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Arrest Warrants Issued For 14 Red Shirt Leaders And Thaksin


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Hi All.

Koo I will tell you why they tried the land case first. He had already attended court and accepted the charges against him before he tucked his tail between his legs and run as fast as he could away from Thailand and justice, the reason the other charges are stacked up waiting for him to put in appearance. As another poster said, he is very very very rich and can afford the best lawyers in Thailand , So if he is as pure white as he is claiming, Why is he running.

Koo did you research where he got his billions of baht. From the people of Thailand??

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the same view with Nuttawut's impersonation of Michelle Pfeiffer on a piano in the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys.


Nuttawut is at the forefront over a bit of confusion apparently on the part of Reds...

with two different Red Leaders saying two different things.... :)

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Red-shirts won’t disrupt Buriram trip

Natthawut Saikua, a key leader of the United front for Democracy against Dictatorship, insisted in an interview with “Democratic Station” programme at D-Station on Saturday morning that red shirts will not disrupt today’s Buriram tour program of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as some had feared.

Natthawut stressed that UDD has no resolution to rally against Mr Abhisit’s trip to Buriram and other provinces in the Northeast.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-11


Buriram UDD blast PM prior to arrival in province

United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) demonstrators last night set up a stage to conduct political attacks on the Prime Minister who is scheduled to visit the province today.

Demonstrators resolved to protest at every location which the PM plans to travel to.

In preparation to protest against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's visit to Buriram province as part of its Strong Thai Campaign, the UDD, led by UDD lead member Sakol Sriwanta, erected a stage last night at a road intersection in Nang Rong district.

On the stage UDD members lambasted both the Prime Minister and his colleague, Friends of Newin leader Newin Chidchob. UDD demonstrators declared that the group would assert its presence at all locations throughout the country which the PM will travel to as part of his official duties.

The rally saw sparse interest, which UDD members claimed was due to local authorities and leaders traveling to individual households to ask local residents to refrain from joining the assembly. Security is currently tight, with police officers and volunteers manning checkpoints leading into the provincial center to ensure order, and to deter possible demonstrators from surrounding provinces from joining in the rally against the Prime Minister.


-- NNT 2009-07-11

Edited by sriracha john
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Buriram remains Newin turf it seems.

Add in the idiotic hospital stunt by LCM51 which PTP had to denounce and it seems keeping the red shirts on a tight rein is policy of the day. They would have had to ship them in from outside Buri Ram too.

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They would have had to ship them in from outside Buri Ram too.

Transport Minister Sophon Saram said the red shirts should not move in to hold protests against Abhisit during his visit to Buriram. He said Buriram people welcome the prime minister's visit, but he was worried that the red shirts from outside Buriram would come in to cause trouble in the province.


Bhum Jai Thai Party Spokesman Supachai Jaisamut said the government must see problems first hand or they would never be solved. No Buriram native would join the red shirt rally made up of people from nearby provinces, he said.


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Now you claim it was due to poor English.


So you now concede to the fact that the death-toll amongst the red is close or at zero from Black Songkran?

Is that a correct understanding? I am asking, to the best of your knowledge, if you have any information of evidence to the contrary.

Poor English is different from missing words when typing. My English is not excellent, but certainly not poor :)

Like I posted before, I may prove if one is dead if both you and I are in front of the person.

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Hi All.

Koo I will tell you why they tried the land case first. He had already attended court and accepted the charges against him before he tucked his tail between his legs and run as fast as he could away from Thailand and justice, the reason the other charges are stacked up waiting for him to put in appearance. As another poster said, he is very very very rich and can afford the best lawyers in Thailand , So if he is as pure white as he is claiming, Why is he running.

Koo did you research where he got his billions of baht. From the people of Thailand??

He managed Thailand well and stock price went up. He earned from that. Fair. What's wrong with a rich Prime Minister who works well and has brain?

He can't live here because they'll kill him.

The land case doesn't prove he's wrong to me. They should have brought serious cases to judge first to convince people that Khun Thaksin is not good. What can he prove when those who blocked Government House and airports are still free but he must be in jail 2 years because his wife bought a land? No corruption found with both buyer and seller but the one who signed as husband is charged :) . Not enough to prove he corrupts to me.

PAD reported to police on 16th July and went home. I think they had 2 trucks with speakers on like they were having a Songkran celebration :D

With the red leaders, no report to police. Police only arrested and issued arrest orders.

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Hi All.

Koo I will tell you why they tried the land case first. He had already attended court and accepted the charges against him before he tucked his tail between his legs and run as fast as he could away from Thailand and justice, the reason the other charges are stacked up waiting for him to put in appearance. As another poster said, he is very very very rich and can afford the best lawyers in Thailand , So if he is as pure white as he is claiming, Why is he running.

