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This may help. I believe this Western firm/consultant is very good.


I wrote this last year about Eric Snyder of Jairak Law in another 'ask for good lawyer' topic...

"A lot of years ago I used Eric Snyder when I first arrived on Phuket Island. I was initially not impressed by his off hand manner (to us mere mortals) and I was astonished by his prices (for Thailand). I've no doubt he has an excellent understanding of Thai speak & Thai law, however my first impression stuck and I never dealt with him ever again. Just my point of view."

And my point of view remains the same... :o


Eric Snyder is not a lawyer, he is the official Phuket Royal Court Translator, though, he may have a Thai lawyer working with him.

I also used him more than 20 years ago and wasn't impressed.


For Farangs the 'big 3' (in a little murky pond) seem to be: mcevilly & collins, belmont limcharoen and tilleke & gibbins

ability to liaise clearly with farang who then deals with their thai lawyers can help

this is reflected in their fees


I dont wish to do down farangs acting as 'advisers' to lawyers in Thailand but I fail to see how farang get away with charging premium fees when they dont qualify to represent their client in a court of law in Thailand.

I always choose Thai lawyers on the basis that they usually understand Thai law better and they certainly know the prosecutors and judges better. They are usually better value for money too (although that comment is based on the sort of premium fees that I have heard have been charged to other people.)

I do have a lawyer in Phuket but I doubt that he is really necessary for a simple conveyancing job.

As I say there must be a reason that 'farang lawyers' who can act only as 'advisers' here seem to be able to charge fees which in some cases are 2 to 3 times what you might expect in the western world (for conveyancing for instance.) (My ex-wife was charged Bt200k for conveyancing work on a house sale that didnt even reach the deposit stage by a credible Phuket law firm.)


depending on the work done 200k isn't necessarily that bad for that

i have in the past recommended very good thai lawyers to farang friends and there have been problems which are really down to communication and expectations - even though these thai lawyers speak good english and have western education

for a farang without a fair deal of experience of doing business with Thais, farang consultants can be an important buffer between the client and the thai lawyers (corporate interactions between thai and farang colleagues are ripe for misunderstandings let alone between thai professional and farang client)

the high fees can be worth it depending on the transaction

however i accept many farang involved firms prey on farangs fears of the fog of thai law and deliberately charge high fees when they aren't really any good or know much themselves

if using a farang consultant even though they cannot be thai lawyers it is still important to check they are qualified in their 'home' country and are paid up current members of that country's lawyer regulatory body


Here is a thought ... how many Thais use a lawyer when selling or buying land & home ? My guess is .. none. The lawyers feed off the foreigners, who feel comforted using a lawyers, as that's the way we do it back in our home country.


well a recently arrived farang (or long termer who hasn't learnt much) is more than welcome not to carry out searches on the land, sign a thai contract they can't read and go to the land office to register it - no worries

lawyers are sharks but sometimes a hired shark is useful to fend off the others (though that can be so they have all the rich pickings!)


When you use the services of a so-called “international” lawyer, what you are effectively doing is employing a translator – and paying through the nose for it. I’ll admit that that’s a very attractive carrot.

Having used two of the local international firms, I’m sorry to say I found their services incompetent (to say the least) and in one case, a complete waste of time and serious money.

Eric Snyder is not a lawyer, he is the official Phuket Royal Court Translator, though, he may have a Thai lawyer working with him.

I also used him more than 20 years ago and wasn't impressed.

Yes I would second that. Was recommended him a couple of years ago and found him to be very arrogant, wouldn't answer our questions effectively and got the feeling that he was past his sell-by date. So very difficult though when you're new to Thailand.


Can u advice me a good lawyer office in Phuket to buy a property. I would try another one than Sunbelt ! Thanks a lot !

That's nice :o

You don't need a Lawyer to buy property in Thailand there are many people who specialize in property transaction, I know a nice lady who can do for you and speaks good English, even Thai people use her

  • 1 month later...

Can u advice me a good lawyer office in Phuket to buy a property. I would try another one than Sunbelt ! Thanks a lot !

That's nice :)

Hi...if you want good lawyer... please contact 0848717415.. we speak english and German


Difficult when everyone shares good and bad experiences, and where to take the advice from. My personal experience was with a company called PK Law. Their office is on the Chaofa East Road, and if you come from Chalong Circle towards Phuket Town, they are about 1 km on the left hand side.

