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Who was the best for Thailand

1. Who encouraged Foreign Investment?

2. Who ensured all Foreign dignitaries were safe when visiting Thailand?

3. Under which PM was the Thai Baht stronger???

Any comments???

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I agree with Thad,

Please no more threads all along the same line.

Plus it will only sink into another slanging match if allowed to continue.


Wrong question. Suppose Abhisit was the corrupt greedy dictator and Thaksin was the one who had to try to unify the country after the mess he left. Would Thaksin be a better Abhisit? NO!

I don't think there's much difference on policy issues. But that distinction is lost on the Thais. They only care about personality and party affiliation.

I am interested in Policy issues...... if there is no difference in Policy ? then...........

Wrong question. Suppose Abhisit was the corrupt greedy dictator and Thaksin was the one who had to try to unify the country after the mess he left. Would Thaksin be a better Abhisit? NO!

All politicians ARE corrupt in Thailand.... what is noted is that the current PM cannot run the country, this is evident as how he managed the ASEAN summit......

Now assuming that all polys are corrupt, under who's management did the country function better? more foreign investment, higher thai baht.......certainly not Abhisit, I gues the question should be how long before another problem arises and Thailand has anopther PM, ummmmmmm will that be 5 in 12 months ?


Other than that, the real answer is : IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's been made blatantly obvious that neither is/was in complete control of running Thailand.

agreed, with Thaksin until he was illegally thrown out (that what a coup is by the way) by the military, Thaksin was a very effective PM, since then its all really gone to the dogs...... I cant see Abhisit in for much longer question is whos on next???

Abhisit is a keeper. His comeback against the red terrorists of Bangkok was brilliant. Get used to him and give him a chance.

I disagree, the perception internationally by his INACTION at the ASEAN summit has left him looking like a lame duck, the issues are far from over.... unfortunately more blood will be spilled...

The problem is that Abhisit doesnt have a mandate by the people, when a general election is held he will be overthrown, he doesnt have the numbers, unless he buys them.....


Yes, of course if you are a red true believer, you disagree. The Asean summit was an intense embarrassment. But where Thaksin and the red movement was destroyed was at Bangkok when they let their terrorists loose with things like gas trucks in slums and the regular people in Bangkok saw the light and REJECTED the red terrorism. Thaksin runs with his head between his legs to Nicaragua to consort with that corrupt clown Daniel Ortega. Thaksin is finished. 100 percent over and that is what Abhisit accomplished in Bangkok. Are the problems over? No. But Thaksin is finished and that is a good start.

Abhisit is a keeper. His comeback against the red terrorists of Bangkok was brilliant. Get used to him and give him a chance.

I disagree, the perception internationally by his INACTION at the ASEAN summit has left him looking like a lame duck, the issues are far from over.... unfortunately more blood will be spilled...

The problem is that Abhisit doesnt have a mandate by the people, when a general election is held he will be overthrown, he doesnt have the numbers, unless he buys them.....

Sadly, I must agree that AsiaMB could be right. The Red Shirts must be seething right about now and I fear that they will be back again and next time they might come with guns. Most of the conscripts in the army are from poor rural families who generally support the reds. All they need is a charismatic leader to organise a large group of them and they could have a formidable force of motivated well armed defectors marching on the capitol. An armed insurgency coupled with an even better armed group of disgruntled draftees could topple the present regime and inflict considerable bloodshed in the process. I would have my doubts as to whether the average soldier of the Bangkok 1st Army would have the discipline to defend the present government against such a force.

Abhisit is a keeper. His comeback against the red terrorists of Bangkok was brilliant. Get used to him and give him a chance.

I disagree, the perception internationally by his INACTION at the ASEAN summit has left him looking like a lame duck, the issues are far from over.... unfortunately more blood will be spilled...

The problem is that Abhisit doesnt have a mandate by the people, when a general election is held he will be overthrown, he doesnt have the numbers, unless he buys them.....

