough for some

> clothes for a couple of days away and doubles as a handy sized carry

> on on the plane. Now the BT199/299 Thai shit fall apart after X

> (insert a low number) minutes

Yep, know exactly what you mean. Finally paid for an imported pack

myself after several knock-offs broke on me.

> but no way way I going to pay the

> Bt4000 and up they wanted in one shop there.

You want bubbly, you gotta pay for bubbly, pal. Otherwise you make do w/ beer


B4000 isn't unreasonable or unusual for a high-quality, name brand

pack purchased in a mall. Online--in the States, anyway--you can of

course get the same model cheaper.

A lesser imported brand you can probably get for around B3000 in the

sporting goods store. That's what I did.


> So I ask myself the question. Who the hel_l would pay ? Well, if you

> have that sort of money and are on holiday, then you already have

> one and it hasn't broken.

Oh, could be any number of reasons. Your present pack is looking a bit

frayed. Or it finally broke. You're buying a lot of stuff and need an

extra pack. You're tired of your old pack and plan to give it your

sister's kid. Do I need to go on?

> If you live here, you either have one,

No, people are born naked, not pre-equipped with packs. All of them

have to be purchased at some point.

> don't need one

Some do, some don't. Those who do, buy it or steal it.

> or sure as hel_l won't pay that for one.

So it would seem, but I've met locals who do want a quality pack and

have paid. During a visit to an expensive private uni, I saw students

carrying authentic name-brand packs. Like you, I can tell the real thing

from the fake.

> So where is

> the target market ?

Well, same place it's always been. It's a smaller market, but it keeps

the luxury shops in business.


> I think the management of some of these stores have either been

> given near zero rents to sign up or have had their shops fitted out

> at no cost (or heavily subsidised)

That would be rather typical for start-up area, would it not? Many of

these shops do expect to lose money for a while before turning

profitable. Consider that the sales staff are not paid all that much,


Of course, here we now have a unfavorable economy, so costs

will likely need to be reduced further. However, the upscale market

continues even through depressions because the rich, while also having

lost money, had much more to begin with and still manage to retain a

sufficient quantity of it. `

> because no educated person would

> look at Pattaya and see a need for a $250,000+ shop fit selling bags

> at $150 and up to people who have come to just about the cheapest

> destination in SE Asia.

Cough. Rest assured the quants at the companies have analyzed the

market thoroughly and they know what will likely succeed. Even

in BKK luxury shops I often see no customers or only one or two--in

otherwise crowded malls. Similarly in PTY you would wonder who would

buy authentic Levis, but in Royal Garden that Levis shop has been

there forever. So it is w/ a number of those RG shops. It will the same

in the new mall.

> And that is without thinking about the

> reason reason Pattaya exists, cheap sex !

It seems to have escaped you that PTY is now a holiday destination for

many Thais. Who do you think is responsible for the traffic jams on

weekends? Already the new restaurants in the mall are nightly crowded

with them. PTY also has its own Thai middle class living here, and the

mall, plus all the new urban cosmetics, may well attract more of them

to move here.

So... why did you not just finish your coffee at the door or discard the cup which was almost empty anyway? Why did you have to make a point of walking away as if to punish someone when no one really cared either way?

I think your behaviour showed immaturity and pettiness. If you really wanted to make a point you should have asked to speak with the duty manager. I'm guessing he would have welcomed you in.

You do make some good points :D I guess when these situations arise, my natural inclination is to make it a "teaching moment" for the business in question; and in order to do this I take my trade elsewhere. (I know it's lame and they don't learn anything but it gives me some satisfaction.) In my defense, I would point out that since I do understand the greeter's position and where she is coming from, our party didn't make any scene but just turned and walked away.

