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Student/observation Visa

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I had applied for a ED visa study/observation in Thailand.

I had spoken to Consul at the embassy, showed my photos from my travel in Africa and showed passport full of tourist visas for 4 years in Afrika. I have explained that I intend to travel in Thailand in small villages, staying with local people.

I had written to them following:

FOR THE CONSUL OF Thailand Embassy, Tel-Aviv. (9.1.05)

My name is Xxxx Romio. While in Eastern Africa during 10.2000 - 8.2004 (total of 3

years and 10 months) I was conducting a private educational travelling, mostly in villages,

in the following countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi.

The purpose of the educational travelling is of observing local people's culture,

understanding social aspects of their lives and studying local languages.

About me: My name is Xxxx Romio. I was born in USSR and emigrated to Israel in

1992 in the age of 13. I had served in Israeli Army in paratrooper's division. I'm 26 years old by today.

The educational travelling I'm conducting is private and isn't supported by any

governmental organization or educational institute. The results of my travelling and photos one can see on internet: http://ethiokenya.travel.ru/en

I intend to self-sponsor my travelling in Thailand from my personal savings. In case of emergency I can be helped by my parents living in Israel or my relatives living in USA.

I'm kindly requesting to be issued with Non-Immigrant visa ED - Educational study or observation, duration of one (1) year.

- After sending this letter by fax a staff called me back and said my application is approved. It seems that Consulate staff agreed that ED observation/study visa is more suitable for me.

I wonder though whether I'll be asked for a place of study when I arrive to Thailand? If yes, what do you advice me to tell them?

Secondly, I'm sure I'll be asked this question when I'll come for extension. I may predict that Immigration officials in Thai may have different views from their Consulate or will they backup their permission?

They told me they are going to issue me with 3 month Non-Immigrant ED visa for 54$. Should I go for it?

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I had applied for a ED visa study/observation in Thailand.

I had spoken to Consul at the embassy, showed my photos from my travel in Africa and showed passport full of tourist visas for 4 years in Afrika. I have explained that I intend to travel in Thailand in small villages, staying with local people.

I had written to them following:

FOR THE CONSUL OF Thailand Embassy, Tel-Aviv.      (9.1.05)

My name is Xxxx Romio. While in Eastern Africa during 10.2000 - 8.2004 (total of 3

years and 10 months) I was conducting a private educational travelling, mostly in villages,

in the following countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi.

The purpose of the educational travelling is of observing local people's culture,

understanding social aspects of their lives and studying local languages.

About me: My name is Xxxx Romio. I was born in USSR and emigrated to Israel in

1992 in the age of 13. I had served in Israeli Army in paratrooper's division. I'm 26 years  old by today.

The educational travelling I'm conducting is private and isn't supported by any

governmental organization or educational institute. The results of my travelling and photos one can see on internet: http://ethiokenya.travel.ru/en

I intend to self-sponsor my travelling in Thailand from my personal savings. In case of emergency I can be helped by my parents living in Israel or my relatives living in USA.

I'm kindly requesting to be issued with Non-Immigrant visa ED - Educational study or observation, duration of one (1) year.

- After sending this letter by fax a staff called me back and said my application is approved. It seems that Consulate staff agreed that ED observation/study visa is more suitable for me.

I wonder though whether I'll be asked for a place of study when I arrive to Thailand? If yes, what do you advice me to tell them?

Secondly, I'm sure I'll be asked this question when I'll come for extension. I may predict that Immigration officials in Thai may have different views from their Consulate or will they backup their permission?

They told me they are going to issue me with 3 month Non-Immigrant ED visa for 54$. Should I go for it?

Go for it. If you find an Institution that will accept you within that 90 days, that visa can be extended for a year at a time.

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Try writing to the Ministry of Education who may link you up to a Thai institution or as DoctorPP says approach individual institutions once you get to Thailand.

Your problem is that your trip is not academic in nature. If you had an academic institution in Israel who were endorsing your travels in any way you would find the way to getting a full ED visa through a Thai institution a lot easier.

