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Well my neighbor just told me today that one of our neighbors was robbed a few nights ago.

the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

The criminals took a computer and camera and appeared to have been walking around through the whole house.

On their way home they also stole the home owners motorbike.

No one woke up...

This is quiet soi where we usually don't have problems like this!!

Scarry for me as I am on the end house with an empty house next to me. :o

This happened off Patak Road.. don't really want to broadcast the exact soi...

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the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

Sounds a bit strange for me, may be the intruders knew the dogs..........just a thought :o


the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

Sounds a bit strange for me, may be the intruders knew the dogs..........just a thought :o


Yes I thought the same thing .. but then again there is that same question I always have, how do THEY get in and not wake anyone up? Happened to some friends too in Nai Harn and they have dogs too..

So the question is.. do they use some kind of gas in the AC?

the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

Sounds a bit strange for me, may be the intruders knew the dogs..........just a thought :o


Yes I thought the same thing .. but then again there is that same question I always have, how do THEY get in and not wake anyone up? Happened to some friends too in Nai Harn and they have dogs too..

So the question is.. do they use some kind of gas in the AC?


I know of around 3 cases (Rawai,Chalong) of people's aircon being tampered with and gassing the occupants inside.

Not sure what they use.

Gives them time inside the house without being disturbed, they ransacked everything.

THEY WERE SURE they were gassed? And what kind of Gas? I always here about this mystery gas!

After waking up 18 hours later, groggy with headaches and the aircon was tampered with.

They are quite sure.

They now have the aircons caged up.


Can't really see how any gas can be introduced through an outdoor compressor. The is no air connection between outdoor compressor and indoor unit. It's more likely gas would be introduced through a room vent.


Not the first time I hear about a place being burglarized in spite of big dogs being on the premises. Are dogs really such a surefire prevention against intruders, cannot they be bribed with a few sausages?

Experienced dog owners, please correct me if I am wrong. I am not an expert in this field, my dog owner career is limited to having had a toy poodle for one and a half years.

Not the first time I hear about a place being burglarized in spite of big dogs being on the premises. Are dogs really such a surefire prevention against intruders, cannot they be bribed with a few sausages?

Experienced dog owners, please correct me if I am wrong. I am not an expert in this field, my dog owner career is limited to having had a toy poodle for one and a half years.

A trained dog does not take any kind of food from a stranger.

BTW: I am looking for a test person who tries to come inside our house or even outside to feed our dogs, pumping gas through the windows or the outside aircondition unit.

Please apply in person :o


THEY WERE SURE they were gassed? And what kind of Gas? I always here about this mystery gas!

This is why they don't come into my place.

After a whopper Don's Super Mexican plate, the gas in my house at night definitely is too toxic for even the most dedicated kamoey.

BTW: I am looking for a test person who tries to come inside our house or even outside to feed our dogs, pumping gas through the windows or the outside aircondition unit.

Please apply in person :o


Recommanded outfit for the test person


Well my neighbor just told me today that one of our neighbors was robbed a few nights ago.

the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

The criminals took a computer and camera and appeared to have been walking around through the whole house.

On their way home they also stole the home owners motorbike.

No one woke up...

This is quiet soi where we usually don't have problems like this!!

Scarry for me as I am on the end house with an empty house next to me. :o

This happened off Patak Road.. don't really want to broadcast the exact soi...

That is scary..and I'm worried we will see more of this due partially to the economy and as low season approaches.

And BTW, not to be an ass, but a house "robbery" would be armed men knocking down the door, tying people up then stealing things, using force or fear, (which is what I was expecting to read about after reading the heading). Your neighbor was "burglurized." Even newspapers often misuse the more glorified "robbery."

And BTW, not to be an ass, but a house "robbery" would be armed men knocking down the door, tying people up then stealing things, using force or fear, (which is what I was expecting to read about after reading the heading). Your neighbor was "burglurized." Even newspapers often misuse the more glorified "robbery."

Yes, I would call this 'a sneak thief problem'. Most robberies on Phuket Island involve no violence or confrontation. Grab small hand carryable items (notebook/camera/mobile/gold/money) in a few minutes, and the hel_l out of there. They look for open/unlocked doors or windows.


That is scary..and I'm worried we will see more of this due partially to the economy and as low season approaches.

And BTW, not to be an a**, but a house "robbery" would be armed men knocking down the door, tying people up then stealing things, using force or fear, (which is what I was expecting to read about after reading the heading). Your neighbor was "burglurized." Even newspapers often misuse the more glorified "robbery."