Sadly, I must agree that AsiaMB could be right. The Red Shirts must be seething right about now and I fear that they will be back again and next time they might come with guns. Most of the conscripts in the army are from poor rural families who generally support the reds. All they need is a charismatic leader to organise a large group of them and they could have a formidable force of motivated well armed defectors marching on the capitol. An armed insurgency coupled with an even better armed group of disgruntled draftees could topple the present regime and inflict considerable bloodshed in the process. I would have my doubts as to whether the average soldier of the Bangkok 1st Army would have the discipline to defend the present government against such a force.

Dreaming up a night mare here?

I think as the latest incident in Bangkok has shown - the red movement has become unpopular and

the more they try to stir up trouble - the more they will see a citizens resistance!

I wouldn't count too much on and overrate the "rural poor's" pro Red, pro Taksin stance!

That some Red's are turning "Underground" to make "covered attacks and threads" that is nothing new and makes them criminals and positions them in to the realm of terrorism!

Which in turn makes it easier for state agencies to handle this issue.


> think as the latest incident in Bangkok has shown - the red movement has

> become unpopular and the more they try to stir up trouble - the more they

> will see a citizens resistance!

You and Jingthing should take a long hard look at a column in the Bangkok Post (never thought I'd say this) but it's excellent:


Read it, please.

Talking about "Red Terrorists" and the like just makes you look silly.

Who was the best for Thailand

1. Who encouraged Foreign Investment?

2. Who ensured all Foreign dignitaries were safe when visiting Thailand?

3. Under which PM was the Thai Baht stronger???

Any comments???

Thaksin seemed to be better as a PM in those areas. :o

Dreaming up a night mare here?

I think as the latest incident in Bangkok has shown - the red movement has become unpopular and

the more they try to stir up trouble - the more they will see a citizens resistance!

I wouldn't count too much on and overrate the "rural poor's" pro Red, pro Taksin stance!

That some Red's are turning "Underground" to make "covered attacks and threads" that is nothing new and makes them criminals and positions them in to the realm of terrorism!

Which in turn makes it easier for state agencies to handle this issue.

Perhaps the scenario of a large group of defecting soldiers marching on Bangkok was a bit over dramatic, but the possibility of an armed insurgency is indeed a real possibility.

As to your statement that "I wouldn't count too much on and overrate the "rural poor's" pro Red, pro Taksin stance!" I would counter that one certainly shouldn't underrate it either. Yes, Thaksin has lost most all of his credibility but the intense resentment of the Bangkok elite for the way they treat the rural masses like lesser human beings is alive and well in the counrtyside. In fact, as a result of the last coup and the rewriting of the constitution to ensure that the elite are enshrined in power at the expense of fair and equal representation of the rural poor the ill-will has become even worse. It's true that the foolish actions of some reds in the past week embarrassed many of their supporters but the loss of face has probably emboldened others. To suggest that the situation has been resolved is absurd.

It's easy for farang who live in tourist spots like Samui and Pattaya to assume that their hatred of the reds is shared by those upcountry, but I'm sorry to tell you that it simply isn't true. Talk to some for yourself and you'll see that the big majority still prefer officials who where democratically elected by the people over those who were put into power by coup d etat and falsly legitimised by a constitution that was re-written by a panel that was hand picked by the coup perpetrators and by courts that were loaded with pro elite judges. They even outlawed the parties that represented the farmers to ensure that the Assembly was stacked against them. Despite all this, many farang are blind to the breathtaking injustice that has been happening around them and feel that the rural poor should just put up and shut up.

Back on the farm however, the hatred contiues to fester and hopefully, this quiet period we are enjoying now, is not just a calm before the storm.

Wrong question. Suppose Abhisit was the corrupt greedy dictator and Thaksin was the one who had to try to unify the country after the mess he left. Would Thaksin be a better Abhisit? NO!