It seems however that you have half the battle won already.

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First of all, there is no way I can be refused entry in Thailand because I don't possess any letter from education institute? (Considering I'll have with me passport stampled with ED visa from the embassy and endorsed letter of my educational travelling I sent to them)?

Second, what will happen if I'll not try to associate myself with any educational institutes and just will introduce my project as I done it to the embassy coming to Immigration in order to get an extension?

Third, when it's better to come to Immirgation within 3 first months?

Edited by romio
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First of all, there is no way I can be refused entry in Thailand because I don't possess any letter from education institute? (Considering I'll have with me passport stampled with ED visa from the embassy and endorsed letter of my educational travelling I sent to them)?

Second, what will happen if I'll not try to associate myself with any educational institutes and just will introduce my project as I done it to the embassy coming to Immigration in order to get an extension?

Third, when it's better to come to Immirgation within 3 first months?

Without some association with a Thai institution, you won't get an extension. The Prof's suggestion is good. Have you got a relationship with an Israeli University ?

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As Doc said your visa is only good for 90 days without an official affiliation to an institution. You'll get your 90 days OK but you can never tell how immigration will take your application for an extension. It could go well or you could be refused and do you really want to risk being refused an extension?

Your work alone probably won't be enough to gain an extention. After all anyone could turn up with a ream of paper claiming it to be research and trying to gain an extention.

Your best bet is to try and get some official recognition if you can either from Israel or Thailand. It goes a long way.

Spend your first couple of weeks in Thailand visiting academic institutions and try and open at least a line of communication.

Even if you can't get any kind of official endorsement from the institution, if you can at least get an academic interested in your work, they may be able to help your extension process.

Good luck!

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Considering the little time I'm left (one-two weeks) it's impossible for me to get any document from Israeli universities. Of course I can try to make some links with Thai, but the problem is that I had performed this project in Africa and maybe it will have some academic interested for those who study African related issues. It means I'll have to interest them and then to make them to speak with someone who is studying Thai culture inside Thailand (hm :D) to write me a rec letter.... :o

> It could go well or you could be refused and do you really want to risk being >refused an extension?

This is another question. What happens when I'm refused extension?

Do you think it could be better just to come with 1 month automatic stamp, go to some univers and if any would like to write a letter then to apply for student ED? Or they will require me to apply from Israel?

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Get your ED visa in your passport. Once its there you're on the right path.

If they refuse you an extension usually you will have to leave the country and re apply. Not as bad as it sounds.

I don't think that it matters that your previous study was African based. I'm sure any Thai Anthropologist will have an interest in you work.

You could try finding a Thai Antropology Department online and then attempt to establish a dialogue with them.

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Personal Message

romio Re:Student/observation, Yesterday, 2005-01-16 23:39:54


Group: Members

Posts: 4

Member No.: 15,927

Joined: 2005-01-14

Who is eligible of getting Non Immigrant 0 multiple visa? When I said I want to tour their country counsul told that 2month+1month extension double entry, total of maximum of 6 month is the longest visa I can get.

Dr P and Prof......this guys been p.m'ing me from the last one i recieved today (above) it sounds like he doesnt have the go ahead for a Non Imm ED but rather just a double entry tourist...........would that be your take on the above p.m?

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Personal Message

romio Re:Student/observation, Yesterday, 2005-01-16 23:39:54 


Group: Members

Posts: 4

Member No.: 15,927

Joined: 2005-01-14

Who is eligible of getting Non Immigrant 0 multiple visa? When I said I want to tour their country counsul told that 2month+1month extension double entry, total of maximum of 6 month is the longest visa I can get.

Dr  P  and  Prof......this  guys  been  p.m'ing  me  from  the  last  one  i  recieved  today  (above)  it  sounds  like  he  doesnt  have  the  go  ahead  for  a  Non  Imm  ED  but  rather  just  a  double  entry  tourist...........would  that  be  your  take  on  the  above  p.m?

Sounds a bit like that to me too. Without some Thai academic institution supporting him getting a one year extension would be next to nil chance.

