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what's the major difference between this thread and the other one that was running?

Well James, if you can't tell the difference it is unlikely that we would be able to explain it to you. If you don't like the thread go back to the off topic thread. (as your post is off topic!)

don't mean to be a prick midas, but the other thread i speak of is just the same as this with a different title more or less.

"I know many an oil worker engineer who makes good money - and has tattoos"

"Tattoos make you look like a bum"

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

"Tattoos give off a bad impression"

and so on and so...

If you want to talk about off topic - tell me then, what the heck does this have to do with Thailand?

Hey James, stop being an accidental prick! The other topic was relating to how do the booze swilling, hooligan, layabout, tatoo wearing people make a living in Thailand(or something along those lines) Anyway who appointed you to the TVVPA? (Thai Visa Volunteer Police Association). In my reading of the forum rules there does not appear to be one that states every thread must be associated with Thailand and if there were such a rule I would resubmit this thread with a reference to Thais with tatoos to satisfy it. By the way what has the "off topic thread" got to do with Thailand? If you find yourself at a loose end this weekend why not go and find another horse to flog! :o

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Ofcourse not everybody with tattoos are lowlifes. Nor does every lowlife have tattoos. But many lowlifes do carry highly visual tattoos and like to show them off, in combination with bad manners and general drunken behavior. Just something one sees here.

And for that reason also British expats is one group I try to avoid as even the non-tattoo crowd in them seem to be over-represented in the group that is trying to pick fights in bars and crowds. Not sure why it is, but there you have it...an observation.

Thanks for the profile plug. i have stopped bothering to look at people's profiles these days as nobody puts any info on them. Stuffed if I know why? :o

Maybe they're not as pompous and self-regarding as you? Just a thought.

'PhilHarries' date='2009-03-20 13:43:45' post='2607914']

No visible tattoos on this b@st@d.


They say that he has one that says "MOM" on his private parts.

OK, a little non-PC talk here. Of course all kinds of people get tattoos. They also have different meanings in different cultures.

HOWEVER, there are probably a disproportionate percentage of people with tats who are:

-- lower economic stratas

-- sailors

-- prisoners/ex-prisoners

-- gang bangers

I recently saw an excellent film about the tattoo culture among prisoners in Russia. Note the film was not about the tattoo culture of Russian corporate board members.

I am certainly not obsessed with tats. In fact the opposite, I would rather not look at them.

interesting. since they're just body art at the end of the day, where would you stand on people who wear brand logos on their t-shirts? what about football shirts, club or international? how about baseball caps with pictures on the front?



ing. since they're just body art at the end of the day,

Wrong! Sometimes they are just body art. Other times they communicate deep meanings about the person wearing them. Such as I belong to the Crips gang.


I don't have any. Most of my friends have at least one. I did push the boat out in Zanzibar a couple of years ago and got a henna one - it lasted for two weeks...

I saw a guy on Samui with "----Cut Here----" on his neck, that i think is going a bit too far.

ing. since they're just body art at the end of the day,

Wrong! Sometimes they are just body art. Other times they communicate deep meanings about the person wearing them. Such as I belong to the Crips gang.

Or "I once got drunk on a stag night"

what's the major difference between this thread and the other one that was running?

Well James, if you can't tell the difference it is unlikely that we would be able to explain it to you. If you don't like the thread go back to the off topic thread. (as your post is off topic!)

don't mean to be a prick midas, but the other thread i speak of is just the same as this with a different title more or less.

"I know many an oil worker engineer who makes good money - and has tattoos"

"Tattoos make you look like a bum"

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

"Tattoos give off a bad impression"

and so on and so...

If you want to talk about off topic - tell me then, what the heck does this have to do with Thailand?

Hey James, stop being an accidental prick! The other topic was relating to how do the booze swilling, hooligan, layabout, tatoo wearing people make a living in Thailand(or something along those lines) Anyway who appointed you to the TVVPA? (Thai Visa Volunteer Police Association). In my reading of the forum rules there does not appear to be one that states every thread must be associated with Thailand and if there were such a rule I would resubmit this thread with a reference to Thais with tatoos to satisfy it. By the way what has the "off topic thread" got to do with Thailand? If you find yourself at a loose end this weekend why not go and find another horse to flog! :D

Nothing accidental about it Midas - comes naturally to me.