All politicians ARE corrupt in Thailand.... what is noted is that the current PM cannot run the country, this is evident as how he managed the ASEAN summit......

Now assuming that all polys are corrupt, under who's management did the country function better? more foreign investment, higher thai baht.......certainly not Abhisit, I gues the question should be how long before another problem arises and Thailand has anopther PM, ummmmmmm will that be 5 in 12 months ?

So the fact that the rest of the world is in a deep economic recession has nothing to do with foreign investment or the strength of ther baht, it's purely down to Thaksin was a better PM right?

You and Jingthing should take a long hard look at a column in the Bangkok Post (never thought I'd say this) but it's excellent:


Read it, please.

That the Bangkok Post still gives Mr ML Nattakorn Devakula (AKA Mr Tiida) a platform for his pro-Thaksin propaganda is strange if it is indeed true that this publication is biased in favour of the yellows (as certain members on this forum are forever telling us).

Those of us who remember Nattakorn from his Newsline days, know that for him to call himself a News Analyst is misleading. He doesn't analyze anything from a neutral perspective, just campaigns on behalf of one group.

You and Jingthing should take a long hard look at a column in the Bangkok Post (never thought I'd say this) but it's excellent:


Read it, please.

That the Bangkok Post still gives Mr ML Nattakorn Devakula (AKA Mr Tiida) a platform for his pro-Thaksin propaganda is strange if it is indeed true that this publication is biased in favour of the yellows (as certain members on this forum are forever telling us).

Those of us who remember Nattakorn from his Newsline days, know that for him to call himself a News Analyst is misleading. He doesn't analyze anything from a neutral perspective, just campaigns on behalf of one group.

Did you even bother to read it? Please quote us the pro-Thaksin propaganda parts.

Did you even bother to read it?

Yes i'm sad to say i did. Did you?

Not sure how i could quote the pro-Thaksin propaganda parts without quoting the entire article - it pervades throughout.

If you aren't able to see the one-sided spin in everything he writes and everything he says, the only explanation i can think of is that you share his views. That's a given, right?

Yes, of course if you are a red true believer, you disagree. The Asean summit was an intense embarrassment. But where Thaksin and the red movement was destroyed was at Bangkok when they let their terrorists loose with things like gas trucks in slums and the regular people in Bangkok saw the light and REJECTED the red terrorism. Thaksin runs with his head between his legs to Nicaragua to consort with that corrupt clown Daniel Ortega. Thaksin is finished. 100 percent over and that is what Abhisit accomplished in Bangkok. Are the problems over? No. But Thaksin is finished and that is a good start.

I dont care about the colour of the shirts, how stupid to think and to follow a party that way, it juvenile...

anyone (like the protesters at the ASEAN SUMMIT) and at the International airport should have been arrested and punished..... any leader who doesnt act to keep the people safe is incompetant, Abhisits policies are no different to Thaksin, so whats the difference?? NONE.....

The current and any subsequent leader (as Abhisit wont ne in too long) should start governing and forgetting about Thaksin, hold a general election so he has a mandate, thats the only way to prove that he is truly the leader....

Abhisit is a keeper. His comeback against the red terrorists of Bangkok was brilliant. Get used to him and give him a chance.

I disagree, the perception internationally by his INACTION at the ASEAN summit has left him looking like a lame duck, the issues are far from over.... unfortunately more blood will be spilled...

The problem is that Abhisit doesnt have a mandate by the people, when a general election is held he will be overthrown, he doesnt have the numbers, unless he buys them.....

Sadly, I must agree that AsiaMB could be right. The Red Shirts must be seething right about now and I fear that they will be back again and next time they might come with guns. Most of the conscripts in the army are from poor rural families who generally support the reds. All they need is a charismatic leader to organise a large group of them and they could have a formidable force of motivated well armed defectors marching on the capitol. An armed insurgency coupled with an even better armed group of disgruntled draftees could topple the present regime and inflict considerable bloodshed in the process. I would have my doubts as to whether the average soldier of the Bangkok 1st Army would have the discipline to defend the present government against such a force.

