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My Catfish Farm Operation

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12 Oct 2008 - 24 Feb 2009 (4 months & 12 days)

Cold season, lowest temperature btw 6'c - 8'c, high: 26'c - 28'c.

4 ponds (800m square each)

Total 108'000 fishes, 885 sacks of feed, 900 Baht of remedies & meds.

Feed type: Grade B pellets

FCR 1.27:1

Selling price: 42 Baht/kg


Hope you all enjoy the clips...

The 16th clip is in my playlist...i don't think it's appropriate to show

in this forum...('',)...

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12 Oct 2008 - 24 Feb 2009 (4 months & 12 days)

Cold season, lowest temperature btw 6'c - 8'c, high: 26'c - 28'c.

4 ponds (800m square each)

Total 108'000 fishes, 885 sacks of feed, 900 Baht of remedies & meds.

Feed type: Grade B pellets

FCR 1.27:1

Selling price: 42 Baht/kg


Hope you all enjoy the clips...

1. homemade aerator at START UP LOW speed

2. homemade aerator at Low speed

5. homemade aerator at MAX speed part 2

6. Good net casted, first attempt

8. pond no.1, seining part 2

10. pond no.1, size grading

11. pond no.2, good marketable size

12. pond no.2, show me the money

13. new ponds construction, backhoe at work

15.new ponds job done

The 16th clip is in my playlist...i don't think it's appropriate to show

in this forum...('',)...

....Edited by RBH: clips titles missing.ohmy.gif


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Btw... The DIY pond aerator cost me only 2500 Baht ''each'' to make, works well for me

as i'm not willing to buy pro pond aerator that would cost 25-30'000 Baht.

Got the inspiration and copied the design from Nam Sai Farm Equipment and build

a smaller vision. :o


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Good .......... but, putting capital outlay aside, are you making a profit and over what period of time do you think (will be needed) to recoup the capital outlay (2 figures - first including cost of land, second ignoring cost of land but all other costs).

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Good .......... but, putting capital outlay aside, are you making a profit and over what period of time do you think (will be needed) to recoup the capital outlay (2 figures - first including cost of land, second ignoring cost of land but all other costs).

Land...inheritance from wife parent :o ...Profit... I've been making them since 2007 when price was 33 Baht/kg...Old ponds...divided into 4 from previous 2 rai pond which i dug 9 years ago when i was doing 3000 eggs layers, and pla duk Big Oui then was 28 Baht/kg.(check my post,click my profile, under option) Experience in Tilapia and Big Oui rearing back then...There's not much other variable cost because i'm did EVERYTHING my self, in the day and night. Land plot located directly paraller with 2 running stream, inflow to the ponds and outflow back to stream endlessly. Mininmum Fuel usage, each pond(800m square) only cost me 5-6 liters (Kubota ET80)to pump water out and then pump back in(1.5m high) during emergency, other than that, the streams will do its works. Electricity bill about 230 Baht a month for powering lights and living shed usage at site from dusk till dawn.

Capital outlay... Land...depends on plot size, price negotiation, chanote or sorpokhoe title, value...near main road or etc..etc...many factors. But you make back money invested in land when/if you decided to sell off.(you knew)

Second, ignoring cost of land But others variable cost...let's take one of my new pond(1 is 2000m square and 1 is 1600m square) The 1 rai pond took 8 hrs to construct include a 5m x 5m x 1m pocket so i don't need to seine in the future and a drive-pass track, (pump out and fishes will be collected in corner pocket, lesser harvesting labour cost) Direct hiring by passing middleman so no commission, backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

And this Maizefarmer, is just the FIRST cycle. One calender year can do 3 cycles( 2nd & 3rd cycle minus the

excavation cost !!! for 1st year) starting early March with the first batch of fry born in near Summer.

Remedies and meds...

I can't reveal, it's trade secret to me, different season different set of remedies from pond prepartion to

1st month to grow out which enable me to achieve excellent animal health and desire maximum weight gain

in different season.

