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Leg Muscle Twitching


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for the past 2 1/2 days my left calf muscle has been twitching nonstop. also my foot feels a little tingly. i am guessing i must have pinched a nerve or something but what do you do to remedy that? massage? it is driving me crazy!

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if it's problem with a nerve than do exercises - when laying down on the floor pull your knee towards your chest and to the opposite shoulder, to relax your pelvis and lower back.

muscle twitching can be a sign of poisoning or dehydration - so drinking a lot of water should help. Also lack of magnesium in a diet (or hightened demand for it by body due to stress) will cause twitching. Dark chocolate, bananas, nuts (especially almonds) will top up your magnesium from the diet

Edited by londonthai
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Have you been sweating a great deal? (It is certainly hot enough!) Electrolyte disturbance as well as aforementioned magnesium can be a factor.

I'd suggest a good vit/mineral supplement plus some sports drinks or those ioral rehydration satchets, bananas also good idea (rich in potassium as well as magnesium).

If it persists then see an orthopedic specialist to evaluate for possible lumbar spine problembut as long as there is no loss of sensation, can walk OK then I think you can give it a bot of time and try these home remedies first.

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What did you get when you "Googled" the problem? With all respect to the knowledgeable members of the is forum, I would have to assume that doing a few minutes research via the internet could give you information from professional medical sources rather than opinions from non-professionals. I'm not saying that the advice isn't good that has been given, but I wouldn't ask an auto mechanic or a total stranger, of whom I know nothing about, for medical advice.

I mention this partly because it happens all the time. We often see threads that are closed because they are not Thailand related, but that seems to only happen when they're getting interesting or controversial.

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Since there is virtually no health problem that cannot occur to a person living in Thailand or with a Thai connection of some sort, that particular forum rule is not really applicable to the health forum.

Frostbite is about the only condition that comes to mind as something one could not get here....

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do all the above as they are all valid and if all else fails(within that day) head to a doc asap. good be a simple case or more severer case requiring some muscle relaxant or worst case initial signs of worse things to come. if ur not well by now after having done the above and relaxed then head to a doc.

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actually i did google first, didn't find much of anything other than it could be mineral deficiency or a slipped disc in my spine, like others say here.

the weird thing is now my right eyelid has started twitching too! freaks me out! i just went and had a good massage, hoping that would help, but no dice. i take vitamins every day and have been drinking enough water.... not sure what it is!

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drink more water, if it's a mild poisoning water will help.

take magnesium (vitamin tables might or might not have it - even if they have, they are not easily absorbed) in foods (bananas, dark chocolate, nuts). Reduce stress, which wastes all your nutrients - take few days off work

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, get some professional diagnosis.

Recently my left foot became very swollen with no apparent cause, and with no pain or discomfort.

My doctor quickly ordered an ultrasound of my whole leg which revealed a blood clot behind my knee.

As most people would be aware blood clots are very serious.

I was admitted to hospital immediately for treatment through intravenous drip to dissolve the clot.

Blood clots can happen to anybody, any age, anytime.

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  • 4 months later...

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