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No, double entry tourist visa is an option. (To decrease the headache perhaps).

I do have goahead for ED visa from Counsel. He is aware according to my Fax (inlc. above in this thread) that I don't have academic status nor letter.

I'm just uncomfortable that this 3 month I cannot leave Thailand, because it's single entry visa.

I do wonder, that if I'll leave Thailand during this 3 month what my status will be when I back.

It's interesting if having Thai ED visa would help me to get Cambodia ED visa.

I'm aware of headache when I'll go for the extension after 3 month. I don't understand if my extension (in case I'll succed) will be multiple or what should I be doing if I would like to visit Cambodia.

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No, double entry tourist visa is an option. (To decrease the headache perhaps).

I do have goahead for ED visa from Counsel. He is aware according to my Fax (inlc. above in this thread) that I don't have academic status nor letter.

I'm just uncomfortable that this 3 month I cannot leave Thailand, because it's single entry visa.

I do wonder, that if I'll leave Thailand during this 3 month what my status will be when I back.

It's interesting if having Thai ED visa would help me to get Cambodia ED visa.

I'm aware of headache when I'll go for the extension after 3 month. I don't understand if my extension (in case I'll succed) will be multiple or what should I be doing if I would like to visit Cambodia.

You can use the full 90 day stay even if you leave the country as long as you obtain a re-entry permit from immigration prior to travel. Cost is 1,000 baht.

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1there is no southeast asian sudies in all of israel, i';ve checked everywhere;

2. try Yuri Pines

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dept. of East Asian Studies

Mt Scopus 91905 Jerusalem Israel

Tel (h) 972-2-5321305; (o) 972-2-5882853 and 5881624

Fax (o) 972-2-5883703

E-mail [email protected]

try to get hold of prof. emeritus eric cohen (now apparently in thailand i think, not in israel at moment); he has done a lot of research about the travelling (תרמיליים) israelis etc and thailand.... check on internet at hebrew univ... מחלקת מדעי הרוח i think, if not try the other dept's., he is listed as prof. emeritus....

maybe u could pique his interest.though he was not interested in me and my questions (snob)... btw i'm also interested in the northeast etc..... but am studying from home (i work with thai workers here in israel -- kibbutz) but am super interested so p.m. me;

can in english or hebrew not russian :o

forgot: if you write well, try to do an article for maasa aher (מסע אחר) the israeli travel magazine they have a website cant remember it now.... (i always wanted to do articles for them but too lazy at moment).....maybe they can 'sponsor' you


[email protected]

maybe i could try to do the same?? i have been self studying for two years .....

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got eric cohen's thingy:

Erik Cohen

e-mail: [email protected]

Title: Professor Emeritus

Born 1932, Zagreb; Ph.D. 1968, Hebrew University

Research interests:

• Social change in Israel; social change in Thailand

• Sociology and anthropology of tourism and tourist arts

• Processes of change in folk arts

if your really serious he may be too>> he did send me a name of a publisher for hard too find thai/issan books that i had been looking for.... check his biblio on the net and there are a few other names from that dept situated in thailand (post grad's.) so ask.....

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No, double entry tourist visa is an option. (To decrease the headache perhaps).

I do have goahead for ED visa from Counsel. He is aware according to my Fax (inlc. above in this thread) that I don't have academic status nor letter.

I'm just uncomfortable that this 3 month I cannot leave Thailand, because it's single entry visa.

I do wonder, that if I'll leave Thailand during this 3 month what my status will be when I back.

It's interesting if having Thai ED visa would help me to get Cambodia ED visa.

I'm aware of headache when I'll go for the extension after 3 month. I don't understand if my extension (in case I'll succed) will be multiple or what should I be doing if I would like to visit Cambodia.

You can always go to Malaysia when you want to renew your visa

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No, double entry tourist visa is an option. (To decrease the headache perhaps).

I do have goahead for ED visa from Counsel. He is aware according to my Fax (inlc. above in this thread) that I don't have academic status nor letter.