TVVPA - interesting but no thanks - already down as the TVBS Monitor - and as exemplified above - I have more work than I can handle.

Off-topic thread is doing well thanks - in the farangpub where is belongs.

Question for you: were you this sensitive before you got your tattoo? :o


A detail from that Russian prison tattoo film. Sometimes very low status prisoners are tattooed with the word SLAVE on their FACE. They wear that for life. So please do not tell me that tattoos are always TRIVIAL or just FASHION.

ing. since they're just body art at the end of the day,

Wrong! Sometimes they are just body art. Other times they communicate deep meanings about the person wearing them. Such as I belong to the Crips gang.

or 'i have done national service'. or 'i was in a particular frat house'. or even 'i am secure enough in my own individuality that i don't give a dam_n what narrow-minded people assume about me'.


Bill Maher sums up tattoos...

“Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it, it doesn’t make you spiritual. It’s right above the crack of your ass and it translates to ‘Beef with Broccoli.’ The last time you did anything spiritual, you were 16 and you were praying to God you weren’t pregnant.”

It's an opportunity for those without tatoos to come on TV and be self righteous. ( don't have tat's btw)

I don't trust anybody that doesn't have tattoos,especially those wimpy English teacher types. :o:D:D


Nothing accidental about it Midas - comes naturally to me.

TVVPA - interesting but no thanks - already down as the TVBS Monitor - and as exemplified above - I have more work than I can handle.

Off-topic thread is doing well thanks - in the farangpub where is belongs.

Question for you: were you this sensitive before you got your tattoo? :o

Usually when one does something they "don't mean" to, it is an accident James.

You being a TVBS monitor seems to me to be a case of "the right man in the right job".

Sensitive? No I don't think so, why don't you love me anymore?

Off topic thread doing well? Only if you like the ramblings of a group of pre-kindergarden toddlers. Each to his own I guess, which is why I suggested that you return to your first born.

Cheers and beers my friend. :D


Where's the fun-loving free spirited Midas we used to love? Ever since the property crash, he hasn't been the same. No wonder he signed up for the last TV party night but didn't show.

Don't worry my old (57 is it?) friend, things will turn around - smile it's Friday and while this thread has limited shelf life, you can rest easy in the knowledge that your tattoo is forever. :o

OK, a little non-PC talk here. Of course all kinds of people get tattoos. They also have different meanings in different cultures.

HOWEVER, there are probably a disproportionate percentage of people with tats who are:

-- lower economic stratas

-- sailors

-- prisoners/ex-prisoners

-- gang bangers

I recently saw an excellent film about the tattoo culture among prisoners in Russia. Note the film was not about the tattoo culture of Russian corporate board members.

I am certainly not obsessed with tats. In fact the opposite, I would rather not look at them.

What a pile of crock.

Tattoos have a history of thousands, if not ten thousands of years. Almost every culture has known tattoos. They range from religious meanings to beautification, tribal association, and of course criminal association. Reducing tattoos to the criminal element is more than narrow minded. Even Oetzi - the mummy found in the Alps, has tattoos.

The recent decades in Europe have seen a huge surge in tattoos, mostly for the simple purpose of beautification, and have clearly transcended class and economical status.

If you want to make judgments on tattoos, you will have to analyze the particular style. There are sailor's tattoos, there are prison tattoos. Both are clearly recognizable by subject matter, ink colors and needles used. Gang tattoos have also very particular meanings. Then you have the fashionable tattoos, also easily recognizable, and especially those are more evident on the more affluent classes in the west.

Then you have a myriad of indigenous tattoo styles, most famous are tattoos from the South Seas and Borneo, and now increasingly Thai tattoos. Many hill tribe cultures of the area have their very own particular style, such as the pant tattoos of the Karen. As it was once in Thailand, in many areas of Burma, a man will have to be tattooed to be able to find a wife.