Koo did you research where he got his billions of baht. From the people of Thailand??

He managed Thailand well and stock price went up. He earned from that. Fair. What's wrong with a rich Prime Minister who works well and has brain?

He can't live here because they'll kill him.

The land case doesn't prove he's wrong to me. They should have brought serious cases to judge first to convince people that Khun Thaksin is not good. What can he prove when those who blocked Government House and airports are still free but he must be in jail 2 years because his wife bought a land? No corruption found with both buyer and seller but the one who signed as husband is charged :) . Not enough to prove he corrupts to me.

PAD reported to police on 16th July and went home. I think they had 2 trucks with speakers on like they were having a Songkran celebration :D

With the red leaders, no report to police. Police only arrested and issued arrest orders.

He can't live here because they'll kill him.

Who is going to kill him? Maybe the 'invisible hand'....

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Now you claim it was due to poor English.


So you now concede to the fact that the death-toll amongst the red is close or at zero from Black Songkran?

Is that a correct understanding? I am asking, to the best of your knowledge, if you have any information of evidence to the contrary.

Poor English is different from missing words when typing. My English is not excellent, but certainly not poor :D

Like I posted before, I may prove if one is dead if both you and I are in front of the person.

Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day (:)), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

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Did you forget the car bomb?

Why aren't your screaming for the heads of the alleged bombers to be publicly displayed?

If this was real why isn't the red shirt stage ablaze with indignation at the lack of progress

nailing these attempted murderers of your beloved icon of democracy?

Why no loud incessant calls for THIS CASE to be rushed through court...

it is pretty much forgotten, likely from embarrassment,

if the truth of it being a likely hoax were to come out.

They got one low level scapegoat and then pretty much silence since.

Why doesn't Thaksin himself talk of this attempt on his life incessantly?

Why did Thaksin come back to Thailand several times AFTER the bombing?

AFTER he was in court?

BUT NOT, just before and after he lost the Racha. case? When he scuttle off.

He in theory would be JUST as much at risk before the Rachadapisek case

as this was AFTER the alleged bombing. Yet he still maintained his public outings.

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Did you forget the car bomb?

Why aren't your screaming for the heads of the alleged bombers to be publicly displayed?

If this was real why isn't the red shirt stage ablaze with indignation at the lack of progress

nailing these attempted murderers of your beloved icon of democracy?

Why no loud incessant calls for THIS CASE to be rushed through court...

it is pretty much forgotten, likely from embarrassment,

if the truth of it being a likely hoax were to come out.

They got one low level scapegoat and then pretty much silence since.

Why doesn't Thaksin himself talk of this attempt on his life incessantly?

Why did Thaksin come back to Thailand several times AFTER the bombing?

AFTER he was in court?

BUT NOT, just before and after he lost the Racha. case? When he scuttle off.

He in theory would be JUST as much at risk before the Rachadapisek case

as this was AFTER the alleged bombing. Yet he still maintained his public outings.

Oddly enough in Thai there is some speculation that the unit involved in the attempted Sondhi assasination was the unit involved in the bomb plot.

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Now you claim it was due to poor English.


So you now concede to the fact that the death-toll amongst the red is close or at zero from Black Songkran?

Is that a correct understanding? I am asking, to the best of your knowledge, if you have any information of evidence to the contrary.

Poor English is different from missing words when typing. My English is not excellent, but certainly not poor :D

Like I posted before, I may prove if one is dead if both you and I are in front of the person.

Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day (:)), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Now that will make Koo's English from 'very good' not excellent but certainly not poor to become very weak with your hard multiple choice 'yes' or 'no' questions. :D

I guess based on what is happening in ChiangMai now, the topic of this thread might be changed to " Additional ( #numbers)Arrest Warrents Issued for Red Shirt Leaders ( from ChiangMai ) And Thaksin " :D

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Why did Thaksin come back to Thailand several times AFTER the bombing?

AFTER he was in court?

BUT NOT, just before and after he lost the Racha. case? When he scuttle off.

Why didn't they bring up the land case to sue him before 2549 coup?

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Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day ( :) ), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Before I can response with Yes or No, I must ask you:

Do you think there were no death during Songkran in Blood?

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You muppets realize that over 19 PAD Leaders had warrents filed for the airport and GH occupation, and they showed up to hear the charges against them about 2 weeks ago?

They showed up to "hear the charges" 2 weeks ago, for actions that they took nearly 6 months ago? While UDD leaders heard their charges yesterday and according to BangkokPost are being held at an army base, while PAD are nowhere near a prison, let alone an army base? What is the army doing anyways holding the UDD leaders? Isn't it the job of the police? Unless Thailand is ruled by the military of course, oops...did I just say that?

3 things,

1. PAD leader have been arrested before for example on Oct. 5th 2008 Chamlong Srimuang, the top leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy was arrested after voting in the contest for governor of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)* Paraphrased from MCOT.

