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Been Asking To Carry Stuffs From Abroad


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Like me.. I use some products which are made in Farangland..

They are sold in LOS but the prices are double or a lot more expensive.

I am thinking to ask friend to buy and carry it for me when he will go visit his country.

But he will just go buy and carry for me, I will pay for all those stuffs...(guess he will kick me instead, so is not worth to do)

Q: What do you think? Is it so much annoying to be asked to do?

For me, been asked this every times I go traveling. (in country also)

At first, didn't mind to do, but whilst I felt too complicated, so I just accepted the requests and bought nothing for.

Thais is all the time falling in love with shopping, the requests have never been given up, and I have not either.... (accept request, do nothing)

But there are some Thais just really like to be asked... umm... they are shopaholic, I guess.

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I will ask close friends/relatives to help with such things to a reasonable level, sure, why not?

On the other hand, I have been asked to export things from Thailand like prescription meds and I have to say no because you can technically get into trouble bringing in meds to the US that you don't have a scrip for.

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Q: What do you think? Is it so much annoying to be asked to do?

For me, Yes!!........so freaky annoying and I will not do it, generally!!!

coz traveling is just so stressful by itself, why the need to add more, for someone else benefits

My philosophy,...If it's available in thailand, then don't bother other people with your wants

Eventho your friend may not be able to "say NO" to you, it doesn't mean he/she will like it.

just me here :o

Edited by teacup
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Only one I turned down was the neighbor who asked me to bring back a portable reciprocating saw :o

Too big for the luggage for just a friend but I did bring one back for dh a few years ago.

No, I don't mind bringing small stuff back if people request it, but if its big it is a tad annoying as then I can't fit more of my own stuff in there :D

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I will ask close friends/relatives to help with such things to a reasonable level, sure, why not?

On the other hand, I have been asked to export things from Thailand like prescription meds and I have to say no because you can technically get into trouble bringing in meds to the US that you don't have a scrip for.

Sawasdee ka, khun Jingthing... :o

Yes, sure, why not? If it is in reasonable level..

But I have never had in this level.. usually have so long lists...and I really dislike to carry stuffs, also my own luggages..haha..

Is sometimes to call "nam-jai", so it likes the decent tradition we needed to do..

So, when will you plan visiting home? So I will do the requests...lol

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Q: What do you think? Is it so much annoying to be asked to do?

For me, Yes!!........so freaky annoying and I will not do it, generally!!!

coz traveling is just so stressful by itself, why the need to add more, for someone else benefits

just me here :o


I think you and me have got quite the same situation when been asking since we are Thais...so you really understand what I feel with this....

May be more 'naa-song-san' (unlucky..) because you done more traveling than me..

Promise I will not make you carrying stuffs for me jaa..lol (so you will love me, right?..haha..)

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Only one I turned down was the neighbor who asked me to bring back a portable reciprocating saw :o

Too big for the luggage for just a friend but I did bring one back for dh a few years ago.

No, I don't mind bringing small stuff back if people request it, but if its big it is a tad annoying as then I can't fit more of my own stuff in there :D

sbk... do most of farang girls really love shopping as Thais? :D
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Q: What do you think? Is it so much annoying to be asked to do?

For me, Yes!!........so freaky annoying and I will not do it, generally!!!

coz traveling is just so stressful by itself, why the need to add more, for someone else benefits

just me here :o


I think you and me have got quite the same situation when been asking since we are Thais...so you really understand what I feel with this....

May be more 'naa-song-san' (unlucky..) because you done more traveling than me..

Promise I will not make you carrying stuffs for me jaa..lol (so you will love me, right?..haha..)

Yea, don't ask me in the future if you still want to be my sis.....haha

That's why I don't normally tell people of my traveling schedule :D

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I ask friends only if they have time or if they see a small item that I would like, that way the option is their, they always I didn't shop there of they didn't see the item :o:D Why make someone trip a hassle for my petty needs, if wanted it that bad I would get OFF my backside and go get it myself.

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My position on favours is not to ask anyone for a favour unless I would freely and willingly do the same for them. That said, I am normally happy (ie. not annoyed) to oblige with bringing things back for friends subject to the obvious:

* nothing illegal

* if I get charged excess baggage or customs tax then they pay for it (I tell them this)

* i am not going to run around town endlessly comparing prices, etc etc

What I would find annoying would be someone saying they would bring something and then NOT doing it (so denying people the opportunity to make timely alternative arrangements). I think most farang would agree with that - I certainly wouldn't do that to someone. If for any reason I can't (or won't) fetch and carry then I just tell them - in the nicest way possible.