In Thailand, tattoos have been over the last years socially less acceptable. Nevertheless, many Thais that in their professions would not be allowed to be tattooed, will have invisible oil tattoos that still convey the powers these tattoos are supposed to carry.

Maybe you are from my parent's generation (80+), but even my parents, who once held similar believes, have been open minded enough to understand that even if they personally do not like tattoos, it has nowadays nothing to do anymore with class or status in the west. Just because you dislike tattoos, which you are free to, you cannot just group everybody with ink on their skin into one basket.

Which is uneducated and narrow minded, but of course you are free to expose yourself as such.


I have ludo tattooed on my penis, although sometimes you can see it actually says 'welcome to llandudno, have a nice day' :o

seriously I have two, both on my shoulders, neither are visible in short sleeve shirts, I am ex police, university educated, and not a trouble starter.

I will need to keep an eye on that monk I see in the mornings, he has a skinhead and the whole of his back is tattooed

People who make generalized judgment against tattooed persons are the same small minded twits that would judge a person on;

- Their Clothes

- Their House

- Their Car

- The school their children attend

et al.. they are in their own sterilized version of reality, and should stay there, far away from me!

Oz (3 Tatts)

You're going to be pretty lonely then, because everysingle one of us makes generalizations based on measures of social standingl... yourself included.

I think "tramp stamps" are generally considered to be tatts just above the ar$e area.


Yes its very obvious why these stamps are on these tramps :o

A few recent threads where tatoos have come up for ridicule have resulted in me opening this thread. For some reason, known only to themselves, some TV members seem to associate tatoos with bald, fat hooligans who laze aroung drinking and womanising before seeking a victim to bash. It seems to me that people with tatoos are like everyone else, there are good and bad, educated and uneducated, employed and unemployed etc.. Whilst I don't feel personally aggrieved with this tatoo bashing, I feel the need to explain to those people who constantly attach negative lables to people with tatoos.

I am 57 this year and have had tatoos for 40 years, the most recent was obtained in Kanchanaburi last year. I have five tertiary qualifications, have never been unemployed, have no criminal record. Am an active volunteer in the veteran community in Australia and am generally considered a pretty good bloke.

Those of you that rush to stereotype people with tattos should wake up and smell the roses, it is not the tatoo that makes someone a hooligan it is their behaviour. Next time you meet someone with tatoos please don't assume they are an A@@hole. Bring on the flames.

yes but what makes you want to tattoo your body?

There is nothing wrong with Tatoos, in fact I have 5, but they are easily hidden, and no one that I work with would know that I have them. I have a reasonable education - postgraduate and I have a decent enough job. I am certainly not a hooligan, lowlife or criminal, so I guess it's just the self righteous who seem to have an issue about it.

so why do you have to hide them if there is nothing wrong with them?

There is nothing wrong with Tatoos, in fact I have 5, but they are easily hidden, and no one that I work with would know that I have them. I have a reasonable education - postgraduate and I have a decent enough job. I am certainly not a hooligan, lowlife or criminal, so I guess it's just the self righteous who seem to have an issue about it.

so why do you have to hide them if there is nothing wrong with them?

Obviously, you havent seen them, from what I hear they consist of a butterfly, a bullfrog, an angel, a heart and something in Thai that says - I miss my mommy. :o

(sorry M, had to get you back for helping out the scousers in the football forum mate)


I've got a tattoo and an earring. I'm not bald, I'm no hooligan. I'm a father, I've got a decent job and I don't give a toss about the PC brigade! :o

I have ludo tattooed on my penis, although sometimes you can see it actually says 'welcome to llandudno, have a nice day' :o

seriously I have two, both on my shoulders, neither are visible in short sleeve shirts, I am ex police, university educated, and not a trouble starter.

I will need to keep an eye on that monk I see in the mornings, he has a skinhead and the whole of his back is tattooed

I have a canary perch tattooed on my member, I used to have 13 canaries trained to perch on it, well almost, I must admit number 13 had to stand on one leg. :D

I have ludo tattooed on my penis, although sometimes you can see it actually says 'welcome to llandudno, have a nice day' :o

seriously I have two, both on my shoulders, neither are visible in short sleeve shirts, I am ex police, university educated, and not a trouble starter.

