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China Talks About Idea For New Global Currency

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I've wondered "why Pattaya" too. You seem to fit the profile of someone who retires to Florida but not to at all fit the Pattaya profile. It's a bit difficult to diplomatically ask the question because Pattaya is so easy to ridicule, but aren't there quite a lot of more desireable places that you could have built that house in Thailand? If not the skanky farm girls working in the bars, what's the attraction of Pattaya, the polluted water, dirty sand, and the company of 150kg Germans who came to Thailand for the culture and the temples?

it's off topic but i don't refuse to answer a polite question. my wife and me lived nearly 15 years in Florida and left in 2004 because the political situation and the environment became quite unsavoury for foreigners (we are both germans and had no intention to lose our citizenship by taking up another one) after september 11.

Thailand was one of a dozen or more countries which we took into consideration and checked out to spend our "silver years". main advantage of Thailand is that it is one of the few countries which does not impose income tax on foreign retirees. in essence we live in Thailand for free, all expenses to conduct a (compared to any industrialised country) rather luxurious lifestyle, including three fulltime domestic employees, are paid for by the taxes which we are not paying to the german finance minister Herr Peer Steinbrueck :D

besides, we are not really living in Thailand but in our very comfortable home which happens to be located in Pattaya, Thailand. we don't see german or any other tourists (except perhaps when the Mrs. goes shopping), polluted water or dirty sand. we hardly ever go to a restaurant and prefer to eat the meals our cook prepares at home and that (as opposed to restaurants which have fancy names on the menue but deliver :D ) exactly to our liking.

having said so i admit that the Mrs. is still craving for Florida and she would start preparations for a move within the hour if we found a way to live there peacefully and without immigration hassles such as "who are you, what are you, why are you?" and believe it or not my wife was told end of 2003 at Atlanta airport when answering the question 'purpose of visit?' by the immigration officer "having a house in Florida is no valid reason to enter the United States!"

i do hope my answer is satisfactory :D

Yes and you forgot to say pattaya has "short time" activities to take advantage of to. :o

There are plenty of paradises in thailand. Pattaya not being one of them!

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I've wondered "why Pattaya" too. You seem to fit the profile of someone who retires to Florida but not to at all fit the Pattaya profile. It's a bit difficult to diplomatically ask the question because Pattaya is so easy to ridicule, but aren't there quite a lot of more desireable places that you could have built that house in Thailand? If not the skanky farm girls working in the bars, what's the attraction of Pattaya, the polluted water, dirty sand, and the company of 150kg Germans who came to Thailand for the culture and the temples?

it's off topic but i don't refuse to answer a polite question. my wife and me lived nearly 15 years in Florida and left in 2004 because the political situation and the environment became quite unsavoury for foreigners (we are both germans and had no intention to lose our citizenship by taking up another one) after september 11.

Thailand was one of a dozen or more countries which we took into consideration and checked out to spend our "silver years". main advantage of Thailand is that it is one of the few countries which does not impose income tax on foreign retirees. in essence we live in Thailand for free, all expenses to conduct a (compared to any industrialised country) rather luxurious lifestyle, including three fulltime domestic employees, are paid for by the taxes which we are not paying to the german finance minister Herr Peer Steinbrueck :D

besides, we are not really living in Thailand but in our very comfortable home which happens to be located in Pattaya, Thailand. we don't see german or any other tourists (except perhaps when the Mrs. goes shopping), polluted water or dirty sand. we hardly ever go to a restaurant and prefer to eat the meals our cook prepares at home and that (as opposed to restaurants which have fancy names on the menue but deliver :D ) exactly to our liking.

having said so i admit that the Mrs. is still craving for Florida and she would start preparations for a move within the hour if we found a way to live there peacefully and without immigration hassles such as "who are you, what are you, why are you?" and believe it or not my wife was told end of 2003 at Atlanta airport when answering the question 'purpose of visit?' by the immigration officer "having a house in Florida is no valid reason to enter the United States!"

i do hope my answer is satisfactory :D

You may not care to be bothered with it anymore, but there is now serious consideration being given to conferring residency status on "qualified" foreign purchasers of US housing. It is one of the plans being floated to move the excess inventory, nothing concrete as yet.

Personally, I think its a great idea. Why not get an emigre with capital for a change?

BTW, as US citizen I got the same interrogation on my last visit. I nearly jumped over the counter. :o

Edited by lannarebirth
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Yes and you forgot to say pattaya has "short time" activities to take advantage of to. :o

there are short time possibilities in many countries and hundreds of thousands locations. perhaps i'm wrong but i can't think of any man stupid enough to move to Pattaya or any other place with his wife to enjoy this kind of pastime.