I dont agree with either party RED or YELLOW because both their actions are wrong, so I dont have an easy answer....... I wish someone could find a solution....

Talking about "Red Terrorists" and the like just makes you look silly.

What would you call threatening to blow up a gas truck in a residential area? What would you call throwing molotov cocktails? I wonder what the family of that young boy murdered by the red shirts at the street market would call them. Probably not terrorists. Probably MURDERERS.

I prefer to be seen as "silly" than a lackey for Thaksin.

> think as the latest incident in Bangkok has shown - the red movement has

> become unpopular and the more they try to stir up trouble - the more they

> will see a citizens resistance!

You and Jingthing should take a long hard look at a column in the Bangkok Post (never thought I'd say this) but it's excellent:


Read it, please.

Talking about "Red Terrorists" and the like just makes you look silly.

One musnt forget that some media is aligned with "certain" parties as they nearly always are, so I wouldnt necessary take this as gospel.... so what about the airport seizure I guess that was a popular stance ! no way 100,000's people were displaced, the knockon affect was sustantial costing billions of baht, who knows how much Thai Airways lost...

at the end of te day, when the next general election is held, we will see who will be the new PM, and it wont be Abhisit.... he really didnt handle the ASEAN SUMMIT very well.... left him with egg on his face...

he really didnt handle the ASEAN SUMMIT very well.... left him with egg on his face...

Yes, but he handled the violent Thaksin led revolution in Bangkok VERY WELL, and what matters more is the more recent. If you think Mark is sunk based on Pattaya, you are seriously delusional and LIVING IN THE PAST.

Wrong question. Suppose Abhisit was the corrupt greedy dictator and Thaksin was the one who had to try to unify the country after the mess he left. Would Thaksin be a better Abhisit? NO!

All politicians ARE corrupt in Thailand.... what is noted is that the current PM cannot run the country, this is evident as how he managed the ASEAN summit......

Now assuming that all polys are corrupt, under who's management did the country function better? more foreign investment, higher thai baht.......certainly not Abhisit, I gues the question should be how long before another problem arises and Thailand has anopther PM, ummmmmmm will that be 5 in 12 months ?

So the fact that the rest of the world is in a deep economic recession has nothing to do with foreign investment or the strength of ther baht, it's purely down to Thaksin was a better PM right?

If you recall (maybe yr new to Thailand) the govt introduced policy to slow foreign investment.... remember....

Only in Thailand is the politics so juvenile that it is based on the colour of the shirt and the personality of the leader and NOT on policy....all comments should be structured so that they are constuctive, and based on policy not on shirt colour.........

Wrong question. Suppose Abhisit was the corrupt greedy dictator and Thaksin was the one who had to try to unify the country after the mess he left. Would Thaksin be a better Abhisit? NO!

All politicians ARE corrupt in Thailand.... what is noted is that the current PM cannot run the country, this is evident as how he managed the ASEAN summit......

Now assuming that all polys are corrupt, under who's management did the country function better? more foreign investment, higher thai baht.......certainly not Abhisit, I gues the question should be how long before another problem arises and Thailand has anopther PM, ummmmmmm will that be 5 in 12 months ?

So the fact that the rest of the world is in a deep economic recession has nothing to do with foreign investment or the strength of ther baht, it's purely down to Thaksin was a better PM right?

If you recall (maybe yr new to Thailand) the govt introduced policy to slow foreign investment.... remember....

Only in Thailand is the politics so juvenile that it is based on the colour of the shirt and the personality of the leader and NOT on policy....all comments should be structured so that they are constuctive, and based on policy not on shirt colour.........

Aren't you leaving? Per your comments on another thread... At least you've stopped typing in all caps. Get going already...

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