PS: I couldn't help noticing the following in your subsequent quote:

"sbk... do most of farang girls really love shopping as Thais? :D "

Be careful Midori, I read somewhere on Thaivisa that it's hurtful and demeaning to call adult women 'girls'. Or maybe this rule only applies to heterosexual males? I'll have to check on that and get back to you. :o

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PS: I couldn't help noticing the following in your subsequent quote:

"sbk... do most of farang girls really love shopping as Thais? :D "

Be careful Midori, I read somewhere on Thaivisa that it's hurtful and demeaning to call adult women 'girls'. Or maybe this rule only applies to heterosexual males? I'll have to check on that and get back to you. :D

Anybody who wants to call me girl in a nice way is more than welcome :D

And yes, midori, this farang girl loves shopping. Dream job? Personal shopper. :o

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Things small like boxes of tea bags, jars of a favourite gravy mix or meds that are expensive here, I do not have a problem with.

In fact I asked a friend in the UK the other day to get my meds from the Docs. A reciprocal favour. He seems happy to do so. But not a thing to do for all and sundry.

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My position on favours is not to ask anyone for a favour unless I would freely and willingly do the same for them. That said, I am normally happy (ie. not annoyed) to oblige with bringing things back for friends subject to the obvious:

* nothing illegal

* if I get charged excess baggage or customs tax then they pay for it (I tell them this)

* i am not going to run around town endlessly comparing prices, etc etc

What I would find annoying would be someone saying they would bring something and then NOT doing it (so denying people the opportunity to make timely alternative arrangements). I think most farang would agree with that - I certainly wouldn't do that to someone. If for any reason I can't (or won't) fetch and carry then I just tell them - in the nicest way possible.

PS: I couldn't help noticing the following in your subsequent quote:

"sbk... do most of farang girls really love shopping as Thais? :D "

Be careful Midori, I read somewhere on Thaivisa that it's hurtful and demeaning to call adult women 'girls'. Or maybe this rule only applies to heterosexual males? I'll have to check on that and get back to you. :D

- Oii..when friends asked to buy and carry stuffs for them, I would say "I will if I have time", they pleased and accepted that they might get or not get that stuffs..

To be honest, I am too coward to say straightly I dislike carrying things back while traveling..haha..

But in fact, I do as I said, as long as it can be bought on the way I have been and not too complicated.

- Really? Is hurtful and demeaning to call adult women 'girls'? :D I have no idea...

Yes, sometimes for me is a bit confusing.. I feel strange when people call me 'girl'. I am a lot more older to called.

but personally don't mind, it is a lot better to call me 'auntie' <--- this is very hurtful and demeaning.. :o

By the way, if you can check for the proper way to call women, please help instruct me..will be appreciated..


sbk: to be personal shopper? I thought to be once as a career, taking foreigners to do shopping and I help bargaining, seems fun only if foreigners are women.

I once took a NewYorker to do shopping in Jatuchak, she had great time and really enjoyed, but I was really, really exhausted.... :D

hehe.... I have changed mind already.... :wai: ... not fun..

(edit for misspelling)

Edited by MidoriApple
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Living as an expat overseas for many years, especially in Saudi, I have no problems bringing stuff back for people as it's hard to get stuff you need in such places, such as engine parts for an MG Midget, and even an engine for a kart!

I always ask mates or work colleagues if they want anything when I'm off somewhere and have had mates bring cameras and laptop computers from US where they're much cheaper. I'm currently waiting on a supply of seaweed from Korea from a colleague.

Edited by PattayaParent
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I wouldn't do it unless that person was my mother or a brother or someone very close to you.

Like me.. I use some products which are made in Farangland..

They are sold in LOS but the prices are double or a lot more expensive.

I am thinking to ask friend to buy and carry it for me when he will go visit his country.

But he will just go buy and carry for me, I will pay for all those stuffs...(guess he will kick me instead, so is not worth to do)

Q: What do you think? Is it so much annoying to be asked to do?

For me, been asked this every times I go traveling. (in country also)

At first, didn't mind to do, but whilst I felt too complicated, so I just accepted the requests and bought nothing for.

Thais is all the time falling in love with shopping, the requests have never been given up, and I have not either.... (accept request, do nothing)

But there are some Thais just really like to be asked... umm... they are shopaholic, I guess.

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Depends on the items.

If it's something that they would definitely come across on their trip anyways (ie a specific candy bar that they sell at all convince stores).

If they would have to make a trip specifically to buy your item, then don't ask them. Especially as you can already get the item in Thailand. As all it does is say "Your time is worth less than the difference in cost between the item here and the item back home." And unless the different is many thousands of baht that means you must think their time is not very valuable.

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I seldom ask anyone to bring stuff from the UK for me as, although there are things I miss, there is nothing I can't do without.

If someone asks me to bring something back from one of my R&R trips back to the UK I generally will oblige provided that the item is reasonably small and/or lightweight and it is not available or very difficult to get hold of in Thailand or wherever. If it is just a case of being a bit more expensive then my attitude is do without or fork out the money, I don't see my duty lying in supporting cheap charlies. A departure from that rule would be for, say, medical supplies as long as they are over the counter stuff not subject to any restrictions.

It goes without saying that I would not entertain carrying stuff that is illegal and I do not know anybody who would ask anyone to do such a thing and if somebody did they would get a very terse response suggesting they combine sex and travel.