2. PAD never rioted in the streets nor tried to attack the PM or incited other people to attack the PM, the reds did and therefor they got arrested.

3. The police in thailand are a bunch of bungling fools that are incapable of doing anything than ask for bribes, during the SOE the army is in control and they work a bit faster.

I happened to read this post on page 3 and laughed so much I must reply.

1. Arrested? Yes. But how could they still stay at 2 main airports until December? After knowing Khun Somchai was down, they went home. This is the reason why the reds have more and more members like you see now.

2. "PAD never rioted in the streets ". I don't think so. The SOE was announced in September last year after street violence between reds and yellows. The reds didn't attack PM. They only attacked the PM car because Thaipbs had news Abhisit and Suthep went out from Interior Ministry before the reds arrived. The reds went inside IM with no trouble: very unusual when SOE was on. At the same time, rounds and rounds of nail fence and many soldiers were in Government House and Abhisit was not inside.

3. "during the SOE the army is in control"? Why did they let PAD occupy airports for so many days?

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Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day ( :) ), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Before I can response with Yes or No, I must ask you:

Do you think there were no death during Songkran in Blood?

Yes, there were deaths. For example the two civilians that UDD thugs shot and killed when they where opposed by locals people in private neighborhoods.

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Did you forget the car bomb?

Why aren't your screaming for the heads of the alleged bombers to be publicly displayed?

If this was real why isn't the red shirt stage ablaze with indignation at the lack of progress

nailing these attempted murderers of your beloved icon of democracy?

Why no loud incessant calls for THIS CASE to be rushed through court...

it is pretty much forgotten, likely from embarrassment,

if the truth of it being a likely hoax were to come out.

They got one low level scapegoat and then pretty much silence since.

Why doesn't Thaksin himself talk of this attempt on his life incessantly?

Why did Thaksin come back to Thailand several times AFTER the bombing?

AFTER he was in court?

BUT NOT, just before and after he lost the Racha. case? When he scuttle off.

He in theory would be JUST as much at risk before the Rachadapisek case

as this was AFTER the alleged bombing. Yet he still maintained his public outings.

Oddly enough in Thai there is some speculation that the unit involved in the attempted Sondhi assasination was the unit involved in the bomb plot.

Not so odd if you think the Thaksin bomb was a set up,

so he could increase his hold on power, and win sympathy,

as it appeared at the time,

and that PAD was partly responsible for that IDEA not getting much traction.

So this is just more of the same but actually USING the violence.

Rather than only appearing to try to use it.

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Why didn't they bring up the land case to sue him before 2549 coup?

Who is they?

Both the police and public prosecutors are appointed by the government. They are not in the position to risk their careers and try to prosecute their boss.

National Counter Corruption Commission, the only agency capable of dealing with politicians, was undermined when TRT controlled senate appointed pro-government commissioners. They were in the job for a couple of months before being convicted of corruption, of all things, for awarding themselves illegal payraises. So there was no NCCC for a long while, even Thaksin controlled one.

Also, in those days Thaksin denied any connection to the deal, which made him legally immune. It was only after a whistle blower from a bank came up with a copy of Thaksin signed document that he became liable for prosecution. Why that whistle blower didn't go public while Thaksin was in power? Well, there was a case of "Shipping Moo" who was killed just as he was about to testify against Shin Corp, and there was Muslim layer who was abducted in the broad daylight by the police. The whistle blower had all the reasons to be worried about his/her own safety. It is possible that his/her name still haven't been disclosed.

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Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day ( :) ), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Before I can response with Yes or No, I must ask you:

Do you think there were no death during Songkran in Blood?

Yes, there were deaths. For example the two civilians that UDD thugs shot and killed when they where opposed by locals people in private neighborhoods.

Do you have anything to prove that the "two civilians" were shot by the reds?

There must be videos or photos to show the ones who held guns were the reds. For this I doubt anyone can find. The reds took about 20 guns from soldiers driving tanks on 12th April but they sent all to police.

Do you have that statement based on the announcement of someone who were not present at the scenes?

If the reds shot the "two civilians" as claimed, why were no more investigation done to bring the killers to justice?

Did you mean the old man and the young boy who were shot at Nang Lerng?

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Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day ( :) ), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Before I can response with Yes or No, I must ask you:

Do you think there were no death during Songkran in Blood?

Yes, there were deaths. For example the two civilians that UDD thugs shot and killed when they where opposed by locals people in private neighborhoods.

Do you have anything to prove that the "two civilians" were shot by the reds?

There must be videos or photos to show the ones who held guns were the reds. For this I doubt anyone can find. The reds took about 20 guns from soldiers driving tanks on 12th April but they sent all to police.

Do you have that statement based on the announcement of someone who were not present at the scenes?