It was not a big deal so no need to talk to a manager (plenty of other places to eat) and if I had, it is more than likely that he would have had to call the head office in Bangkok to obtain a waiver of the rules to allow my almost finished outside beverage into the restaurant :o (Plus there is the sensitive issue of possible loss of face for the greeter if her decision was subsequently over-ruled by the manager and my rogue beverage was allowed in...even though she was only following the rules.) :D

Sakushi had no problem with it and our party had a very nice dinner and dropped about B 1000 there instead (please don't tell me now that they are owned by the same company :D ).

So... why did you not just finish your coffee at the door or discard the cup which was almost empty anyway? Why did you have to make a point of walking away as if to punish someone when no one really cared either way?

I think your behaviour showed immaturity and pettiness. If you really wanted to make a point you should have asked to speak with the duty manager. I'm guessing he would have welcomed you in.

You do make some good points :D I guess when these situations arise, my natural inclination is to make it a "teaching moment" for the business in question; and in order to do this I take my trade elsewhere. (I know it's lame and they don't learn anything but it gives me some satisfaction.) In my defense, I would point out that since I do understand the greeter's position and where she is coming from, our party didn't make any scene but just turned and walked away.

It was not a big deal so no need to talk to a manager (plenty of other places to eat) and if I had, it is more than likely that he would have had to call the head office in Bangkok to obtain a waiver of the rules to allow my almost finished outside beverage into the restaurant :o (Plus there is the sensitive issue of possible loss of face for the greeter if her decision was subsequently over-ruled by the manager and my rogue beverage was allowed in...even though she was only following the rules.) :D

Sakushi had no problem with it and our party had a very nice dinner and dropped about B 1000 there instead (please don't tell me now that they are owned by the same company :D ).

Perhaps you were only luke warm about eating there in the first place?

If you owned a big restaurant such as the Loft, what would you do? Pay your staff to think and make decisions or just have trained monkeys? I think there could be problems either way you go.

In answer to a previous question, yes, there is a Guess store there.

I too would like to know about proposed fitness centers in Central. Would be hugely convenient. Any news from anyone?

I was in the Guess store and spied a nice pair of jeans, but at a price of 12K+ baht I managed to pass and hustled my little lady out of there before she got a look at something!!


I think the new Central Festival is a positive addition to the town. Okay everything is a little bit more expensive, but someone's got to pay for the Mall. My main concern is now the traffic on Second Road is horrendous, but i don't se they have many practical fixes for this.

I think the new Central Festival is a positive addition to the town. Okay everything is a little bit more expensive, but someone's got to pay for the Mall. My main concern is now the traffic on Second Road is horrendous, but i don't se they have many practical fixes for this.

Maybe you came through at a bad hour, but I don't see traffic on 2nd Road being horrendous. On the times I've come along Beach Road and 2nd Road the traffic has been normal.

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

I find this rule to be false; I'm always asking for variations to dishes, such as no mushrooms or tomatoes, or substituting pork for chicken or beef. I even make it habit to request dishes that are not on the menu. They always meet my polite requests without question. On the flip side however, If you ask for something special, it will apply to everyone else with you. A friend of mine likes ice with his beer, and whenever he asks for it, I always get a glass with ice as well.

Farang Rule # 1006592:

Never attempt to request a substitution or variation from what is offered on the menu.

Such requests are doomed to failure or disaster. Fluency in Thai will not help. It is just not the done thing here.

I find this rule to be false; I'm always asking for variations to dishes, such as no mushrooms or tomatoes, or substituting pork for chicken or beef. I even make it habit to request dishes that are not on the menu. They always meet my polite requests without question. On the flip side however, If you ask for something special, it will apply to everyone else with you. A friend of mine likes ice with his beer, and whenever he asks for it, I always get a glass with ice as well.

It may depend on the kind of restaurant. Sure at a small Mom and Pop place you don't even have to look at a menu, just order a Thai dish you want and they can usually make it, on the menu or not. I often order a large size phad krapow, no option on the menu and they never say no. However, at a big corporate chain where they probably have an assembly line accounting system for everything including reorders, they are not set up for kind of substitution I asked for. Realizing that, I asked about it before entering.

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