When I bought my property, it was through an existing Thai company, and they dealt with everything very well (transfer of shareholders, new registrations etc), and provision of all documents (everything duplicated in Thai and English). Their prices were reasonable, and subsequently I arranged to have Thai wills prepared, again both in Thai and English, which was done quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

Sorry, forgot to mention, there are no expat lawyers, translators or otherwise involved in this business, only Thai. I was impressed by their ethical approach, and they answered all my queries in an open and informative way. Everything was produced when they said that it would be, and they phoned me when anything was ready for my signature.


Can u advice me a good lawyer office in Phuket to buy a property. I would try another one than Sunbelt ! Thanks a lot !

That's nice :)

Vuti Jitratkosol is a lawyer in Phuket. He is Thai, fluent in English, educated in America, Canadian Government representative for Phuket..my wife and I found him good, but maybe a little expensive 076 234 074 The company is called ..SV and Associates One Stop Service


I can also recommend Khun Vuti. Have used him now over 4 years both for real estate and other matters. He is probably not the cheapest, but do excellent work. His background from USA and Canada makes things much easier, and all paperwork are of course in both thai and english.

Difficult when everyone shares good and bad experiences, and where to take the advice from. My personal experience was with a company called PK Law. Their office is on the Chaofa East Road, and if you come from Chalong Circle towards Phuket Town, they are about 1 km on the left hand side.

When I bought my property, it was through an existing Thai company, and they dealt with everything very well (transfer of shareholders, new registrations etc), and provision of all documents (everything duplicated in Thai and English). Their prices were reasonable, and subsequently I arranged to have Thai wills prepared, again both in Thai and English, which was done quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

Sorry, forgot to mention, there are no expat lawyers, translators or otherwise involved in this business, only Thai. I was impressed by their ethical approach, and they answered all my queries in an open and informative way. Everything was produced when they said that it would be, and they phoned me when anything was ready for my signature.

Rungnapa, the owner of PK law, comes from a Phuket family of lawyers and judges. She has high ethical standards, runs an organised and tidy business and is very pleasant to deal with.

My absolute recommondation on legal matters.

They also cooperate with an excellent accountant/auditing office.

However OP wanted a lawyer for property purchase. If that involves a building, I would use someone streetsmart to check out if the building is legal/build according to buildingpermit/ build in setback/build over 80 meters/windows-propertyline/propertyaccess/electricity etc. As a first step before engaging a lawyer to complete the purchase.

If its a quick cash deal, I prefer to just make the transaction by cashier check when transfer in landoffice. Just need a translator to read thai.


For a reasonably priced service try Khun Joy at Phuket Siam Consulting on Nanai Road, telephone 076 346149. She has her critics (I remember form an old thread on here) but for advice on land and condo purchases, company formation, work permits and visas plus accountancy she is fine. I've been using her for five years.


When i hear take this one take that one......what is that.

1. Never in Thailand take a lawyer from the place you want to make a business.

2. Go to your embassy in Bkk and ask for a lawyer.

3. Not only the lawyer is important. Talking is cheap. Get everything that is said in a written form, signed by this office.

4. Choose an office where it is highly possible that they are able to pay you compensation for wrong saying (writing).

You will be amazed how cheap this way is compared to the fees in Phuket.

Good luck

When i hear take this one take that one......what is that.

1. Never in Thailand take a lawyer from the place you want to make a business.

2. Go to your embassy in Bkk and ask for a lawyer.

3. Not only the lawyer is important. Talking is cheap. Get everything that is said in a written form, signed by this office.

4. Choose an office where it is highly possible that they are able to pay you compensation for wrong saying (writing).

You will be amazed how cheap this way is compared to the fees in Phuket.

Good luck

Have to disagree on this, depending on case. Used BKK lawyer couple of times, and in a case with many Phuket meetings/hearings travel expenses/accomodation became very high.


In my humble opinion, the international firms are a waste of money, a forigner is not permitted to practice law in Thailand so these snotty nosed don't return calls wannabes are mere supervisors of law firms that employ mostley young recentley graduated law students.

So when your paying 10,000 an hour for work the guy or gal doing it is on only about 20 grand a month.

there are lots of well qualified, english speaking Thai lawyers on the island with years of experience that have been sensible to start their own firms and good conections so that's where to start, find one with a sence of humour as well and it might even be a pleasent experinence.


Could it have been " 99% of lawyers give he rest a bad name " ?

If so I agree. In my experience and I tend to feel that all lawyers here in Phuket "drink in the same pub" and as result there is no client confidentiality. If it's a serious matter you're behind the 8 ball already. Property conveyancing, mundane matters, mai pen rai but if the :) really hits the fan, go out of province. I have had the experience of dealing with a top law firm in BBK, sure there are air fares and accom. but the results are worthwhile.

No I'm not on a commission, just simply want to point out there are other alternatives. PM me for contact details.

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