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Hi there,

was wondering what peoples opinions are on the best quality diesel in LOS for power and overall use.

I was thinking ESSO. I heard Shell adds to much crap to their fuels. And I dont know if PTT can be trusted.


I would like to watch this thread also and see if anyone can explain the difference in the diesel choices.

Some say #5 diesel, Some are supposedly bio-diesel (is that good for your engine?) (are there other choices that i haven't mentioned???)

I buy mine (usually) at the Lemon Green in Rawai and get good mileage out of it but have turned down bio-diesel already at other stations because i heard it is bad for your engine.

I know it's important to keep a clean air filter and i change mine every year to 1 1/2 years. (obviously many people don't) But it does also help keep the environment clean as well as better for your engine and fuel efficiency. (and it's not expensive to do it)


PTT have only one choice, +B5 (??) which is biodiesel. I can't a straight answer from Isuzi Phuket about fuel recommendations.

Shell seem to have 2 choices of Diesel, some sort or regular and a super ?? Don't know what that's about.


Ok I'll give it a go,

In order of preference.

1 PTT B5 Plus - About 5% bio diesel, being slightly solvent cleans system and keeps injector nozzle's cleaner, can damage seals or rubber hoses on some older vehicles due to its solvent components, many say that it makes the car go better, well it does because of higher cetane levels it has a lower flash point and com-busts sooner (slightly advancing timing) and for longer (giving more power during each stroke) and for the greenies its marginally and debatably better for the environment.

2 Shell V-Power or whatever its called now also good, non bio, lower sulfur content so less coking of engine etc also has a higher cetane level giving better ignition. Similar to B5 performance wise.

3 Esso - Pretty average no used for a long time.

4 Caltex - Truck runs like crap and hates it.

Theres my 2 setang.

2 Shell V-Power or whatever its called now also good, non bio, lower sulfur content so less coking of engine etc also has a higher cetane level giving better ignition. Similar to B5 performance wise.

I thought V-Power was 95 regular petrol/gas. Is there a V-Power Diesel ??

Is there a V-Power Diesel ??
Yes, there is. I get it for the Ssangyong whenever I am on the way to the airport. Performs well. The garage told me to avoid the B-5 stuff, in the beginning I tried it and the engine was getting a bit noisy after about 5 tanks full. Now back to normal diesel it going smooth again. By the way, the Ssangyong got a copy of the old 2.7 liter Benz 5-cyl engine (turbocharged), a quite old construction, maybe modern engines behave differently.

Sorry bit off topic

what is the Ssangyong turbo deisel like?

Thai friend is a mechanic and advised me not to buy as they were very heavy and the engine was very underpowered ?

where I live the biggest 'hill' is going up onto the freeway..

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