I'm just uncomfortable that this 3 month I cannot leave Thailand, because it's single entry visa.

I do wonder, that if I'll leave Thailand during this 3 month what my status will be when I back.

It's interesting if having Thai ED visa would help me to get Cambodia ED visa.

I'm aware of headache when I'll go for the extension after 3 month. I don't understand if my extension (in case I'll succed) will be multiple or what should I be doing if I would like to visit Cambodia.

Can you persuade the Consul to give you a multiple entry Non-Immigrat ED or O class visa ? With border hops, you can turn that into a nearly 15 month stay

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Can you persuade the Consul to give you a multiple entry Non-Immigrat ED or O class visa ? With border hops, you can turn that into a nearly 15 month stay

I guess I can try to ask for ED Multiple, but it's going to cost 125$.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I understood is that this visa will allow me to stay only 3 month. Then I'll have to apply for extension of 9 month and again to pay 3800baht to get multiple reentry permit.

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Can you persuade the Consul to give you a multiple entry Non-Immigrat ED or O class visa ?  With border hops, you can turn that into a nearly 15 month stay

I guess I can try to ask for ED Multiple, but it's going to cost 125$.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I understood is that this visa will allow me to stay only 3 month. Then I'll have to apply for extension of 9 month and again to pay 3800baht to get multiple reentry permit.

No. A single entry only allows 90 day stay and then must be extended at cost of 1,900 baht (plus meeting requirements) and only if out of country travel expected the 3,800 re entry permit (single version is 1,000 baht).

A multi entry could be for 2 or 3 or 4 entries of 90 days each or just called multi and in that case you are free to enter/depart anytime you like and each entry will provide up to 90 days stay before you have to leave country/return for another.

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What is your academic background? Do you have a first degree? If so one way of going about things would be to consider pitching a PhD on SE AsiAn anthropology, pick an area of interest and use your work to test a hypothesis. The problem is if this is not an academic project it isn't really education in the purest sense is it? If it was I am sure there would be a number of PROSPECTIVE MA's in the field of GoGo Bar interaction etc. seeking ED visas too :o

Just because something is a learning experience does not make it "education" per se. As I understand it the ED visa is about formal study rather than self directed learning of the type you propose. Your area of "study" may have more credibility if you had some concrete results of your time in Africa (e.g. a thesis) rather than simply observations.

I don't want to be offensive but what you propose sounds much more like "directed backpacking" to me rather than study in any normal sense. Why not get a multi entry tourist visa?

Edited by Expat2B
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I don't want to be offensive but what you propose sounds much more like "directed backpacking" to me rather than study in any normal sense. Why not get a multi entry tourist visa?

expat2b is definately correct....

i was being polite when i sent him suggestions of professors from Hebrew univ that maybe in thailand now that could maybe help him; he didnt bother to respond

i'm israeli and believe me this guy has 'chutzpa' to ask..... he is just an other 'tarmiliai' (backbacker wiht connotations of unbathed, trying to do everything the cheapy way world traveller that gets out of the army and doesnt know what to do with himself so goes around the world כאילו (as if) as a student of something or other....) its a phase every israeli goes thru...especially the guys with the red boots (paratroopers, yeah)... and israelis are good at doing 'combinot' (organizing things in ingenuous ways to avoid paying or getting permits etc in all sorts of sneaky and backhanded convoluted ways i.e. finageling) and if this isnt tru romio than at least answer to my suggestions....

for all that these travellers love to travel and study about thailand, never met any that actually visit and talk with the thousands of thai workers here all over the place; every moshav and kibbutz has a 'little thailand' and have yet to see amy these guys looking for the 'exotic' thailand show up at any of the 'ban thailand ' so far i seem to be one of the only ones doing that....

well im thru ranting now....and as u all know by now i dont raise my voice often on threads... but this really bugs me

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ran, if you are romio than i apologize for my above ranting,, not my natural way

but happens ocasionally :o

just got all my e- mails today after three days... problem with bezeqnet.... but got email from eric cohen he is in thailand so try for him it could work...... maybe we could do a project...???????

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