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Well ..... thats not much money, but if those figures are true and accurate (and I have to take your word for it), then hats off to you sir - I can see the makings of a very successful business over the long term.

I wish you all the very best.

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Well done for making a profit RBH. I must say I find the figures somewhat confusing.

Can I ask you if you know the average final weight per fish, that you sell. I presume that the 108,000 fish you quoted was the total that you started with. There would be a mortality rate to deduct from this figure? 10/20 %?

Do you sell your fish to be grown on, or do they go straight to market?

Talking to my wife about buying fish in the market :o She buys 250 gm minimum and wouldn't look at anything smaller. Normally the smaller catfish can be bought from the local markets, after being netted from the rice paddies.

But from your figures, even assuming a 30% mortality rate, the fish would still only weigh c. 180gms.

Anyway, good luck with the new ponds.


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RBH, You obviously know more about growing catfish than me as we stick primarily to Tilapia ( Pla Nin ) apart from experimenting with a few Barramundi .

We achieve fairly good growth rates (for pond growing ) but are still restricted to about 1.5 cycles per annum. mainly because of the need to dry out each pond and lime to clean up and dissipate built up ammonia after each harvest.

To get 3 cycles per annum would require your refilling and restocking immediately following harvest , do you foresee any future problems re disease etc from this practice ?

I am not questioning your methods, rather hoping for any tips you may have for getting my ponds back "on line " quicker .

Your feed cost makes me shudder, compared to the meager amount of feed we use.

I add the cost of Phosphate to my feed costs and still operate on an FCR of less than 1.00 although with a bit of mortality this last few months due to strep I guess our FCR will blow out a bit this year, We have currently ceased selling as we undertake a full medication and withholding period and hopefully the situation will improve



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Well done for making a profit RBH. I must say I find the figures somewhat confusing.

Can I ask you if you know the average final weight per fish, that you sell. I presume that the 108,000 fish you quoted was the total that you started with. There would be a mortality rate to deduct from this figure? 10/20 %?

Do you sell your fish to be grown on, or do they go straight to market?

Talking to my wife about buying fish in the market :D She buys 250 gm minimum and wouldn't look at anything smaller. Normally the smaller catfish can be bought from the local markets, after being netted from the rice paddies.

But from your figures, even assuming a 30% mortality rate, the fish would still only weigh c. 180gms.

Anyway, good luck with the new ponds.


Thank you teletiger...2,3,4,5,6, or 7 fishes per kg are good marketable size and preferred size of buyer would be 4,5, or 6 fishes per kg also depends on buyers' area clients(retailers in market) You see in Chiang Rai, wholesalers work as a team/network and control area zones, prices, Amphur Muang... you call this guy, Amphur Mae Chan... you call that guy, Chiang Sean, Chiang Khong, Mae Sai...another two guys. So no matter who you call, you still can't get a better price :o 'cause you call one up, he call the rest out...smart move :D When i open my ponds, i see all of them, pack leader's pick-up will arrive first follow by the convoy.

Before i open my ponds to sell, i'll check intensively for size 4,5 fishes/kg, if i estimate at least 60 percent...then i'll check market and wholesale supply, demand, prices...CP news & rumors...current affair like up coming school summer holiday...satisfy...then sell. My biggest weight 600 g and smallest marketable weight 100 g( still 10 fish/kg ) People say if too big difficult to sell but luckily communities in Chiang Sean, Chiang Khong seem to prefer size 2,3,4 and if it really clash with school holidays, the Chiang Sean, Mae Sai guy do sell to Burma & Laos so supply & demand are kind of balanced. I sold 98 percent to wholesalers the rest were snap up quickily by my village community and the wife reserve 100kg as "in-return" gifts to neighbours & relatives.

During this long & cold season, mortality numbers: 92 fishes...not even 0.01 percent! :D (100'000 bought & 8'000 free!)...