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can't make up my mind whether to laugh or to cry :o

Me neither but i have the same problem everytime i see where u live naam! (maybe u should change it then people might take you serious :D )

whether my dog shits once or twice a day is of much more importance and interest to me than people taking me serious or not. and i don't understand your cryptic suggestion that i should change where i live.

do you think there's something wrong with my house? if yes, what should i change to be taken serious? perhaps colour of roof tiles? :D

Perhaps I should ask how old the picture of your house is. Many people have asked you questions about the currency exchange rates for the future.

Then there was the rumor some time back that your dog buried your crystal ball. The latest rumor is that you miss it and have a crew of Thais digging up the yard looking for it. Is it true that your yard has been excavated?

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BTW, as US citizen I got the same interrogation on my last visit. I nearly jumped over the counter. :o

Yep count me in..........Makes you wonder doesn't it?

I also was personally interrogated about how much cash I had last time I left.

It is getting a bit squirmy there for sure.

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BTW, as US citizen I got the same interrogation on my last visit. I nearly jumped over the counter. :o

Yep count me in..........Makes you wonder doesn't it?

I also was personally interrogated about how much cash I had last time I left.

It is getting a bit squirmy there for sure.

I've cleared customs well over a hundred times and never a problem. Actually, for the most part I think they're quite good. It is that Dept of Homeland Security that gets my blood boiling. I can't believe Americans let them install that branch of government. Sorry, all OT.

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Yes and you forgot to say pattaya has "short time" activities to take advantage of to. :o

there are short time possibilities in many countries and hundreds of thousands locations. perhaps i'm wrong but i can't think of any man stupid enough to move to Pattaya or any other place with his wife to enjoy this kind of pastime.

Really? Not one? I can think of more than a few... :D

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Well, taking a break from the doom and gloom, here is a more or less optimistic perspective on life in Chimerica (China/America):


... the Washington-Beijing axis is the most important relationship in the world today; it is the X factor in the quest to rescue the global economy. If the two powerhouses work together, the world may yet emerge prosperous and stable.

China is no longer as poor as it claims; the United States is no longer as rich as it acts.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes and you forgot to say pattaya has "short time" activities to take advantage of to. :o

there are short time possibilities in many countries and hundreds of thousands locations. perhaps i'm wrong but i can't think of any man stupid enough to move to Pattaya or any other place with his wife to enjoy this kind of pastime.

Really? Not one? I can think of more than a few... :D

your acquaintancies belong obviously to a different class than mine :D

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can't make up my mind whether to laugh or to cry :o

Me neither but i have the same problem everytime i see where u live naam! (maybe u should change it then people might take you serious :D )

whether my dog shits once or twice a day is of much more importance and interest to me than people taking me serious or not. and i don't understand your cryptic suggestion that i should change where i live.

do you think there's something wrong with my house? if yes, what should i change to be taken serious? perhaps colour of roof tiles? :D

Perhaps I should ask how old the picture of your house is. Many people have asked you questions about the currency exchange rates for the future.

Then there was the rumor some time back that your dog buried your crystal ball. The latest rumor is that you miss it and have a crew of Thais digging up the yard looking for it. Is it true that your yard has been excavated?

it's just a rumour Gary and the contrary is true. some months ago i filled up something by paying fancy money for which i paid fancy money to build (a part of my pond). details in another thread:


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BTW, as US citizen I got the same interrogation on my last visit. I nearly jumped over the counter. :o

Yep count me in..........Makes you wonder doesn't it?

I also was personally interrogated about how much cash I had last time I left.

It is getting a bit squirmy there for sure.

I've cleared customs well over a hundred times and never a problem. Actually, for the most part I think they're quite good. It is that Dept of Homeland Security that gets my blood boiling. I can't believe Americans let them install that branch of government. Sorry, all OT.

Yes actually my bad.....That is who they are really. Homeland Security

You know they never had them standing in final boarding gate entry before.

Now they have 3 or 4 of them there asking about cash. Being quite demanding about it too.

Your right though it is a BS organization brought in by GWB under the guise of anti TERROR !!!!


You know that is why immigration is so sloooooow now. When it was handled by the state dept folks got processed pretty quickly.

Took my wife just about a year & actually 15 months all together to get her green card.

Sorry if OT too

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Yes and you forgot to say pattaya has "short time" activities to take advantage of to. :o

there are short time possibilities in many countries and hundreds of thousands locations. perhaps i'm wrong but i can't think of any man stupid enough to move to Pattaya or any other place with his wife to enjoy this kind of pastime.

Really? Not one? I can think of more than a few... :D

your acquaintancies belong obviously to a different class than mine :D

We browse the same forums though..

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