I will need to keep an eye on that monk I see in the mornings, he has a skinhead and the whole of his back is tattooed

I have a canary perch tattooed on my member, I used to have 13 canaries trained to perch on it, well almost, I must admit number 13 had to stand on one leg. :D

From Bangkok to The city of angels, the great city, the residence of the Emerald Buddha, the impregnable city (of Ayutthaya) of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.


I've got a tattoo and an earring. I'm not bald, I'm no hooligan. I'm a father, I've got a decent job and I don't give a toss about the PC brigade! :o
In Canada the Hells Angels love tattoos,as do their women.Charles Manson has a swastika on his forehead.I don't look up to either bikers or Charles.Everyone's bias is formed from your life experiences.In my experience,when push comes to shove an inordinate number of tattooed fellows fancy themselves "tough guys".There are always exceptions to the rule,like you,however I would guess more "tough guys" wear tats than guys who don't feel the need to show they are tough or not.If you are tattooed and getting angry by this post,you have prooven my hypothesis.Most cougars worth their salt have their obligatory rose tattoo on the small of their back as they approach 50 and upwards.Their desired postion and attitude is obvious..30 years ago.Brittani Spears is not a helpful advocate for the young ones grovelling to get their tattoos on their arse and be just like her,skanky and air-headed.When they hit 40 they wonder where all the tough guys went????

I remember when ten years or so ago many people were getting the celtic bands on their arms. They were so fashionable. They don't seem to be so fashionable anymore, and look crap, and serve to highlight who the idiots gullible fashion followers either were or are. Very cheesy. :o

I've got a tattoo and an earring. I'm not bald, I'm no hooligan. I'm a father, I've got a decent job and I don't give a toss about the PC brigade! :o
In Canada the Hells Angels love tattoos,as do their women.Charles Manson has a swastika on his forehead.I don't look up to either bikers or Charles.Everyone's bias is formed from your life experiences.In my experience,when push comes to shove an inordinate number of tattooed fellows fancy themselves "tough guys".There are always exceptions to the rule,like you,however I would guess more "tough guys" wear tats than guys who don't feel the need to show they are tough or not.If you are tattooed and getting angry by this post,you have prooven my hypothesis.Most cougars worth their salt have their obligatory rose tattoo on the small of their back as they approach 50 and upwards.Their desired postion and attitude is obvious..30 years ago.Brittani Spears is not a helpful advocate for the young ones grovelling to get their tattoos on their arse and be just like her,skanky and air-headed.When they hit 40 they wonder where all the tough guys went????


Forget it. I'm no tough guy.

I wore my first earring about 30 years ago because where I was living nobody had one. I was a teenager and like a lot of teenagers I guess I wanted to look different. From my parents, my teachers and all the square people around me. I got my first earring from my grandmother. She was a kind of a rebel. A delicious old woman whose memory I'll cherish all my life. Through the years I kept wearing an earring because... well I like wearing one. As simple as that.

For the tattoo, it took me about 10 years to make up my mind. It's on my shoulder. It's small, well done and few people know about it (my son loves it!) so it certainly wasn't made to prove that I'm a tough guy (which I'm not as I've already mentioned). This tattoo has a history. It's a kind of "landmark" (not sure it's the right word). I have never regretted getting it. As I said before, since it's invisible to most people it has never (and will never) impaired my professional (or social) life.

Well now I'm over 40. The earring and the tattoo serve as reminders that I should never take myself too seriously and, above all, not become one of those square people without any sense of humor who used to pollute my teenage days and keep on polluting the world I'm living in with their dumb ideas. They are reminders that, whatever happens, I must stand in the way of political correctness and be opposed to all the people who are trying to impose a kind of brave new world upon us. They are reminders that I should never forget the young man I used to be.

I'm no tough guy, I'm a silly rebel. :D

(I don't know if what I wrote makes sense but I don't mind if I look a fool)

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