Technique...is how to raise them by combining rearing skill & knowing their natural fish instinct and behaviour, environment, stocking rate......Mortality rate...is knowing how to use remedies & meds to achieve excellent health & desire weight gain & optimate FCR( and do pay attention to water quality too )

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RBH, You obviously know more about growing catfish than me as we stick primarily to Tilapia ( Pla Nin ) apart from experimenting with a few Barramundi .

We achieve fairly good growth rates (for pond growing ) but are still restricted to about 1.5 cycles per annum. mainly because of the need to dry out each pond and lime to clean up and dissipate built up ammonia after each harvest.

To get 3 cycles per annum would require your refilling and restocking immediately following harvest , do you foresee any future problems re disease etc from this practice ?

I am not questioning your methods, rather hoping for any tips you may have for getting my ponds back "on line " quicker .

Your feed cost makes me shudder, compared to the meager amount of feed we use.

I add the cost of Phosphate to my feed costs and still operate on an FCR of less than 1.00 although with a bit of mortality this last few months due to strep I guess our FCR will blow out a bit this year, We have currently ceased selling as we undertake a full medication and withholding period and hopefully the situation will improve



Hi ozzy... you... I consider a person special :o ... I'll PM you...

But let it be known that i'm still trying to enrich myself with more knowledge...My up coming next move...

going to try Grade A feed "BIO" from Betagrow with the 1 rai pond, did some research from sale rep and people who use them before, all response with thumbs up. Expensive but superior weight gain result.

I'll post the result in due time.

Sawadee Krup.


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Good .......... but, putting capital outlay aside, are you making a profit and over what period of time do you think (will be needed) to recoup the capital outlay (2 figures - first including cost of land, second ignoring cost of land but all other costs).

Land...inheritance from wife parent :o ...Profit... I've been making them since 2007 when price was 33 Baht/kg...Old ponds...divided into 4 from previous 2 rai pond which i dug 9 years ago when i was doing 3000 eggs layers, and pla duk Big Oui then was 28 Baht/kg.(check my post,click my profile, under option) Experience in Tilapia and Big Oui rearing back then...There's not much other variable cost because i'm did EVERYTHING my self, in the day and night. Land plot located directly paraller with 2 running stream, inflow to the ponds and outflow back to stream endlessly. Mininmum Fuel usage, each pond(800m square) only cost me 5-6 liters (Kubota ET80)to pump water out and then pump back in(1.5m high) during emergency, other than that, the streams will do its works. Electricity bill about 230 Baht a month for powering lights and living shed usage at site from dusk till dawn.

Capital outlay... Land...depends on plot size, price negotiation, chanote or sorpokhoe title, value...near main road or etc..etc...many factors. But you make back money invested in land when/if you decided to sell off.(you knew)

Second, ignoring cost of land But others variable cost...let's take one of my new pond(1 is 2000m square and 1 is 1600m square) The 1 rai pond took 8 hrs to construct include a 5m x 5m x 1m pocket so i don't need to seine in the future and a drive-pass track, (pump out and fishes will be collected in corner pocket, lesser harvesting labour cost) Direct hiring by passing middleman so no commission, backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

And this Maizefarmer, is just the FIRST cycle. One calender year can do 3 cycles( 2nd & 3rd cycle minus the

excavation cost !!! for 1st year) starting early March with the first batch of fry born in near Summer.

Remedies and meds...

I can't reveal, it's trade secret to me, different season different set of remedies from pond prepartion to

1st month to grow out which enable me to achieve excellent animal health and desire maximum weight gain

in different season.

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Thank you for your information and calculations.

We want to start a small farm close to Umphang to support a little school with food.

Besides Pigs chickens and goats we want to do catfish too and as there is a small pool on our land 200 sq.meters we want to try some catfish farming too.

What catfish do you use, Ictalurus Punctatus or Clarias Batrichus. Why are the bigger fishes not interesting to sell?

