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Thaskin Has Done More With His Life Than Anyone Here


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while you are sitting here posting on an internet forum, is that he is a star, a real player and you are just a loser hoping his non immigration O application does not get declined. people make posts along the lines of "Obviously, If I was Prime Minister"... Well, see that's the thing. You aren't Prime Minister. You just sell stuff on ebay, so why bother even telling us your opinion on something that you

1. have no control over

2. know little about besides what you read in the press like the other 55 million subscribers ?

Better to just leave that stuff to people who are much more smarter than you, like Dr. Thaskin.

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Well, he is not prime minister either...So on that level we are the same. And yes he has done more with his life than I have, meaning; I never hope to end up with the mess he is in now.

1) You have no control over it either, or do you happen to own lots and lots of money, because that seems to be THE control.

2) And as far as being like the other million misinformed persons, you must be reading other newspapers than the rest of the world does, or are as biased as hel_l.

And yes he is a star, but in a terrible `C` movie, with a very bad script and horrible choreography, doomed to flop.

And at least most of us DO have a visa or extension which possibly could be declined, he lives in exile and is not even allowed in without being arrested.

Well that was easy, anything else?? If you post on a forum on the internet don't generalise and stereotype, it is not very smart.

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Erm, sorry Dave this is pathetic. The title "Thaskin Has Done More With His Life Than Anyone Here", you have no way of knowing this - what counts as 'having done something' ? I mean we all 'do things' everyday, and I bet I have done a lot of things Thaksin hasn't done. I guess you mean, he married way above his station, become rich by ripping off his business partner whilst being a low ranking cop, run a country with his left hand in the till and his right hand throwing crumbs to the voting multi-tudes, ordering the murder of thousands on muslims and 'supposed' drug dealers - then sure he beats me there, and this surely makes him a superstar, eh?

I can also honestly say I have never seen a single thread with "Obviously, If I was Prime Minister" in it. We criticize and we commend as we see fit, this is what a forum does - be pretty quiet otherwise, eh?

I have no control over the weather, am I not allowed then to discuss it? I know no more about it than I have read and been told over the years, am I not qualified enough to say its raining when I feel the droplets falling on me?

Dr Thaksin has a doctorate from Sam Houston State University (1978) in Criminal Justice (all the others are honoury - including his science doctorate). I would say there are many equally qualified people on this forum - even so, this is not an absolute as to intelligence assessment, many very smart people do not have any degrees at all.

So, what qualifies you to judge what we can or can not talk about? If you are really searching for losers, try a mirror.

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while you are sitting here posting on an internet forum, is that he is a star, a real player and you are just a loser hoping his non immigration O application does not get declined. people make posts along the lines of "Obviously, If I was Prime Minister"... Well, see that's the thing. You aren't Prime Minister. You just sell stuff on ebay, so why bother even telling us your opinion on something that you

1. have no control over

2. know little about besides what you read in the press like the other 55 million subscribers ?

Better to just leave that stuff to people who are much more smarter than you, like Dr. Thaskin.

I don't recall ever applying for a non-immigrant O visa.

I don't recall ever claiming to have accomplished more (good or bad) than Mr. Thaksin.

I have never sold (or bought, for that matter) anything on eBay.

I have a good job that allows me to afford living comfortably in one of the most expensive regions in the world (although I am not rich by local standards here).

Who are you complaining to? Or did you just come here to vent your frustrations to the whole internet?

In case you didn't know, internet forums are for people to express their opinions, and discuss those opinions with other people who may or may not agree with them.

Maybe you should leave posting on the internet to people who are "much more smarter (sic) than you."

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Quite a big presumption you are making about others Mr Dave.

But well, the internet is all about free speech (well in Thaivisa, within the rules), so if it makes you feel good, then rant away.

Anyone for a morning coffee?

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Quite a big presumption you are making about others Mr Dave.

But well, the internet is all about free speech (well in Thaivisa, within the rules), so if it makes you feel good, then rant away.

Anyone for a morning coffee?

Just black and no sugar.. Thanks. :o

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Yes you are right Taxsin has done a lot more than me.

Cheated his business partner William Monson out of their joint venture

Murdered 2500 people

Perverted the course of justice in his trial for assets declaration concealment

Engaged in massive conflict of interest scams as Prime Minister

Inflamed the South with his heavy handed approach

(Undermined Anand's reconciliation efforts)

And now funding red shirts to overthrow the Government

Is that enough???

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You just sell stuff on ebay, so why bother even telling us your opinion on something that you

Yeah, it's funny seeing all the people getting all tense over the post office being closed for a few extra days.


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The same could be said of Hitler, Pol Pot..... and any number of others who have done 'more with their life than anyone here'.

Back to school and pay attention this time.

good one!

also if you want to know what this monster has done read about the 19 year old boy shot to death in Bangkok by the Toxins incited thugs


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while you are sitting here posting on an internet forum, is that he is a star, a real player and you are just a loser hoping his non immigration O application does not get declined. people make posts along the lines of "Obviously, If I was Prime Minister"... Well, see that's the thing. You aren't Prime Minister. You just sell stuff on ebay, so why bother even telling us your opinion on something that you

1. have no control over

2. know little about besides what you read in the press like the other 55 million subscribers ?

Better to just leave that stuff to people who are much more smarter than you, like Dr. Thaskin.

Thaskin. Did you go to the Dr. Thaskin Shinawat School of Learning to Spell Good?

Thaksin i believe.

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Im closing this thread

not because it violates any forum rules. it doesnt.

but only because there are numerous threads running where you can discuss the pros/cons, parties, people of thai politics.

please continue to contribute in one of existing threads instead of starting new ones :o

many thanks

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