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Australia Day


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Thanks Udon.

I'm an Oz, originally from Geelong in Victoria, then Melbourne, then Perth, now Thailand.

Happy Australia Day. :D

I'll be there at the Australian Chamber of Commerce Ball on Saturday.

Greetings to all our Aussi mates. :o

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Happy Oz Day to you all, I am a Brit ,but I have never met an Aussie I did'nt like. I have been to the Perth region and found it so so beautiful I really wanted to live there, but things did not work out with me and my wife and I ended up in LOS (which I am very happy about nevertheless), the one thing I find confusing is why when you have such a beautiful homeland that so many of you are over here? Us Brits have a vey valid reason for being here, ENGLAND IS S##T for several different reasons, climate. taxes, prices and politics to name but a few. Just curious!! :o

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Happy Aus Day to all Ozmates in Thailand and elsewhere :D

Sign in here if yer an Aussie..... and where you are from, bush or city. :o

Me?........ Neutral Bay, Northside of the Harbour.

Happy Australia Day from an oz living in Ubon. Last known address in oz - Bermagui NSW South Coast. Gone from one paradise to another.

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Happy Oz day all.

I grew up in Sydney but left to roam the world 21 years ago.

I'm going back in April to escape Songkran and to visit some rellies in the Wimmera district (Western Victoria) that I haven't seen for a very long time.

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Happy Oz day all.

I grew up in Sydney but left to roam the world 21 years ago.

I'm going back in April to escape Songkran and to visit some rellies in the Wimmera district (Western Victoria) that I haven't seen for a very long time.

Nice district, Wimmera.

And a good time of year to go. :o

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Well happy days to all. From the sunny slopes of central NSW, then Sydney for many years......the harbour sounds great today by the way. Reckon it'll be a cracker of a day mate........prawns on the barby, coupla steaks, some snags, few slabs, some sheilas, sunshine, good cheap aussie wine, mates and of course oz music ! What a day !

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Wish we Brits had a day to celebrate , a good reason to get rat faced, perhaps it should be the Queens Birthday? or Elton John's or John Lennons? Lampards got it right though we should have let you convicts stay here and all pissed off to Oz

Perhaps a bit off topic but what excuse can we Brits come up with, we have no Independance Day as we ruled a third of the world once so we have always been Independant. So what is the reason for Autralia day, is that when you got your independance then?

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Aust. is still a part of the commonwealth.

A quote from www.australiaday.gov.au

Australia Day. Celebrate what's great.

Australia Day, January 26, is the biggest day of celebration in the country and is observed as a public holiday in all states and territories.

On Australia Day we come together as a nation celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation.

It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.

What's great about Australia?

There are many great things about this country:

The people - The life savers on the beach and the farmers in the bush; the larrikins; our sporting heroes, artists and visionaries; the volunteers who dedicate their lives to others; the spirit of pulling together in hard times and achieving beyond expectation; the eminent Australians from all walks of life, the battlers and the ordinary Australians who are anything but ordinary.

Our land - Fragile yet enduring. Harsh and extreme, lush and bountiful-a continent like no other. Our ancient land offers boundless opportunity, sustains us and makes us who we are.

Our diversity - A nation of difference and unity. People from the city, the country, different nations and backgrounds; we are one people, living together. Through our diverse beliefs and experiences we learn from each other and grow together.

The indigenous cultures - The rich and resilient spirituality; the knowledge, art and history. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are part of Australia's identity and culture.

Our freedom and democracy - A society built on fundamental rights and responsibilities. Freedom of thought and expression. Participation in government and respect for and equality under the law.

A fair go for all - An enduring spirit of mateship and fairness. A compassionate society committed to access to employment, housing, health and education. Ours is a land of opportunity where we can do anything.

What do you think is great about Australia?

We're interested in your ideas about what's great about Australia, and how you celebrate on Australia Day. If there's something you love about this country, let us know by email at

But this isn't really Thailand related is it? or is it?

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I watched the party on the telly yesterday and liked the awards for The Aussie(s) of the year.

I had never seen these awards before!

The top award went to an ex-yorkie who had 6 kids in 8 years and developed a spray-on skin for burn victims of the Bali bombing.

Other top awards went to a Portugese, a Vietnamese and many others born outside Oz but regarded Aus as home and very proud to be Aus citizens.

It was good to watch and a great get together was held on the harbour.

BTW, If anyone is heading from BKK- Aus , in the next few weeks, pls drop me an email.

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