Thank you

Frans I am Dutch and live in Italy

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backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling :o = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

I tried your calculation on a spread sheet to see what 10000 fish could cost me but if I sum all your costs it will be much more. 42.750+23.500+29.700+140.000+200+600+8.000+5.000=249.750 bth which makes your profit 268.000-249.750= 18.250 bth :D

What did I understand wrong. and what does @55 satang/fingerling mean?


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backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling :o = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

I tried your calculation on a spread sheet to see what 10000 fish could cost me but if I sum all your costs it will be much more. 42.750+23.500+29.700+140.000+200+600+8.000+5.000=249.750 bth which makes your profit 268.000-249.750= 18.250 bth :D

What did I understand wrong. and what does @55 satang/fingerling mean?


I take it that he paid 55 satang per fingerling. A fingerling being advanced fry ,IE, as long as a finger. :D

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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Edited by teletiger
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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

About 60 baht kg m

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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

About 60 baht kg m

Thanks Ozzydom.

I am out of the country in NZ until the end of May when I finally retire (again) and look for a hobby to keep me active.

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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

About 60 baht kg m

Thanks Ozzydom.

I am out of the country in NZ until the end of May when I finally retire (again) and look for a hobby to keep me active.

A couple of fish ponds will certainly keep you active Bill, Not quite the excitement of hauling rock lobster ,but it has its moments. :o

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12 Oct 2008 - 24 Feb 2009 (4 months & 12 days)

Cold season, lowest temperature btw 6'c - 8'c, high: 26'c - 28'c.

4 ponds (800m square each)

Total 108'000 fishes, 885 sacks of feed, 900 Baht of remedies & meds.

Feed type: Grade B pellets

FCR 1.27:1

Selling price: 42 Baht/kg


Hope you all enjoy the clips...

1. homemade aerator at START UP LOW speed

2. homemade aerator at Low speed

5. homemade aerator at MAX speed part 2

6. Good net casted, first attempt

8. pond no.1, seining part 2

10. pond no.1, size grading

11. pond no.2, good marketable size

12. pond no.2, show me the money

13. new ponds construction, backhoe at work

15.new ponds job done

The 16th clip is in my playlist...i don't think it's appropriate to show

in this forum...('',)...

....Edited by RBH: clips titles missing.ohmy.gif


Dear RBH

I own a 6 rai retired fishfarm near Korat and i like to add Catfish same as i saw in your clips.

I will persue this to help my family (wife parents) and get some income for them. They life right beside

the farm and are still active rice farmers and also owe some cows.

Before i start with this im now trying to find knowledge about fish farming in Thailand. After seeing your

clips i wonder if you can give me some tips how to start and what i should look out for. Buying fish and feed

and how often and so on. Please dont think about profit since it is not gonna be meant to make a living for me

but if on the end some bucks are left over for my wife parents it will be fine. I personally enjoy nature and are

very interested and i like to stay countryside if i not travel for my business.

I will appreciate any help and comments also from other members.

Thanks and greetings


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backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling :o = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

I tried your calculation on a spread sheet to see what 10000 fish could cost me but if I sum all your costs it will be much more. 42.750+23.500+29.700+140.000+200+600+8.000+5.000=249.750 bth which makes your profit 268.000-249.750= 18.250 bth :D

What did I understand wrong. and what does @55 satang/fingerling mean?


