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Is there a legal age where Thais can be left overnight at home? My wife likes to have her neices stay on a weekend, but she then goes gambling over night on a friday and saturday. I have told her this is not right. They don't speak English, and I don't speak Thai. I have told her if anything happens to the kids I will not be held responsible. They don't know what a bed time is, and I am usually in bed by 9:00 pm they are still watching the goggle box. I'm awake around 6:00am. The eldest of these 2 is 14, but her mum tried to self abort, and is partially brain damaged as a result.


I doubt if there is an actual law stating that you cannot leave a child at home on their own. There are laws as regards neglect and it can be an offence.

I have checked online and can find nothing. However, a few things come into play here.

If you tuck a child into bed and decide to go for a 10 minute walk, then that would be ok, for some people. But would you really feel at ease knowing that your child or children are in the home alone? Anything could happen, someone could break in and enter the propery, a fire could break out, in fact, anything could happen.

If you leave a child alone for a considerable time and neighbours notice this, then they could report you and you could possibly face charges of neglect.

There have been a number of instances in the UK whereby a parent, or parents, have gone off on a foreign holiday and left their children to fend for themselves. This is taking things to the extreme and the parents have had to pay the penalty through the courts.

I have included a link: Times Online. Although it is aimed at the West and the UK, it will allow you insight as to what the perils are as regards leaving children at home alone. I hope it helps.

>>>>> Would You Leave Your Child At Home?? http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_an...icle1762734.ece


Hi Mike, I'm a Brit, so I know what is expected there. Indeed I've told my other half she would get assistance from the social services in the UK and a substantial payout to help. :o


Going to bed at 9pm seems to be a bizarrely early time for an adult even if you are getting up at 6am for some reason.

Going to bed at 9pm seems to be a bizarrely early time for an adult even if you are getting up at 6am for some reason.

Perfectly normal bedtime for my rural family.... :o

Sorry op....no help on your topic....

Is there a legal age where Thais can be left overnight at home? My wife likes to have her neices stay on a weekend, but she then goes gambling over night on a friday and saturday. I have told her this is not right. They don't speak English, and I don't speak Thai. I have told her if anything happens to the kids I will not be held responsible. They don't know what a bed time is, and I am usually in bed by 9:00 pm they are still watching the goggle box. I'm awake around 6:00am. The eldest of these 2 is 14, but her mum tried to self abort, and is partially brain damaged as a result.

Answer is: yes, legal or not, they are too young to be left home alone during the night and even for long periods during the daytime.

Just take into consideration that, what would happen if there was a fire, one of the children became ill or had an accident. It is common sense, pal.

Whether you speak Thai or not is irrelevant, someone needs to be there.

As for the wife, how do you know what she is doing when out all night? Very dubious.

By law, if you and your wife take in these children, both of you are responsible for their welfare while in your care.


Trust me I know exactly where she goes. The women are mostly late 50's and older. They're gambling.

Going to bed at 9pm seems to be a bizarrely early time for an adult even if you are getting up at 6am for some reason.


Try living in the sticks. The mom and pop shops around here are all locked up tight by 8pm. The noise from the rubber tappers coming home on the motorbikes with cracked exhausts can start as early as 4am.


I don't understand how your wife can like having the children to stay when she goes out herself.

You are also leaving yourself open to unsavoury accusations having a 14 year old girl sleeping in your house unchaperoned.

Trust me I know exactly where she goes. The women are mostly late 50's and older. They're gambling.

Then I believe you have a more serious issue to solve first.

Going to bed at 9pm seems to be a bizarrely early time for an adult even if you are getting up at 6am for some reason.

I am bizare - so is my wife! Except on weekends :o

Trust me I know exactly where she goes. The women are mostly late 50's and older. They're gambling.

Then I believe you have a more serious issue to solve first.

Which is? She wins more than she loses. The police in the sticks turn a blind eye as they have to live in the community. I even know of two policemens homes where their wives/mothers hold gambling sessions.

Oh and we are talking about 20 Baht a hand.

Trust me I know exactly where she goes. The women are mostly late 50's and older. They're gambling.

Then I believe you have a more serious issue to solve first.

Which is? She wins more than she loses. The police in the sticks turn a blind eye as they have to live in the community. I even know of two policemens homes where their wives/mothers hold gambling sessions.

Oh and we are talking about 20 Baht a hand.


Seen too many poor souls in Asia when it comes to betting/gambling.


20 a hand matters if there are 10000 hands in an evening.



Seen too many poor souls in Asia when it comes to betting/gambling.


20 a hand matters if there are 10000 hands in an evening.


I agree with you that Gambling especially an all nighter can be problem; even if it would be nearly impossbile to play that many hands in one night...

There is also the issue of why the wife picks the day that the nieces are visiting to go out Gambling. If it is just a fun game (which is what it sounds like) and she doesn't have any kind of gambling problem one would think that that she could skip a week while the neices are in town...

Just tell her you are not comfortable staying with the girls alone.


I knows of no such Law, however if you or anyone need to leave the little one unattended you might want to check with your local legal expert. A lot can depend on the kid, I we always felt a ok to leave our 12 year old along with younger brother :o:D

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