I thought that was home invasion robbery?

I think Robbery is fine to use in this context .....

Still never get a straight answer!! What is this magic gas? It sounds so sophisticated in a place where the average thug is far from it.

The dogs were in the house so would not have had access to the AC unit part that is outside..

not sure if the people had a headache.

But if this this gas was so easily available on Phuket then wouldn't it be more abused?

So which alarm company is good? haha

Well my neighbor just told me today that one of our neighbors was robbed a few nights ago.

the whole family was asleep in the house including the 2 dogs, one of whom is very unfriendly and the other one who barks a lot. Big dogs.

The criminals took a computer and camera and appeared to have been walking around through the whole house.

On their way home they also stole the home owners motorbike.

No one woke up...

This is quiet soi where we usually don't have problems like this!!

Scarry for me as I am on the end house with an empty house next to me. :o

This happened off Patak Road.. don't really want to broadcast the exact soi...

I feel for your neighbor having been a victim last week.

I do agree with living in Kata that gas via the air con is unlikely and mine are of the roof anyway.

I do think in these difficult times we all must be much more vigilant in our approach to security and keep a look out at all times for our neighbors also.

I do think in these difficult times we all must be much more vigilant in our approach to security and keep a look out at all times for our neighbors also.

Big roger on that. These past few days I have been warning all my guests to keep doors and windows secure at all times. Unfortunately one guest had door forced open a few days ago, and laptop stolen. Middle of the afternoon ... :o

I thought that was home invasion robbery?

I think Robbery is fine to use in this context .....

Yeah it probably is fine to use in this context because the average person doesn't know the difference. A house can't be robbed, only a person can be robbed. Yes, what I described is also a home invasion robbery.

From Dictionary.com:

Robbery: The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation.

Burglary: The felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal, extended by statute to cover the breaking into and entering of any of various buildings, by night or day.

Unless you count the gassing as a form of violence, then you have a good point, and I retract everything I said.

I apologize for my cantankerousness, but the misuse of this word is a pet peeve of mine.

I thought that was home invasion robbery?

I think Robbery is fine to use in this context .....

Yeah it probably is fine to use in this context because the average person doesn't know the difference. A house can't be robbed, only a person can be robbed. Yes, what I described is also a home invasion robbery.

From Dictionary.com:

Robbery: The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation.

Burglary: The felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal, extended by statute to cover the breaking into and entering of any of various buildings, by night or day.

Unless you count the gassing as a form of violence, then you have a good point, and I retract everything I said.

I apologize for my cantankerousness, but the misuse of this word is a pet peeve of mine.

So if only a person can be robbed how does a bank get robbed?

And to living in Kata.. When the unit was broken into was the person home? I have been to your units I think. Isnt there lots of foot traffic and people? Then again I think there is also labour camps...

I thought that was home invasion robbery?

I think Robbery is fine to use in this context .....

Yeah it probably is fine to use in this context because the average person doesn't know the difference. A house can't be robbed, only a person can be robbed. Yes, what I described is also a home invasion robbery.

From Dictionary.com:

Robbery: The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation.

Burglary: The felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal, extended by statute to cover the breaking into and entering of any of various buildings, by night or day.

Unless you count the gassing as a form of violence, then you have a good point, and I retract everything I said.

I apologize for my cantankerousness, but the misuse of this word is a pet peeve of mine.

I guess they were robbed by a burglar but I also guess they very upset at losing a laptop/notebook if it was not backed up,

now that's a nightmare.

time to check your doors are locked. :o

not really interested in pet peeve's, all nationalities use this forum and maybe don"t understand the Oxford like you


Since it has become a recurrent point...

In most western countries, robbery involves the use or threat of force (including intimidation). A bank robbery occurs when a person enters a bank and demands money. Even if the robber only passes a note over that says, 'This is a robbery, fill the bag', and shows no weapon, it fits within the definition because a reasonable person would apprehend violence if they did not comply. If he/she merely walked into a bank and stole some money without being seen, he would only be a burglar and thief. (Contrary to many people's beliefs, burlgary does not require there to be a forced entry.) Armed robbery is just that - committing a robbery whilst carrying a weapon; even if the weapon is kept concealed.