If the reds shot the "two civilians" as claimed, why were no more investigation done to bring the killers to justice?

Did you mean the old man and the young boy who were shot at Nang Lerng?

So long as it wasn't you on the receiving end guess you can be happy with the outcome.

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Do you have anything to prove that the "two civilians" were shot by the reds?

I wasn't there, so I can only go by police statement and news articles.

But I suppose your next post will state that unless someone post pics of someone in red shirt, holding a sign saying 'Yes, I am a red' including full name, pass port number and holding his Thai id-card for display while at the same time shooting them both, you will claim it cannot be so...

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Oddly enough in Thai there is some speculation that the unit involved in the attempted Sondhi assasination was the unit involved in the bomb plot.

Not so odd if you think the Thaksin bomb was a set up,

so he could increase his hold on power, and win sympathy,

Agree very much with that...carries his signature of deceit...

And how about the "Bomb" in the Thai Air Plane - to his home town of Chiang Mai, when he was "accidentally" late?

Edited by Samuian
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Since your level of English ranges from 'very good' to 'poor' depending on day ( :) ), I'll try again:

Please respond stating only yes or no to the following question: Do you concede to the fact that there has not been brought forward any evidence of a death-toll not being on or around zero for the Reds during Black Songkran?

As a bonus-question: Would you agree that Thaksin and other Red leaders stating of killed and injured individuals from soldiers shooting them being in the hundreds was propaganda at best and traitorous lies at worst?

Before I can response with Yes or No, I must ask you:

Do you think there were no death during Songkran in Blood?

Yes, there were deaths. For example the two civilians that UDD thugs shot and killed when they where opposed by locals people in private neighborhoods.

Do you have anything to prove that the "two civilians" were shot by the reds?

There must be videos or photos to show the ones who held guns were the reds. For this I doubt anyone can find. The reds took about 20 guns from soldiers driving tanks on 12th April but they sent all to police.

Do you have that statement based on the announcement of someone who were not present at the scenes?

If the reds shot the "two civilians" as claimed, why were no more investigation done to bring the killers to justice?

Did you mean the old man and the young boy who were shot at Nang Lerng?

it was witnessed, and attested to officially, by most of the neighborhood people,

out in the street, defending their homes from the red mob.

Such a clear cut murder in front of dozens if not hundreds of witness,

it both boggles the mind and nauseates at the shear arrogance and lack

of humanity coming from that red mob.

Koo, there is NO moral defense whatsoever for this happening.

Say what you will, it is and always will be, reprehensible conduct.

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Do you have anything to prove that the "two civilians" were shot by the reds?

I wasn't there, so I can only go by police statement and news articles.

But I suppose your next post will state that unless someone post pics of someone in red shirt, holding a sign saying 'Yes, I am a red' including full name, pass port number and holding his Thai id-card for display while at the same time shooting them both, you will claim it cannot be so...

It is funny to say the reds killed Nang Lerng residents when there's no photo or video to back it up.

The reds said they don't do those things because they have seen from the yellows. Yellows have blocked here and there, killed some but yellows never win. Yellows desperately moved out from Suvarnabhumi Airport after PPP was dissolved.

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Lets keep all Thaksin related criminal charges here:

Arrest Warrants Issued For 14 Red Shirt Leaders And Thaksin



Former Deputy Prime Minister Insists on Legality of Rubber Sapling Project

A former Deputy Prime Minister reiterated at a court hearing today that he believed the controversial rubber sapling project was run legally and according to government regulations.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusriphitak today appeared at the Supreme Court’s Division for Cases Against Political Office-Holders to testify about suspected corruption in the purchase of 90 million rubber saplings initiated by the Thaksin administration.

what has this rubber sapling case to do with the arrest warrants


If i may be allowed to quote the part quote above from Sriracha John post 690 in relation to the subject matter of other issues and in particular the EKJ thread.

May i suggest you PM Admin ( SBK ) and maybe put your repeated grievances to them about this thread being dedicated to the reds at songkran ect.

The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions is due to deliver its verdict in the rubber saplings corruption case on August 7.

The case concerns a government project to provide 90 million rubber saplings to farmers at a cost of 1.440 billion baht. The saplings were provided by Charoek Pokphand, Resort Land and Ek Charoen companies.

A total of 44 former cabinet members of the disbanded Thai Rak Thai Party and government officials were charged in the case and put on trial. They include former deputy prime minister Somkid Jatusripitak in his capacity as chairman of the committee to assist farmers, former finance minister Varathep Rattanakorn, former agriculture minister Sora-ath Klinprathum, former commerce minister Adisai Potharamik and Newin Chidchob, who was then deputy agriculture minister in the Thaskin government.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-08-03


Note: I believe that the August 7 date is a typo as elsewhere in the article, it mentions August 17.

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