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Like most others, I only ask for things that I can't get here, and I return the favor when I go to farangland. I also do it the Internet way, having the items delivered to them so they don't have to go shopping for things for me.

I am one lady that doesn't much like shopping. Using the Internet for shopping saves me so much time and trouble!

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I recently arrived with a bag full of goodies for various friends in Thailand.

Not that they asked, rather I volunteered knowing how nice it is to receive some small 'comfort' from back home.

A single malt not to be found in Thailand, some Cuban cigars, home made thick cut marmalade and a few packs of Tea.

Mind.... one can be put upon.

A dear friend of mine once set off to the UK carrying something a tourist he hardly knew had ordered but was not ready when the tourist himself returned to the UK...... The must have object 'A four foot long stuffed shark, wrapped in Thai newspaper in a very shark shaped package'.

I suggested he take some K-Y jelly with him for the Customs inspection back in the UK, but he sailed threw without so much as a marigold glove..... I guess the customs people thought 'nobody is that stupid'.

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about 20 years ago, anyone going off kibbutz to overseas was given a list: telepones, stereo systems, sports shoes, the list was endless. we always seemed to be shopping for days just for other people

... and it was people not neccessarilly that u were friends with, but still from the same 'muu baan'... a kibbutz thing, but actually an israeli thing.

nowadays, its dutyfree 'buy me please, ill give u the money wehn u get back' : perfumes, makeup/toiletries and alcohol/ciggies and sometimes things like dr. marten boots that cant be found here. i used to do it. now, i hate it. i ask friends if they want specific things that absolutely cant be gotten here like carmex lip balm, and say i will buy if i have time and room. several pairs of shoes that i brought back were the wrong colour or the model wasnt exactly the same between countries, so got sour faces.

coming back from thailand was worse. relatives sent back dried fish, plaa raa home made, all sorts of dried stuff. i was sure it would all get confiscated at the airport, since israeli security is very strict about people giving u stuff, but no... the fish made it thru. im not talking little packets. big plastic bags of isaan's best plaa waan, dried squids, etc. even baantam chicken eggs. and of course, underwear (no underwear in israel right?), shampoo (no pantene either?), paracetamol (dont have that also?) from worried wives.

nowadays, even here we can find almost all the 'american' style things i wanted, but i have gotten used to the local stuff,so no need to ask folks to bring me things. when folks here go on vacation to thailand i give them money and ask if they have time, to pick up a few mags for anon at the airport: muay thai stuff, that sort of thing.

im an other girl who absolutely detests shopping if its not animal/farm stuff. i do all the 'bring me please- shopping stuff in one day. if i cant find it, or i have no room, thats it.



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about 20 years ago, anyone going off kibbutz to overseas was given a list: telepones, stereo systems, sports shoes, the list was endless. we always seemed to be shopping for days just for other people

... and it was people not neccessarilly that u were friends with, but still from the same 'muu baan'... a kibbutz thing, but actually an israeli thing.

nowadays, its dutyfree 'buy me please, ill give u the money wehn u get back' : perfumes, makeup/toiletries and alcohol/ciggies and sometimes things like dr. marten boots that cant be found here. i used to do it. now, i hate it. i ask friends if they want specific things that absolutely cant be gotten here like carmex lip balm, and say i will buy if i have time and room. several pairs of shoes that i brought back were the wrong colour or the model wasnt exactly the same between countries, so got sour faces.

coming back from thailand was worse. relatives sent back dried fish, plaa raa home made, all sorts of dried stuff. i was sure it would all get confiscated at the airport, since israeli security is very strict about people giving u stuff, but no... the fish made it thru. im not talking little packets. big plastic bags of isaan's best plaa waan, dried squids, etc. even baantam chicken eggs. and of course, underwear (no underwear in israel right?), shampoo (no pantene either?), paracetamol (dont have that also?) from worried wives.

nowadays, even here we can find almost all the 'american' style things i wanted, but i have gotten used to the local stuff,so no need to ask folks to bring me things. when folks here go on vacation to thailand i give them money and ask if they have time, to pick up a few mags for anon at the airport: muay thai stuff, that sort of thing.

im an other girl who absolutely detests shopping if its not animal/farm stuff. i do all the 'bring me please- shopping stuff in one day. if i cant find it, or i have no room, thats it.



:o No way!! I will not carry stuffs like Pla raa, Nam Pla Waan or something so risky if the packages broken.

Once been to Mumbai, I had to carry big packs of sausages and chili paste.. well, that's for my best friend.. didn't feel really annoy..

But had hand-carried all and could get through the immigration without any trouble..

bina, what if u, I guess I will carry (but not Pla-raa) stuffs without any annoying. Seems a bit hard to have foreign simple things in there, I guess..

Hey..but when will go Israel for me..dunno..lol

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Every time I go, without exception, I'm asked to bring something.

Top of the Pops:

HP Sauce


Single Malt.

I don't mind because I always go with nearly empty bags, to ensure I can fit in all the stuff my wife wants to bring home with her.

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