I suppose you already realize that you should take the 42'750 out of the equation(that is number of fishes, not money amount) and play with 8'800(backhoe) and 5'000(harvesting and celebration cost) add to or minus off from equartion.

backhoe cost 1100 Baht/hr (Kamatsu P200 20 ton backhoe) = 8'800 Baht

45'000 3'-4' fingerling, 42'750...95 percent(2'250 free... 5%) @ 55 satang/fingerling :D = 23'500 Baht

Grade B pellet 'current price'...Size no.1... ( Per 10'000 fishes ) 15 x 440 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 29'700 Baht

Size no. 2... 75 x 415 Baht/sack x 4.5 = 140'000 Baht

remedies & meds = 200 Baht

( land with stream) fuel & eletricity for average 100 rearing days period = 600 Baht

( hot season 80-90 days, raining season 100 days, cold season <120 days )

So if you hire live in worker day and night (hillbillies would be more economic but i would hire aged Thai) = 8'000 Baht

2'000 Baht x 4 months ------------------------

total = 202'800

round off = 203'000 Baht

I pride myself as a well train and skilled in rearing fish which enable me to provide for my family a good living live style.

Different season different rearing tactic, so i shall quote the "average" FCR achieved.

405 sacks x 20kg / 1.27(FCR) = round off 6380kg x "current" wholesales price 42 Baht round off = 268'000 Baht

minus "cost" = 203'000 Baht

Let just say harvesting cost and celebration expenses = 5'000 Baht

-------------------- ( First cycle with excavation cost ) PROFIT = 68'000 Baht

I tried your calculation on a spread sheet to see what 10000 fish could cost me but if I sum all your costs it will be much more. 42.750+23.500+29.700+140.000+200+600+8.000+5.000=249.750 bth which makes your profit 268.000-249.750= 18.250 bth :D

What did I understand wrong. and what does @55 satang/fingerling mean?


I take it that he paid 55 satang per fingerling. A fingerling being advanced fry ,IE, as long as a finger. :D

3 inches to 4 inches long

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45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Right on...land plot not included in equation...backhoe, one time issue(first cycle) so try to forget about it for the time being...and staff...play with it...add to or minus off to see how it affect the profit.

45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

size1 food...... 29,700

size2 food......140,000





total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

About 60 baht kg m

60 Baht/kg retail in talah/local market..."""currently""" 40 Baht/kg at farm gate wholesale.

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Dear RBH

I own a 6 rai retired fishfarm near Korat and i like to add Catfish same as i saw in your clips.

I will persue this to help my family (wife parents) and get some income for them. They life right beside

the farm and are still active rice farmers and also owe some cows.

Before i start with this im now trying to find knowledge about fish farming in Thailand. After seeing your

clips i wonder if you can give me some tips how to start and what i should look out for. Buying fish and feed

and how often and so on. Please dont think about profit since it is not gonna be meant to make a living for me

but if on the end some bucks are left over for my wife parents it will be fine. I personally enjoy nature and are

very interested and i like to stay countryside if i not travel for my business.

I will appreciate any help and comments also from other members.

Thanks and greetings


Try using grade C feed...cost lower, about 300 over Baht to start off...


Edited by RedBullHorn
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a number 5 size fish is 200grams. That's not very big, I would think a half kilo fish would be more marketable. Also the middle man here is making most of the money.

Culture Club mate...Culture Club...i've seen size 2, size 3 been rejected by wholesaler before. :o It's best to know before hand what your middle man's target size. Middle man/wholesalers have the upper hand in choosing marketable size to deliver to their retailer clients in local talah/wet markets/hyper markets(Big C, Tesco...) They're obligated to deliver even if the client living 40km away ordering only 10kg of fishes. :D

On the other hand...We Farmers are obligated to made the best livinghood out of this choosen profession

with interest, passion and pride :D "but less the hustle of looking for clients,fighting the market for a piece of the retail clientele pie"...ME...i'm lazy when it comes to marketing, I concider myself semi-retire at this very young age enjoying family life in LOS working just a few hour a day. I make 3X more money per month in Singapore working all out back then but i'm tired, moody and unhappy.

So I'm blessed...life is good...no complaint about them middle man making most money or not. They make the best out of their living, i make the best out of mine, I think the chain cycle is fair. :D

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Thank you for your information and calculations.

We want to start a small farm close to Umphang to support a little school with food.

Besides Pigs chickens and goats we want to do catfish too and as there is a small pool on our land 200 sq.meters we want to try some catfish farming too.