A person whose home is entered without confrontation, or by way of a ruse, is not the victim of robbery. He/she is the victim of burglary - which, by definition, includes entering a place with intent to steal - and theft (the separate act of actually stealing, as opposed to the entry with intent). The person conducting the ruse (the carpet salesman, for example) is both a burglar and thief even though he did not enter and steal, because he conspired with the burglar to commit the crimes and the conspiracy was carried out. He's called a 'principal in the first degree' and charged with the substantive crimes. (Anyone who aids, abets, counsels or procures another to commit a crime is, in most western coutries, a principal in the first degree.)

There. Hope that settles it.

Happened to some friends too in Nai Harn and they have dogs too..

Was the Nai Harn break-in recently MisterMan? I'm in that area but haven't heard of any incidents since about a year ago.

Can't really see how any gas can be introduced through an outdoor compressor. The is no air connection between outdoor compressor and indoor unit. It's more likely gas would be introduced through a room vent.

Sounds like urban legend to me. Carrying a cannister of anesthesia gas around would be cumbersome if you could buy it at all. Probably expensive which would increase the overhead of the operation. And why aren't the thieves affected when they enter? Gas masks? Again more to carry around and an increase in overhead. Sounds unlikely. Has there ever been an arrest of anyone using gas to burglarize a house?


Fact of the matter is, you gotta use common sense.

1. You CANNOT leave a door or unguarded window unlocked unless you can see it.

I lock my front door when i go for a pee in the downstairs loo.

Vast majority of thefts are opportunist. If you cant see your back door when you're watching TV or whatever then it needs to be locked.

2. Keys and valuables. My next door neighbour left his keys and wallet on the coffee table in his front room when he went to bed. Thieves used some sort of long net, put it between the burglar bars and took both. They could have stolen his car, but didnt - just took the cash from the wallet. Keep your important stuff in your bedroom when you are asleep.

3. Michael Schumacher was gassed in his Monaco apartment some years ago. It is possible and it does happen. Not saying it happens here, but it sure does happen.

As previous poster said, robbery is when you are put in fear. A handbag snatch is 'theft from person' whilst if someone walks up and says 'give me your <deleted>##ing bag" then it's robbery.

Theft from a house is termed burglary in the UK as long as the thief enters as a trespasser. If its someone who nicked something whilst at (say) a party you threw, then it's a theft.

Burglary also includes 'uttering an instrument into the house' so even if i stood outside your fenceline and used a long fishing pole with net on it, that would still make me a burglar - even though i didnt trespass on your property.

It's pedantic anyway as it differs from country to country.

So if only a person can be robbed how does a bank get robbed?

It's like this, if the bank has no people in it, like in the middle of the night, then it's not a robbery, it's a burglury. Same rules apply, you must have force or fear, which requires another person. In every bank robbery there are people inside which force or fear is being used on.

Happened to some friends too in Nai Harn and they have dogs too..

Was the Nai Harn break-in recently MisterMan? I'm in that area but haven't heard of any incidents since about a year ago.

HI no i was referring to the incidents a while ago..however recently a friend of a friend was in his house and Nai Harn and heard someone tampering with the door. He stood there with a stick and when he made it in bashed him with the stick. The F* went running cussing in THAI!!! (so it was not a burmese) now he has no dogs and lives at the end of a street.. in Nai Harn by the yellow bank!

Happened to some friends too in Nai Harn and they have dogs too..

Was the Nai Harn break-in recently MisterMan? I'm in that area but haven't heard of any incidents since about a year ago.

HI no i was referring to the incidents a while ago..however recently a friend of a friend was in his house and Nai Harn and heard someone tampering with the door. He stood there with a stick and when he made it in bashed him with the stick. The F* went running cussing in THAI!!! (so it was not a burmese) now he has no dogs and lives at the end of a street.. in Nai Harn by the yellow bank!

Hi MisterMan,

here another brutaly case in the Naiharn area behind the Ayudhaya Bank (Soi Samakee2)




I lock my front door when i go for a pee in the downstairs loo.

I would rather lose everything in my house than live with the kind of mindset that requires me to live like this.

I lock my front door when i go for a pee in the downstairs loo.

I would rather lose everything in my house than live with the kind of mindset that requires me to live like this.

Yeah? Each to their own. I'd rather push the button on the locking mechanism, go for a pee, then re-open the door when i've finished. It's really no big deal and when you get used to it, you dont even realise you're doing it.

It's horses for courses. I know Koreans (in Phuket) who dont lock their front doors even when they go out. Maybe they also subscribe to the 'i'd rather lose everything than have that kind of mindset' mentality too.

I dunno.

I was brought up in an inner city. I lock my stuff up when i cant see it. Period.

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