What catfish do you use, Ictalurus Punctatus or Clarias Batrichus. Why are the bigger fishes not interesting to sell?

Thank you

Frans I am Dutch and live in Italy

Big Oui catfish...Local call it Pla duk Big Oui.

"Hybrid catfish from the cross breeding of catfish using female C. macrocephalus and male C. gariepinus.

The hybrids showed intermediate morphological and physical characteristics, including faster growth and higher resistance to environmental conditions and diseases than C. macrocephalus, and better flesh quality compared to C. gariepinus. The hybrids called "Pla Duk Big-Oui" were increasingly important due to demand in the markets. In the culture ponds, the hybrid catfish can grow up to marketable size within 3 months so that the farmers can produce at least 3 crops annually."(abstract from web page)

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  • 2 months later...

RBH, Ozzydom, you guys are great with the farming info. Thanks.

RBH, I've got a couple of larger ponds down in Chainat where we'll run big oui (previous owner doing same thing together with planin).

Couple of questions if you don't mind, why fingerlings instead of fries for your 1 rai pond? You want someone else to take them thru that period? Lots of loss?

Big question, how many fish per square meter if your looking to raise 4-5s. A mate in Kalasin has 30,000 fish/1 ngan pond in 6 ponds. You're running 45,000/rai if I have your figures right. I looked at some US university websites and they're like at 3,000/acre. Another Chainat mate running 10,000/krachang in the Chaopraya. Big variations. It seems what I've read from Ozzydom is smaller numbers, lower feed costs makes him comfortable.

Finally, looks like you're sending 100,000 fish to the market every 3 months. My mate is doing about the same numbers with bunches of other locals around him on similar terms. Any ideas whether you can sell larger numbers, say near on 1 million fish? I mean, any idea what the market will bear?


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RBH, Ozzydom, you guys are great with the farming info. Thanks.

RBH, I've got a couple of larger ponds down in Chainat where we'll run big oui (previous owner doing same thing together with planin).

Couple of questions if you don't mind, why fingerlings instead of fries for your 1 rai pond? You want someone else to take them thru that period? Lots of loss?

Big question, how many fish per square meter if your looking to raise 4-5s. A mate in Kalasin has 30,000 fish/1 ngan pond in 6 ponds. You're running 45,000/rai if I have your figures right. I looked at some US university websites and they're like at 3,000/acre. Another Chainat mate running 10,000/krachang in the Chaopraya. Big variations. It seems what I've read from Ozzydom is smaller numbers, lower feed costs makes him comfortable.

Finally, looks like you're sending 100,000 fish to the market every 3 months. My mate is doing about the same numbers with bunches of other locals around him on similar terms. Any ideas whether you can sell larger numbers, say near on 1 million fish? I mean, any idea what the market will bear?


Its just a matter of " horses for courses". The cattie growers sell mainly through agents, who to a large degree dictate the size and price.

Catfish are dependant on you for their food supply and demand high protein expensive food ,whereas Pla Nin grown in "green water" dont really need any feeding or at best a little supplementary feed . there is only about a month difference in attaining the same weight with or without feeding.

Our market is local market sellers and farm gate ,plus we set the price, currently 70 baht kg.

We start selling when fish are about 350-400 grams and have one pond dedicated to fish up to 1 kg,which some buyers demand ,they pay 80 baht kg for the bigger fish.

All our stock come from Nam Sai Farm as fry and we grow on in floating nursery hapa,s until fingerling stage and are released to the ponds.

Water quality and oxygen supply is very important with Pla Nin and overstocking is a recipe for disaster .

We also put through about 600 ducks per year at 80 baht kg liveweight which also provide a lot of the phosphorus for the ponds.

We prefer to farm Pla Nin because the outlays (and the risks ) are minimal compared to catfish ,and if the market is depressed we can stop feeding and have a holiday, the fish just keep growing until things pick up. :)

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